Chapter One

The Secret Life of a Mutant Teenager

Rogue could hear the whispers as she walked down the stairs of the mansion. The news of her pregnancy had spread fairly quickly once she had come home from the hospital a month ago. Of course, only a few people knew for sure of her condition. God, how she hated that word. It made it sound as if she was a mental patient. Right now, her pregnancy was nothing more than an unconfirmed rumor.

"She can't be pregnant." Amara says, oblivious to the fact that Rogue was lingering outside of the Rec Room within earshot of the who conversation. "It's impossible."

I thought so too. Rogue thinks, placing a hand on her swollen stomach. It was getting harder to hide the pregnancy. It was getting warmer outside, luckily Bayville still had awhile before the weather would force her to wear clothes that would only show off the baby bump. She was fifteen weeks along now next week she had an appointment with Beast to find out whether she and Remy would be having a boy or a girl. At this point she wasn't sure what she would want, she was more worried about the child someday inheriting her powers.

"It's possible." Jamie says loudly, leading him to be shushed by the other members of the New Mutants. Clearing his throat, he lowers his voice and tries again. "It's possible. If anyone could do it, it would be Gambit." Rogue wasn't sure whether to smile or frown at Jamie's comment. The young mutant certainly looked up to Remy, as he was one the few people to talk to Jamie like an adult. When Jamie first started following Remy around like a lost puppy, she had to often redirect the conversations because they would become too adult. "They are totally going to have a baby."

"You're just saying that because you don't want to be the baby anymore." Jubilee says, Rogue could almost see the dark-haired girl rolling her eyes. "Amara is right. It's completely impossible for Rogue to be pregnant. Her powers would kill Remy if he tried to have sex with her. Not to mention they would probably attack the baby too. She's probably just getting fat."

Rogue could feel the color draining from her face. She had thought about the dangers of touching the baby after it was born, but the thought of her powers turning on it during the pregnancy had never crossed her mind. Could she really be at risk of having a miscarriage? The thought made her sick to her stomach. She had already started to love the baby. She and Remy had been discussing names and she had went shopping with Kitty again to buy a few more necessities for the child. She had been eating healthier and taking her pre-natal vitamins. Losing the baby now would probably kill her.

"Shut up." Jamie snaps. "Don't talk about her like that. Don't talk about the baby like that."

"Jamie is right." Bobby says, from what sounds like the other side of the room. "You shouldn't talk about her like that. She could really be pregnant and if one of the older kids hear you saying things like that about her they'll tell the professor."

"What are you doing?" A voice asks from behind Rogue, making her jump. She turns to see Scott standing behind her.

"What? It's a crime to stand here?" Rogue says, looking up at the man in front of her. She was still pretty mad at him for what had happened a few weeks ago. The idea that he would try to get with her now that she was with Remy made her cringe.

"No... I-I was just wondering what you were up to." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. "We haven't talked much since…"

Rogue frowns, looking away from Scott as she continues her way into the Rec Room. An instant hush follows her entrance and a mix of guilty and concerned looks pass over the faces of the kids in the room. "Ah'm not up to much."

"Have you put any more thought into what we talked about?" He asks, sitting down next to her on one of the couches. He was much closer than she would have liked, and this earned some confused looks from the younger students.

"Ah don't think now is the time to be discussing things." Rogue says, shifting away from him. Scott seemed to be really close to her a lot lately. Every time she turned around he was within ten feet of her. She was starting to feel like one of those girls off a Lifetime movie. The ones who were friends with a guy who eventually stalked them only to kidnap them later. "You really shouldn't get too close, my powers…"

Scott moves away from her, clearly annoyed at the rejection, but he doesn't make a remark on it. She wished he would just leave her alone. Maybe if she told him about the baby he would stop talking to her. No guy wanted to raise another guys kid, right? At least no guy who was still a teenager. Then again, what did she know about kids?

"You wanted to be with me before." Scott says, in a hushed voice. "You wanted to be with me for nearly two years before that stupid Cajun came back. I don't understand, Rogue. He isn't good for you. The first time that the two of you even spent time together, he was just using you for your powers."

Rogue could feel her hands twitching in anger. "Remy and Ah have discussed this." She says rising to her feet. She wanted to slap him, but that would do nothing more than cause a scene one that would lead to her being asked questions that she rather not answer. "Besides my relationship with Remy has nothing to do with you. It's none of your concern."

"We are at least friends. Even if you deny the fact that you want to be with me in a way that is more than just friends. I am looking out for your wellbeing, someone has to. I can't believe that Logan has ever been okay with you being around that thief."

"Watch your mouth, Scott." Rogue says, through gritted teeth. What's gotten into him? There used to be a time that he wouldn't say things like this.

The conversation by this time had caught the attention of some of the other people in the Rec Room. Judging from the expressions, they had no idea what was going on, but they knew it was something big. That would be just great a whole new rumor would be circulating around the mansion within the next hour. They weren't very good at keeping things secret.

"Ah have to go. Remy is waiting for me." She says, tucking a one of her white locks behind her ear. Noticing the others watching them, Scott gives her a mumbled response, before watching her exit the room.

"Hey, Rogue!" Jaime calls after her as she is halfway down the hallway. She can hear his tennis shoes hitting the wooden floor as he runs after her.

"What?" Rogue asks, as he trips spilling out three duplicates of himself. He still hadn't gained a control over that aspect of his powers.

Pulling himself to his feet, Jamie absorbs the duplicates. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm on your side." He says, with a wide grin on his face. "No matter what happens I got your back."

"Thanks…" Rogue replies awkwardly. She wasn't sure if the younger mutant was talking about her supposed pregnancy (which he seemed to be very supportive of) or the awkward conversation she had just had with Scott with over half of the New Mutants in the room. The reminder that the conversation would probably go across the mansion and be twisted into something overly dramatic annoyed her greatly. That was one of the reasons that Logan was so hard on these kids, they didn't have any sense of privacy or at the very least a will to keep their mouths shut.

-Time Skip-

Rogue pushes the food in her bowl around absentmindedly. She kept replaying what happened this afternoon over and over again in her head. The conversation she had with Scott was weighing heavily on her mind, she didn't know what she had done to spark this sudden change in behavior towards her. Once upon a time she might have been thrilled about the attention that he was giving her. However, that was before he started dating Jean and before she fell in love with Remy.

Bringing her spoon up to her mouth she takes a bite of the Gumbo that Remy had prepared. It wasn't as hot as it would have been if it had just been the two of them. Remy had learned fairly quickly that he had to tone down the spices or most of the kids in the mansion wouldn't be able to eat it.

Rogue glances in Jeans direction. The red head was talking to Hank and the Professor about her college chemistry classes. The southern girl wanted to tell Jean about what was going on with Scott, but she wasn't sure how smart of an idea that would be. If she told Jean she was risking the possibility that Jean wouldn't believe her, she might turn it around and accuse Rogue of hitting on Scott. That wouldn't be good. There is also the possibility that even if Jean did believe her, Scott would be able to convince the other girl that it was just a misunderstanding. Even if it all did go well, Scott was the leader of the X-Men, having him pissed off at her was probably not a good idea.

"Is it bad?" Remy asks, looking at Rogue's bowl. He had already finished his first and was halfway through his second. "Do you need more spice? I can make you something else if you want."

"It's fine, Ah like it." She says, taking another bite. Remy had been adamant about making sure that she was eating. "It's been a long time since we had some real Cajun food."

"You're gonna be on spring break soon, right? Maybe we can take a trip to New Orleans. Get some real food."

"Ah don't know if I want to head down there just yet." Rogue says, tucking a white streak of hair behind her ear. "I don't think now is a good time to be anywhere near Louisiana."

"Right… I didn' think about that."

They hadn't heard anything from Belladonna in the month that she had been gone. Rogue hoped that she had went off and was harassing someone else on the other side of the globe, it probably wasn't fair to wish that kind of torment on someone that she didn't even know, but she didn't really care. The Swamp Bitch had tried to kill Rogue by having Laura attack her. The Trigger Scent that she had used to make Laura snap had almost done it. Laura was still keeping her distance from both and the baby, that she was convinced that she had tried to kill. As many times as, she told Laura that it wasn't her fault in the slightest, she didn't seem to fully believe it.

"We can always try cooking up some of those recipes that Tante Mattie sent." Remy's nanny had sent them home with a rather large cook book after the couple had taken a trip to New Orleans last year. Rogue had to admit that she had adored the older woman. She had never seen someone get on to Remy the way she did without a complaint or smartass remark from the Cajun.

"I'm sure that the kids would like that." Remy says, finishing off his bowl and getting up to grab another. Rogue could have sworn that he was the one that was pregnant with the amount of food he had been consuming since he had found out about the baby.

Rogue looks down to her own bowl. She wasn't very hungry, but she knew that she needed to eat. If not for herself, for her son or daughter. Silently, she starts to eat quickly. She can feel someone watching her as she does so, glancing around the table, she sees Scott staring at her.

A/N: Hey Y'all. So, this is the beginning of the second part of our journey together. I think that the story is going to focus on the pregnancy and getting used to the idea of having a child together. Then again, I'm really excited to see how Remy and Rogue will act around a child. It's going to be a struggle that's for sure. I'm planning to add some individual chapters for Laura in this one. She is such a complex character and I think she needs some screen time. Anyway, if you have any suggestions PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know. Leave me reviews! Tell me what I'm doing wrong!