Well this sure is a change of pace huh? Now I'd like to point out that my knowledge is a bit rusty on this so do forgive me if there things I screw up or miss.


So now...Bakugan.

If there's one thing I'm grateful for is that I was glad that this was in my childhood! I mean I LOVE Bakugan! This was my jam back in the early 2000's! For this to be in my childhood was awesome from start to finish! I used to watch this every time I come home from primary school and collect the cards and little toy Bakugan...If I can remember where I Put them that is.

*Sigh* A well they're around here somewhere, I'm sure of it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Complexity!

Bakugan Battle Brawlers



What are you gonna do? The Odds are stacked against you! Backed against the wall, gotta give it your all!

This is that final stand! The Power's in your hands!



The Bakugan Battle Brawlers...


I finished unpacking in my new room in my new neighbourhood. I moved from Australia to Wardington, because my Mum got a job here and didn't have to travel just to get to work. Oh where are my manners? My name is Connor Sharp and I am a hard core Bakugan player who, and I don't mean to inflate my ego, is pretty good at the game.

Bakugan has six Attributes in which have different strengths and weaknesses.

Pyrus, the fire element.

Aquos, the water element.

Haos, the light element.

Darkus, the dark element.

Ventus, the wind element.

And Subterra, the earth element.

If you're wondering which one I am. I am a Pyrus Brawler, but that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to change it up a bit and use different elements. Why focus on one element when you can master all 6? Anyway I seem to be getting off topic a little bit, as I got out of bed after taking a small power nap, I got myself dressed into a set of black cargo pants, a white tank top and a green jacket on my person. I brought out a box and put it on my desk before opening it up. The box had sorted out all of the Bakugan I collected and it was easier to have them in the one place I can find them, after taking a few cards and Bakugan I closed the box and put it back.

I then noticed a red, and gold Bakugan sitting on my desk before popping out into a toy like form. It had two horns on its head pointing backwards and another one pointing forwards with the addition of having wings sprouting from its back as well as having arms as well. "You weren't planning on leaving me were ya Partner?" The Bakugan said to me which made me smile. "Now why would I ever do that Leonidas?" I chuckled as I picked up Leonidas in my hands before walking down the stairs.

Seeing as Mum had already left to get some last minute things done for work tomorrow she said I can head on out and get to know the neighbourhood as long as I had my mobile phone on me, I then walked out of the house and began strolling through the street with Leonidas on my shoulder.

As I kept walking we, being Leonidas and myself stumbled upon a park where there were several kids playing Bakugan or talking about Bakugan. "Connor". I turned to Leonidas as he got my attention. "What's up buddy?" I said looking at him. "Over there, by the fountain don't those two look familiar to you?" He asked me as I looked near the fountain and saw two said individuals that stood out like a sore thumb.

Those two were none other than Dan and Runo from the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. They seem to be in some spot of bother with two other people by my perspective, I walked up to them and was noticed by one of the other kids. "Is there a problem fellas?" I asked with my hand tucked in my pockets.

"Butt outta this pal this between me and Dan and nobody else!" The older boy said to me in which I had a brow raised. "Is that so?" I said aloud and looked at Dan and Runo. "Have they been bothering you guys?" I asked them politely. "Yea but it's nothing we can't handle, no biggie". Dan replied before turning my attention to the other two boys. "What's your damage anyway?" I asked them.

"Dan won't challenge me to a Bakugan battle because he's scared that he might lose".

"Hey why don't you check your track record Shuji, because I've won every time I've battled you I'll take you on right now if that's how its gonna go!" Dan shot back at the kid who was now known as Shuji and took out his gate card but I stopped him.

"Why don't you let me battle on your behalf Dan? That way you're not wasting time with this guy?" I asked in which he and Runo looked at me in surprise. "Why would you do that? We barely know you?" Runo asked with curiosity more than anything. "Let's just say people like him have more bark than bite anyway". I smirked which definitely pushed Shuji's buttons.

"If it's a battle you want it's a battle you'll get!" He said pulling out a gate card. "If ya need help I'm not against it, besides it'll be a good test of skill". I said casually and everyone got what I was saying. "2 on 1? Heh, it's your funeral kid, ready Akira?" Shuji said to the other boy whose name was Akira as he copied the other boy's actions. "Ready big brother". Oh they're brothers are they?

"Hold on a minute pal are you sure you wanna do this? I mean even I'm not that insane to go 2 on 1, mostly". Dan said to me. "You don't need to prove anything to us". Runo added. I merely just smiled and brought out my card. "Trust me. You can watch if ya want. I do like an audience…oh and by the way the name's Connor Sharp, and please I insist".

I turned my head towards Shuji and was ready to go.


We both called the words as Akira's card glowed brown, Shuji's was Purple and Mine Red. Runo and Dan held my shoulders so they would be able to come with me to the battle. When we were transported to the battlefield Dan, Runo and I were on one side of the field and Shuji along with his brother Akira were on the other. Above us were distorted colours whereas the ground was nothing but a white flat plain.


We called as we tossed our cards onto the field and enlarged when they hit the ground glowing with their respective colours. "I'll go first, BAKUGAN BRAWL!" Shuji called as he tossed his Bakugan onto the field on his card. "Darkus Griffon Stand!" The game piece glowed purple and was replaced with a Darkus Griffon on the battlefield.

"Heh, amateur". I smirked. 'I got the perfect one to deal with this poser, and I already have a backup plan if things do turn south'. I thought to myself before taking a Haos Bakugan from my belt. "BAKUGAN BRAWL!" I called as I then tossed my Bakugan on the field where Shuji's Griffon was. "Haos Monarus stand!" My piece then glowed yellow before being replaced with my Monarus.

Darkus Griffon power level 300 G's, Haos Monarus power level 310 G's Battle begin.

"BAKUGAN BRAWL!" Shuji and myself called as Griffon came with a swipe of its claws at Monarus but was sidestepped by the Haos Bakugan and was hit with a gust of wind as it took to the air. Monarus was charged at by Griffon but wasn't affected due to the higher power level, and was tossed Griffon off her sending him back to the ground.

"You're toast now. GATE CARD OPEN! DARKUS NORMAL!" Shuji's gate card glowed purple as his Griffon was now engulfed with energy. I checked my Baku pod to see how much power went into that Griffon. Yet Monarus's power level went down at the same time.

Darkus Griffon power level increased 390 G's, Haos Monarus power level decreased 220 G's

"Not so fast mate! ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! DARK DRINKER!" I said as I tossed the card at Monarus and she began to glow yellow as well as sapping Griffon's strength at the same time.


Dark Drinker: Ability Card

Colour: Blue

Effect: Siphon 100 G power from your opponent's Darkus Bakugan, if you have a Haos or Darkus Bakugan, the effect is doubled.


"Dark drinker allows my Bakugan to siphon any Darkus Bakugan's power by 100 G's!" I called out.

"Big deal it's not enough to beat my Griffon due to the power level difference". Shuji said not impressed. "But wait there's more!" I smirked. "WHAT?!" "You see, if the Bakugan is either a Haos or a Darkus Bakugan when Dark drinker is active, they're power is doubled!"

Darkus Griffon power level decreased 290 G's, Haos Monarus power level increased 420 G's. Monarus has advantage.

"Alright Finish the Job Monarus! Take em down!" I called as Monarus spun around and struck Griffon while spinning with her wings sending Griffon back before returning to ball form and landing on the ground in front of Shuji and Akira, but Monarus was returned to my hand and caught her with a satisfied smirk on my face. "That's job satisfaction right there!" I said aloud, I then looked at Monarus and smiled. "You were awesome Monarus, I never had a doubt!" The little Bakugan opened up right in front of me.

"I expected nothing less of you Connor". Monarus said to me in which she would have a smile on her face before joining Leonidas and floating next to me.

"Wait a second". I then turned to Runo and Dan as they got my attention. "How come you have a Pyrus and a Haos Bakugan?" She asked speaking the same question on everyone's mind. "It's simple, why section yourself to one attribute when you can master all 6 of them?" I shrugged.

"I'm next, GATE CARD SET!" Akira then tossed another Gate Card onto the field next to mine which got my attention. "BAKUGAN BRAWL!" He then tossed his Bakugan which was a Subterra attribute. "Subterra Centapoid stand!" A second later a huge centipede emerged from the ground.

Subterra Centapoid power level 270 G's, No other data available.

'Ok then, if his Centapoid is at 270, he must have an ability or gate card that'll increase his power level in order to win. If I pick a strong Bakugan he might turn the tide, if I can counter it we should be good'. I thought to myself. "Ok then, GATE CARD SET!" I called as I tossed another Gate card next to my own. "BAKUGAN BRAWL!" I called as I tossed a Darkus Bakugan this time towards my own Gate card. "Darkus Robotallion stand!" I called as my Bakugan then emerged and then standing tall.

Darkus Robotallion power level 400 G's.

"You can't run from me, GATE CARD SET!" Shuji then tossed another Gate Card onto the field. "BAKUGAN BRAWL!...Darkus Fear Ripper Stand!" Shuji called as Fear ripper emerged on his gate card giving his brother the next turn.

Darkus Fear Ripper power level 330 G's

'What are they up to?' I thought to myself. "BAKUGAN BRAWL!" Akira then tossed his Bakugan onto my Gate card where Robotallion was. "Subterra Stinglash Stand!" A moment later the giant Scorpion like Bakugan emerged.

Subterra Stinglash power level 380 G's Robotallion has advantage.

"ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! Level down!" Akira called as Robotallion began to feel weak.

Darkus Robotallion power level decrease, 100 G's Stinglash has advantage.

"Destroy him Stinglash!" Akira ordered as sting lash went in for the kill. "Fell for it! GATE CARD OPEN! G-Power Exchange!" I smirked as the Gate card then oped up and Robotallion stopped Stinglash's stinger with one hand and showed that the tables had turned again.


G-Power Exchange: Gate Card

Colour: Copper

Effect: Both Bakugan have their G power swapped


Both Bakugan G power swapped. Stinglash Power level 100 G's, Darkus Robotallion power level 380 G's. Robotallion has advantage.

"Robotallion, crush him!" I ordered while smirking, Robotallion then swung Stinglash over its body before slamming it into the ground causing both Bakugan to return to ball form. I caught Robotallion and smirked at my victory. "Now that's what I call a smack down!" I said with pride. "BAKUGAN BRAWL!" I said as I tossed Robotallion again onto Akira's card and was facing his Centapoid.

"Got you now! GATE CARD OPEN! QUADRUPLE BATTLE!" Akira called. "The battle's on hold until there are four Bakugan on the field!" He said as Shuji then tossed his Bakugan on the field. "Darkus Siege stand!" As Siege was now on Akira's side of the card.

Darkus Siege power level 330 G's.

I then smirked at the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. "Ok, ready Monarus?" I asked the Haos Bakugan of the group.

"Ready Connor!" She replied before turning to ball form. "BAKUGAN BRAWL!...Monarus Stand!" I called as I tossed her right next to Robotallion and emerged as she came into contact with the gate card.

Centapoid and Siege team power level 600 G's, Monarus and Robotallion team power level 710 G's.

The Fight then resumed as Monarus took to the skies and set her sights on Centapoid and Robotallion fought Siege. However I saw a look on Shuji's face and knew they had this planned out. "Gotcha now! ABILITY CARD ACIVATE! DARKNESS LASER!" He said as Siege was now puffed up with the ability that Shuji threw out.

Darkus Siege power level increase by 200 G's, Siege and Centapoid team now at 800 G's.

My team was getting over powered due to the massive difference of power but I had a reason for having a Darkus and Haos Bakugan. "What a joke! ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! DUSK TILL DAWN!" I called as both Robotallion and Monarus were now glowing with their respected Attributed colours.


Dusk till Dawn: Ability Card

Colour: Green

Effect: Increases any Haos and Darkus Bakugan by 100 G power on the battlefield.


Haos Monarus and Darkus Robotallion power level increase by 100 G's. Robotallion and Monarus team power level 810 G's.

"Take em down guys!" I called to my Bakugan as they then charged at their opponents and struck them with the final blow sending them both back to ball form and landing on the ground in front of the brothers as I caught my Bakugan in my hands. "Royal flush baby!" I cheered. 'That just leaves the two of them with one Bakugan each. I know Fear Ripper is Shuji's but what does Akira have?' I thought to myself.

"In case you didn't know, Dusk till Dawn buffs any Haos and Darkus Bakugan in the field by 100 G power, having them completely wipe the floor with your Siege and Centapoid!" I smirked at my handy work while doing so.

"You won't be so proud of yourself when we're finished with you!" Shuji yelled. "I'll take care of this big brother, GATE CARD SET!" Akira then set his Gate card next to my first card. "BAKUGAN BRAWL!" He then tossed his remaining Bakugan onto the field on his gate card. "Subterra Mantris Stand!" Akira's Mantris was now on the field.

Subterra Mantris power level 290 G's, no other data available.

"Ok then, BAKUGAN BRAWL!" I called as I tossed my Darkus Bakugan onto Shuji's card. "Robotallion Stand!" I was ready to battle but Shuji activated his gate card. "GATE CARD OPEN! SCAPGOAT!" He called as the battle was then stopped and both out Bakugan were returned to us unharmed.

"Huh?" I asked myself as to why he'd do that.

"What's the matter? Shuji? Too chicken to fight him one on one?" Dan called which got our attention with me raising an eyebrow. "You're not the one that's battling Dan! So why don't you just shut up!" Shuji shot back at him. "Less chatting more Brawling boys! BAKUGAN BRAWL!" I called as I tossed Monarus this time onto Akira's Gate card. Akira smirked at this. "ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! TWIN MACHETE!" He called.

Subterra Mantris power level increase to 390 G's.

'Argh, dammit!' I thought to myself as I knew where this was going.

His Mantris had its arms glowing orange and struck Monarus in a scissor strike sending her back to me in ball form and Akira caught his Bakugan. I picked Monarus up and held her in both hands. "Sorry Monarus, I got a little too greedy there". I apologised to my Bakugan. "It's ok, I think I need to take 5 anyway…ouch". She assured me before putting her in my pocket. I then looked back at the brothers and frowned.

"It's time to wrap this up!" I then looked at Leonidas. "Ready Leo?" I smirked. "Toss me in partner!" He said with visible fire and determination in his voice as he then changed to ball form. "Ok this is the grand finale! BAKUGAN BRAWL!" I said to them as I tossed my Pyrus Bakugan onto Akira's Card. "Rise, LEONIDAS!" I called as from the red light, Leonidas stood at his full height and let pout a mighty roar shocking everyone currently present.

Pyrus Leonidas Power level 510 G's.

(3rd Pov)

"I've never seen that kind of Bakugan before!" Dan said with visible shock in his voice "I mean look at him! He's HUGE!" "I don't think anyone has Dan". Runo added. Then Dan's partner Drago appeared on his shoulder along with Runo's partner Tigrerra. "Drago and I never ever even seen that kind of Bakugan either, this is completely new to us". Tigrerra said aloud. "Not to mention his base power level is strong as well!" Drago stated.

"510 G-power?! How is he that strong just by himself?!" Runo asked with visible shock when she checked Leonidas's power level.

"Just where did he get his hands on that kind of Bakugan anyway?!" Dan asked one of the questions that they all wanted to know. As well as the other that's all on their minds.

Who is this guy?

(Normal Pov)

"You're finished! BAKUGAN BRAWL!... BAKUGAN STAND!" Akira then tossed his Mantris out and was on the same card as Leo. "GATE CARD OPEN! TRIPLE BATTLE!" He called as Shuji's Fear Ripper then Joined the battle making this a 2 on 1.

Mantris and Fear Ripper team Power level 620 G's.

"You're done kid! It's over!" Shuji yelled as his brother cheered in agreement. I merely laughed at this attempt to try and take me down. Which made them very, confused and angry. "You're right about one thing Shuji. It is over…but not for me!" I smirked. "ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE!" I called as I activated Leonidas's signature ability.

"ALPHA BLASTER!" Leonidas Roared.


Alpha Blaster: Ability Card

Colour: Green

Effect: (Leonidas only) Increases your Bakugan's Power level by 200 G's


Pyrus Leonidas power level increase 820 G's.

Leonidas leapt into the air with air with a very loud roar and then fired a charged blast of energy from his maw at both his opponents. "Here comes the-," I dragged on before…


The blast hit the ground creating an explosion sending both Fear Ripper and Mantris back to the brothers and landing on the ground, whereas Leonidas was sent back to me and I caught him in my hand. "Check and Mate, now king me". I smirked with my arms out as the battlefield then closed returning all 5 of us back to the park where we began our battle.

"I can't believe it! First I lose to Dan now this kid?! I can't even take you on with my brother?!" Shuji said with disbelief. "Just wait, I'll get you next time. Mark my words!" Shuji said as he and his brother ran off.

"Sheesh, I kinda figured that his ego was fragile but this fragile? Christ". I said with my brows raised and my arms crossed. Leonidas appeared on my shoulder with Monarus on my other. "Like you said Connor, they're all bark and no bite". Leo stated. "I think their bark was non-existent to begin with now that I think about it". Monarus said as a matter of fact. "Eh, either way, we still won". I said as I then turned to Dan and Runo who were shocked at the fact that I won a 2V1 Battle.

"If you have your jaws any bigger you might swallow a fly". I said with a smile as I put my hands in my pockets. Then closed their mouths and Dan walked up.

"Dude! I've never seen anyone take 2 players on and win like that! That was Awesome!" Dan said patting me on the back. "I agree, that battle was definatly something to behold!" I then looked at Dan's shoulder and saw he had a Dragonoid, a speaking one at that. "Coming from you Drago and Dan, that means a lot". I smiled. "You must be lucky that you have two Bakugan that talk like Drago, a Monarus of all things as well". Dan added. "Yea well she was one of the first Bakugan I got along with Leonidas, dunno where I'd be without em". I replied.

"Speaking of Leonidas, where did he come from if you don't mind me asking?" Runo asked as she walked up to me next to Dan. "The thing is that neither Drago nor Tigrerra know about him".

"Well that's kinda personal to the three of us, and it's something that you need to earn with trust. I got nothing against you guys or anything it's just that trust needs to be earnt if you want to know about it". I stated. "Ok I guess I see your point, and I won't press on it". Dan said with understanding, but Runo was still suspicious but said nothing due to the look on her face. I checked the time and saw what the time was. "Well it was nice to meet you guys in person but I gotta bounce, my Mum need help unpacking a few things". I said as I began to walk off.

"Wait, does that mean your new here?" Dan asked making me stop at in the middle of the stairs. "Yea, I moved all the way from Australia to Wardington cause my Mum got a job here. I'll catch ya later Brawlers!" I said as I began to race back home.

(Dan's House)

"I'm telling you guys Runo and I saw everything! With our own two eyes, as well as Tigrerra and Drago! This guy completely clobbered Shuji and Akira this afternoon!" Dan said to his friend via the net. When they encountered Connor and saw him battle they were impressed at the fact that he beat Shuji and his brother at the same time while only losing one Bakugan in the entire match!

"If he was able to beat two players at once he must be very skilled to do such a feat". Marucho said adjusting his glasses. "And didn't you just say he moved all the way from Australia and into your home town as well Dan?" Julie asked adding to the conversation. "Yea he said his mom got a job here". Dan answered.

"Not to mention his play style is something I've never really seen. He had a Pyrus, Haos and a Darkus Bakugan when he battled Shuji and his brother". Runo stated as Tigrerra added something else to the topic. "His Pyrus Bakugan was named Leonidas, and his form was something we've never seen before".

"And the fact remains that Leonidas's base power level was strong by itself". Drago said adding more to Tigrerra's point. "How big was the power level?" Julie asked. "510 G-power when I checked". Runo answered.

"510 G-power? As a base power level? How is he that strong?" Marucho asked as everyone's eyes went wide. "Better question is how did Connor get a hold of such a strong Bakugan?" Dan asked. "Well not only that but he seems to be hiding something when we asked where Leonidas came from". Runo said with her arms crossed.

Dan was about to reply but he realised that Alice had been pretty quiet during the whole conversation, and she was in thought. 'Something on your mind Alice?" He asked her. "Hmm? Oh it's just that, I've heard that name before". Alice replied. "What Connor?" And in response she nodded. But then she snapped her fingers a moment later.

"Now I remember! He actually visited the Bakugan store a week ago and bought a couple of cards as when he came by". Alice said as the memory came back to her. "Did he have black cargo pants, a white tank top and a green jacket by any chance?" Runo asked and Alice nodded confirming that this was the same Connor that Dan and Runo encountered at the park this afternoon.

"Ok so we know that this is the same guy. I think if he's this strong maybe he can be a good addition to the team. I mean he ain't as good as me but". Dan said dragging his sentence on which made Runo roll her eyes. "I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you Dan, he beat Shuji and Akira only losing his Monarus. Who knows what could happen if he were to battle you". Runo stated. "Sheesh thanks the encouragement Runo". Dan replied sweat dropping.

"Well check his profile and see what's on it". Julie suggested as Dan did exactly that. "Ok let's see, it says he uses all six attributes in the game and he's mainly Pyrus Brawler like me. Other than that nothing that we don't already know. We just might need to ask him next time he's around". Dan explained, but as he was about to close Connor's profile, he saw something that caught his eye.

He was still online.

"Maybe we don't need to wait at all". He said.


I was going over several decks of various cards and Bakugan making sure that they weren't messed up and were sorted out the way I wanted them to be. Leonidas and Monarus were on the table in front of the computer near me. "Guys give me your thoughts for a second. Should I pick Tricky Gate or Scapegoat? I'm a little stumped at the moment". I said holding one card in each hand and comparing them.

"Scapegoat seems like a good option". Monarus suggested.

"Then again, Tricky Gate will have you instantly win a battle in you play it right". Leonidas added. "Whatever you think would be best suited for the deck you're going for". He said. "Well I was planning on going with deception for this one, thinking that the opponent has you but in reality you have them right where you want em". I explained.

"Oh I see, definitely Tricky Gate then". Monarus stated, which made the final decision. I saw my computer pop up with a message. I put the cards away and clicked on the message. "Huh? It's a chatroom invitation". I said as I clicked it and saw who it was from. "From Dan Kuso". With a bit of surprise in my voice.

"You mean the same Dan from the park this afternoon?" Leonidas asked turning to me. "The very same Leo". I said before wondering what I should do. "Are you going to accept it?" Monarus asked. "I mean these guys are the Brawlers, they're well known over the net, for Dan to invite an Aussie like me to the chat room is a little bit of an overwhelming surprise". I explained. "Well they must've saw something in that battle they witnessed you take part in. You did beat two people at once today". Leo said as a matter of fact.

"Yea…yea you're probably right". I replied as I accepted the invitation and waited for the screen to load. A moment later Dan and Runo appeared on the screen as well as Julie Marucho and Alice. "Missing me already Dan? I mean we only just met a few hours ago but". I joked as I pulled my chair in more towards the desk before leaning back in it.

"Well, after witnessing what happened today I wanted to talk to ya more. After all you did had to leave to get back home". Dan replied. "Well I'll admit it wasn't my first 2 on 1 battle, I'm certain it won't be my last". I said rotating my chair left to right while I was leaning back in it.

"Adding on to the 2 on 1 battle topic, Connor what ranking are you?" Marucho asked which made me look at them strangely. "You guys haven't checked?" I asked them and they replied no. "Well how about you do that since I'm now the topic of the day". I mused. Dan did that and started scrolling up. "Ok let's see, uh…WHAT!? NUMBER 7!? HOW DID YOU GET ALL THE WAY THERE?!" Dan cried out as all the Brawlers were shocked to hear it. "You'd be surprised how many of us battle in Australia mate". I chuckled.

"They called me the lucky 7 back home and it kinda stuck after the first fortnight". I smiled. "So, Connor what's it like in Australia?" Julie asked. "Well in all honesty, it's quite a nice place and the folks are always friendly there, we Aussies believe in a fair go and giving each other a hand for our mates". I replied.

"It would be nice vacation spot when you put it that way". Alice said with a smile. "If you do plan on visiting, I recommend the Gold coast, it's got the best hotels and beachside views you could ask for. My family went there once for a holiday one time". I replied. "There's something I don't get with the way you speak". Dan said which made me look at him. "What's wrong with the way I speak?" I asked.

"It's like you speak in a different form of English or something". He explained. "DAN DON'T YOU KNOW THAT'S RUDE!" Runo yelled at him making Dan nearly fall over in his chair. "Easy Runo, its fine I get what he's saying". I stated as all of them looked at me to explain.

"Well for example, here's something we say back home: I'm headin' over to the shops this avo". I said as silence then followed. "What I said as I'm heading over to the shops this afternoon". I explained as everyone when 'oh' in understanding. "The way we speak English is all slang. It's a lot easier to say for us…and harder for you guys to understand now that I mention it". I said. I then checked the time on my computer before looking back up at the Brawlers.

"I need to go guys, it's been a true honour meeting you and I'll hopefully see you tomorrow". I said. "Hey no problem, if you want to battle anyone. Just hook me up and we'll show you our stuff". Dan said with a smirk. "You got balls to challenge the guy whose ranked number 7 Dan. I'll hold ya up to it mate". I smirked back. "Alright see ya guys". I said as they all said goodbye in return and I logged off. I then walked over to my bed and set Leo and Monarus down on the nightstand before pulling the covers over myself.

"G'night guys". I said to my Bakugan while yawning.

"Night partner/Night". They replied before we all dozed off to sleep.

Hey Guys, Connor here, and coming up on Bakugan Battle Brawlers Dan wanted me to meet up at the park and introduce us to his friends in the neighbourhood at Marucho's house. But then when things seem to be going well, Dan and Marucho are challenged by two pop star by the names of Jenny and Jewels who are working for Masquerade by having the Doom card in their possession. However I've got business that an old enemy form home has followed me into Wardington! Someone that I thought I left behind. Will Leonidas and I pull this off? You'll have to tune in to find out, on Bakugan Battle Brawlers Complexity!


See ya there mates!


Never in my life would I ever thought I'd make a Bakugan story. But hey I guess I'd proven myself wrong huh? Now as in regards to Season 2 AKA New Vestroia, I don't want to get everyone's hopes up, since when that was released on TV my school time and the show's time weren't the best I'll be honest. I've seen bits and pieces of it so like I said I don't want to get everyone's hopes up.

As in regards t the pairing for this story...can you really blame me for being attracted to Alice back then?

Now I hope you enjoyed this story and possibly remembering your awesome childhood with this awesome show. So until then I'll see ya next time!

Cronus Prime out!