A cold breeze blew softly across the Wren Stronghold on the ever-frigid planet of Krownest.
Sabine shivered. After spending time in the hot, dry climate of Atollon, it would take time for her to get used to the endless winter on Krownest.
Still, she could grin and bear the cold if it meant reconnecting with her family, her flesh and blood family.
Clan Wren had been surprisingly acceptive of Sabine, something that she attributed to her mother's influence and Sabine's victory over Gar Saxon with the Darksaber. She had seemingly proven herself to her old family, and it felt great to know that her mother and brother were on her side now.
Sabine sighed as she looked out onto the frozen lake where she had bested Saxon. She loved her biological family, but she desperately missed the Ghost crew, all of them.
She missed Kanan's stoic and wise demeanor, Hera's determination and understanding, Zeb's wisecracking and strength, she even missed Chopper and his cantankerous attitude.
She found herself missing Ezra the most out of all the crew members. Their relationship had gone from one of toleration on her part, and desperate pining on his, to one of incredibly close friendship. She trusted him with her life, and she knew he returned the trust. She missed his spirit, his sarcasm, his optimism, and most importantly, his utter devotion to her and his family. He had come a long way from the scrawny Loth rat who tried to flirt with her in the Ghost's gun turret.
"My name's Ezra, what's yours?" his first words to her floated through her mind and she stifled a giggle.
She had to tease him about that, whenever they got the chance to talk again.
The door behind her suddenly opened and two pairs of footsteps approached.
Sabine turned to see her mother and Fenn Rau walk out.
"We figured we might find you out here," said Rau in greeting.
She smiled and nodded in return, "Mother, Fenn, what's going on?"
"Perhaps we should take this conversation inside," her mother suggested, a serious tone to her voice.
Sabine frowned. She knew that tone of voice and it was one that Ursa usually reserved for the most serious of situations.
She followed Ursa and Fenn back inside. Her mother began to lead them to the planning room.
"What's going on Fenn?" she whispered to the blue armored Mandalorian.
He shrugged, "To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what your mother has in store for us."
The door to the war room opened up, and the trio walked through into the empty room.
The door shut behind them and Sabine addressed her mother.
"Ok, Mom, what's going on? Are we finally going to the front lines?" she asked. She had been stuck at the Wren Stronghold for the most part of her stay. Mostly to reconvene with her family and to plan strategies. Sabine was good at it, but she was beginning to get antsy for a fight.
"No, this isn't about front line combat," said Ursa, "This is about your father."
Sabine stopped for a second and gaped at her mother, shock flooding through her system.
"Do we know where he is now?" she asked, hope flooding though her system.
She shook her head, "We don't know precisely where he is, but we have a lead. One of the clans on the Southern hemisphere of Mandalore is currently being split in its loyalties in this civil war. Some of their members contacted me about Alrich and how they have information on his whereabouts."
Sabine's eyes grew determined, "Great! Let's go and find him then!"
Sabine was surprised to see her mother shaking her head, "No Sabine, this mission is mine and mine alone, many on Mandalore still see you as a traitor. And the same goes for Fenn Rau. But all of Mandalore, even our enemies, respect Alrich.
Sabine's face dropped, "I understand Mom," she said sadly, "Is there anything else?" she asked.
She nodded, "Yes there is Sabine." She sighed and sat down.
"We are living in dangerous times Sabine, this mission of mine especially so, I may not return," she said.
"Don't even say that Mother, of course you'll return!" Sabine exclaimed.
Ursa gave a small smile, "Of course I will return Sabine, but I am not willing to take a chance on this matter. My death would leave Clan Wren leaderless, and it would be a massive blow to our stability and standing on all of Mandalore if we do not have a suitable replacement for me."
Sabine heart began to pound in her chest, "Mother?" she asked, the implications of what her mother was about to say already affecting her.
"Sabine Wren, my daughter, I officially proclaim you as the inheritor for the title of Countess of Clan Wren," Ursa declared.
"Mother, I-I don't know about this!" Sabine protested, "Wouldn't Tristan be the better choice? He knows Clan Wren better than I do!"
"Tristan does not have the Darksaber," pointed out Fenn Rau, speaking up for the first time.
Ursa nodded, "It would make no sense to keep the person who currently owns the Darksaber from becoming the leader of this clan."
Sabine's mind began working on overtime, trying to remember all the details of becoming the Countess of a Clan meant. Then a very important detail crossed her mind.
"Wait, a Countess needs a Count to rule over a Clan mother, to help further it's legacy," Sabine remembered, "And in case you didn't notice, I don't exactly have a Count."
"Which is why we need to find you one, and soon," said Ursa.
Sabine gaped at her mother, they were going to find one for her? Granted she had no idea who she would pick if she was put on the spot.
Probably Ezra, she thought to herself. Oh boy, if he caught wind of that she would never hear the end of it.
"So, an arranged marriage?" she said through gritted teeth.
"It is for the greater good of the Clan, Sabine. I don't like this either, but far too much is depending on me, Clan Wren needs a worthy heir."
Sabine sighed, "I understand, but don't think for a second I will begin to accept this. Who do you have in mind to pawn me off too?"
"Actually, I believe I have a solution for this," said Rau, "A Count and a Countess are equals in the Mandalorian hierarchy, each supporting the other and making up for each other's weaknesses while also highlighting each other's strengths. Your Father may not be a warrior like your Mother, but his art and diplomatic skills were very useful in dealing with other clans and the Empire. Mandalore is looking for strength right now, so we need to find someone who is as strong as you are, someone who could match your strength and courage."
"So, what do you suggest Rau?" Ursa asked.
"The way us Mandalorians have always done things," he said with a wry smile, "A good old-fashioned fight."
"A tournament then!" declared Ursa.
Sabine rolled her eyes, "A tournament? Who would show up to something stupid like that?"
Fenn Rau chuckled, "You underestimate yourself Sabine. You are the heir to a very powerful clan now, and you have the Darksaber," Rau's grin widened, "And judging by Bridger's infatuation with you I'm going to guess that you aren't terribly unattractive either."
Sabine's face flushed slightly, and she groaned again.
This was not going to be fun.
"They're making you do what now?" the voice of Hera Syndulla crackled through on the secure comm.
As soon as Sabine had left to the company of her mother and Fenn, she had immediately arranged for a call to Atollon. Hera had actually been the one to answer, and had promptly told Sabine that all the others are busy.
"They're going to hold a tournament, whoever wins gets to marry me," she repeated to Hera, frustrated, "I'm now the heir to my Mother's position, and Mandalorian tradition dictates that there must be a Count and a Countess when there is a leadership change." Sabine shrugged her shoulders hopelessly, "My Mother fears that she might not survive due to the war, and she wants me to lead in her place in case of an emergency."
Hera put her hand to her chin and looked at her sympathetically, "I'm sorry things are this way Sabine."
Sabine sighed, "I understand why Mother wants me to do this, and a part of me is very willing to go through with this one hundred percent," Sabine hesitated, "But another part of me is screaming to get out of here, abandon everything, and come back to the rebellion."
Hera gave her a look, "I get your feelings Sabine, but right now-,"
"Right now, I have a duty to Mandalore, I know Hera," Sabine cut her off, "I'm not going anywhere I assure you." Sabine looked down at Hera, "It just makes me miss the old days when it was just us Specters getting chased around the galaxy."
"Just keep your chin up Sabine, and if you need any advice or help, we're always available," Hera offered.
Sabine smiled, "I know you are." She shifted slightly on her feet, "So, how are you guys doing? I mean, how are the others?"
"Well, the others are out on a mission, I'm sort of on my own right now," she said with a chuckle, "Sato has got us running ragged right now."
"Another day in the rebellion?" asked Sabine.
Hera gave her a half smile, "Somewhat, we're just building up right now. Zeb actually found a few more survivors from Lasan."
"Really?" asked Sabine a bright smile appearing on her face, "I know he must have been really happy about that."
"He certainly was," said Hera, "Kanan is the same as before, though I swear every day he gets more and more mysterious."
"He's getting more and more like a Jedi?" she asked with a smirk.
Hera chuckled with her, "Something like that. Chopper is still Chopper of course, and Ezra-,"
She paused for a second and gave Sabine a tight smile, "He misses you, desperately."
Sabine smiled back, "I miss him a lot too Hera."
"I know you two were close and having someone around his age really meant a lot to him, he's been itching to visit Mandalore."
"Let him know I miss him too then, ok?" asked Sabine.
"Of course, Sabine."
"I'm gonna have to end it here Hera, Fenn's been trying to get me ready for this tournament and he told me that I wouldn't have much time for this call."
Hera nodded, "I understand, like I said, if you ever need anything, we're always here."
"I know Hera, and thank you, for everything," she replied.
Hera's hologram disappeared, and Sabine left the room to find Rau.
A red blaster bolt whizzed by Ezra, almost singing his short-cropped hair. Ezra raised his green blade to block the next one.
The team was currently stealing some fuel from an Imperial convoy that had strayed too far away from the mid-rim. Taking out its light escorts had been easy, especially with the rebellions ever enlarging fleet.
Getting the fuel from the transport ship was another matter entirely and there was stiff resistance to the rebel's incursion.
Another Stormtrooper went down hard as the distinct pang of Zeb's Bo-rifle sounded off behind him.
Ezra's comm crackled and the he heard the distinct sound of his master.
"Ezra, we've got the fuel cannisters loaded, get out of there now!"
"We're on it Kanan!" he replied, sending another blaster shot back to its sender.
"Alright everyone, pull back!" he yelled to Zeb and the rebel soldiers accompanying them.
One of the soldiers tossed a grenade at the stormtroopers. It went off in an orange explosion of light and threw the rest of the Imperial troops into cover.
But it wasn't as colorful as Sabine's, he noted in his head, then grunted to himself in frustration.
The mission Bridger, focus!
Needless to say, running back to airlock where they had boarded the ship from was easy, the Empire didn't have the manpower to retake the corridors leading back to the rebel's strike craft.
Ezra was the last to enter, forcing some of the pursuing Imperials back and then he turned and ran inside.
The small rebel fleet detached form the smoking convoy and blasted back into hyperspace towards Atollon.
As soon as the group embarked onto Atollon's warm surface, they were greeted by Hera.
"Glad to see your mission was such a success," she complimented them.
Kanan shrugged, "Yeah, well, you know us, business as usual."
"I don't doubt it for a second," she said, "By the way I got some news while you were all out."
"What kinda news?" Zeb asked gruffly.
"Mandalore related news."
Ezra immediately perked up, "Sabine?" he asked, his excitement not getting lost on the crew.
Hera gave him a small smile, "Yes, it has to do with Sabine," her facial expression looked a little more apprehensive, "But I don't think you'll like what it is."
Ezra frowned, "What's wrong, is everything ok?"
"Sabine is fine, physically at least, but there's been a complication."
Hera went on to explain what Sabine had told her."
By the time she was done, the whole crew looked at her in shock.
"Karabast, that hardly seems fair to her," Zeb growled.
Kanan shook his head, unsmiling, "She can't be happy about this," he said in agreement with Zeb.
Ezra stayed silent, his mind whirling at a million miles an hour.
He immediately felt sadness and pangs of anger, forcing Sabine to do anything, even if it was for the greater good was never a thing that she liked, and he couldn't imagine how annoyed she had to be.
But he was also sad because now he would never get to tell her what he really thought about her.
Ezra had come to love Sabine.
Of course, he was attracted to her, physically. She was beautiful in her own unique way and to the younger version of himself he had never met someone who was as divine as her.
But as he got to know her and as she began to trust him, his constant flirting with her died down, and Ezra became her best friend. Of course, he was still absolutely smitten with her, but now for more than just her looks. She was smart, sometimes scarily so, and quick on her feet. She oozed confidence and had an attitude that rivaled his. She was funny too, and shared his wicked sense of humor. But most importantly, she was such a colorful person, in her art and in everything she did.
She was perfect.
But now, she was going to get married, against her will, and Ezra would never ever have a chance to let her know his true feelings.
Ezra immediately scolded himself. Sabine had to be absolutely miserable right now and he was busy feeling sorry for himself. His attraction to her didn't matter right now, as her friend, he had to be there for her.
"Ezra, are you ok?"
He was pulled from his reverie at the sound of Hera's voice. He realized he had been spacing out.
He rubbed the back of his head nervously, "Sorry, I was just thinking about some things, I'm ok," he replied.
Hera gave him a look of sympathy, "Are you sure Ezra?"
He nodded, "I'm fine, really Hera, I just feel bad for Sabine, that's all."
Hera didn't look convinced, but she didn't say anything else and the crew began to talk about the mission.
Ezra nearly sighed in relief. His crush on Sabine had been well known throughout the crew (Kanan had told him not to let it distract him, Zeb and Chopper endlessly poked fun at him, and Hera thought it was sweet), but no one knew that his feelings went beyond a simple attraction into deeper feelings, though he sometimes thought that Kanan was beginning to suspect him.
Eventually the crew separated, and Ezra ended up in his shared room with Zeb.
Ezra began to pace, his mind still working overtime, something that was beginning to annoy his resting Lasat roommate.
After Ezra passed by his bunk another time, Zeb growled at him, "Kid, can you please do that somewhere else? You're keeping me up!"
"Sorry Zeb, I just have a lot to think about," Ezra replied hastily.
"I know you're upset about Sabine kid, but please be upset somewhere else," the tired Lasat grumbled, attempting to get comfortable.
"It just isn't fair for her!" he said, frustrated, "I mean whoever she's going to marry isn't going to marry her because they like her, they're going to marry her because she has the Darksaber! Or because she is going to be the next Countess of Clan Wren! No one will really know her!"
"Like you do?" asked Zeb.
Ezra felt his face flush, "I guess, maybe. Look Zeb, I don't know."
"There's no point in getting this upset over something you can't do anything about," pointed out Zeb, trying to get the fretting boy to be quiet.
"But isn't that terrible Zeb? I mean there has got to be something we can do to help her!"
Zeb huffed and rolled over, "Then why don't you go enter that tournament and marry her yourself, so I don't have to hear you pace all night long!"
Ezra stood still for a moment, pondering what Zeb just told him and his mind began to form a plan.
Why didn't he think of it before? It made perfect sense! Sabine wouldn't have to marry some sleemo who didn't care about her and he would get to be closer to her than ever before!
"Zeb, that's it! You're a genius!" he shouted excitedly and quickly rushed out of their room.
Zeb rolled over again to watch the now closed door.
"Oh karabast," he groaned, "Why did I have to say that?"
A/N: Karabast indeed! Since not much is known about the Mandalorian's customs in the new canon, I figured I'd play around with them a little bit. I hope this story is the right amount of fluff and cheese! Let me know what you think.