Hey !

Guess who decided to start a new story?

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the Avenger/Thor are not mine

Infos :

-Pairing: main Tom/Harry (Loki), mention of Godric/Salazar and one-sided Tony/Harry ( Loki) on Tony's part. Perhaps I'll add a bit of Thor/Loki in the late chapter

-The universe: This story will mainly focus on the Hogwarts years, with the Avenger afterwards

-Post: I'll try to post as soon as possible but it can take time

-Other questions? Feel free to ask!

The one to hold infinity shall arise...

Thor Odinson looked at the big green and gold book sitting on his brother's desk. Slowly, he traced the golden letters of the cover with his fingers.


No Odinson, no title, not even Laufeyson, just Loki.

According to the Midgardian calendar, we were in 2011, six months after the fall of Loki Silvertongue in the Void.

Since that fateful day, Thor had counted every hour, every second spent without his brother by his side, without his familiar presence in the Asgard hall.
Nobody here understood how he really felt. Asgardians were just happy the Liesmith was gone, the Warrior three had stayed by his side for a month but thought he was going to forget his brother just like that and his parents were too caught up in their own grief to try to speak with him.

All in all, Thor was alone, hurt, and everybody just seemed to believe that he would be perfectly fine after watching his little brother die.

So now, he just stayed in his room all day, thinking of the old times where the sun was bright and Loki laughing at his side, his emerald eyes sparkling with mischiefs. Their parents were here too, smiling softly at them while trying to look annoyed by the antics of the youngest.

Now that he remembered, Thor knew that that hasn't happened in quite a long time, with him spending more and more time with his friends instead of his brother, Odin starting to favour his eldest without ever noticing and Frigga passing less time with the black-haired prince now that they were older.

All, in their way, had abandoned Loki, and now he could remember how hurt the other had looked when he had left with Sif to practice, how he had always craved for Odin's affection and how he had begun to leave his room less and less.

And Thor hadn't noticed a single thing until it was too late and the other was letting go. Not once had he tried to speak with his brother.

How could he even call him that? Loki was right, Thor wasn't his brother.

Asgard's golden prince wasn't worthy of the love of Loki, frost giant or not.

" Never doubt I love you."

So now here he was, starring at a green book when he himself had never even opened one if he wasn't being forced.

To everybody, the book might look beautiful, a work of art really, but for Thor, who knew what it really was, it was so much more.

This book was Loki, as much as Loki could be a book.

It was all his memories, all that made him who he was, and now that he was dead, it would be where his original portrait was.

Only the people with great destiny had one. Thor had one, Odin and Frigga too, and they were all (to Thor original dismay) books.

The Elf's weren't books but trees, where leaves were memories, Dwarf's were big diamonds like gems, fire giant's were magma stone...

Every race has their own way of saving great people's memory. Except for Midgard, that's it.

Thor had never heard of this sort of thing in the realm of Yggdrasil's roots.

But well, the golden prince hardly ever listened in his and his brother's classes, and hadn't Loki spoken of books too? He couldn't remember.

The book was closed by a golden snake circling a little version of Yggdrasil, on top of the green leather.

Thor carefully touched it.

Will it open?

When he and Loki were children, the last was always the one to open it, slowly caressing and hissing to the snake until his emerald eyes snapped open and he moved.

Then he would show his big brother his memories and they would laugh together.

But then they grew up and Loki hid his book away.

What should he do?

Unsure, the Thunderer began gently stroking the scale, waiting for any kind of reaction.

Like all these years ago, the green eyes opened and considered him.

Did Loki do something so as to have his book open to Thor like that? Certainly.

Automatically, the oldest went at the end, to the portrait.

He needed to talk with Loki.

But the page was white as snow except for elegant, green letters in the centre of the sheet:


What was that? A spell? And where was Loki?

Thor frowned.

"Etiamemoriam? Loki are y-" he didn't finish his sentence.

Everywhere around him, colours were blurred, like in the Bifrost, and before he could try to escape, he was back in the room.

Except he wasn't alone anymore.


"Hello brother" the younger said with a soft voice.

He looked pale, ill, and his eyes were duller than normal.

"Loki I-" started Thor.

"Before you try to speak with me, I have to tell you that this thing is not really me. This is nothing more than a memory that I made after your banishment. As such, I won't be able to talk back and I hope that you will listen to what I have to say. Oh, and before I forget, if you're the first one to find my book, could you give it to mother and father when I'll be finished? I have a message for them too."

Loki stopped, looking thoughtful before saying :

"Well, I guess there's so much words can do... If I want you to really understand, I 'll have to show you... Everything began on 31 of July 1980."

Once again, the colours seemed to blur around Thor, and a few seconds after, he was standing on the rainbow bridge.

Near the edge stood Loki, wawing with a smile to a younger (brasher, meaner and more arrogant ) version of the Thunderer.

It took a full minute for Thor to remember what had happened this day.

He and the Warriors three ( mostly him anyway) had decided to go on a quest on Vanaheim. If he remembered well, he had passed the full month under the haze of alcohol, courting every maiden that wasn't detestable.

And if it was the 31 of July, well...

It meant that once again, Thor had forgotten his brother's birthday.

He dropped his head with shame but there was no one to see him.

When he looked back at the younger prince, Loki was starring at the Void, his emerald eyes empty. He stayed like that a few minutes and Thor began to ask himself why he was showed that, but then he saw a shadow slowly creeping behind his brother.

It was a tall person, possibly a man, his head hidden by a black hood.

The form seemed to pause briefly, deeply in thoughts, but then, before the Loki in the memory could see him, He pushed him.

For Thor, it was liked time itself had stopped.

He saw Loki's widen in shock and fear, his hands reaching desperately for something solid.

If the god hadn't been caught while thinking, he could have certainly helped himself with his magic, but now, he had been too lost in his thought to think through his fear.

His mouth parted and formed a perfect "O", and then time started again and Loki was falling into the Void.

Thor screamed but nobody heard him.

Everything went black.

First, he thought the memory was finished or something like that, but then he heard the voice.

"Thor? Mother ? Father ?! THOR! SOMEBODY HELP! please..." the last word was nothing but a broken whisper.

The colours came back and the golden prince saw the ground come near quick...

With a sickening crack, Loki laid still on the hole his fall formed, his face twisted in pain before fainting.

When he closed his eyes, the strange grey creature came and picked him up roughly.

Time passed and now an imposing form was standing over Loki, blue eyes flaring in anger.

Strangely, this was the only thing Thor could make out the thing's appearance.

It looked like someone had put a blur on the being.

"Are you really sure you don't want to serve me, runt? I could give you what you ever wished for, respect, power and a realm to rule."

"I don't care about your false offer. I already have what you are promising me and I never wanted to rule anything." answered coldly Loki.

"Well... let's see what you'll answer in, let say... a few years."

And with that, the younger prince was dragged away and everything went to black once more.


Thor turned around to face the older version of his brother.

"After this, well... things weren't good and I would prefer if we could just go to the next memory... Oh, and before I forget, the reason because you can't see ... Him, is because of his emprise on my mind. I have enough power now to make that memory but I still can't show him to you or name him, I'm sorry Thor..."

With that, the scene shifted again.

Thor was in the same place as before and the being was sitting on a floating throne. He made a gesture to the nearest grey creature and suddenly, two other came in, dragging a bloody corpse.

At first, the Thunderer didn't recognise his brother or see that he was actually still alive, with all the blood, burns, cuts and bones that just looked wrong.

But here he was, his chest still raising with difficulty, catching a raspy breath.

"I see you are in a good health. Have you considered my offer? Where is the gauntlet ?" asked the being.

"I... will... never... tell YOU anything !" managed to say Loki.

"Too bad. I guess I'll just have to force you. You never had the choice anyway." Blue eyes burned as he took the younger god by the air to roughly put him on his back.

He then made a blue stone appeared from nowhere, held it high and...

ripped Loki's heart out.

Somehow, the younger's eyes found his brother's and looked at him in pain and shock.

"Thor... ?" he whispered.

Then he tried to breathe without success, blood gushing from the open wound like a river.

finally, before Thor could realise what had happened, Loki stopped moving and his eyes closed.

The thunderer felt as if he was torn between two things, as if the memory was breaking apart, but then, the other Loki's hand on his shoulder anchored him here.

"And now ..."

The being trusted the stone where the heart had once stood.

Immediately, it looked as if the younger god had been electrocuted and his eyes snapped open, but unlike before, they were an icy blue, the same blue as the stone that replaced his heart.

A sort of blue wave, coming out from the stone, covered the broken body, the bruise, the burns and broken bones, leaving being ivory skin.

Older Loki 's voice startled him.

"Now, if you want to understand better what happened, you must now that... He has the control over time itself. He can make it do everything he wants and so..."

Their surrounding changed once more.

"we're back in 1980."

Like in the first memory, they were standing over the Bifrost...

Thor saw the younger, more carefree Loki wave at his younger self, riding with the Warrior three...

They left, and Loki was starring in the Void...

The figure came...

Seemed to pause behind Loki, like they were fighting against themselves...

they pushed.

They watched Loki fall and then they took their hood off while turning on their heel.

With cold, icy blue eyes, Loki walked away.

"I wasn't myself when you were banished, neither was I before. I was too weak to resist the stone hold, or at least die trying." the younger sneered. "I am beyond salvation, I can't be saved, whatever you try. Him, however..."

With those words, a memory, like a photo came out.

It showed a boy, a baby, with bright emerald eyes and a mop of black hair.

"Not everything of me survived my ... death. This part came out on the 30 July of 1980, Midgard calender, when my heart was ripped out of my chest. You can't save me, that's not even a possibility, but you can save him, Thor. He's on Midgard."

The Thunderer nodded.

"But promise me something Thor Odinson, if my counterpart is happy where he is, you won't rip him away from the people he loves. "

Once again, the other nodded, not feeling capable of speaking and knowing his brother couldn't hear him.

"Now, I have to -" suddenly Loki froze.

"No no no this can't happen now! I am losing control! Save him, Thor, SAVE HIM !"

The younger prince stopped yelling, his face a blank mask.

Blue eyes swept around the room for a moment, looking confused, before the thing in his brother body turned around and left, the memory stopping right away.

Thor was left alone, in his brother's bedroom, holding a green book.

"Guards, can you tell me where are Mother and Father ?"

An : Hope you liked it!

In the next chapter, we'll have more of Loki, I swear!

Ps : review can help the author write faster, really!