Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A/n: Hi! So I had this chapter formatted differently than the past chapters since I realized it's hard to convey everything with just emails and everything.

So enjoy!


Chu Ga Eul almost stopped breathing as she read the sentences Geum Jan Di sent her over and over again.


This can't be real.

So Yi Jung cannot be getting married. Tomorrow. They had got to be kidding her.

Her heart started hammering in her chest. She was starting to panic. Her hands trembled as she hurriedly looked for flights that would take her home.

Home. Where Yi Jung is.

It has always been Yi Jung. She could clearly recall the time she realized she had fallen for her best friend.

It was spring of their junior year in middle school. Yi Jung had just told her about his big crush on this girl they barely knew. He thought she was beautiful, long brown hair and big doe eyes. He was asking Ga Eul how to make the girl fall for him. It was weird because she started getting annoyed.

Ga Eul didn't want to help him get together with other girls. But eventually, she gave in. What can she do? So Yi Jung was her best friend and best friends support each other. Yi Jung and that girl he had a crush on got together and to Ga Eul's surprise, one day, when she saw them walking together, hand in hand, her heart began to throb. Her tears began to fall. She thought it was nothing. She thought she was just scared that Yi Jung's going to replace her as his best friend. But then, Yi Jung asked her to go and see cherry blossoms together.

They had a picnic at a park near Yi Jung's studio. They watched as the cherry blossom petals are swept by the wind. Ga Eul looked at Yi Jung and she saw him smiling. And he was glowing. Glowing. Her heart began beating wildly, it was a surprise that Yi Jung didn't hear it.

I love Yi Jung. Ga Eul had thought.

She got scared. She began to hide it. She tried to suppress it. No one should know about her feelings for Yi Jung. Ga Eul thought that if Yi Jung knew about her feelings, they would stop being best friends. And his friendship is a special treasure she didn't want to lose.


Ga Eul snapped out from her reverie. She turned to look at her door, bewildered.

"YAH! CHU GA EUL! Are you still there?" A familiar voice shouted as another series of pounding came at her door. "Open up!"

Ga Eul stood up and crossed her room. She opened her door and found Jae Kyung looking at her worriedly. She didn't know what came over her, maybe it was seeing a familiar face, but Ga Eul suddenly fell on Jae Kyung's arms. She clung to her as her tears started falling.

"Jae Kyung. Yi Jung—" Ga Eul sobbed. "Yi Jung's getting married."

"I know. That's why I'm here." Jae Kyung pushed Ga Eul away gently. She shook her. "Yah! Chu Ga Eul. Don't fall apart now. Let's go! We don't have time!"

Jae Kyung abruptly pulled Ga Eul from her apartment, took her phone and keys and closed the door. She started dragging Ga Eul as she ran towards the stairs, out onto the streets and into a waiting car.

"Okay, no time to explain. The short version is, I heard what happened from Woo Bin, obviously, and I asked my dad to lend his private plane, which thankfully is in France, since he's here for business. Anyway, we are now on our way to the said plane and you are going straight to South Korea. So stop crying because I can assure you, you will be there 5 hours before Yi Jung's wedding, and that's plenty of time to change his mind and his dad's mind, plenty of time to stop that business marriage." Jae Kyung glanced at Ga Eul, who was staring at her in shock. "Woo Bin and the others are already doing their best to stop everything. But apparently, Yi Jung's dad is a stubborn old man who always wants things to go his way. Yi Jung's mom is already doing her best to convince him." Jae Kyung took Ga Eul's hand and squeezed it. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I believed Woo Bin and the others could stop everything. On the bright side, I heard Yi Jung's dad is fond of you and treats you like his daughter. Maybe he'll listen to you. Let us hope he will." Jae Kyung rolled her eyes. "If Woo Bin told me that first, I would have convinced him days ago to ask you to come back and talk to Yi Jung's dad. That stupid Song Woo Bin." Jae Kyung squeezed Ga Eul's hand again. "We're here Ga Eul!"

Jae Kyung hurriedly pulled Ga Eul to the plane. She gently pushed Ga Eul on a couch. Jae Kyung took one look at her friend and sighed. She knelt in front of her and took both of her hands in hers. "Don't worry Ga Eul. You and Yi Jung have an unbreakable bond. I'm sure he's still trying hard to resist his father."

Ga Eul looked at Jae Kyung's kind eyes and responded with a squeeze. "Thank you." She whispered.

"No problem." Jae Kyung said as she stood up. She handed over Ga Eul's phone and apartment keys. "I'll make up excuses for your absence. Good luck, Ga Eul. We all believe in you."


Kakao message from Jan Di

Recipient: Ga Eul

Message: Yi Jung's in their Apgujeong office. They're finalizing all the merger documents before the ceremony later. Good luck, Ga Eul.


As she sat in a car on the way to Apgujeong, Chu Ga Eul thanked the heavens for giving her great friends. Aside from Jae Kyung's help with the plane, Ji Hoo also helped by having arranged a car for her as soon she got off the plane.

This is crazy. Ga Eul thought. She had plenty of time to calm down on the plane and she also had plenty of time to think about everything.

She never imagined this happening to her. It's like one of those dramas she liked watching. Girl stopping boy from getting married. It's all so surreal. She had never once thought that she'll be going back home only to stop her best friend from getting married. Uncle So had never forced Yi Jung like this before so it doubled her shock when she found out that's his reason for going back home after a year in Sweden. Why was this happening?

Ga Eul sighed as she stared at her reflection on the window. She glanced at her clothes and tried not to laugh crazily. It was a good thing she read Jan Di's email about Yi Jung before she got out of her day clothes. At least she looked decent enough to match up that girl who Yi Jung's marrying. She wondered what that girl looked like. Does she look like all those girls Yi Jung dated before? Ga Eul hoped not. If they do end up getting married, she didn't want it to be a bitch like all those girls before.

She felt the car pull to a stop. She immediately opened the door and ran inside the familiar office building. She waved to the receptionist who knew her from her visits to Yi Jung's mother. Surprised, the receptionist looked at Ga Eul as the latter approached the desk. "Hi Nana, I'm here to see Yi Jung. Where is he?"

"Hi, Ms. Chu." She smiled. "I believe Young Master So is in a business meeting with Master So and Mistress Kang. You'll have to wait at the lobby upstairs."

"No, you don't understand. I really need to talk to him. Actually, I need to talk to Uncle So too. Is there any way you could call them out of that meeting?"

"I'm sorry but I can't. We were informed that they were not to be disturbed as it is an important business deal."

"Well, okay. But can you at least tell me which meeting room they're using?" The receptionist stared at her, looking like she already knew what Ga Eul intended to do. "Please."

"Lavender." She finally said.

"Thank you!" Ga Eul smiled brightly as she ran towards the elevator.

On the way up, she thought of all the things she wants to tell Yi Jung. She thought of all the things she never told him before. She thought of how she could convince Uncle So to stop forcing Yi Jung this marriage.

But all that was gone as soon as she opened the door and barged in the meeting room.

"I love you So Yi Jung."

The words were out of her mouth before Ga Eul even realized it. She didn't care if she's in front of important business people. She only cares about telling Yi Jung how much she loves him.

She looked around, looking for the man who had always been her best friend, the man who had always had her heart. She stopped short when she found a young woman staring at her with her mouth hanging open. She was beautiful and Ga Eul knew it was her, the woman Yi Jung's going to marry. Ga Eul forced herself to turn away. She wasn't going to get intimidated.

Among the sea of faces staring at Ga Eul, Yi Jung wasn't very hard to find. Yi Jung was the only one standing. He was looking at Ga Eul with surprise clearly written on his face. "What are you doing here, Ga Eul?"

Tearing up, Ga Eul still looked at him straight in the eyes. "I love you Jung-ie. I know this would be very hard to believe but I have always loved you. Since middle school, actually. I tried to hide it because I know it would ruin our friendship. And you were actually going out with your first girlfriend. So what can I do, right? I'm your best friend. I should support you in any way I can.

I tried going out with Jae Rim because I never imagined you having feelings for me, ever. I already gave up the notion that you could ever love me as more than a friend. I tried to move on with my life, you know? You don't know how happy and relieved I was when I received your letter.

I know about January 7th. The day we met. That was also the reason I added 7! I only told you otherwise because I thought you'll think it was silly that I remember the day we met. Maybe it had always been you since the beginning, Jung-ie.

So please… Don't marry her. Don't get—"

"Okay, hold up. You don't know how happy I am to hear you say you love me. I actually just want to hug you tight and kiss you right now, Ga Eul." Yi Jung interrupted as he slowly approached her. "But what? Marry who?"

"Aren't you in a meeting to finalize everything before the ceremony later?"

"What are you talking about?" Yi Jung stopped in front of her. He looked at her, bewildered.

"But…" Ga Eul stopped and looked at him, confused. "Jan Di said you're going to get married today."

"No, I'm not. What makes her think that?" Yi Jung told her as he took her hands in his. "Did you really think I'd get married without telling you that myself? You're my best friend. And I just sent a letter to tell you I love you, why would I get married?"

"She said Uncle So is forcing you to get married for business deals in Sweden." Ga Eul glanced at Yi Jung's father who was already standing beside Yi Jung's mother. They were looking at her with such soft eyes which made Ga Eul think something was off.

"No. Father can't force me to get married even if he tried." Yi Jung glanced at his parents.

"Yes, well, if I'm going to force Yi Jung to get married, it would be with you Ga Eul." Yi Jung's father told her. "You know we adore you like you're our daughter Ga Eul."

"But then—" Ga Eul looked at Yi Jung's parents. "Did you know about this Aunt? Uncle?"

"Well, I didn't think you'd barge in here, Ga Eul. That's a surprise." Yi Jung's mother smiled. She looked like she was trying not to laugh. "We thought you were going to wait until the meeting's finished."

"Okay. Mom, can you please tell us what's happening? What the hell is going on here?"

"Your friends told us they're planning to get you two together. So we said we'd help in any way we can. Your father and I have always thought you two were perfect for each other."

"This was their plan? Everyone?" Yi Jung raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, well, Song Woo Bin thought you writing Ga Eul a letter wasn't enough." Yi Jung's mother shrugged.

"Wait, then, if this was their plan, why aren't you replying to me Yi Jung? Since you got back from Jeju?" Ga Eul asked him.

"I've been busy. I didn't really have the time to respond to your emails. Sorry." Yi Jung put his arms around her.

"What about the calls? You aren't answering."

"My phone accidentally fell into the water while we were in Jeju. I had it replaced as soon as we arrived though. It should be working fine. Woo Bin gave—" Yi Jung stopped, looking like he just realized something. "Woo Bin must've had your calls diverted." Yi Jung sighed. "Why do we have crazy friends again?" He closed his arms around Ga Eul. He hugged her tightly as he whispered. "I have to thank them though. They got you here. I miss you Eul-ie. Tell me I'm not dreaming."

"Well, I feel like I'm dreaming." Ga Eul blinked her eyes. She still couldn't believe what she just heard. "You mean, all our friends… that past week I haven't heard from anyone… those emails… my parents not telling me anything… Jae Kyung… those were planned?"

"Seems like it. Yes." Yi Jung looked into her eyes. "I swear I have nothing to do with it, Eul-ie. I have to say though, it was annoying but brilliant. I don't know if I should thank them or yell at them."

"I believe you. But…" Ga Eul looked around, embarrassed. Everyone in the meeting room was still staring at them. "Uhm, you might like to finish your meeting first. Sorry for barging in."

Yi Jung seemed to have realized where they are. "Oh. Yeah." He dropped his hands around her and looked around, embarrassed. "I didn't really want them to have that kind of impression before I start working in Sweden."

"What?" Ga Eul stared at him.

"I'm moving to Sweden, Eul-ie. I'm going to continue my studies there. That's why I've been busy with these deals for Sweden. And that's why my father came home. He's turning them over to me." Yi Jung looked at her and smiled. "I can't say it's near you. But it's closer. I was supposed to tell you as soon as this meeting was over."


Yi Jung grinned as he stepped closer. "So…"


"I love you, Eul-ie."

"I love you, Jung-ie."


To: Chu Ga Eul

From: So Yi Jung

Message: I love you

I'm already in Sweden.

I miss you already and it's only been a few hours since we saw each other in Paris.

I can still imagine your hands in mine as we stroll around the city.

I can still remember looking into your eyes as we have dinner at that restaurant overlooking the Eiffel Tower.

I wish I'm still there with you, Eul-ie.

I still feel like I'm dreaming.

I feel so happy and I hope you are too.

I love you.


To: So Yi Jung

From: Chu Ga Eul

Message: I love you

Words can't explain how happy I am to love and be loved by you, Jung-ie.

I miss you already.

I love you.


a/n: So this is the end! What did you think?

I'll probably whip up an epilogue but I'm not promising anything so I'll mark this fic as finished.

I've always said I'll continue this fic as long as one person is reading it. I'm satisfied with just that. Thanks from the bottom of my heart! Special thanks to these people for their reviews:






