A/N: Hello everyone! I sincerely apologize for not updating any of my stories the past couple of months. Something personal came up and it took up most of my time. And also, I've had the greatest writer's block for Be My Man and 'Til I Met You. However, a chapter of Be My Man is currently under works. I hope (I'm crossing both fingers and toes) to find the words and inspiration to finish up those two stories as there's probably only a few chapters left for each (less than 10 chapters). Please bear with me during this time.

In the meantime, I'm making it up to you with this short Rucas Holiday-ish Story! I hope you enjoy it! :) Happy Holidays to everyone and thank you so much for sticking around.

"Oh come on Riles!" Maya exclaimed exasperatedly as she plopped herself on the couch in the teacher's lounge, right next to her best friend and co-worker. "You have to go to our reunion."

The brunette crossed her legs while she flipped through the folders that was in her hands, "Maya there is nothing on the invitation that says it is mandatory to go. I should know since I proofread them." Her best friend groaned heavily, sliding down the couch with a frown.

It had been ten years since they graduated Abigail Adams High School and six years since college. Twenty eight year olds Riley and Maya were now working at the very high school they attended as a guidance counselor and an art teacher, respectively.

Their ten-year high school reunion was approaching and the two best friends were tasked to plan it, seeing as they are both alumnae and current employees of the high school. Maya was in charge of the committee for contacting all of their high school classmates and the decorations, while Riley was the class reunion chairperson-overseeing all of the reunion committees.

"I just don't understand why you don't want to go," Maya said as she straightened her back against the couch. "Wouldn't it be nice to see all of our old classmates again? Yogi? Darby? Sarah? Lu... Oh..." The blonde lingered as she had just answered her own question. Riley's frozen features confirmed her suspicions.

Riley didn't want to run into her old flame, Lucas Friar, who had transferred to Texas after graduating college so he can pursue his doctoral degree of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M. Lucas wanted to stay together but Riley, being the selfless person that she is, wanted him to focus on his studies instead. This ended their eight-year relationship. They vowed to remain friends and keep in contact, reuniting when the time is right.

They were good at it the first few months but it got harder as time went on. Both got busy with their own lives. They seldom saw of each other as traveling became too expensive and time consuming for either of them. Until the day came that they spoke less and less, slowly dissipating into being strangers in each others lives.

"Maya I just don't feel like going okay?" Riley argued, swallowing forcefully to get rid of the small lump in throat that had slowly started to form. It was no surprise that she still had lingering feelings for the Texan. After all, you just don't forget an eight year relationship that easily. "Besides, I'm sure that I'll see them around in some other way."

The art teacher sighed, thinking of possible ways to get her friend to go, "But Riles you're supposed to present the class gift to Principal Rowland! And who knows maybe you'll get an award," She added with a sing song voice.

"I work at this school Maya," Riley snorted, gathering her folders from her lap and rising to stand up. "If I were to get an award, I can always claim it the next school day."

"Where's the joy in that?"

"Look," Riley began as she made her way towards the door, turning around to face Maya before leaving. Lucas and Riley had promised each other that after he had graduated, they would meet up again. But even if Riley still held on to that hope, Lucas' disappearance in her life had made it clear to her that he had forgotten that promise. She'd rather not open up Pandora's box and get hurt again. "I've made up my mind and plus, I'm going to Philly for Winter Break. I haven't been there in a long time," She sighed deeply, and pleaded with her eyes. "So please, let's just... drop it okay?"

"I'm going to Philly too but I'm at least staying for the reunion!" Maya retorted, earning a look from her best friend. "Okay fine. I'll see you after classes are over." She threw her head back and sighed in defeat.

Riley opened the door to her Greenwich Village apartment, embracing the warmth that greeted her after being outside in the frosty, December afternoon. It was the same apartment that she grew up in except her parents don't live there anymore, and her 20 year old younger brother Auggie was now in college so he would only come home during his school breaks.

Cory and Topanga Matthews decided to move back to Philadelphia right after their youngest child graduated from high school. They took over Cory's childhood house, much like what Riley had done with theirs, as Cory's parents had decided to move into a senior living community. Cory took a job at his alma mater, John Adams High School, as a history teacher while Topanga was able to put up her own law firm close to their house.

Topanga's was still owned by the Matthews' family, managed by Riley and Katy Clutterbucket-Hunter, who was also made co-owner by Topanga herself. Riley was alone most of the time at her apartment so she would be spend her time at the bakery where she could have some human interaction. She would go down there to work on some take home files from her job as the guidance counselor and during the weekends, she would take over the management position from Katy as it would be the latter's days off.

The brunette took off her coat and shoes by the door, plopping on the couch after closing the door behind her. She reached for the remote and tuned to the Hallmark Channel to watch Christmas movies. Even at her age, she was still the hopeless romantic and granted, watching these movies were just torture for her with the whole 'lead female character faces her past, runs into her ex, they reconnect, fall back in love, walk under the mistletoe, kiss passionately as it starts to snow' kind of thing. But hey, it was a guilty pleasure of hers.

Just as she was about to lay down to take a quick nap, Riley heard juggling of keys and her front door unlocking. "Can you believe it starts snowing just as I was leaving work?" Maya groaned, as she wiped her boots on the doormat and threw her coat on the rack. "Be thankful I didn't let you wait for me." The blonde turned her attention to the television just as she was to sit down on the love seat. "Really Riles?"

"What?" Riley countered in defense. "You make it sound like Hallmark movies are bad!"

"I didn't say they were," Maya rolled her eyes. "I just think that they're... unrealistic."

The brunette sat up and huffed, "You're just lucky you already found your happily ever after. And it's not so bad to want to live vicariously through these characters." Maya blushed and it was true. She had already met her happily ever after in the persona of none other than Josh Matthews.

The promise of someday ultimately came true a year after she entered college. Though they dated other people before getting together, their attraction for each other never disappeared. Until one day, while Katy Hunter was taking inventory at the bakery with Shawn waiting for her to close up, Josh walked in with all the gathered confidence he had and asked them both for permission to date their daughter. Now, Maya was officially a Matthews, trying to start a family of their own.

"I mean," Maya dragged and shrugged both shoulders, pursing her lips in the process. "You could have that too if you just..."

"Do not finish that sentence Maya," Riley pointed a finger at her and vigorously stood up to go to the kitchen. "Are you having dinner here or are you going to go home to your husband?"

"Here please," Maya giggled. "Josh will be home late from work and so why not keep each other company instead of the both of us being alone?"

Riley rummaged through the refrigerator for something to cook, when she got her hands on frozen meatballs, "We're having spaghetti with meatballs tonight." She closed the fridge door shut as she started to prepare the other ingredients. "Can you believe it's almost Winter Break? It seems like the school year had just started." She took out two pots and a pan, and set them gently on top of the range, "By the way would either you or Josh be able to drop me off at the train station Saturday morning?"

"I mean I'm supposed to be kinda busy," Maya got up to join the brunette in the kitchen. She leaned her back against the counter right next to where Riley was preparing the noodles. "You know since our class reunion that we're both planning is on Sunday."

Riley exhaled loudly, setting the bowl she had in hand on the counter, and faced her best friend, "I know what you're trying to do Maya. It's not going to work."

"Riley you could have postponed your trip one day!" Maya argued, flailing her hands in the air dramatically. "Josh and I aren't traveling until Tuesday. We could've gone together and it's not like Philadelphia is across the Pacific." She then made her way to the table and sat down, facing Riley. "It's literally less than a two hour drive."

"But you also have to understand that I want to spend as much time as I can with my family," Riley explained, simultaneously dropping the pasta into the boiling water. "My grandparents aren't getting any younger and I don't want to regret not having spent time with them."

Maya threw her head back. It was like a cycle trying to argue with her friend, "And I'm not saying you shouldn't spend time with them Riley. I'm just saying you put in so much effort to plan this reunion and you're not even going to attend? Let alone, you don't want to see any of your old friends?" The blonde stared at her friend as if she were pleading, "Riley if this is about seeing Lucas again..."

"No Maya," Riley stated firmly.

"No Riley. Forget about Lucas. This is not about Lucas," Maya said assertively. "This is about you. This is about your hard work. Your dedication and recognition. Your memories that you will look back at. Your friends Riley. Other friends that are not Lucas." Riley turned to face her and Maya saw the guilt that was forming in her friend's eyes. "Look Riles," She got up and rested a hand on Riley's shoulder for comfort. "I know how you still feel about him but you shouldn't make this about him. This reunion is for you, and me, and for everyone to celebrate each other's accomplishments and what not."

Riley gave her a small smile, as she tried to fight back the tears that were slowly forming, "I know Peaches. It's just hard to forget you know?" She bit her lip and shook her head, letting out a small laugh. "Am I being silly? Still holding on to our promise that we'd both come together again when the time is right? He's graduated now Maya and I don't know what's going to come next."

"No one knows what's going to come next," Maya gave her a reassuring smile while rubbing her back. "But you just don't stop living and making memories just because of the fear of not knowing."

"I still believe in Pluto," Riley shook her head in disbelief. "Can you imagine that? We stopped talking altogether with no reason at all and I still believe in Pluto,"

The blonde placed a hand on Riley's cheek and wiped away a tear that had escaped, "You wouldn't be Riley Matthews if you didn't."

"Well," Riley let out a breath. "I should get back to cooking before I burn the pasta." She grabbed a wooden spoon and stirred the pot with the noodles. "Thank you Maya."

"You're always welcome," Maya smiled. "I really do wish you would be able to go to the reunion."

"It's okay Maya. Sometimes things work out the way they're supposed to," The brunette chuckled. "Maybe at our fifteen year reunion."

That Saturday morning, Riley heard a car honking. She looked outside her bay window and saw Josh's car parked on the side street of her apartment. Glancing up in the sky, the sun was nowhere to be found. "Oh crap," She whispered to herself as she took out her phone from her purse to check the weather: 70% chance of snow, it had said. "Please just let me get to Philly. Please just let me get to Philly."

She lugged her bags down the stairs after donning on her winter gear. Josh was already standing at the front door to help her load her luggage in the trunk, "Good morning Riles," Josh greeted his niece with a hug. "Have you checked your train details? Maya and I have absolutely no problem taking you to the station but it seems like the weathermen miscalculated when the snow was going to hit."

"I haven't checked," Riley responded as she opened the door to the backseat of his car. "Morning Peaches. Maybe the snow won't hit until I get to Philly so cross fingers."

"Or maybe this is the universe saying you're going to that reunion," Maya murmured in her seat.

"What did you say?"

Maya cleared her throat as she straightened up in her seat, "Nothing Riles. We'll just stay outside the station until your train leaves in case anything happens."

"Everyone buckled up?" Josh asked, shifting the gear to 'drive' and stepping on the gas pedal.

They arrived at the station in time without a single drop of snow hitting the ground. Riley bid her 'see you later' to Maya and Josh, telling them that they'll see each other in a couple of days. She then wished Maya a great time at the reunion and to make sure that Lauren gets the email of Riley's would be Welcome Speech if she were to attend.

After checking in and going through security, Riley passed by one of the coffee shop stalls so she could grab a quick breakfast. She'd had a long day prior finishing up some last minute paperwork before Winter Break and she barely had any sleep as her mind was all sorts of jumbled.

For one, she was ecstatic to visit her family in Philadelphia and spend the holidays in the town that her parents grew up. But on the other hand, she was also thinking about what Maya had told her about the reunion- It wasn't about Lucas and crossing paths with him. It was about making memories with old friends. Yet it was too late for her as she had already made up her mind and her ticket was nonrefundable.

Just as Riley arrived at the departure gate, flurries began to fall from the sky which then turned into slightly heavy snow. An announcement was made through the speakers that there is still some visibility and that trains are still on time until further notice. She took a seat by the window with her coffee in one hand, and the other her cellphone so she could text Maya that she was waiting at the gate.

A few minutes passed by and the clouds dominated the sky, heavy snow continuing to drop. Riley's heart started to race as fear coursed through body. Would she be able to leave at this point? A voice had answered her question when they announced that all trips are canceled due to heavy snowfall and zero visibility. Each railroad service would be liable with their passengers in regards to rebooking and hotel accommodations for those that would need to stay longer in case the snow does not stop.

"Hello Maya," Riley spoke through the phone as she had immediately called her best friend after the announcement. "My train has been canceled."

"We're still out here Riles," Maya responded. "Come out and we can go home. Just deal with rescheduling at the apartment so you'll be comfortable." The blonde then ended the call and turned to her husband with a smirk plastered on her face, "Sometimes things work out the way they're supposed to."

Her husband eyed her carefully, "Did you do a snow dance or something?"

"Joshua! This is absolutely one of the things I have no control over," She rolled her eyes at him. "But I'm not arguing with Mother Nature."

Riley put her phone away and sighed heavily. What was the universe trying to say? With her trip canceled and who knows when she'll be able to leave for Philly, she had no other reason not to go to this high school reunion. She grumpily grabbed her luggage by the handle and rolled it out of the gate towards the exit. There, she spotted her uncle and best friend waiting for her.

Josh grabbed the trolley from Riley and gave her a tight squeeze, "It's gonna be fine Riles. I'm sure you'll be able to leave tomorrow or the next day after that, the latest."

Once they arrived at the apartment, Riley asked to be left alone so she could rest. The two obliged telling her to call them when she knew of her rescheduling details with the train. Groggily, Riley lugged her bags up the stairs to her apartment and took off her boots and coat. She dropped her luggage to the side and headed straight upstairs to her bedroom. She jumped on her bed, taking her phone out of her jean pocket. She scrolled through her contact list and tapped on her father's name.

"Riles?" Cory's voice responded on the other line. "Are the trains canceled? There's heavy snow over here too."

The brunette sighed, pulling her blankets up to her neck, "Yeah dad. I'm about to call the train station to see when I could reschedule my trip. Maybe I can get one for tomorrow."

"Why don't you just go with Josh and Maya?" Her father suggested. "And then go to your class reunion tomorrow. You almost missed it and now is your chance."

"But don't you want to see me sooner?" Riley whined playfully.

He could see the pout in his daughter's face and Cory chuckled at that, "Of course we do honey but we'd rather make sure that you're traveling safe and we'd be more comfortable if you were with Josh and Maya." There was a slight pause when Riley didn't respond immediately. "Don't you want to go see your old pals? You worked so hard to plan this reunion honey and you deserve to enjoy it."

Riley sat up in bed and took a deep breath, "I guess Riley Matthews is going to her high school reunion tomorrow."

Here you go folks! A part two will be coming up shortly. I hope you're enjoying the holidays and thank you again for reading :) Xoxo