"Listen Miles, if we're gonna make this work, we need to talk," Brittany began.

"Feels like it's working," Miles said as he continued playing a guitar video game on the living room TV, "But good talk."

"You can't just shut us out forever," Jeanette tried to reason with him.

"She means metaphorically, but I wanna focus on the literally shutting us out of our own house thing!," Eleanor yelled, "Seriously Miles, I need to use the bathroom!"

The girls were standing right outside the living room window, banging on the glass for Miles to let them back in. He had locked them out about half an hour ago and still wouldn't let them back in.

"You girls are so naive," Miles retorted, "Trust me, this thing with Dave and my mom is temporary."

"If by temporary you mean, ' 'till death do they part,' " Jeanette frowned, "Then yeah, totally temporary."

"What are you talking about?," Miles asked, finally looking away from the TV to stare at the girls in confusion.

"She talking about marriage, Miles," Brittany said with her paws on her hips, "Wedding bells? Old, new, borrowed and blue? Dave likes it, and he's gonna put a ring on it," she pointed at her ring finger, wiggling it for emphasis.

After agreeing to let them back inside to show him what they were talking about, the girls lead Miles to Dave's room where the bag containing the ring was still hidden. But when Miles looking inside, there was nothing but old tissue from the night before.

"A bag of tissue, scandalous," Miles rolled his eyes.

"What?!," Brittany cried before searching through the bag again, "It's gone? How can it be gone?," she asked incredulously.

"Dave must've packed the ring last night before he went to sleep," Jeanette realized.

"But that means he's gonna propose to Samantha in Miami!," Eleanor said with wide eyes.

"So you think we're all gonna become, like, one big happy family?," Miles asked skeptically.

"No one said anything about a 'happy' family," Jeanette frowned, glaring at Miles, "No offense to your mom, she's actually really nice."

"Yeah, it's you we're not happy about," Eleanor said, glaring at Miles as well.

"Well, the feeling's mutual," Miles said, crossing his arms.

"How do you we feel?!," Brittany frowned, "I already have two little brothers and an Alvin to deal with! A fourth boy is the last thing I need in my life right now."

"Yeah, well you can keep those little brats. And Dave too. My dad died when I was little and I've done just fine without him," Miles said as he walked out of the room.

"Oh," Jeanette frowned sympathetically, "I'm sorry, Miles."

"Don't be, I didn't know him."

The girls jumped off the bed and followed him into the living room.

"And, if Dave and my mom do get married, they'll wanna have their own kids. And you're not really Dave's real daughters," Miles said as the girls jumped onto the coffee table, "You're just a bunch of chipmunks that he calls his kids. Before you girls know it, you'll be back out in the forest."

He picked up a walnut out of a small bowl of nuts.

"Holding your nuts all winter."

He threw it at Jeanette, but she moved aside, "Hey!," she frowned.

"First of all," Brittany began, jumping onto the couch, "We're not squirrels, we're chipmunks. Squirrels are the nut hoarders."

"Um, Brittany, chipmunks hoard nuts too," Jeanette told her older sister.

"And the fact that I didn't know that, is exactly why we can't go back to the forest!," Brittany frowned.

Miles grabbed a leftover waffle from he kitchen and fell backwards onto the couch, smirking to himself.

"But, Dave would never do that to us," Eleanor frowned.

"He already has," Miles told her, "Why do you think you girls are here and my mom's in Miami?"

"Girls. Meeting. Now," Brittany said, heading back to the coffee table, her sisters joining her shortly after, "Look, I really don't want to say this, but Miles kinda has a point. It all adds up. New job, new house, new girlfriend, new family."

"I don't wanna go back to the forest," Eleanor said sadly.

"And I am not gonna end up related to that guy," Jeanette frowned as Miles let out a large belch.

"Ugh," Eleanor frowned in disgust.

"Here's the deal, Miles," Brittany began, jumping on top of the couch as Miles stood back up, "We all go to Miami to stop this proposal, then we never have to see each other again."

"I'm in," Miles said almost instantly, "Can't get you chipettes out of my life fast enough."

"That's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say," Brittany smiled.

"Are you sure you've got enough money in your allowance?," Jeanette asked as they walked out the front door with their backpacks.

"Guys, it's a credit card, we'll get four tickets, stop worrying," Miles told her.

They were just about to jump in Miles' car, but they were stopped by a blonde woman in a floral dress.

"Hello kids."

"Hey Ms. Price," the girls said in unison.

"I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on you, so I think I'll use...this one," she pointed at her right eye.

The girls smiled as she began to laugh, but then cringed at each other as she walked off.

Miles crouched down to whisper to the chipettes, "How are we gonna get to Miami if she's gonna be watching us?"

Brittany put a finger to her chin and began to think. She then smirked as she glanced at her sisters, who frowned nervously.

"I hate it when she smirks like that," Eleanor frowned.

Jeanette nodded pitifully.

"I can't believe that worked," Miles remarked.

"It's amazing what you can do with some peanuts and a bottle of cough syrup," Brittany smiled.

Miles looked at the three sleeping squirrels on the counter and shook his head.

"That's real messed up. Respect."

"Thank you," Brittany said, accepting a fist bump from Miles.

"Brittany, these aren't chipmunks," Jeanette frowned, "They're squirrels."

"It's the best I could do in twenty minutes, alright? Besides, once we dress them in the outfits from the Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor dolls, Ms. Price will never be able to tell the difference."

"Alright, let's do it," Miles smiled.

"Fine," Eleanor begrudgingly agreed, "But I get to change my doll."