The avalanche and Ocean health problem will be explain in the next chapter of my story.

Happy Birthday Ocean!

Ocean POV

I woke up with a start today was my birthday. Crystal and me had finally gotten settled in. Crystal got her vehicle and she was more happy. "Ocean?" I look up and smile Chase nuzzles me. "Happy Birthday!" Today I'm turning 3 and I'm excited because Chase said we are seeing a movie!

"Thanks I will be out in a second." I look at a photo of my parents and smile. "Love you guys I old you I would make it to three! My health got better thanks to Crystal, Ryder, Chase and Marshall! Oh and I got a boyfriend who you guys would love! He is helping me not be so shy!

Oh one last thing Crystal got a boyfriend named Rocky! You would like him mom. Rocky accepts Crystal for being a wolf! Well I should go I love you guys!"

"Ocean!" Marshall comes up and checks me over. "Ocean remember your still hurt form the avalanche!" I nod and head to Chase. "Hello!" Chase jumps in surprise and I laugh. "Ok to the movies!"

"Chase lets race!" Chase shakes his head and I groan. "Why not?!" "Ocean your injured!" I roll my eyes and start walking. "You guys are so protective!" Chase shrugs and smiles. "We don't want to lose you Ocean!"

"But my health is way better!" Chase nods and we get to the movies. "Chase slow down!" I was feeling pain in my chest and Chase stops walking. "Ocean?" "I-I'm o-ok?" I takes deep breath and we watch a movie.

We start heading back and Chase leaves me outside. "Chase?" I walk inside the lookout confused. "Surprise! Happy Birthday Ocean!" I yelp in surprise and everyone hugs me. "Thanks guys!"

"Ocean may I talk to you?" I nod and follow Chase outside. "What's up Chasey!" Chase nods and looks at me before pressing a kiss on my lips. "Ocean do you want to be my mate?" I blush and nod kissing him.

"Ocean?" I slowly lay down. "Yeah sis?" Crystal lays next to me. "I'm happy that the doctor was wrong! You did make it to age three so far!" I flinch and sigh Crystal tilts her head.

"Crystal I'm not going to be here forever and you have to expect that." Crystal whimper and leaves. I sigh and close my eyes flinching in pain. "I'm sorry sis but you just have to expect it."

"Hey Ocean?" Chase lays down next to me. "Yes Chase?" "Would you ever like pups?" I smile and nod. "Of course but later." Chase nods and we fall asleep together. I love you Chase and you too Crystal.