Alright since the rise of decker was taken down, I decided that as a christmas gift I am gonna repost it as well as post read and take out parts that get it removed in the first however, there was a slight misunderstanding, although some of the sons in her (let's be honest most of them) belong to their respective writers, some of the somes I OWN BECAUSE I WROTE THE LYRICS TO THEM, for those I will be telling them what songs.

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Jungle.

Our story starts with Ryder, and his pups in the paw patroller heading the jungle to visty Carlos and, Mandy the monkey.

"Pups great news we're almost at Carlos's house," Ryder told the pups.

"Thank goodness being cooped up in this bus was starting to get to me," Everest said stretching her legs a bit before sitting back down.

"This will be your first time in a jungle won't it Everest", asked Skye.

"Yup and I can't wait what's the jungle like?!", Everest asked

"The jungle is a place with a lot of trees, and animals living in it, is also has a warm weather", explained Marshall who was currently sitting next to Everest.

"I wonder what Mandy is up too?" Chase asked.

"She probably up to some monkey business," said Marshall making them all laugh.

Ryder's pup pad suddenly started to ring. He picked it up and pressed the icon with Carlos's face on it. "Hello Ryder here", Ryder answered with a smile on his face.

"Ryder it's Carlos", Carlos said with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey Carlos me and the pups can't wait to get there", Ryder told his friend and long time pen pal.

"I can't wait either are you bringing Everest with you? I can't wait to meet her," said Carlos clearly excited.

"Yep and I'm pretty sure Everest can't wait to meet you to", Ryder told him.

"Alright then I'll see you soon," said Carlos. He hung up his phone and decided to go find Mandy the monkey.

"Mandy? Mandy? Where are you?," Carlos called out. He went to her favorite tree were the best bananas grew.

"That's strange Mandy is always here," Carlos said. He heard a faint voice that sounded like Mandy. So Carlos followed the voice until he saw a red spot on the ground. He bent down placed his hand on it.

"Is this blood!?," He said to himself getting scared he quickly got up, and began to frantically look around.

"I need to find Mandy right now!," he said, seeing another spot of blood and followed it. Carlos ran as fast as he could he was terrified that something might have happened to his friend.

"Mandy? Where are you... answer me," he called out. He followed the trail of blood until he found something that made his heart stop. Laying on the ground was Mandy.

"Mandy!," he cried out running over and kneeled over her she had claw marks all over back. Carlos turned her over and screamed. There were deep claw marks on her chest and face. Something also had bite into her shoulder as well. her arm was broken and her eyes were closed.

"Mandy! Wake up please wake up ! What happen!? Who did this to you who did this!?" Carlos was shaking in fear he lifted Mandy up and ran as fast as he could back to his home.

"I need help! I can't do this alone" said Carlos little did he know something was watching him.

"Dang it he took my dinner right when the chase was getting good, it doesn't matter I'll find something else to eat" said a voice as cold as winter snow.

Back with the Paw Patrol.

The pups were in the middle of singing 100 boxes of treats on the wall when Ryder's pup pad rang. He once again hit the icon with Carlos's face on it.

"Hey Carlos is something wrong?", Ryder asked seeing his friend face. His eyes were puffy and red he was also breathing very hard.

"Ryder…. Oh god please help…. Ryder hurry up and get here, I don't know what to do something happen". Carlos said trying to keep it together and not cry again.

"Carlos what happen is everything alright?" Ryder asked

"It's Mandy she ….she ….she".

"She what?", Ryder asked now very concerned

"She was attacked by something I need your help please hurry I'm begging you please hurry", Carlos begged his friend then he hung up.

"Ryder what happen?", asked Chase walking over

"Pups sit down and put your seatbelts on there been an emergency. Carlos needs our help", said Ryder

"What happen is Carlos okay?" Skye asked with a major hint of concern in her voice.

"Yes he's fine but, Mandy was attacked by some animal I don't know everything but Carlos need our help Robo dog floor", said Ryder Robo dog barked and, slammed his paw on the gas pedal.

"We're coming Carlos you too Mandy just hang on a little longer", said Ryder looking out the window

Deep in jungle an all black pup was eating a baby antelope his muzzle was covered in hot sticky blood. He looked up into the sky for a second.

"Something tells me I'm gonna have a lot of fun very soon", He stood up howled in the air.

Alright Rise of Decker is back and is gonna be better than before, this is either gonna take me all day or it is gonna take me 2, so keep on the lookout, and as always.

God First God Bless.