A/N: It's time to get this party started with Reinstating the Order! To be quite honest, I ran out of title ideas than didn't rip the name straight off the original book title. Still, let's get it going.

"You think it's safe being out here?" Harry asked as we stepped out of the car. Some people had their sights stuck on me, but I ignored them in favor of addressing Harry's question.

"Voldemort's just been lying low lately. I think it's safe," I said in a whisper. "Besides, with all the training that I've been doing with you, you could use a break."

"Too bad I can't use magic outside of Hogwarts. Practicing my dueling is something I need to do. I don't have access to your crazy arsenal, so I need to get better with magic," Harry said in just a low a whisper as we neared the restaurant.

"Technically you do have access to it. It would just take a good few months, possibly years for you to become proficient at it. Too much time," I told him.

"How long did it take you?" Harry asked.

"Couple of weeks to master it. Then again, I had all kinds of help. Eidetic memory helps with having an eye for the angles and where something's going to go when I shoot it, so it's easier to master my shot placement," I told him as I approached the counter and gave the woman there a wide smile. "Table for two, please. Morgan."

"Yes, I heard about a last minute reservation. Normally we don't do that, but given who our guest was, how could we possibly refuse?" the woman said with a bright smile as she looked at Harry and then back to me. "Of course, as it's a normal inconvenience..."

"Oh, but of course," I said, placing four hundred bucks on the table. "Will that suffice?"

"That... is certainly sufficient. Thank you for you generosity," the woman said, taking the bills and starting to distribute them in the register. "Jackson!"

A black, middle aged waiter came running up at the exclamation, and when his eyes fell on me, his eyes widened a considerable amount before turning back to the woman at the desk.

"Yes?" he asked.

"See to it our special guests are taken care of," the woman said, putting emphasis on the word. "They're paying good money, so let's not disappoint them by having shoddy service."

"Of course not. Gentlemen, if you would, follow me to your private booth," the man called Jackson said before going to walk in a direction.

"It certainly pays to be rich and famous, huh?" Harry said with a smirk.

"It has its uses. Like now," I said as we were lead to our booth. I then turned to the waiter when we arrived. "Now, leave us for about ten minutes. We would like to go over some discussion before we place our orders, and we wouldn't like to be disturbed during it."

"Yes sir," Jackson said, before placing a menu in front of me and Harry before leaving the booth. Then I turned to Harry with my phone paying attention to the cameras to make sure no one was spying outside of the door. They weren't.

"Alright, if Voldemort has been hiding in the shadows, then Dumbledore's likely to have been keeping track of whatever he may or may not have been doing," I said.

"The problem lies in the fact that he hasn't sent us a goddamn thing concerning Voldemort," Harry said, sounding frustrated.

"They don't have many options considering owls can be intercepted. The only true way is to send someone down here to debrief us personally, and they would have things to do. But we've been way overdue for a briefing. I half don't want to be out here on the off chance Death Eaters are waiting," I explained.

"I agree. We need to know what's going on. Us more than anyone after that graveyard incident. Voldemort still wants me dead, and you're definitely not going to be his biggest fan after what happened in the graveyard," Harry said.

"My only regret is that I couldn't finish him then and there," I said with frustration in my tone. "But the bastard's good."

"He's the greatest Dark wizard since Grindewald. If he was easy for you to kill, he wouldn't be that great," Harry told me.

"Point. His Death Eaters aren't nearly as challenging though. I thoroughly enjoyed what I did to McNair," I said with a smile smirk.

"And the Prophet passes McNair's death off as a bad incident with a manticore. Proves how inept our Ministry is. No manticore slices throats open," Harry said, shaking his head.

"With enough money tossed at the Minister they do," I reminded him.

"Isn't that the truth. But let's ignore the bad stuff for a moment. How has Miss Delacour been doing?" Harry said with a smirk. I wanted to glare at him, but the change of subject made me smile a little.

"She's been doing fine. She got the job at Gringotts that she was going for. I thought about going to visit her at some point," I said thoughtfully.

"Oh, it's like that," Harry said with a smirk.

"You looking to get smacked?" I said, my tone slightly annoyed.

"No. I'm looking to play matchmaker. Cause truthfully, the only other person you possibly would've dated was..." Harry was cut off, and I understood why. The blast of cold was immediate, and it mostly certainly wasn't because the restaurant forgot to pay the heating bill. Because I doubt our breath would be showing even if it was.

"Dementors," I summarized, activating AS vision. The screams of fear were apparent even through the private booth, and I felt a prickle of anger. I eyed the forms of cold that were floating our way, and I looked to Harry. He already had his wand drawn, his look being that of cold steel. The door opened, and the cold got closer. Gwen's voice started growing louder in my ear, and my eyes hardened.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry exclaimed, his bright silver stag charging towards the door. There was a loud screech that originated from the doorway. And as quickly as the cold had come, it was gone. And when it did, my eyes flashed dangerously.

"Dementors. Fucking Dementors," I hissed in a tone full of venom. "I don't care how the Death Eaters may react when we head back into the Ministry. The Ministry will NOT going to ignore this."

"First we need to get off the street undetected," Harry said, making me nod.

"Put on your invisibility cloak and stay close," I said before cloaking myself with my shield. Harry summoned his Invisibility Cloak to his hand before wrapping himself in it and cloaking completely.

Making our way out of the restaurant, I failed to not notice the disarray of the store. Some folks were cowering, and staying as far away from other patrons as possible. Others backed themselves into a corner with some kind of weapon in their hand to defend themselves if needed. It was a bit pitiful to see.

This is where the Statute of Secrecy was bullshit. Non-magical people, Muggles, people like me had no way of knowing about stuff like this. Not many of us were in the know about magic, and those of us who were, became sworn to silence. There's no fucking way that's going to happen with me. When all out war breaks out, I don't care what it takes. I'll break their stupid Statute if it means keeping people alive. They better be glad the Death Eaters weren't attacking people yet.

Hopping back into the sedan that we arrived in, I drove us back to my house while Harry continued to stay cloaked in the front passenger's seat. I had to reveal myself because a car with no one driving it was bound to catch peoples' attention, but it wasn't that much of a big deal. At least, I hoped.

"We'll wait until tomorrow to do this. After tonight..." I was cut off by my security going off. It was an owl. And it wasn't one I recognized. I doubted Voldemort sent owls when he came knocking. As of now, no one but a few people knew the location of this house, so I would like to keep it that way. So this had to be from someone we knew.

Harry opened the window and he took the letter off the leg, the owl immediately flying off back outside once its letter was delivered. I approached Harry as his eyes began to scan the words, but as the seconds flew by, his eyes just got angrier and angrier.

"They're trying to expel me," Harry said with no small amount of venom.

"What?" I said, my voice a mix of disbelief and anger.

"Right here. Apparently I broke the Statute of Secrecy for using magic in front of Muggles, and now I'm expelled. Isn't this my first offense for this? Don't they usually let you off with a warning?" Harry asked.

"They're supposed to. It seems our 'oh so wise,'" I said the words with a heavy amount of sarcasm. "Minister is pulling some strings. I don't care about subtlety. We're going to the Ministry."

"Dumbledore knew you'd immediately want to leave, but he said not to go there yet. He said he wants us to go somewhere called Grimmauld Place," Harry said, scanning the letter further.

"I know the area. Come on," I said, getting up from the seat I was standing in.

I parked the car in an alley that was near Grimmauld Place, and the both of us walked the rest of the way. I was paying attention to everything that was around us, and luckily it seemed like there was nothing happening thus far. Though that's just what your enemies wanted you think. That's when they attacked.

"Potter, Morgan," a familiar gruff voice said. Harry's wand was already in his hand, and I had summoned dual pistols with explosive rounds. No Protego was going to last long against explosive rounds with a mag of twenty. Then again, there were shields better than that.

"Moody. Or is it really?" I questioned as soon as the Auror in question stepped out.

"If the real Moody spent an entire school year locked in my own damn trunk, then yes," Moody said gruffly. "Dumbledore sent you a letter to come here, and I was the one he wanted to wait for you. It's all about them trying to expel Potter from school."

"Alright," I said, spinning my pistols before lowering them. But not putting them back up. "Now where are we going?"

"Take a look at this paper. Look quickly, and memorize it," Moody said, showing us a piece of paper. I looked at the paper, the writing saying 'The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.'

As soon as I read it, I looked up and quite literally because of magic, door number twelve appeared in between eleven and thirteen. I didn't quite understand how reading the paper helped us see it, but that wasn't really what I cared about this moment. We needed to get off the street before I started asking questions.

We quickly got in the house, and I was told by Moody to try and be quiet. There must've been something going on for him to say that, and the feeling was increased as the lamps started to light up. But a mane of red hair started bounding this way, greeting us with a wide smile. I couldn't help but smile back at the woman even though I noticed she didn't look as healthy as before.

"How are you doing Molly?" I said, pulling the woman into a hug.

"Fine dear, fine. And Harry," Molly said, going to give him a hug as well. "If you're hungry, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the meeting's finished I'm afraid."

"Meeting?" I asked curiously.

"For members of the Order. For now, just head upstairs. Ron and Hermione are up there as well," Molly said, making me frown.

"If they're discussing what happened tonight, then we out of all people should be there. After all, we are in the center of all this mess," I told her.

"I suppose so, but..."

"Just let us talk to them really fast. After all, more heads are always better than less," I said, moving past her to head into the door that Molly walked out of. I noticed she looked like she wanted to argue, but she didn't say anything further.

There were a plethora of different witches and wizards sitting at the table: Among them were Dumbledore, Snape, Lupin, Sirius, Arthur, and a bunch of people that I didn't recognize. Except... wait... was that pink hair?

My eyes locked onto the woman with the pink hair, and she ended up turning around to face me. Her eyes widened, and so did mine. I recognized that heart shaped face anywhere. If you told me my heart jumped for a brief second, I would've called you insane.

"I-is that you Nymphadora?" I questioned, my eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Are you... no way..." Tonks said, standing to her feet.

"Hold up. Nymphadora?" Sirius questioned in disbelief before he got socked on the arm by Tonks. Hard, by the sound of the impact. "Ow! He said it!"

"That is because he is a special case," Snape said dryly. I saw that made Tonks turn slightly red. "Now may we get on with the meeting?"

"Yes, um..." I said, clearing my throat. "...it's best to start now." I sat down, and did my best to avoid looking at Tonks.

"Hold on. Why are they in the meeting?" one of the witches asked. I turned to look at her, my eyes narrowing.

"Because I'm as involved in this as you are," I said simply.

"As well as me. Not only did I witness Voldemort come back to life with him using my blood, but we just got attacked by Dementors. I think at this point in time, now is not the time that you keep us out of the loop," Harry said.

"The Order is for people who are of age, and who have already graduated from school. Though you do make a good point. The both of you need to know what's going on," Lupin said, making me nod.

"We're not asking to be part of the Order. We just need to know what's happening," I said. "I understand that we weren't informed during the summer cause the letters could be tracked. No reason now."

"I suppose so," Dumbledore said before looking at me. "It would be better if you were out of school to be an official member of the Order, but I suppose there's no issue in keeping you updated of the situation."

"All we're asking," I said with a nod. "Now start at the beginning."

Throughout the meeting, we learned that me and Harry's earlier suspicions were right. Voldemort was doing his best to lie low and build his army back up again. Wizard, giants, werewolves. All sorts of people and creatures. The Ministry refusing to believe Voldemort was back made things even easier. There was the occasional disappearance, but nothing that anyone could directly pin on Voldemort.

Lupin, as it turns out, was doing his best to convince the werewolves to not go to his side as he was a werewolf himself. Greyback, which was one of Voldemort's followers but not an official Marked Death Eater, was responsible for impeding his progress. It was a tossup between the two of them convincing each other.

Hagrid had gone along with Madame Maxime to try and convince the giants to not go to Voldemort's side, and so far, things were going good. Hagrid seemed to be getting along fine with the current Gurg. So at least things with the giants seemed more promising than the way things stood with the werewolves.

The Ministry however, was worse than either situation. They absolutely refused to acknowledge any idea of Voldemort being back, and anyone who was promoting the idea was not lasting long if they were in any position below the Minister. Dumbledore, who was being very vocal about the situation, was losing population as the days passed by. And he was praised for being one of the greatest wizards of all time. So things were not looking all that great as far as the Ministry was concerned.

I was thoughtful even as the meeting was over. Voldemort wasn't a great wizard and an ever greater threat just for his magical skill. The man was cunning. And definitely smart enough to realize that working in the shadows while the Ministry put their heads in the sand was the best course of action. It also made things harder for us in convincing everyone that there was a threat we needed to watch out for.

"Well, things are horrible to no one's surprise," Harry said.

"Absolutely no one's. And with the way things are in the Ministry, there's likely going to be some problems down at Hogwarts," I told him.

"When isn't there a problem at Hogwarts? Problems go along with Hogwarts ever since we've gone there," Harry said.

"Yeah, no kidding," I said, cracking my neck as I moved my head to the right. Then Mrs. Weasley tapped the both of us on the shoulder.

"We're eating in the kitchen dears. It's across the hall..." Molly was cut off by the sound of a loud crash, that caused us to wheel around. There was Tonks, looking sheepish as she was lying on the floor next to an umbrella stand. "Tonks!"

"I'm sorry!" Tonks exclaimed. "It's that stupid umbrella stand, that's the second time I've tripped over-"

The rest of her words were drowned about by a loud screech that caught my attention even as I was helping Tonks up. The source of the screaming was a painting of who I could assume was a dead member of whoever owned this house.

"What the hell is that?!" I exclaimed.

"That..." Sirius said, walking up from behind us as, with me and Lupin's help, managed to shut the curtains. "...is my dear old mother."

"I'm so sorry," Harry said, making Sirius chuckle.

"I forgot how many times I've heard that. Anyway, how you doing pup? You alright?" he said, giving Harry a hug.

"I'm fine. Even considering the Dementors. Though if depending on this hearing..."

"They're not expelling you. There are so many holes in their reasoning, it's ridiculous. But we'll worry about that we can formally challenge it. Right now, I want to eat and we..." I trailed before turning to Tonks. "...need to catch up. I'm going to keep my promise, by the way. If you aren't an Auror, imma kick your ass until you make it."

"That won't be necessary," Tonks said, seemingly holding back laughs. "I qualified just over a year ago. Trained by the one eyed monstrosity himself."

"The lass is good," Mad-Eye growled, seemingly on standby for her to say that. "She can be reckless though, and her clumsiness doesn't help." I laughed as Tonks turned red as she glared at Mad-Eye. Then her hair was a fire red.

"You still haven't gotten past those two left feet of yours?" I said with a laugh.

"It's not that easy, alright?" Tonks said indignantly. "At least I made it."

"I'll help you with that clumsiness at one point. For now..." I said as I gestured towards the dinner table. "...shall we sit for dinner?"

"So regal. I think we shall," Tonks said with a grin as we all walked to the dinner table.

I was smiling as we sat. It was strange how even after these couple of years, it felt like we were picking up where we left off. Almost as if nothing changed.

"Oh, by the way Robert..." Sirius trailed with a grin. "...there's a Frenchie who's been asking around for you. I didn't know you had it in you."

"And we all know you've always had the ability say ridiculous things. While I'm full of surprises, you're severely lacking in them," I said dryly.

"I'm just saying that she might be down here sometime soon. She's looking to be part of the Order. She's a second ear on anything going on in Gringotts," Sirius said.

"It'll be good to see Fleur. Haven't seen her since summer started," I said, making Tonks turn towards me.

"Fleur?" she asked.

"French girl I met last year. Her along with Aurore. That one's about as nutty as you," I said with a grin.

"I sincerely doubt that," Tonks said, crossing her arms.

"Oh, believe me. If you met her, you'd know," I said before looking to the side. "Hey Bill!" The Weasley in question turned to face with a grin of his own.

"Hey Robert! Harry. How you both doing?" he asked.

"Can't complain other than the Ministry causing problems," Harry said with a shrug.

"Same," I said.

"Suppose it could be worse," Bill said before vanishing some papers off the table.

I then turned to the side after finally taking notice of some snoring coming from a pile of rags. I looked to Harry, Tonks, and Sirius before grinning and kicking the table hard enough to jerk him awake.

"Hello Mundungus! Miss me?" I said, my grin turning sinister. The lowlife in question jerked back and fell out of his chair in shock. The three people near me burst out laughing at the sight.

"W-what are you doing here? Look if you're wondering why I'm here, I'm doing stuff for Dumbledore. That's all," Mundungus stammered.

"I figured that. Even though you weren't at the meeting," I said, eyeing him up and down with distaste. "You haven't been dealing with any more of that ecstasy, have you? I won't be happy if you have."

"N-no. Not at all," Mundungus said, looking he would wish nothing more than to run as far away from here as possible.

"Good. Otherwise I'll beat you into the ground," I said pleasantly before turning back to the others. "This one I have to keep in line."

"I can't believe this idiot was the reason you were able to get into the magical world so easily. I didn't know whether to thank him or smack him," Tonks said.

"I'd suggest both," Sirius said as Mundungus pulled out a pipe.

"Don't take that thing out. We're about to eat," I said, shaking my head.

"I've been telling him the same thing for a long time," Mrs. Weasley said, looking irritated.

"Er... right. Sorry Molly," Mundungus said, putting the pipe away.

"You've got him under your thumb, don't you?" Tonks asked.

"Considering he knows I'll beat the shit out of him if he acts out of line, yes. I suppose I do," I said, turning to her with a smile. "Now how have things been with you? You got cleared for being an Auror just over a year ago, but that doesn't quite explained why you never owled."

"Well..." Here Tonks looked awkward. "I honestly have no excuse other than the thought you might have forgotten about me."

"You forget that I have an eidetic memory," I said dryly. "I missed you, you clumsy crackhead."

"Hey, I quit last year. Can't have people finding out you smoke on the job," Tonks said with a wink, making each of us burst out laughing. Jeez, I missed this woman. She was still as nutty and amazing as ever.

"Fred... George... No, JUST CARRY THEM!" Mrs. Weasley suddenly screamed, making each of us turn our heads. It seems Fred and George charmed the containers of stew, butterbeer, and bread across the table. It was sheer reflexes that got me to catch the knife before it hit my hand. Doubtful it would've penetrated the skin, but still.


"Hurricane Molly strikes again," I muttered to Tonks, making her grin.

"Nice reflexes though. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised," Tonks said.

"We were just trying to save a bit of time!" Fred exclaimed. "Sorry Robert. Was a complete accident."

"I doubt you would've barely broken the skin even if it did hit. No harm done. At least not this time," I told them with an insistent tone. They had the decency to look somewhat abashed.

"Boys, your mother's right," Mr. Weasley said, lifting the stew back into the middle of the table. "You're supposed to show a sense of responsibility now you've come of age-'

"-none of your brothers caused this sort of trouble!" Mrs. Weasley yelled at the twins as she slammed a fresh container of Butterbeer onto the table, spilling almost as much in the process. "Bill didn't feel the need to Apparate every few feet! Charlie didn't charm everything he met! Percy-"

She stopped dead, catching her breath with a frightened look at her husband, whose expression was suddenly wooden. This got both me and Harry's attention.

"What about Percy? Did something happen to him?" Harry asked.

"I think we oughta eat," Bill said quickly.

"So that means it's safe to come down now?" Ron asked, peeking out from outside the door. Hermione wasn't bother with peeking and instead came towards me and Harry with a wide smile.

"How are you two?" Hermione asked, hugging the both of us.

"Other than the Dementor incident and the hearing as a result, can't complain," Harry said.

"Same, I suppose," I said with a shrug.

"I'm sure you'll be better after dinner," Mrs. Weasley said hurriedly as everyone sat down. Me and Harry both looked at Ron and Hermione, who signaled they would tell us later. I ended up looking to Tonks, who smiled at me. I grinned back.

A/N: Aight, that's the first chapter. I'm sure the more insightful among you realized really fast that I was going to include Tonks in here. As far as what I'm going to do with Fleur... you'll find out.