





The ink sunk into the page, and before long, words formed in response.

'Hello. Who are you, might I ask?'

'Airi Black.'

'A relation of Orion Black, per chance?'

'He's my Grandfather.' She paused, quill hovering in mid-air. 'I don't have much time Tom, but I wish to discuss something with you in full.'

'How did you know my name?'

'Too little time to explain. Theoretically, if I were to rip a page out of this diary and write on it, would we still be able to communicate?'

'Theoretically, I suppose it might be possible.'

Without hesitation, she tore out the back page, before hastily scribbling, 'I have to go. Don't tell Ginny we've spoken!'



'I'm here.'

'Oh good. It worked.'

'Indeed. Remind me, how do you know who I am?'

Airi bit her lip, before writing. 'Well, for starters, it is printed on the back of your diary.'

'Though that is not how you learned it.'

'No. But that's all I'm saying for now.' She hesitated. 'I have a proposition for you.'


'Continue with your plan as per normal, but hold off on draining Ginny of her life force and trust that I know what I'm doing.'

'And why would I do that?'

'Because if you don't, then you're going to lose. With or without my interference.'

'Just who are you?'

'A friend, I guess. It's not important. Just know, that in the final stages of your plan, when you take Ginny, I'll get you out of this diary without the need for killing her.'


'For one thing, I don't want Hogwarts to close down.'

'Understandable I suppose. And the real reason?'

'Maybe I'll tell you someday. But for now, do we have a deal?'

'On one condition.'

'Which is?'

'You continue to write to me. Daily.'

Airi felt her eyes widen slightly. 'Done. So long as you don't start draining me.'

'Oh, I wouldn't do that. There's still so much to learn about you, Black.' There was a pause. 'Very well. You have a deal.'

'Pleasure doing business with you.'
