Disclaimer: I own nothing, all rights go to their respective owners.

The outworld civil war was still waging on, Mileena and her forces were losing badly though, the only way Mileena and her forces were able to keep the forces of Kotal Kahn at bay were by small ambushes. However they could not compete with the shear forces and numbers of Kotal Kahn's official army. It would not be long before Mileena's forces would be crushed and she would be sentenced to death, in her view she was the only living member left of the Kahn family which automatically promised her the throne to Outworld.

"Empress Mileena, Kotal Kahn's forces have taken the western front, this temple is our last fortified defense, we have only two choices, retreat to earthrealm, or stay and die" Rain said kneeling before Mileena

"Damn it, that miserable old fool, do you mean to tell me that none of you were able to hold them back at all, you dishonor your empress and all of Outworld as well!" Mileena screamed with rage burning in her chest.

"Empress I advise that we must retreat to Earthrealm while we have this chance, your life is more important than your pride, there we can regroup, possible recruit new soldiers better fighters" Rain offered

"Never, I will never ally myself with my father's killers, I'd rather die" Mileena declared.

"However… there yet may be third option" Mileena pondered

"Empress?" Baraka questioned his empresses motives

"Recruit a fighter who's skills go unmatched, a true warrior, one who can control the fires of hell at his will" Mileena said as she grinned menacingly.

"Say the word empress and it shall be done" Rain offered.

"No, I will fetch him myself, I can be diplomatic when I choose to be, until then defend the temple with your life"Mileena said before disappearing.