(Chapter 1: New Life)
As it stands things in life are often left up to random chance leaving us in a consistent chain of circumstances that while all different have one starting place that sets them in stone and defines our actions from there on in. However, what if one simple action of intervention were to happen as sometimes these things are needed to better ensure that in the chain of events in our lives that our futures turn out for the better so let us begin the story with one such intervention that will ripple throughout the world.
(Kuoh Town, September 11th 2015, 10:14 Pm)
It was 14 minutes after 10 at night as Odin was wandering through Kuoh town quite a bit inebriated since he'd been doing peace talks with Sirzechs and Serafall here for an alliance between the Norse and the Devil Factions. As he'd sent his bodyguard Rossweisse to go ahead or do whatever she wanted within reason since he didn't really want a lightweight to ruin his fun as currently the All Father was passing through one of the parks in said town in quite a jovial mood.
"It feels pretty great to go for a night stroll if I do say so myself." Odin spoke to himself as he continued to walk through the park until something caught his eye
"What in my name do we have here?" Odin questioned as he walked over to see Issei Hyoudou bleeding out on the pavement
"P-Please help m-m-me I don't w-want to d-die here." Issei pleaded currently using all of his willpower to stay alive at the moment as he looked at the elderly man before him
"Relax my boy you've got nothing to worry about since I see that you've got quite a great deal of potential in you and it would be a shame to let it go to waste." Odin spoke as a rune covered magical circle appeared above Issei
"Now then rest since all we be well and I need to have a word with someone." Odin spoke as soon enough Issei went into unconsciousness as his wounds stabilized
"So now that the boy is healed its time for us talk, so come on out here already Ddraig as I know you reside within the boy." Odin spoke as soon enough a dollar sized emerald jewel appeared on his left hand
"It's been quite sometime since we've last conversed or talked hasn't it All-Father." Ddraig's voice spoke remembering the leader of the Aesir quite fondly from memories past
"Yes it has been as its been quite a number of decades I'd assume since it was the Wild West when we last met and I'll say this much about your last host. He wasn't just one hell of a gunslinger but, also he knew how to hold his booze and party that much I'll say since he was one of your favorites and mine is memory serves." Odin spoke quite fondly remembering the other host to the Red Dragon Emperor as Ddraig chuckled
"Yes as I still laugh my ass off at the fact that he managed to convince to seal the totality of my flames into that gun of his." Ddraig spoke finding it quite amazing that the power he once used to earn his title had been sealed into
"And something of which I wager was no small feat however, I digress as I see your latest host and possible partner has gotten himself into quite the predicament." Odin spoke as they were getting off topic
"Yes I agree. As this one here has a lot of potential I'll tell you that much about as much as the gunslinger who wielded me all those years ago. However, his passions need direction since trust me they've grown rampant and need to have something to focus on which is how we ended up in this current situation." Ddraig spoke knowing for fact that Issei had as much potential as his prior wielders he favored in centuries past yet his passionate nature had caused for him to fall into the trappings of a fallen angel
"Which is how he'd gotten himself killed by a snake in the grass of a fallen angel as he means well but, his want for someone to care about him in the sense we're all familiar with had overcome his better judgement. Because I ask of you a favor Odin and believe me for all of what my hosts have done to help the Norse in times past and me giving them the strength and power to aid in all of that I'm owed to a few favors." Ddraig added since he and his prior hosts had done quite a great deal for the Norse Pantheon in times past and had acquired favors and as such the Red Dragon Emperor felt it necessary to cash one of them in
"Really then as tell me since you're cashing this favor in I'd like to know what this would entail?" Odin questioned as to what the dragon had in mind and swar he could've envisioned it giving a fanged grin
"It benefits both of us in the end. Because I want you to get him trained as one of your own and make him as strong as possible because think about it at the end of this we both get something good out of this. You get to have yet another Red Dragon Emperor on your side and I can have him grow strong and have a second chance to live." Ddraig spoke after all it would be mutually beneficial to both sides after all
Odin then proceeded to grin considering this would help things along greatly considering that he would be able to have a 4th Red Dragon Emperor on his side something of which help things from a battle standpoint greatly besides whenever he did have one of Ddraig's partners with him they usually turned out to be good company.
"Alright Ddraig I'll take you up on that favor however, you're gonna have to help me in deciding how to go about him being trained. Since I get the feeling he's more for martial might than being a spellcaster but, even that goes so far into what I should do with him." Odin spoke as with a wave of his hand a portal towards Asgard came
"I've got an idea from what his memories of the past have been about, so let's go before he bleeds out all over the place." Ddraig spoke as Odin carried Issei's body through the portal to Asgard
(4 days later, September 16th 2015, Asgard, 10:50 Am)
It was a few days after Issei's initial death that he'd undergone healing having been healed over completely within a day and a half however, this didn't satisfy Ddraig considering that he wanted his new host and partner to be able to never fall like that again and as such had been giving Issei a partial dragonification. Making his bones and muscles much more dense than the average human and giving his chest and stomach dragon scales so that he'd have a form of protection against those cursed light spears when they hit him as he wanted his new host and future partner to be strong and tough enough to withstand all of what was to come in his time in Asgard, something that couldn't be done as a normal man.
"Well then you've awoken as it took you nearly a week to do so, but considering your circumstances I'll give you some leeway." Odin spoke considering that Issei was gonna be in for a hell of a shock
"Where the hell am I and where did that bitch Yuuma go?!" Issei swore as anger and rage swelled within him at the fact that he had been murdered on his date
"Relax as don't get to ahead of yourself since I'd rather you not burst a blood vessel over that however, what I will tell you is that how can I put this. You aren't at your home right now because walk with me and I'll show you where you currently are right now." Odin spoke as he helped Issei who was dressed in a standard hospital gown and walked with Odin as his body felt oddly enough heavier but just went with it
"So tell me what do you know about Norse mythology young man as can you tell me anything about it at all?" Odin questioned Issei as they walked down the hallway
"Well my mom before she passed away last year used to read me stories about all these cool Viking heroes and the of the gods themselves. It got me so interested in them that I always wanted if I ever got the chance to be a viking growing up when I was kid because it felt right to me ya know. To be there with a battle axe in hand kickin' ass and taking name and showing everyone I'm the man." Issei spoke having remembered those times with great fondness and delight
"Yes well those stories your mom told you were all true every last bit of them from the Dwarves who help us in making our armor and weapons in Nidavellir. To the Fire giants lead by that flaming bastard Surtur in Muspelheim some of which do try and occasionally come to kill us and you'll one day no doubt fight one day. All of that is real." Odin told Issei who looked greatly taken aback at this
"Woah look thank you for patching up that hole in my chest I got from my killer girlfriend whose head I'd like to smash in like a pumpkin for killing me. I kind of find it hard to believe that all of the bedtime stories my mom use to read to me are true." Issei responded as Odin let out a chuckle
"Most mortals don't quite believe it when I tell them that this sort which is why its better if they're shown this." Odin spoke as soon they entered into Asgard's full glory
"Welcome to Asgard young man, as I'm Odin the All Father and king of all of what you see before you and we've still got much to talk about." Odin spoke as he summoned Gungnir to make an impressive display of power as pulsing sapphire, ruby and golden light radiated out of him in a fierce display as Issei was in awe of Odin's power as well as the metropolis before him
(Asgard looks like how its portrayed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since my description of it couldn't do it enough justice in comparison also btw who's hyped for Infinity Wars coming out next year)
"Well then I'd probably faint right now out of shock from what I'm seeing but, I'd rather not look like a pussy next to the king of the Norse gods." Issei said in complete awe as Odin let out a mirthful laugh
"Good to see that your near death experience hasn't robbed you of your sense of humor." Odin laughed as Issei looked at him still
"So I'd like to ask and not to sound rude or anything but why'd you choose me of all people? Because not even the people at my own academy think I'm worth shit as most of the girls their hate me really." Issei spoke as granted he had a bit of a lust problem however, it was his rapidly shitty friends that got him roped into it
"Simple really its because I see a lot of potential in you and rather than let it go to waste I'm gonna help you become strong. After all I can see that you have not only a drive about yourself to become strong and powerful, but also that you carry quite a bit of rage inside you." Odin spoke as they began to take a walk throughout Asgard
"I actually do since I'm tired of being shit upon repeatedly and after what my supposed girlfriend did to and everything else I've had go on me having a bit of rage inside me is an understatement. Which is why my father who use to be a professional boxer taught me how to throw a punch pretty well and says that I've got a pretty nasty left hook." Issei spoke considering that his father taught him how to box until he couldn't anymore
With his father having done this as ever since Issei was a child he was an angry and pretty aggressive little boy which is why from when he was 8 until a bit after he turned 15 he taught him how to box seeing as how it'd be a good and constructive way for him to channel his aggression. With his father saying he was a natural at it and that out of the 3 styles of boxing he excelled at being a slugger evident by when he was mugged one night 4 months ago he knocked a man armed with crowbar with a single uppercut.
"Interesting to know that as I think with that in mind I think I know how I'm going to make you strong enough to where you'll be able to get so strong. That I can guarantee you that by the time you find that treacherous cunt that killed you that you'll be able to obliterate her like it was nothing and all it'll take is a single Midgard month. As I bet by the time that month is over then you'll even be able to kill a few frost giants." Odin told him with a bark of a laugh at the end that took Issei briefly aback
"Wait a minute how am I gonna get that strong in a month as I'm still human?" Issei questioned as Odin grinned
"Simple because 1 month back where your from equals a year and our training methods are very much what you call high risk and high gain. Which means you'll be put through the ringer but I can guarantee you one thing young man is that if you commit yourself completely to this training you'll be going through then I promise you. That without a doubt you'll gain strength but many other things here that much I can assure you." Odin promised him considering that he would make sure that Issei grew to be as strong as possible before heading back to the mortal realm
"Well then I can't wait to get started as finally I have a chance to put all the rage and anger and bit of some of my more perverse feelings I feel inside me and put it towards a goal I can get behind." Issei spoke finding his goal in killing Yuuma in vengeance was something worth putting his perverseness, rage and anger towards
"It's interesting that you've mentioned channeling your anger and rage into things considering that a good path for you to follow would be that of a berserker. Considering that I see you as not being the guy who'd take the time to learn spells or anything of the arcane if I'm correct to guess?" Odin questioned considering that Issei didn't look like the spellcaster type
"Yeah to be honest I'm not really for magic or things like that since I'm more of a guy that likes the simple approach. By that I mean just go ahead and use what you got in hand to beat the ever living hell out of what's in your way since as long as you can keep it simple then I don't mind doing it. And besides personally I think magic hacks level of bullshit anyways." Issei stated in response considering that he was a guy that liked the brute force approach in that it was simplistic yet highly effective whereas things like magic were complex and beyond his time of trying to understand
"I figured as much as not to insult your intelligence or anything, but magic and learning things of the arcane isn't really for you since it would seem out of your scope." Odin spoke as he knew that some weren't meant to learn the ways of the arcane like his son Thor for example
"It's no problem besides can I at least know what I'll be learning in becoming a berserker?" Issei questioned wondering what he'd be learning
"Simple you'll be learning how to channel your rage and anger to give you superhuman strength and durability and to put it simply become a human wrecking ball of pure unrestrained rage." Odin explained the laymans terms version
"That sounds fucking awesome and oh man I gonna wreck so much face when I complete this training I can just see it now." Issei spoke imagining himself looking like a majestic Viking warrior with his weapon raised and standing atop a mountain of corpses with a gorgeous woman by his side
"I just have some rules that are very easy and simple for you to follow; especially since you'll be with us for all of this and the fact that I'd like for you to join our ranks as one of our fighters and soldiers." Odin stated as he and Issei continued their walk
"Sure after all I not only owe you a life debt for saving me from death. But since your training me to get my revenge and be a soldier for your faction then I can abide by some rules that and I'd actually like to fight for your side. Considering that not many can say they're actually fighting for their god or gods and actually mean it." Issei spoke considering that at least when he completed his revenge he'd be able to serve a greater purpose something not many could say they've found when they're his age
"Well the 1st one is simple really and that you only answer to me and the one who will train you considering that it'll be us who will be making sure you get what you need in the world. And it'll be us who help you to get strong and give you missions when we need you to take care of things on Midgard." Odin told him considering that it would be him and Issei's trainer that would be making sure the young man grew into a strong and great warrior
"Sounds simple enough and it makes knowing who I report to much simpler." Issei spoke finding that a easy enough rule to follow
"Good and now the next rule is that be weary of the Devils in your town, for their cunning manipulators who will know doubt try and get you onto their side as one of their servants. And as one of their servants from what I've seen in the centuries I've lived is that you relinquish your freedoms and will and become a practical slave to them" Odin said to Issei who raised a brow
"Ok good to know since I'd rather not be a slave to anyone as I like being able to do what I want and be for the most part my own boss." Issei stated as he refused in absolution to not be a slave to anyone at all
"It's nice to see that your will is strong enough that you refuse enslavement in any form. Because I've seen good men and women fall to ruin because of the Devils in their manipulations and greed. Which is suffice to say it never ends well and I'd rather not see someone such as you for all your potential and capabilities have it stunted by one of them enslaving you." Odin spoke having seen Devils of days past ruin warriors and other such people with such great potential with their greed by treating them as paltry servants and oftentimes abusing them for being lower class and trading them away without second thought
"Can you tell me who the names of these Devils are so I at least know whom to watch out for when I return?" Issei questioned as he wanted to at least be ready and know who would try and manipulate him onto his side
"Well from what I can recall the two Devils that hold control over your town are named Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory do you know them?" Odin informed Issei who sighed
"Yes I do actually as they go to my school and are two of the most popular girls there. However, I'm pretty sure that until I start making some headway in my return come next month then I'll be under their radar." Issei spoke knowing that this was going to be a long school year ahead of him considering that things just got more complicated
"And just my luck that two of the hottest babes in school would be fucking Devils and just when I thought things couldn't get anymore fucking weird." Issei thought that it sucked that such two hotties were Devils that once they saw how jacked he was gonna be from training and started his quest for vengeance that they were gonna be gunning for him
"Well now I wish you luck with that and all however, there is another rule I wish for you to follow and that is to stay away from Loki." Odin warned as he wanted Issei to be very far away from the trickster
"I can tell that with a name like the trickster that I should keep a far distance away from him to be safe shouldn't I?" Issei questioned knowing that gods who were tricksters in general never were of any good
"Correct you are as Loki is a dangerous and foul god that I often regret letting become apart of the Aesir as he has often time and time again been a constant source of misery and infuriation. For his sense of mischief has sewn nothing but chaos and destruction to where many a time I've considered execution. However, recently he's been quiet with his talks of Ragnarok our equivalent to the Christian's Armageddon have grown increasingly rampant for some time." Odin spoke with disdain for the trickster god
"Which is why I want you to be extremely careful near and with him as do not trust anything that comes out of that silver snake tongue of his. Because no doubt he will try and get you onto his side for the power and potential you've got inside you which is why I want you to be the utmost careful in dealing with Loki." Odin told Issei as his face was set into a stern expression
As Odin for all intents and purposes held an intense distrust of the trickster god who'd had been a wild card to say the least as while he did side with the Norse pantheon when it came to objectives concerning it. One thing was for certain that his trickster and mischievous nature had caused him to be a blight for many of the gods in Asgard and having earned him many of their well deserved ire and loathing considering that many a time he struck down or caused mayhem to the lives of their champions or loved ones for his own sick amusement.
"Trust me from what my mom would read to me at night about this guy I'll keep my distance very far away from this fucker." Issei responded knowing full well from the stories his mother would read to him that Loki was very much bad news incarnate in Norse myth
"Good to know as I'd rather not have you be taken advantage of or worse by someone like him. Because take it from personal experience that to know Loki is to despise Loki." Odin spoke with great distaste in his mouth
"Alright then well is there anything else I should know for the rules you've got for me?" Issei questioned wondering if there were anymore rules for him to follow
"Not really besides that you're allowed to do whatever it is you so please as long as it remains within reason then I don't care." Odin told Issei as suddenly a portal was opened
"Now then let's go get something to eat because I bet after being in a coma for 4 days that you're quite hungry I'd imagine?" Odin questioned as Issei's stomach let out a loud rumble
"I think my stomach just gave you the answer." Issei spoke considering that he was at the moment understandably hungry
"Well then let's not waste anytime as trust me you're gonna have a hell of a time here in Asgard that much I can guarantee you." Odin spoke as they headed towards one of the dining halls
"If only mom could see me now." Issei thought considering that his mom wouldn't believe that as of right now he would be trained by the Norse pantheon
(2 days out of Issei's Year of Training, Nidavellir, 10:50 Am)
It was soon morning as Issei accompanied by the All-Father were now in Nidavellir the realm of the Dwarves as he was currently with him to get him weaponry considering that he would need something for his training and to aid in his vengeance against Yuuma for murdering him. Therefore they were going to one of the best blacksmiths in all of Nidavellir to do so with Issei showing considerable excitement in doing so since he felt like this was something ripped straight out of Skyrim or Dungeons and Dragons.
"I take it that your still excited about all of this Issei?" Odin questioned the young soon to be berserker
"Of course I am as I don't just get to receive a weapon, but also I get to see real life fucking dwarves!" Issei cheered in excitement at all the things going on right now
"I can very well tell and see your excitement considering that we're just about here." Odin spoke as within the mountainous and hill covered lands of Nidavellir they reached their destination
That being of a large house that was atop the of one of the mountains at it was a 4 story tall house that was formed from the granite like stone and having a roof made of a tough steel and stone that had what looked like rubies covering and outlining the roof and parts of the house that held heavy amounts of arcane energy within. As chimney's billowed out heavy black smoke like a dragon before it breathes out fire as the windows were left open as the sounds of metal being pounded on were heard throughout the house.
"And just so you know be respectful while we're here as he maybe old by even dwarf standards however, he's still a tough old bastard who still knows how to make weaponry and armor. However, he's still a good man and has been good to the Asgardians and can chug ale and beer just as good as he could when he was in his prime." Odin told him considering who they were about to meet was one of the master blacksmiths of the Dwarves
"Don't worry I'll be on my best behavior after all I'm just so freaking excited for all of this to happen." Issei replied his excitement over the matter hard to contain
"I'll hold you too that as come on we've got a blacksmith to meet and a weapon to get for you." Odin spoke as with that they entered the house and walked through it
"So then do we just follow the smell of smoke and heat I suppose?" Issei questioned wondering if they were heading in the right direction
"Yes as if their is one one Krogan is he's nearly always in his workshop so, the louder the sounds of metal and the hotter the heat the closer we'll be to getting towards him." Odin answered back as they continued through the house
"Just wanted to know how close we'll be in a few moments is all." Issei responded as they went closer and closer towards the blacksmithing dwarf's workshop
With that they went throughout the house getting closer and closer until they reached the workshop that was underneath the house with it having many recently completed weapons hung to one side that ranged from greatswords, battle-axes, shields, warhammers, maces long-swords, pikes and everything in-between. As well as suits of armor that ranged from toughened leathers, plated heavy armor, scale mail and chain hauberks to individual sets such as segmented gauntlets and greaves and sturdy breastplates some that were left as they were and other having runes either carved or stitched into them.
And at the center of it completing a recently done longsword was a short man standing a 5 feet solid his long matted and untamed elbow length hair that was a dull stark white and covered with grime, ash and soot, yet he was broad shouldered and heavily built his thick and imposing build as he was barrel chested with large and dense muscles from decades upon decades of blacksmithing. With large coarse hands from having been at the forge since he was a young lad and a matching beard of dull white that went to his clavicle as he wore a set of leather pants, and a simple blacksmithing apron as he began to put the sword away on a nearby rack before turning to see Odin and Issei.
"Well all this time you come to visit me and yet you don't bring any ale and here I thought we were friends Odin, for what do I owe the pleasure of your visit." Krogan spoke with a resonating bass of a voice that sounded like an old Irishman as he had dark azure eyes like dulled sapphires, a hardened and very worn face like worn leather and a heavy set brow and jawline like carved sandstone and granite
"We can talk of you having all the ale, beer and whiskey there is later on, for I'm here with a charge of mine to get him a weapon to wield." Odin told the dwarven blacksmith who let out a hearty chuckle
"Another Dragon Emperor I see well it seems you've got quite the knack for taking hosts of those two heavenly bastards under your wing eh. I wonder what it is with you that pulls these sort of folk into your life I'll never know." Krogan spoke finding it coincidental that once again Odin found himself pulling in another one of Ddraig's hosts into the Norse Pantheon
"Hey to be fair all of them as proven to not be just great warriors, but also men who I'd be happy to share drinks with and as the mortals say nowadays have a guys night out with." Odin spoke with a smile on his face at the fact that the Red Dragon Emperor's he had in his company had proven to be exceptional fighters, comrades and in some cases friends
"Well then I'll go meet him then and see what sticks for him." Krogan spoke as he walked over towards Issei with loud footfalls
"So then your Odin's charge I see; I gotta say you may not look like much, but I can tell you look like a scraper if I've ever seen one." Krogan stated as he gave Issei a once over
"I get that a lot and its nice to meet you." Issei spoke as he extended a hand out towards the shorter man who grasped it in a rough ironclad grip
"Nice to see that you can do a decent handshake." Krogan said as he continued the handshake for a few moments before releasing it
"Well my dad taught me that you shouldn't trust any person with a loose handshake as usually those are the types of people that'll stab you in the back." Issei spoke as the knuckles in his right hand popped loudly
"Your father has some wise advice about him I'll give him that much. Now then if we're done flapping our traps let's get down to it and get you what ya came for." Krogan spoke as Issei followed after him rubbing his sore hand
"Jeez does that guy lift weights with the Incredible Hulk or something." Issei thought considering that the dwarf despite being in his later years had a hell of handshake on him
"So then tell me what're ya looking for in a weapon?" Krogan questioned as they walked about his workshop
"Well I'm not looking for a longsword or rapier, for I don't want anything like that since I'm not looking for anything that requires any finesse or something like that. As I want something a bit more heavy handed like a battle-axe or a maul if you got anything like that; since I'm more the type of guy that likes to have something that'll do what I need it to without a lot of technique required." Issei told the dwarf who stopped for a moment to ponder on what he could do for Issei
"I'm pretty sure I can do that as follow me, as I've got some stuff hanging up that'll fit just what you're looking for." Krogan told Issei as they walked into one of the rooms where the dwarf hung up the completed weapons he made
"Alright here we are as we've got everything here from your glaives, your axes, your warhammers, short swords, spears and greatswords hear. And if you don't find what yer looking for hear then we got other rooms where there are stuff that'll tickle your fancy so take a look and see what gets your attention." Krogan told Issei who looked around the weapons hung across the walls of the room
"Thanks as let's see if I can pick out anything good as its now or never." Issei spoke as he began to look around taking his time as moments past as he looked around the weapons hung across for something to get his attention
"Come on their has to be something hear that'll do it for me." Issei thought to himself as he continued for the past 52 minutes to look for weapons
"Hey Krogan what about this one as I think this will do greatly for me." Issei spoke as Krogan saw what he was holding in his hands
That being a great-axe that was a full 4 feet in length and half as thick as Krogan's hand made of what looked like steel and bleached bone fused together evident by the whitish metallic color to it that was as thick around as Issei's own wrists. With the main part of the axe head being broad and heavy being two feet wide with a deep sky blue and stormy grey coloration to it that had a salient curve to it while the other was smaller being a foot long hooked axe blade as dust had covered it.
"Oh you found one of my earlier projects and got to say that you've got good taste in weapons if you chose that." Krogan spoke as Issei gave the great-axe a few test swings to which the dwarf had to grab him by the hands
"And don't swing that thing in here at all." Krogan warned Issei who had a questioning looking about himself
"Why not?" Issei questioned as he put it gently by the handle beside him
"Because I made that during my more experimental phase from the bones of a storm giant that fought Thor to a stalemate and a dracolich that terrorized the lands with necromantic power that destroyed scores of powerful Devils. Which is why if your going to use that thing outside its best if you do so were nothing in here will break" Krogan told Issei considering that this was a weapon of which wasn't to be trifled with
"Well now you've got me even more interested in this as what's its name?" Issei asked as he slung the great axe across his back
"It's name is Khorok Kladdin or as it translates from my people's language Black Storm." Krogan told him the translation of the great-axe's name from Dwarvish to English
"Well then since I've found my chosen weapon you mind if I take it for a test run to see what it can do?" Issei asked wanting to see what it could do
"Sure you'll just have to come outside with me so you can test it." Krogan told Issei as they exited the room
"Hey Lord Odin look what I got pretty cool right." Issei spoke showing Odin Khorok Kladdin
"Alright so are you gonna test out on something?" Odin questioned as Issei nodded
"Well then let's get to it then." Odin spoke as he, Issei and Odin walked outside
"Alright that's about far enough." Krogan spoke as they were a 25 meter radius away from his house
"Now then let's see what this sucker can do." Issei spoke as he prepared to give the great-axe a swing
"Let's step back a few feet." Krogan told Odin as he didn't want to be caught within radius
"Why's that exactly?" Odin questioned as Issei took a moment to concentrate with a few test swings
"Because when I made the axe it took in the materials I used when forging it with the metals I had at the time and while it can take a hit a cleave through a frost giant like hot butter. The two things I used to make it had their powers fused together and well let's just say that I'd rather not be in the radius." Krogan explained since the storm giant and black dragon used in Khorok Kladdin made a powerful mix
"Well you've never lied to me about the weapons you've made for my people and their champions and clerics before so I'll take your word for it." Odin spoke as Issei took his few moments and was now ready
With that Issei let out a war-cry and swung the great-axe into the ground and the axe blade sinking into the ground like it was wet mud however, what came in the aftermath surprised Issei. As radiating out of a 20 foot radius was pale onyx colored lightning that shredded the ground tearing it apart like nothing as Issei remained unaffected as he saw that the rock affected by it had been not only electrically rent asunder, but also decayed as well.
"Huh well then it looks like I'm sold for this great-axe, because oh man am I gonna destroy so many people with this." Issei spoke as he looked over the great-axe with great fervor as he knew that this weapon was gonna go the distance with him
"Well Krogan you've once again done it with making great weaponry, for how can I repay you?" Odin questioned wondering how he could repay the dwarven master blacksmith
"Simple why don't you, that Red Dragon Emperor you got with you and I go out for drinks at one of the taverns not even a full 2 miles away." Krogan offered as Odin laughed
"I swear if there's one thing you Dwarves have its an iron liver." Odin continued to laugh as Krogan shared in it as well
"I just hope that when we go out for these drinks the boy isn't a lightweight, since I'm not gonna be responsible for him throwing up all over himself." Krogan responded since he hated lightweights when he went out drinking
"Relax I'm sure he'll be able to handle things just fine." Odin spoke before he let out a loud whistle to get Issei's attention
"What is it Lord Odin?" Issei questioned the All father who grinned widely
"Well Issei I was thinking to go with you getting your new weapon that you, Krogan and I go out for drinks as what do you say my boy?" Odin questioned as Issei returned with a smile
"I'm game as let's get fucking wasted!" Issei exclaimed as Krogan chuckled
"I like the boy's spirit as let's go as this ought to be quite a bit of fun." Krogan spoke wanting to see the hilarity that would go down with a drunk Issei
"I agree as this should be quite the bit of fun." Odin spoke as with that all 3 teleported to the tavern where Issei had one singular thought in mind
"Well it looks like that as of right now today's been a good day." Issei thought to himself over the events of today
(The next day, Asgard, 1:35 Pm)
It had been the next day as Issei was still dealing with the hungover from last night as one thing he learned was never challenge a dwarf that was a bit over a half century in age in a drinking contest when intoxicated as he paid for that with the bar fight he got into with a bunch of dark elf thugs and monster hangover he currently had.
"Never will I drink that much in my life ever again." Issei swore due to the massive hangover he currently had at the moment
"Well I tried warning you that you shouldn't outdrink Krogan. Especially since the bastard's liver is stronger than dragon's hide with all the ale and whiskey he drinks, but nope you didn't want to listen." Odin lightly scolded Issei in his decisions the day prior
"Believe me I found that out the hard way and never will I ever be drinking that heavily, because from now on I'll be taking a break from that before I try to drink more conservatively." Issei responded as he wasn't going to drink like he did for a long time and now only do so more conservatively
"At least now you know that you should stay in your lane Issei. By the way who knew that you were a violent drunk with the way you took out those dark-elves." Odin brought up as to the fact that Issei had single-handedly knocked 3 dark-elves the fuck out
"To be fair they started it when they called me a cunt which is why I responded by breaking one of their jaws." Issei responded since he wasn't about to take shit from anyone anymore
Because when they'd started it with making their snide remarks about his appearance and then calling him a cunt he was letting them off easy however, when they started spouting off about his mom being a pathetic cunt and bitch that's when he let his rage break through and decided to give them a permanent remind not to screw around with him by lopping one of their arms off at the elbow with Khorok Kladdin.
"Which I'm happy you did with them being the snot nosed punks they were. And I even got to see you tap into the rage of a berserker and got to say that you did well although it's a good thing Krogan and I stopped you when we did. Since you committing murder in broad daylight isn't the best thing to do if it isn't for serious combat or war times, but nevertheless its good that you stuck up for yourself." Odin spoke considering it was the 1st time he saw Issei despite it being brief go into a rage
"Thanks I appreciate it and I'll say that it was a hell of a rush; when I showed them that I'm not some weak cunt." Issei responded having felt pretty good about himself right about now
"Agreed and wait until you learn how to go into a frenzied rage as that's gonna be something else to see, although quick word of advice. When you do go into that type of rage be careful since you'll wear yourself out quickly if you don't take a breather every now and again after doing so." Odin spoke having seen many who follow the berserker's path actually die from going into so many frenzied bouts of rage
"Don't worry I know my limits first and foremost; that and I'm way too stubborn to die." Issei spoke since he refuse to die unless it was on his own terms
"Good to know and besides I bet it would suck shit if you were to die a virgin no less." Odin jived with a small snicker
"Trust me I'm not dyin' a virgin anytime soon since that is the most bitch made ways to go out as which is why before I die in battle I will have sex with an extremely hot woman." Issei swore as the pervert within wouldn't let Issei go out dying until he got fucked by a very attractive woman
"It's nice to see that you've got some kind of a sex drive in ya otherwise I would've thought you were gay or a eunuch." Odin joked as Issei rolled his eyes
"Haha very funny Lord Odin besides if I might ask where are we going?" Issei questioned as to where they were headed
"Simple really we're headed to meet with your trainer who if he doesn't train you to be powerful I don't know who will." Odin answered back as they approached a large temple of electric blue and stormcloud grey that looked like most of the buildings in Asgard to be simply majestic as large oak trees surrounded the front of it
"Why are we at a temple of all things?" Issei questioned as to why they were at a temple
"Simple its because this is where Thor resides who has agreed to be your trainer until you return to Midgard." Odin responded as Issei's jaw nearly dropped
"You mean to tell me the god of storms and war himself is gonna be training me?" Issei questioned completely shocked that he'd be having a literal god training him
"Of course after all when I said I was gonna have you get stronger. I meant that completely because if there's one thing I don't make its mistakes, because instead I make investments. And what I see in you is a major investment that I refuse to let go to waste which is why I'm sparing no expense in getting you stronger." Odin spoke as he saw the the nigh boundless potential within Issei and refused to waste it at all
"Thank you for your trust and belief in me, for I promise that I won't fail you at all." Issei swore to the All Father who smirked
"The only way you could fail me is that if you don't commit to everything at a 100% because sometimes the only way is all the way." Odin answered back to Issei as the only way that he could fail him was if he didn't try as hard as he possibly did in whatever endeavor he pursued
"You kidding me as now that I've got this 2nd chance at life I'm not gonna waste it whatsoever, so you can be guaranteed that from here on out I'll be giving everything my full commitment." Issei promised since he wouldn't let this 2nd chance go to waste at all and would live his life and all he did to the absolute fullest
"That's wonderful to hear considering that's the same type of energy Thor expects from you when he starts to train you. Because I'll tell you this 1st and foremost what Thor expects from those that get trained under him, so expect to be put through the ringer so with that in mind I'll be wishing you good luck." Odin told Issei as the thunder go was the person who always did things with an all or nothing attitude something of which he often passed onto those trained under him
"Thanks Lord Odin now then let's get this started and meet my trainer." Issei spoke as with that in mind they entered into the temple
With that they entered the temple with the main part being wide and 2 stories tall with painted depictions of Thor and his comrades in battle against giants, monsters, dragons and even Devils and Angels themselves. They continued their stride though the temple until they reached where the god of thunder and lightning was that being of a mix between weightlifting gym, boxing ring and localized coliseum to which he was having beating the absolute tar out of a bunch of prisoner fire giants turning their bodies into paste with ease.
"Either the fire giants are getting weaker or I'm just that good." Thor spoke as he jumped out of the ring with his trusted Mjolnir in hand
"Maybe it has something to do with the fact that while their giants, you're actually a god so I wouldn't expect for them to put up much of a fight in comparison to you. After all you're one of our strongest after all." Odin spoke to his son who had a wide smile on his face
"Fair enough point father." Thor spoke before turning his attention onto Issei
"And I assume this is the young man who I'll be training?" Thor questioned looking over at Issei
"Correct as Thor this is Issei Hyoudou and Issei this is my son Thor who will be training you." Odin spoke introducing the two to each other
"It's nice to meet you as my father has told me about you and your predicament and I'll say this much. That I'm gonna be quite excited to train a Red Dragon Emperor if I say so myself." Thor said to Issei as now the teenage berserker got a full look at the god who would be training it
He was a giant of a man standing at 6 foot 10 with a shoulder length mane of thick and lustrous strawberry blonde hair with a thick beard that went to his Adam's apple of matching color that was a bit more on the golden side with a squared off jawline, rigid brow hooked nose, and handsome face that seemed to be carved from marble. With him having broad shoulders, electric blue eyes that were vaguely similar to his mother's just less ethereal and bright, rippling muscles that made sense with him having the build of an NFL defensive lineman that made it known he could damn well take a hit as he smiled with his bright white teeth.
(His outfit when not fighting is that of Thor from the Ultimate Marvel universe)
"Um what the hell is a Red Dragon Emperor?" Issei questioned wondering what the hell it was
"That's something you'll be finding out for yourself at a later date since you really aren't at the level of strength to know what that power is yet. However, when you do attain that level of power trust me when I say that from thereon that there won't be nothing in the world or in the 9 realms that will stop you." Odin told Issei as to wield the power of the Boosted Gear when in the right hands gave someone power strong enough to conquer all the 9 realms of Yggdrasil
"That sounds so awesome, so then by that token when can start?" Issei questioned bringing out Khorok Kladdin to which had been slung across his back
"I like you already." Thor spoke with a bark of a laugh as Issei entered the coliseum like ring
"So what am I gonna be fighting?" Issei questioned holding his great-axe in hand
"Simple really as just to see how good you are I'm gonna have you go up against some trolls that we caught weeks ago and I think will be a good starter for you." Thor spoke as he let out a loud whistle as two lumbering 12 and a half foot tall trolls with thick rubbery mottled greyish green skin came out of the gates
"Well have fun and show me what you've got as my new student." Thor said as he left Issei to face against the trolls
"Alright it's now or never time to see what I'm actually capable of." Issei thought as he was surprised by the fact that he was stronger than what he anticipated leapt 9 feet into the air
With that he caught the 1st troll on it's toughened forearm the axe-head embedding itself 5 inches into it's tough and rubbery flesh causing greenish black blood to leak out of it as he swung his axe upwards to reach closer and closer across it's thick arm having made his improvised climb up the troll's arm. This continued until Issei was at its mid bicep before the troll smacked him back down to the ground in pain at the injuries along its left arm.
"Alright that didn't work but, still a first for everything." Issei spoke as the trolls looked down at him with hunger
"What do you say its been awhile since we've had anything to eat." The 1st troll spoke as it looked down at Issei it's grimey looking mouth that had dark yellow teeth
"And I've never tried human before, as I've heard they taste all sorts of delicious but I get him first since he messed up my arm." The 2nd troll snarled as it's arm continued to bleed as he stared down at arm with infuriation
"Fine I just want to eat something already." The 1st troll spoke before looking over at Issei
"Hey where the hell did he go; that fucking human was just right there?" The 1st troll questioned before the 2nd troll felt pain erupt in it's leg as Issei was at work chopping away at sinewy muscle like it was a tree trunk
"Come on I gotta chop faster damn it." Issei swore as he was hard at work swinging Khorok Kladdin at the troll's Achillies tendon and lower calf as spurts of greenish black blood started to spray out
"And not falling for this shit, as I've played Dark Souls too many times to let shit like that happen." Issei said as he saw the 1st troll try to palm him into the ground in an effort to squish him
With that in mind he jumped up onto the incoming hand with Khorok Kladdin and swung it with full force causing it not only to embed itself the full length of its broad axe-head, but also having a burst of pale black lightning to erupt. That had not only violently electrocuted its hand and tore at its flesh where the lightning struck had turned a cancerous black as those parts began to wither and die off as though going through a potent necrosis as it roared in pain as its hand stung with the scent of ozone and rotting flesh.
As with that Issei jumped towards its chest as his great-axe made its mark tearing into and digging into the flesh of the 2nd troll until he found himself hooked into its rubbery flesh and scraping and nearly getting into its 3rd or 4th rib. However Issei soon had to get to work climbing upon the 2nd troll's' chest with his axe as it's compatriot tried to use its large and meaty hand to crush him evident by a punch to its chest that missed and almost caught his left leg.
"Hold still ya fuckin' pussy." The 1st troll told its compatriot as Issei had to once again leap out of the way as it brought it's rough hands down in a clawed swipe that nearly knocked over the troll
"I would if you could hit the fucking human instead of punching and slapping me around ya' blind bastard." The 2nd troll retorted as he pushed back at the troll before him causing it to stumbled back
"Oh please like you could hit anything." The 1st troll retorted as the 2nd troll grew angry as it threw a punch
"How's that for hitting something." The 2nd troll responded having landed a solid punch at it's nose as small drops of greenish black blood dripped down its nose
"Oh you are so a dead man." The 1st troll spoke as it growled before charging at the 2nd troll in a shoulder tackle as Issei was busy climbing up its neck
"I gotta love the fact that trolls are really fucking stupid." Issei thought with a wide grin at the low intellect of the trolls that were now beating the tar out of each other
"Now all I gotta do is get to its neck and I'm golden." Issei spoke as he continued to climb the trolls back
While the two trolls were fighting it out with each other tackling and punching each other and having practically forgotten that Issei was even a thing as he traversed it's rubbery and broad back as they continued to beat the living tar out of each other until Issei reached its collarbone.
"Now then its show time." Issei said as he reached it's thick neck and with that swung Khorok Kladdin into where its jugular vein would be
"Damn it this fuckin' piece of shit tricked me!" The 2nd troll yelled out in pain as flashes of pale black lighting erupted as blood soon began to erupt
"And jackpot." Issei spoke as with a few more swings the troll fell over as it's face and neck started to decay and become covered in electrical burns as its not rotting and spoiled blood covered the place
"Now then that just takes care of you and I've still got this axe with your name on it." Issei spoke to the remaining troll whose nose was broken, it's 3 bottom teeth, a molar, and the 2 teeth in the back of it's mouth, as well as a now swollen black eye
"Just you wait I'll kill you dead ya here me and once that happens then I'll get out of here an eat your whole fuckin' family." The remaining troll snarled as that was the big red button for Issei so to speak
"You ain't touchin' my family worth anything do you understand me. As you're gonna be going through me first before you hurt anyone I give a shred of a fuck about." Issei swore as he felt himself starting go into a rage
"I'm gonna make sure that happens when I'm chompin' down on ya like your piece of roasted meat." The remaining troll spoke as it smacked Issei hard into the ground as he tumbled a good 15 feet as he felt his ribs crack and nearly break
"Now then time for me to squash you and swallow you up and then you're whole fucking family is next for thinkin' you could even kill me." The remaining troll swore as it brought it's fist down on Issei
"Like I said you aren't going after my fucking family you disgusting walking pile of garbage." Issei swore as his arm was shaking from having been dislocated however, his strength now empowered by his rage had given him far more than enough to kill the troll before him
"Really and whatcha gonna do about it?" The remaining troll questioned as Issei forced the troll's hand back as he relocated his arm through sheer force
As he used the free arm he had his great axe in and swung in into the trolls wrist embedding it fully to where only the hooked end of the axe was visible as a large gout of blood oozed from the wound. For the troll tried to wrench free from Issei's grip but, Issei used every ounce of his enraged strength to hold the troll's arm in place as within the span of a minute he hacked through bone and sinewy muscle before the troll's hand hung limply at it's side.
"MY FUCKIN' HAND...I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!" The remaining troll howled out as its hand fell to the ground twitching as gouts of blood came bursting out like a waterfall as Issei was quick to starting chopping at the troll's leg
"You know what your already dead." Issei spoke swinging as hard as he could and with each impact the pale black lightning erupted decaying and rotting at the ankle as electricity tore apart the flesh before soon enough it toppled over with it's flesh having been rotted to the bone
"Now then I'm gonna make sure that you choke on all of hate." Issei told the troll
As with that he raised Khorok Kladdin as high as he could as he ran towards its throat and with a leap into the air brought the axe down with such force that he ripped through the flesh and muscle like a knife through hot butter however, it was far from over. For Issei in his rage continued to hack into the trolls throat repeatedly as it began to choke on its blood that and burst forth in dark gouts until its upper throat leading towards its mouth looked like an angry lawnmower decided to wreak vengeance upon its now hacked apart throat, as the teenage berserker stood covered in blood.
"How's that for a fucking human." Issei spoke as he walked towards Thor and the All father
"So then how was that?" Issei questioned as he looked towards the towering thunder god
"That was quite a show you put on their and no doubt you've impressed me for someone that hasn't ever seen a day of combat before." Thor spoke impressed with the display Issei put on
"Well I learn to improvise pretty well as most of what I did was just going on instincts really." Issei responded as all of what he did with those trolls was just on the spot
"I'll say that you've got some damned good battle instincts then, as those are gonna come in real good handy for when you really get training started." Thor spoke clasping Issei on the back who looked up at the smiling storm god
"Thanks I appreciate it and I can't wait to get started, as I promise you that I'll make ya proud me." Issei spoke as he truly wanted to show that his life was worth the second chance
"Good as that's what I like to hear; now then rest up as tomorrow we hit it hard and fast as this was just the preliminary round so I suggest you rest up while you still can." Thor told Issei who nodded and walked out to go get something to eat
"Well Thor what do you think of the boy?" Odin questioned
"You were definitely right about him he's got loads of potential that's for certain." Thor spoke as he knew that Issei was a natural born warrior as he could just tell that all he needed was some pushing in the right direction
"I told you he was a natural warrior as I guess it runs in all of Ddraig's hosts to be gifted in combat. And now you get the chance to train an up and coming Red Dragon Emperor as I got to say Thor we hit the jackpot on this one." Odin responded considering that a good handful of Ddraig's hosts were known for being warriors of great martial skill
"Agreed as I can't wait to start training but…" Thor spoke as he began to ponder on something
"But what, for what seems to be the trouble?" Odin questioned his son
"I can't put my finger on it but I get the sense of familiarity about him." Thor spoke as he couldn't and didn't know why but he felt as though there was something linking him towards Issei
"I'm sure whatever this is your feeling that it'll surely pass. After all you've only just met the boy besides you've got other things to worry about don't you?" Odin spoke waving this off as something insignificant when there were far bigger things to worry about
"I guess your right father however, if you need me I'll be going on patrols soon enough to make sure the frost or fire giants aren't causing any trouble." Thor spoke as he began to walk off and out of his temple
"Well then I wish you well and please do keep him away from Loki, for I don't trust him one bit as something is no doubt going on with him and I don't like it one bit." Odin spoke extremely weary of the trickster god especially around Issei
"Trust me father I will as I won't let Loki did his talons into him anytime soon." Thor spoke before with a running start he whisked himself away to do patrols leaving the All-Father there by his lonesome
"Well then Issei Hyoudou let's see if in the time to come you were a worthy investment." Odin thought wondering how Issei's potential and full power would unfold beyond his time here on Asgard
So then with Issei having had his death prevented by the timely intervention of Odin the ruler of Asgard and now trained to be a soldier of the Norse Pantheon find out all of what Issei's year of training shall unfold on his time in the land of the Norse. As we shall continue this next time on The Norse Dragon Emperor.
Well then cut that off as first off I'd just like to say thank you guys to those who voted yes on this story to happen as I promise to try and make this a good story for all of you too read. But with that being said let's dive on in to what's gone now shall we.
First off we've got Issei getting saved as he did in canon however, instead of it being Rias or a Devil or angel like we usually get it was instead Odin who had been doing peace talks with the Devils and decided to after a night go out for a stroll however, instead he happened to find a dying Issei and with that Ddraig to save himself and Issei made a deal with Odin. I liked writing this since it not only gave the setup for the story but also introduced a future plot point on which I'll be expanding on later down the line and the fact that Ddraig has some history with his hosts and the Norse Pantheon that I'll also be delving into.
Next up we've got Issei waking up in Asgard and be told of the fact that not only are the Norse gods real but, by extension the supernatural world itself as real as well and the fact that Issei swears revenge on Raynare himself. Something of which I thought was necessary because for one Issei is gonna find out about this sooner or later so why not sooner and have him take the initiative to learn about this new world and the fact that Issei will be trained to be a berserker warrior in the vein of D&D 5th edition and as for him getting revenge on Raynare I thought it right for him to have a goal in mind to motivate his training.
Following that we've got Issei going to the realm of the dwarves to gain his own weapon of choice something of which I thought would be pretty cool that and the fact that Krogan won't just be a one off character since he'll be making a reappearance in time. As I gave Issei a great-axe for a weapon instead of a sword because let's face it the whole Issei getting a sword for his first weapon has been overdone so many times it isn't even funny there for I thought I'd give him something more fitting for his more brute force approach of things.
Lastly we've got the reveal of the fact that Issei's trainer isn't only just Thor but the fact that Issei's training as what we've seen with the trolls is gonna be intense. Which is something I wanted to do sense Odin having made an investment in Issei wants for him to be trained by the best therefore Thor best fit the bill and the fact that I wanted to have Issei not just be a pervert which will still show from time to time, but also the fact that he has the talent to be a great warrior and all he needs is proper motivation.
And as for Issei's year long training in Asgard I will split it up into 4 consecutive parts each being a 3 months time skip after the other that way I show enough of progression of what Issei is doing in his training while also making it just long enough to where it doesn't drag in the story.
With that being said please favorite, follow, review and or share this story as much as possible for I'd like this story to be a good story as I know it has the potential of being as your reviews so long as they aren't flames are welcome considering that flames solve nothing and waste everyone's time.
That being said we jump into the 1st of the 4 part series that is Issei's year long training so stay tuned for that and may the power of Chaos be with me to help in making better content for you guys to read and in you guys to have a pleasant day.
Prelude Theme Song: B.Y.O.B by System of a Down
Random End Song: Bad Company by DVSR