"Mama. You have something to discuss withme?" Charlotte Katakuri said as he entered his mother's room.

His mother, the yonkou, Big Mom turned her eyes to her second son.

"Katakuri, you know that we have been allied with Melodia Kingdom for a very long time now, "the yonkou began.

Katakuri nodded his head. "Yes. They have been supplying us with'sweet flour'. I actually prefer sweets made from sweet flour than from ordinary flour."

Big Mom nodded. "Me as well, my son. As you know, everything that grows on that island had grown from the song of the first child of King Allegro, princess [y/n]. Are you familiar with her name?"

Katakuri nodded. "Ivenever seen her before but I heard her name. She ate a devil fruit, giving her an ability to heal, give courage and strength to armies. Also, she used her song to make sure that plants and trees would grow well and give sweet fruits. Her voice is also what made the sweet flour."

"That's right," Big Mom said. "However, I heard a rumor about king Allegro, wanting to cut his ties with Big Mom pirates."

Katakuri narrowed his eyes at that information.

"I heard he was having secret meetings with some of our enemies, probably to offer any information he has of us."

"Should I destroy them?" Katakuri asked. His hold on Mogura, tightening.

"No. His army were quite useful to us not to mention, some of his lands produces steel for the World Government. Destroying them would make the World Government turn their eyes on us,"Big Mom said. "And the most important thing... I won't be able to live without sweets made from sweet flour."

Normally, flour was made from grinding raw grains or roots. Sweet flour however, came from a round shape fruit. When cracked, open, powdery white sweet flour comes out. The sweet flour tree was a product of princess [y/n]'s voice.

"Well... You're right." Katakuri hesitantly agreed. He loves doughnuts made from sweet flour too. It'll gonna be hard for him if the source of that flour will be lost. "So, what's your plan, Mama?"

Big Mom grinned. "I want you to marry King Allegro's eldest daughter, [y/n]."

"W-what?! Me?! Marry Big Mom's son?!" [y/n] stared at her father in disbelief. "But dad..."

"I'm sorry, [y/n,"her father apologized sorrowfully. "My plan failed and it seems that she found out my planned betrayal."He grabbed his hair as if wanting to rip it off as tears fell from his eyes. "I'm sorry, [y/n]! She probably wanted to make you an hostage in a disguise of a marriage to make sure we won't betray her! I'm sure she'll destroy us if we refuse!"


"I'm such a useless king and father! I'm sorry, [y/n]! I'm sorry!" he cried out.

"Dad! Please! It's not your fault!" [y/n] grabbed her father's arm, trying to stop him from ripping his hair off.

"But [y/n]... She wanted you to marry Katakuri."

[y/n]'s eyes widened. She heard about him. He was Big Mom's second son. A guy who were extremely tall and the strongest among the Three Sweets Commander.

"W-why him?" she muttered hopelessly.

"I think she wanted Katakuri to watch over you. Considering that she assigned Katakuri to you only shows how important you are to them." the King said, looking at [y/n]. "Big Mom would do everything for sweets. And sweets made from yoursweet flour had probably got her addicted."

[y/n] slowly fell on her knees in defeat.

Whats gonna happen to her?

The day of her wedding was the same day [y/n] will meet her future husband.

The Big Mom pirates didn't even care about her feelings. They only cared about the wedding. Would it really hurt them to let her meether fiancé at leastonce before the wedding?!

[y/n] sighed. She stared at her reflection on the mirror.

Wearing a wedding dress on her wedding day has always been each and every woman's dream. But looking at her reflection now, [y/n] felt like she was on a nightmare.

The door of the room opened and came two large identical looking girls. They were probably children but they were both large so she couldn't really tell.

Both have pink hair, thick lips and blush spots on their cheeks.


"Hi! My name is Lola!"

"And I'm Chiffon. We're Katakuri's younger sisters."

"Oh..." [y/n] forced a smile. "Err... My name is [y/n]. Nice to meet you." she said, bowing her head.

"Hey! No need to be formal! We're going to become family." Chiffon said as Lola giggled.

"Wah! You're so pretty! Brother sure is lucky." Lola sighed dreamily. "I wish I will be able to marry a good looking person too."

"Your time will come, don't worry." Chiffon assured her then turn to [y/n, looking more serious. "I'm sure this is hard for you. But you can count on me and Lola. We'll try to help you if you need help."

Tears fellfrom [y/n]'s eyes, touched from the twins kindness. Being forced into a wedding that she didn't want to and being thrown in the middle of a dangerous family, even a small kindness was enough to give her a small relief.

"Ah! Hey! Don't cry! You'll ruin your make up!" Lola said, pulling a handkerchief. She wiped [y/n]'s tears.

"Thank you,"she said, giving them a genuine smile.

The wedding flowed smoothly. [y/n] was very intimidated as she finally saw who her groom was.

He was tall! As in insanely tall! For someone like her, he was basically a giant. How was she supposed to live with a man like that?!

The whole wedding ceremony, he never bothered to talk to her. He do talk. He made his vow and so on, but he never talked to her personally. It was honestly unnerving her.

Some of his siblings came to talk to her but she wasn't comfortable with them. She only found comfort at the presence of Lola and Chiffon who we're on her side whenever they we're allowed to.

When the ceremony and the tea party (which always happen everytime a Charlotte gets married) ended, Katakuri brought [y/n] to his home.

Katakuri was the Minister of Flour. His main job was to oversee the planting of wheats on the island that he governed which was the Wheat Island and to distribute the flour made from it throughout Totto Land.

His main residence was located at Hakuriki Town at Wheat Island and that was where [y/n] would be living from now on.

She nervously followed the large man to his room which was going to be her room too from now on.

"Your things were delivered yesterday. Your clothes are in the closet and the other stuff were in place,"he told her. That wasthe first time he talked to her. The whole time they were sailing towards the island that he govern, henever said a word. The walk to the mansion was also silent.

She bowed her head. "Thank you."

Katakuri sat on the bed, as he look at her with a stern look.

"I'm sure you know that this wedding is just a front. You're our hostage and if ever your father did something to oppose us, it'll gonna be your head."

[y/n] tightened her hand on a fist and look down. "Yes. I know."

"Front or not, you're still legally married to me. You're still my wife and the lady of this house. You're still above all the servants and they we're expected to follow you," he said. "So if ever a servant or anyone did something to disobey or hurt you, they will be punished. Disrespecting you, means disrespecting me." His eyes narrowed. "You're safe here. You will be unhurt and will be treated as my wife as long as you don't oppose us and dedicate your life in serving me as a wife should be."

She looked up at him. Short, spiky crimson hair and rugged look. From his features, one could assume he was a tough man. An intimidating and tough man. He was large and pretty sure, it'll be easy for him to snap her neck.

[y/n] wasn't sure what was going to happen to her but she'll do her best. After all, her family and her kingdom would suffer if she made a mistake.

She closed her eyes.

"I understand, Katakuri-sama."

A soft melody could be heard all over the island.

Inside the castle, Charlotte Linlin, also known as Big Mom looked out of the window with a big smile.

"I could already taste the sweet breads made from sweet flour," she muttered.

Behind her, her eldest son Perospero nodded. "Kukukuku. That was a good plan, mama. Not only we secured our hold at Melodia but also managed to get a hold of the source of sweet flour, perorin~"

Linlin laughed. "Tell everyone to check if there is already a sweet flour tree growing."

"As you wish, mama."

As Perospero left, Linlin returned to the window. "Sing more of that sweet song of yours, princess of the Melodia kingdom,"she giggled. "Koe-koeno mi (voice-voice fruit).What a nice little devil fruit."

[y/n] felt so sad, lonely and alone. Three weeks of living at that island, she felt like she was falling apart.

She was a hostage but she was still his wife. Katakuri made that clear the first day of their marriage.

However, even though she was free to go to wherever she wanted on that island or do whatever she wanted, she still end up locking herself inside their room.

She heard Chiffon and Lola left the island for an errandand up until now, they haven't return yet.

Her husband, Katakuri was away most of the time. Ever since that day they we're married, he only slept at that room twice.

Thankfully, the servants we're quite nice. They took a good care of her, making sure she eats (although most of the time, the food they serve we're sweets) and once in a while, one or two of them would check on her, asking her how she was doing.

The only thing that was keeping her from going insanewas the song, her late mother used to sing for her.

Back when she was a child, her mother would sing for her when she was sad or scared. It always helped her feel calm. Now that her mother was gone, all she could do was to sing the song herself.

"Mom... I'm so sad and alone... Help me please... Give me strength to protect dad and our kingdom..." she silently prayed as a single tearfell from her eye.

Katakuri had finally returned home. He finally managed to finish what he was supposed to took him a while than normal thanks to Cracker's idiocy though.

"I'll never pair with that idiot ever again," he muttered under his breath.

Just then, the head servant came and greeted him.

"Welcome back, master."

"Where's my wife?" he asked, looking at the old man.

"Inside your quarters, Katakuri-sama. Actually... She's been locking herself inside ever since you left." he informed. "I think, she is really lonely."

Katakuri nodded in understanding. "Is she eating well?"

"During her first week, she finishes all her food but the following days, she barely touch anything."

Katakuri sighed and walked pastthe man. "I'll take it from here. Thanks for watching over her while I'm away." He stopped and glanced back to the man. "Also, tell the chef to make something for her to eat. I'll make sure she eat all of it later.

"As you wish, milord." the man bowed as Katakuri made his way to his shared room where his wife had locked herself in.

[y/n] jumped slightly, startled as the door of the room opened.

She turned her eyes to the door and shrunk back, seeing who it was.

"Katakuri-sama. W-welcome back," she greeted in a small voice, bowing her head.

"We're going out," he suddenly said, making [y/n] look up to him with a confuse look.


"You heard me," he impatiently scowled.

"Ah... Yes!" [y/n] quickly stood up and made her way to him.

Katakuri stepped aside, letting her walk out before following.

Wheat field was all [y/n] could see as [y/n] and Katakuri walked out of their home.

She glanced up at her husband who was walking beside her. He was being kind right now, matching his pace with her.

Considering how long his legs were, [y/n] was sure he walk fast. But for now, he was walking with her, side by side.

She was still terrified of him. After all, he made it clear that he won't hesitate to kill her if ever they deemed that her father would betray them.

She was his wife but also a hostage. She planted inside her head that her life was on his hands. Whether she live or die? It was up to him.

As she look around, she realized they we're just walking around the area.

She glanced up once again to Katakuri, wondering if it was alright to ask him anything.

"If you're going to say something, say it." Katakuri suddenly said, without bothering to turning his sight to her.

Was she being obvious?!

Ordered to talk, [y/n] decided to ask. "Where are we going, Katakuri-sama?"

Katakuri looked down to her for a bit before looking up once again. "They said you've been hiding inside the room ever since I left. It'll weaken your body if you stay holed inside that room without any fresh air."

She stared at him in surprise. She wasn't expecting him to care about her.

As if reading her thoughts, he continued. "I told you, didn't I? You're a hostage but also my wife. As your husband, I would do everything to make sure you dont endanger yourself."

[y/n] turned her head down, cheeks reddening. She was ashame for being touched by those mere words that came from someone who threatened to kill her.

He keep reminding her of her position as a hostage but he also made sure she knows that she was his wife. She wasn't sure what he was really thinking. Was she supposed to feel scared or safe?

He always looked stoic. At least his eyes does, his mouth we're covered by a scarf so she couldn't tell whether he was hiding a grin or a smirk in there.

Come to think if it, she had never seen his whole face even once. Since they we're following Melodia's wedding custom, there were no 'kiss the bride' thing on that ceremony.

She also never saw him eat anything. And even as he sleeps, he keeps his lower face covered which was really strange.

Deep in thought, she failed to notice the protruding rock on the ground and tripped.


She felt herself fall but a hand suddenly grabbed her arm, stopping her fall.

She looked up. "Katakuri-sama."

Katakuri sighed and helped her stand straight."Hold onto my arm and don't let your thoughts wander. You're going to hurt yourself."

"Sorry," she apologized and hold on to his arm shyly.

His arm was hard and thick, she felt scared. He could really kill her easily.

But then... He was being kind. Right at that moment, he was being gentle with her as if trying to assure her that no harm would befall her as long as she listen to him.

There were a lot of things that she don't know about him. She was his wife and so, she knew she needed to know everything about the mysterious, Katakuri.

He was truly a mysterious man. If only she had enough courage to uncover the mystery behind him.