"Chicken," clucked Garr. Tim let the insult roll off him he had been called much worse.

"Come-on, it's basically a tradition," egged on Bart speeding in between Tim and the exit to the sparring room.

"That's right! Batman took on the Justice League. Nightwing took on the Titans. He beat everyone but Superboy. Even Jason handed us our asses after he came back," begged Garr underlining his point by turning into said bird and hopping around ruffling his feathers and chirping.

"That would be pointless. I have a lot to do and I am not Batman or Nightwing and I am not stupid." Tim's lips twitched ever so slightly. He sighed to himself he really needed to sleep. He hadn't slept in four days due to the Deathstroke case and he was starting to slide into the dangerous zone of sleep deprivation if he thought that joke was funny. He would get some sleep like he had promised Dick once he checked if the blood sample was finished analyzing. "I have other more important things to do. And besides I know I will not defeat most of the team in a battle of strength that is why I use other tactics in the field for victory. It would be pointless to start a fight in an area I know that I have a disadvantage." There was no bitterness in Tim's voice, it was matter of fact, which, seemed to confuse immature Garr who had had most of his dealing with Nightwing and Batman who would undergo torture before admitting a weakness. More footsteps sounded as Wondergirl, Superboy, Spolier and Blue Beetle entered.

"He just knows he would loose and doesn't want to blemish the reputation of the bats with his failure, Amigo," interjected Beetle coming to stop beside Bart arms crossed. Honestly, Tim was too tired to be bother by the challenge and he had become use to such comments from a certain little brat that the words barely registrar through his pounding headache. He was about to dismiss himself and leave the children to bicker. When Cassie spoke up,

"Tim's not fighting anyone, we don't want him to get hur—" she trained off as he saw the spark catch in Tim's steel blue eyes. Challenge accepted they said. Cass inwardly groaned why hadn't she kept her mouth shut. Outwardly a smirk appeared on Tim's lips. Inwardly Tim was screaming for help. He watched himself barrel-roll and land in the sparing ring but it was like someone else someone more aggressive was controlling his actions. The world seemed to slow around him allowing him to take in details; from Cass dismay to the mischievous grin that broke over Steph's face. They moved painfully slowly to Tim. Is this how Speedsters see the world? His head throbbed. This is more serious then sleep deprivation. What is happening to me? The logical Tim thing to do would to be to excuse himself and run tests.

"Red Robin clearance Alpha authorization code MC," snapped Tim. The room vibrated as the surround sound speakers began to blast music. Wow, this is so not me, Tim cringed inwardly. Playing music during combat was a Dick move. Cassie seemed to find his behavior strange as well because her eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Dude," Bart exclaimed "No one ever told me we had speakers in here. I thought Batman vetoed music in the training room."

"Batman also vetoed Netflix on the batcomputer and bumper stickers on the batmobile but that didn't stop Nightwing. I'll fight Conner first hopefully after that maybe you will leave me alone, but anyone else is welcome to try," growled Tim. Everyone started talking at once.

"Really? but I was the one Nightwing didn't beat," protested Conner taking a step back looking doubtful.

"Ten bucks says Superboy wins," piped up Gar looking excited.

"I call kicking his butt next." Beamed Steph.

"Tim, are you feeling ok?" Cassie asked eyes searching Tim's face. No. Tim wanted to say but the word would not pass his lips. Cassie's frown deepened as Superboy moved forward to face Tim. Tim beckoned a feral smile twisting his lips. It wasn't that Tim never smiled so much as on a scale of Batman to Nightwing Tim emotional lock down was closer to the Batman end of the spectrum. Cassie watched intently as Superboy lunged and Tim easily sidestepped the smile never leaving his face. What on earth was Tim up too? It wasn't that Cassie doubted the boy wonder's skill but he was only human and very breakable. A knockout for her or superboy would be fatal for Robin. Cassie had no illusions that if she lost her power or for that matter if the majority of the team lost their powers they would be able to continue, making what any of the batclan did that much more impressive. But Tim wasn't Jason he didn't pick fights he couldn't win. That is why he chose normally to work remotely. It was kind of scary sometimes to see Tim single handily shut down villains before the fight even began. Superboy threw a punch and Cassie tensed ready to fly forward and take the blow if it looked like Tim was in danger. But the blow never connected. Tim had grab Conner's arm and using the clones own momentum to pull him forward and down at the same time. His foot shot out at an incredible speed sweeping both Conner's legs out from under him.

Smack. The room was silent the bird boy had just taken out the super boy in five seconds flat. Gar passed a ten dollar bill to Spoiler who grinned.

"I'm next!" Steph piped up pocketing the bill. Cassie inwardly groaned the girl obviously new she wasn't going to win at least Cassie didn't have to worry about Tim safety. Steph had no powers either and wasn't as well trained. She wasn't entire sure why she was here either since she was pretty sure Batman had told her to get lost. But the girl had done what few were tough enough to do she had ignored Batman, which, if Cassie was being honest was pretty much the job description of a Robin. What had made Cassie groan was the plea for Tim attention that Steph seemed to exude at every opportunity. It was oblivious to everyone but Tim that the girl had a massive crush on him. Which, didn't bother Cassie at all she reminded herself, sternly. Wondergirl glanced back to the fight, as expected Tim had already pinned Steph's arm behind her back and had her body pressed against his so she couldn't escape. Despite the fact Steph had lost the spar in record time, she didn't look displease with the situation at all. I should have offered to fight him. Cassie was horrified with the thought second she had thought it. I am suppose to be leading an elite team not a highschool musical. The fight was over. Tim drop his hold on Steph who had the self-respect to hide her grin as she turn to face him. Cassie gritted her teeth as Steph gave Tim a playful push to the chest with her palm. What happened next was so unexpected that even Bart didn't have time to react. Tim gasped stumbling backward, his knees bucking. Cassie watched in horror as Tim collapsed to the floor.