A/N: Hey there! Abby May here with a new story! After seeing The Last Jedi (VIII) today, I decided to do a New Trilogy fanfiction. I'm not quite sure exactly where it's going to go, but I will definitely be weaving my OC Aquila deep into the plot. Also, any underlined words will have definitions at the bottom.

Disclaimer: I am not George Lucas and I'm not Disney. So I don't own anything or anyone except for Aquila and any other original characters I might put into this story in the future. If I did own these things, why would I be writing fanfiction?...

Poe Dameron sat in the small hut of Lor San Tekka on the dusty and unforgivingly hot planet of Jakku. Across the tiny table from him was the legendary explorer himself – the one who helped Skywalker find old Jedi texts after the battle of Endor. A girl, no older than seventeen, set a small plate in front of him and Tekka.

"Is that enough, Tutela?" she said, her brownish-red hair swinging behind her as she turned.

"Quite enough, thank you, Aquila," the old man said with a smile. The girl nodded and, with a curious glance toward Poe, grabbed a plate of food for herself, which she ate secluded in the corner.

"Now," Lor San Tekka said, shifting in his chair. "What makes you think I have the map to Luke Skywalker?"

"General Organa sent me, Sir," Poe replied immediately. "She says you helped Skywalker find ancient Jedi texts after the Battle of Endor."

Tekka sent a glanced toward the girl, apparently named Aquila, who ever so slightly nodded. He turned back to Poe. "And, tell me, why did she send you?" he asked, not suspiciously.

"Well, I like to think it's because I'm her best pilot," Poe said, obviously not caring if that came out a bit prideful.

Tekka grunted with a smile. "Ah, I suppose that's why," he said, seeming to know something Poe didn't. He turned to a chest behind him, Aquila turning her head to watch him. Out of this chest, the old man pulled a small, leather pouch. Aquila's eyes widened. "This will begin to make things right. I've traveled too far, and seen too much, to ignore the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force," Lor San Tekka said, closing Poe's hand around the leather pouch.

Poe smiled victoriously. "Well, thanks to you, we have a chance. The General's been after this for a long time."

"The General," Tekka repeated with a chuckle. "To me, she's royalty."

Before anyone could say anything else, a small and cute-looking droid burst in through the "door." It beeped frantically. Poe stood up. "We've got company," he said quietly.

Poe and Tekka rushed outside, Aquila following them at a distance. "You have to hide," Poe said, lowering his quadnoculars.

"You have to leave," Tekka replied. "Go!" He paused for a heartbeat. "And take Aquila with you." At her name, the girl's eyes widened.

Poe hesitated. "I hardly-"

"Go!" Tekka said, his voice commanding.

Dameron, Aquila, and the droid, BB-8, rushed off in the direction of Poe's X-Wing. Aquila couldn't help but stare at the First Order transports that were landing on the edge of the little village – her village.

Two laser blasts hit the X-Wing, effectively shutting it down. Angered, Poe turned and fired his blasters at the two Stormtroopers. More and more troops were rushing from the transports. The man turned and knelt down to BB-8. "You take this," he said. "It's safer with you than it is with me. I'll come back for you. Go!" He turned to Aquila. "You go with him."

The girl's gaze darkened. "I have a better chance here than out in the wilds of Jakku," she snapped, her eyes finding Tekka amongst the chaos. Poe began firing his blaster again. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Aquila reach out her right arm, her eyes closed. Suddenly, blaster bolts being shot by Stormtroopers started hitting the very same Stormtroopers.

Then, a rather large shuttle set down amidst the madness. Immediately, a black-clothed figure stormed down the ramp. He stopped for a second, glancing curiously in the direction of the rock Poe and Aquila were hiding behind. He then saw Lor San Tekka and his attention turned. "Look how old you've become," the figure said to him.

"Something far worse has happened to you," Tekka replied.

"You know what I've come for."

"I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren."

Kylo Ren was instantly becoming frustrated. "The map to Skywalker. We know you found it. And now you're going to give it to the First Order."

"The First Order rose from the dark side... you did not," San Tekka said boldly.

"I'll show you the Dark Side," Kylo Ren spat.

"You may try. But you can never deny the truth – that is your family."

Suddenly, Kylo Ren ignited an oddly-designed red lightsaber sliced Lor San Tekka with it. Aquila covered her mouth so that she might not scream. Poe dashed out from behind the rock and fired a blaster bolt at Ren, who instantly turned around and froze it in the air and apparently, Poe.

Aquila struggled to stay quiet as two Stormtroopers rushed over and grabbed Poe. They dragged him over to Kylo Ren and kicked him down onto the ground. Ren bent down to study Poe. "So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?" Poe asked quietly.

"The old man gave it to you," Ren said.

Poe gestured with his head toward Kylo Ren's mask. "It's very hard to understand you with all the… apparatus."

"Search him," Ren said to the two Stormtroopers, who immediately obeyed and did a brutal pat down.

"Nothing, Sir," they reported.

"Put him on board," Ren said simply.

When she saw Poe being dragged away, Aquila couldn't take it anymore. "NO!" she shouted, thrusting her hand forward in an attempted Force Push. It only succeeded in making Kylo Ren stumble backward a bit. He retaliated with whatever he used on Poe – and Aquila quickly found that she couldn't move.

She struggled with all her might but didn't succeed in breaking free. "Let me go, Malus," she said fiercely. Ren ignored her as four Stormtroopers rushed toward her and grabbed her rather forcefully.

"Perhaps if the other won't tell us where the map is, you will," he said.

"Why don't you find a map to the map?" Aquila replied sarcastically.

Ren studied her up and down for a second, ignoring her words. Then, silently, he turned and started going toward his own ship. "You will release me," she said quietly to the Stormtroopers around her.

"What?" one of them said.

Aquila calmed her mind best she could. "You will release me," she tried again.

All of the stormtroopers' postures straightened, but before they could release her, Aquila felt a powerful force (pun not intended) in her brain. Immense pain flooded her senses as she realized Kylo Ren had turned back toward her. Then he made an upward flick with his hand and Aquila felt herself drop to the ground before she blacked out.

Defined Words:

Tutela - protector, guardian

Malus - evil, wicked