
Alexander and Magnus sitting in the tree


First comes love.

Then comes marriage.

Then comes Max in the baby carriage.


Magnus stares at the ceiling.

He grabs his phone off the nightstand and looks at the time.


Magnus puts it back. He needs to get some sleep.

He and Alec are getting married in just over fifteen hours.

Twelve days of planning and the day is finally here.

Magnus stares at the ceiling.

He forgot how big his bed was. All that empty space on the left side.

Clary was giving him and Izzy tips on mundane weddings and she happened to mention that couples slept apart the night before for good luck. Alec said it sounded like a good idea and that is why Magnus is in bed by himself.

Magnus stares at the ceiling.

It was one thing, when Alec worked late and Magnus went to bed alone. He knew that eventually his brave beautiful ShadowHunter boyfriend/lover/fiance, would come home and snuggle up against him.

But not tonight.

Alexander is sleeping in his bed back in the Institute and Magnus is sleeping in his huge king's size bed in the loft.

Magnus stares at the ceiling.

Magnus looks at the bandage on his right wrist, and smiles. Although Alec didn't come out and say it, Magnus knew he was upset that he would be the only one with the wedding rune. But Magnus did a little research and decided he could get a tattoo of the rune.

Magnus smiles at the ceiling as he remembers the way Alec's eyes twinkled when Magnus told him. He had Alec draw the rune on paper so that it would fit on his wrist. Magnus found a tattoo artist that came highly recommended by Luke and Magnus got it done.

He peeked at it just to see that it was perfect, but kept it covered so that Alec wouldn't see it until the ceremony.

In fifteen hours.

Magnus stares at the ceiling.

Magnus wanted their ceremony to be different than Alec's other ceremony, especially the jewelry. He had Izzy buy two gold bracelets for them, instead of the bracelet and necklace. He was originally going to have their wedding bands custom made, but saw one that he loved and changed his mind. Inside he had engraved 'Alexander & Magnus Lightwood-Bane 10/8/2017'. He liked the way their names looked hyphenated, but it will only be used for the children they adopt.

He resized Alec's engagement ring, so that he could wear it on his right ring finger. Magnus told him, it wasn't necessary to wear it, once they have their wedding rings but Alec wanted to wear both.

Magnus smiles when he thinks about the two sides of Alexander Lightwood. The badass deadly ShadowHunter that can kill without blinking an eye and the manchild that giggles and takes pleasure in the simplest of things.

Magnus stares at the ceiling.

Not only does he have to sleep without Alec, but he has to get through his morning and afternoon, without seeing his favorite ShadowHunter.

Magnus sighs. Fifteen hours is a long time.

He has lived centuries without him, and here he is unable to get through fifteen hours without seeing Alec's beautiful hazel eyes.

Magnus stares at the ceiling.

His phone rings.

Magnus glares at the phone, who the fuck is calling him at this time of the morning?

On his wedding day no less?

He grabs it, ready to rip apart whoever is bothering him ...


Magnus sits up quickly, a hundred horrible scenes playing through his mind, "Yes, Alexander?"

His beautiful, deadly, six foot, three inches of badass ShadowHunter husband to be whispers, "I miss you."

Magnus leans against the pillows, and whispers, "I miss you too."

"This was a stupid idea."

Magnus smiles, "You thought it would be fun."

"This is definitely not fun. This is terrible. I can't sleep."

"Me too. I'm just laying here, staring at the ceiling."

"How is this considered good luck?"

"I guess if we can live through one night apart, we can live through anything?"

"But we HAVE lived through anything."

Magnus laughs, "Yes, but most people aren't ShadowHunters or warlocks."


Magnus says nothing, just smiles, happy to hear Alec's voice.

Alec giggles, "We are getting married tomorrow."

Magnus grins, "Actually we are getting married today. Fifteen hours to be precise."

"Fifteen hours?"

"Yes, fifteen hours."

"So, I have to wait fifteen hours until I see you again?"


"By the angel, Magnus. That's a long time."

"I know."

"Ugh, why did I think this would be a good idea?"

"In all fairness, I did agree to it."

"We are both idiots."

Magnus laughs.

"I love you, Magnus."

"I love you, Alexander."

"Talking to you has helped a bit."

"Yes it has. I should have called you, hours ago."

"I wanted to call you sooner, but I figured you were sleeping."

"No, I wasn't."

"Do we kiss?"

"At the ceremony?"

"Uh huh."

"After Brother Andrew announces that we are married, we kiss."

"Oh, we don't kiss before that?"

Magnus smiles, "No, Alec, that is our first kiss as husbands."

"But we don't get to kiss as husbands to be?"

Magnus laughs, "That is what we have been doing for almost two weeks."

"But, I want to kiss you when I see you."

"I'm sorry, Alexander, we don't kiss until the end of the ceremony."


Magnus lays there, smiling.


"Yes, Alexander."

"Can I at least hold your hand?"

Magnus blinks away tears, he loves this man so much, "Yes, Alexander, you can hold my hand."



"Yes, Magnus."

"I love you."

Alec giggles, "Love you too, Magnus."

"Maybe we should try to get some sleep?"


"See you in a few hours, Alexander."

"Yes, Magnus."

Alec hangs up.

Magnus looks at the time, 5:36A, and sighs. He puts the phone back on the nightstand. Thirteen and a half hours left to go.

He turns and faces the left side of the bed. Talking to Alec was nice.

Who is he kidding, talking to Alec was wonderful.

With thoughts of Alec's smile in his mind, Magnus closes his eyes and finally falls asleep.


There is a link to their wedding band via malec_4ever