A/N: Hello everyone! So heres the backstory of this particular fic. I originally made this under the name LittlePriss back in like 2014. I made a second account because of fear of being ridiculed by my viewers for having Tcest in my collections. But recently stumbled on it and seeing that I have yet to finish this fanfiction as well as seeing some of the positive responses I have received on this fic. So I decided to give it a whirl and post it on my main profile and attempt (Because I forgot the login information of the Littlepriss account which is why it has not been updated since 2014 XD) to remove it from those accounts and keep it here. So this will be the updated/finished version of the story and I hope I receive just as much positivity from when I originally posted it. And if it turns out good, I have other stories in mind that are Tcest related and as well as my non tcest stories that I will still continue to post. With that please enjoy this story as much as I had writing it! Also! if you are in the mood for some scary stories I am currently writing up my latest story Vessel which is in the works and a couple of other grittier stories will be popping out soon! Thank you all for taking the time to read this explanation and I hope everyone understands and enjoys 3 Till next time!


The night grew dim, like a large blanket covering over the raging city of New York in a sense of trying to put the lively town to rest. As the rest of the city continued to move forward, so did the passing of two figures jumping across the buildings in a speedy pace. This was their playground, their chance at freedom of society. The dark night covering their bodies as they raced one another, flipping, skidding across the rooftops. A flash of red then a flash of orange, two such lively colors surviving in the perfect down, facing off the rest of the world.
Raphael, the strongest, ran a quickly as he could away from his younger brother in a chance to win a game of chase. Mikey, the fastest, eluding his brother into thinking he was winning, only to wait for the perfect moment to strike back and get his victory. The scheming prankster thought of a thousand ways to distract his brother but none would work so he chose another approach.
"You know Leo is gonna kick our shells when he finds out we snuck out." He called out to his older brother. He could hear the snarl come from the red banded turtle, making Mikey chuckle from getting such a reaction.
"I don't give a rat's ass one what Leo has to say." He snapped back, only to get a larger grin to form on the youngest face.
"You're not seriously still mad about sparring earlier?" He asked. He had him there. Raph stopped suddenly looking back at Mikey.
"Hey he threw a cheap shot!" Raph yelled. Mikey stopped right in front of him, smiling from ear to ear. He slowly got closer to him, stepping to the side slightly; making sure his beak was up close to Raph's face for him to feel his hot breath across his cheek.
"Now we all know Leo plays fair." He whispered, sending chills down Raph's spine, feeling his body begin to get warmer by the close proximity of his younger brother.
"But I don't." He said before taking off again, leaving Raph behind him to try and defog his now muttered mind. Shaking his head lightly, Raph looked in the direction that Mikey went and growled.
He began the chase again, retracing the steps Michelangelo was taking. Even though he was losing the race, he couldn't lie if he said he didn't enjoy the view of the younger's tail. He knew he would get Mikey back when they made it back to the Lair.
They both stopped on the roof they considered the finishing point. Mikey threw his hands up in the air.

"And winner and still champion, Michelangelo!" He hollered out to the world around. Raph groaned and crossed his arms facing away from Mikey.
"Ya whateva' ya little sneak. I'll get ya next time." He pouted. Mikey stopped his gloating for a moment. He put on an innocent smile, clasping is hands behind his back and tilted his head to the side.
"promise?" He asked in a small voice. Raph looked over to the see the innocence that Mikey was displaying and he couldn't help but to smile. He couldn't be mad even if he tried seeing Mikey like that. So sweet and with his large blue eyes gleaming into the night sky like they did. He walked over to his brother and cupped the side of Mike's cheek, rubbing slightly with his thumb.
"Promise." He whispered before dipping his head for his lips to meet Mikey's. This thing that they have between themselves started months ago, way under the radar of their other brothers and father. They knew it was wrong, in a way of taboo but they couldn't stop. The attractions were always there, even when they were younger. The small touches, the glances, it was all too real. The night that Mikey came to Raph and confessed there was something more, Raph was more then willing to agree. Though it started out awkward, they learned, and from then on turned it into something memorable and desirable. Something that was more than lust, more than a brotherhood. It became love, and they became mates.

They kept it secret, showing no signs of intimacies between them in front of their family. Everything was behind closed doors, silent and muffled. But nights like these were what Raph truly cherished the most. They were out in the open yes, but they knew how to stay hidden, blend their sounds to the rest of the world. His feelings toward Michelangelo only grew more and more everyday. To the public he was the little brother he swore to protect. In private, he was the lover he couldn't live without.

The kiss simple at first, long and passionate. Raph wanted more, pressing hard, wrapping his arms around Mikey's smaller frame. He slipped his tongue in Mikey's mouth; savoring every last inch, enjoying the small churr that rolled off the younger's tongue. He pulled away, looking at the flush color of his mates face, smiling with bliss seeing the radiating blue eyes looking deep in his burning golds. Everything about Michelangelo made life worth living. He wishes he could see what Mikey could see, the good in everything. He felt his own hard personality melt away into something softer, kinder, and Raph didn't mind one bit.
"I love you." He whispered. Mikey smiled wider from Raph's confession, loving this side of Raph that he only was able to see in the bedroom.
"Awe isn't that just sweet." Said a low voice beside them. Raph and Mikey both snapped their heads to the side with shocked expressions. Hun. The man who hated the turtles more than anything. After accidently turning him into a mutated turtle just as they, he had made it a personal vendetta to destroy each of the turtles slowly and painfully.
Raph growled, pulling away from Mikey and tugging his sais out of his belt.
"Wonder what it's like to be the black sheep's of a family of freaks. Falling for your own brother, how disgraceful." Hun taunted. Mikey physically flinched by the remark, causing Raph to stand in front of him.
"Says the bastard who looks like an experiment gone wrong." Raph taunted back with a smirk plastered on his face. Hun hummed in recognition but made no remark. Instead, he snapped his fingers then suddenly, purple dragons appeared from their hiding places, covering every inch of the roofs around the area. Raph looked around and smiled wider thinking of the fun he was going to have beating the shit out of each and every one of them.
Raph's train of thought came to a halt when he felt a three-fingered hand on his shoulder. He looked back to see Mikey staring at him with a Concerned look on his face.
"Raph, I'm getting a bad feeling about this." He whispered. A prang of fear went through Raph. Mikey wasn't the one to make up a feeling to get out of a fight, if anything his feelings of situations have saved their shells multiple times. But this time it didn't make any sense. They were just purple dragons; they bring these guys down more then they do the Foot Ninjas.
"Mike, we can take them-"
"Raph please!" he begged. Now he knew there was something wrong. The pure fear that was glistening in Mikey's baby blues was enough for Raph to know it was time to retreat. Raph turned his head back to Hun who was standing there laughing.
"Aint no way you're getting out of this one, freak." He said. Raph bit his lip, looking at his options and hated to admit it but Hun may have been right, they had to fight. He looked back at Mikey, who had his nun-chucks pulled out and ready, and gave him a reassuring smile before charging in after the Purple Dragons.
The fight raged on, people flying, blood splattered, but no death. Raph was known to kill only when needed. This was not needed. He knocked them out one by one, staying by Mikey's side as best he could. Ever since this relationship between the two, he had grown extra protective of the smaller turtle, making sure he stays out of danger at all times.
This fight was easy. Purple Dragon's Raph never saw as a challenge. He and Casey go out to beat a few just for fun. To him this was a workout. What was really bothering him was why now? Why was Hun just standing there? None of it really made since but all Raph knew was that he had to keep Mikey safe. He was starting to get caught up in his own thoughts he took no notice to the purple dragon with the blow dart.
His body went rigid. A sharp prick caught his attention from the fight. He reached for his neck and pulled out what looked to be a dart.

Oh no.

It was a sedative, and a fast working one at best. His vision began to double. The world around him was wobbling, he started to trip over his own feet that he didn't even notice the punch that was given by one of the Purple Dragons. The punch didn't hurt but it was enough to send Raph spiraling to the ground. His body felt heavy. He could barely keep his eyes open. He vaguely heard Mikey calling out his name. He turned his head to the side, seeing Mikey trying to fight off now multiple dragons at once. His body tensed when he saw Hun walking over to the dog pile of Dragons, reaching into the crowed and pulling Mikey out by his neck, and forcefully slamming him down into the concrete ground.
Raphael struggled terribly, trying to get his body to move; to protect what was his but it wouldn't respond. He watched through his fuzzy vision Hun carrying Mikey over his shoulder and walking out of his sights. The last thing Raph saw before his vision went dark was the drop of blood dripping from his lover's mouth as he was dragged away.