A/N: *meekly comes out from hiding* Heeeeeeeey guys… it has been ages since I updated this story and this is a short chapter. Before you start throwing things at me, I just want to explain that after nearly two years straight of nothing but Star Wars geekdom, I needed a break and I got into the Marvel fandom… right after I started this story. So this story will have very sporadic updates and I'm sorry. If you're interested in Marvel stuff, go check out my other story, Sharpshot, which I should be updating more regularly.

Disclaimer: This is not the owner you are looking for. I do not own Star Wars. I only own Aquila.

The TIE fighter sprung to life as it flew toward the exit of the bay, only to be yanked back by a tether. "Oh great, we're going to die," Aquila muttered.

"I can fix it!" Poe exclaimed, moving the TIE around as much as he could.

Several Stormtroopers were shooting at them from the ground, the lasers ricocheting off the small fighter. A large bolt came from one of the guns, rocketing toward them. Poe jerked the TIE around just in the nick of time so that the bolt hit the tether, setting them free.

"Hang on!" Poe said loudly, grinning. "Woah! This thing really moves!"

"Yeah, well move this thing outta here!" Aquila called, her a cold feeling settling in the bottom of her stomach as the TIE fighter zoomed around under the belly of the massive ship above them.

"We gotta take out as many of these guns as we can!" Poe shouted loudly over the whine of the engines. "Or we're not getting very far."

"Right. Right," the Stormtrooper murmured, drips of sweat on his forehead.

"What's your name by the way?" Poe asked.

"FN-2187," the other man answered immediately.

Aquila bit her lip. This wasn't exactly the best time for introductions.

"FN… what?" the Resistance pilot spluttered, obviously confused.

"It's the only name they ever gave me," FN shrugged.

"Well, I ain't using it!" Poe thought for a moment. "FN, huh? Finn. I'm gonna call you Finn."

"Finn!" the Stormtrooper, er, Finn, exclaimed happily. "Finn! I like that!"

"I'm Aquila," she introduced just loudly enough to be heard over the engines.

Before Finn could respond, Dameron called out, "We're coming up on the central guns!"

"Okay," Finn said, more to himself than Poe or Aquila. "Okay."

Aquila thought for a second she was going to throw up at that crazy pilot spun the TIE around, letting newly-named Finn blast it was barrage of laser bolts. The guns exploded in fiery glory. "DID YOU SEE THAT?" Finn shouted excitedly. "Did you see that?!"

"I saw it! I saw it!" Poe replied with a grin.

Aquila shook her head. These two were trouble.

The TIE fighter whirled toward Jakku and it was evident on Finn's face the moment he realized it. "What-what are you doing?" he gasped.

"Going back to Jakku," Poe said as if it were obvious.

"What? Jakku? We can't go back to Jakku! We need to get as far away from the First Order as we can!" the Stormtrooper exclaimed, completely freaking out.

"Relax, Frater," Aquila said quietly, though she could barely be heard, confident that Poe had a plan. Lor San Tekka – the closest thing she ever had to a father – trusted this pilot, so she should too.

"I've got to get my droid. BB unit, orange and white, one of a kind," Poe was saying.

"I don't care what color he is!" Finn yelled over him. "We can't…"

Suddenly a loud BANG! was heard as one of the lasers from the First Order ship hit the TIE fighter, sending it as smoking wreckage.

Aquila was determined not to scream as the sandy surface of Jakku got nearer and nearer. She could only hope that the Force would not let her or her new companions die. This couldn't be the end of the adventure – not yet. Please, Force, not yet.

Please review! Reviews should help keep me inspired to write chapters more regularly!