Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. The crimson that once was drenching his dirty dark blue jacket had dried a while ago. The blood clung to him like it belonged there all along, just like the dust had as well. Caking off in flakes in places when he lazily picked at it with his phalanges as he waited in the snow. His singular red and combined red with a circle of blue mismatched eye lights glancing at the closed door to the Ruins every now and again.


Waiting for her.



Sans dirty grey slippers kicked the snow around his foot out of boredom. His eye sockets glancing to the now stiff body that laid barely five feet away from him. Their once green and yellow sweater stained crimson and ripped from the multiple wounds he had inflicted on them. The snow turned blood red underneath them, reminding Sans of a painting. Their death was a slow agony, torturous for the sins that had crawled on their back for so many timelines. The dust that had covered their clothes for so many timelines had been a testament to that fact and what they deserved. Sans snickered at the thought.

Not like he didn't have his own sins to deal with now.

Not like he was much better.

The dust that not even he could shake off, no matter how hard he tried.

Quickly, Sans shook his head at the thought and turned his glance back at the door. Expecting any moment for them to come walking out, even if he knew they wouldn't. Her body was still next to him after all. If she had reset then it would have faded away into the void along with this timeline. Paranoia wouldn't leave his mind however, that if he turned his back on the door for a second they'd come waltzing out and he'd miss them completely. There was no logic or reason to that line of thinking and yet, Sans didn't care.

It was so hard to care about anything anymore.

Well, that wasn't a hundred percent true, now was it?

Sans still cared about one thing.

The one thing he had cared about this entire timeline.

For several timelines now.

Gaining more LOVE.

His smirk turned into a grimace when the only sounds that could be heard was the slight breeze. Once there had been laughter behind the door he was staring at when he would tell his awful knock-knock jokes. Once he could even hear the howls of excitement of the Royal guard dogs even all the way out here. Once every single day he would hear his brother shouts to wake him up and tell him to take his job more seriously. Now. Well, there was only the wind and the sound his jacket made when he would shift in his spot.

"heh, never realized how quiet things could be." Sans mumbled to himself and even after stating his observation, he knew that wasn't entirely true.

Not ever since they appeared in the Underground.

That's when he had learned a long time ago how silent the world really was when there weren't anyone left to make a sound. A twisted irony of how this time it wasn't their fault for the lack of noise, no, this time it was his.

"YOU DID WHAT WAS RIGHT" Papyrus voice echoed in his head and Sans could only agree with that assessment of his actions.

Sans had been so naive when they had first fallen into the Underground. Letting himself be tamed by a useless promise that only got everyone he knew killed again, again and again. He allowed himself to be apathetic towards others plight, hoping that once she got bored of killing everyone over and over that maybe they'd try something else. That day never came. Each reset only brought on more and more death. More dust to cover their clothes and knife. Each time she came back their smile even more malicious and gleeful each time. Sans couldn't understand back then that they would never stop until he actually did something about it. The timelines he did fight them, he always lost, only to be thrust back into the hell of their twisted game over again.

A never ending cycle of death.

On and on and on it went with no sign of changing.

She just had to much LOVE.

Always just to determined.

Sans glanced at their body still laying in the snow and smirked.

Well, they were, anyways.

Not now and never again.

Sans had seen to that personally.

It was such a simple solution to his overbearing problems that once he had figured it out, he couldn't help the laughter at his own stupidity for not figuring it out earlier. Sans knew he couldn't win against the human with how pathetic his LV was. All he needed to do was gain more. If only he had thought about that timelines ago, he could have avoided so much misery for everyone involved. As easy as it was to follow through with his plan it still didn't keep the nightmares at bay after his first few kills. Sans remembered how he would wake up screaming for the crimes he had done and how his brother would come in to his room to check on him. Still, that eventually faded away with time. After all, he had been doing this for everyone. If a few had to die for he could stop the human once and for all then the cost was worth it.

"DIRTY BROTHER KILLER." Papyrus voice whispered accusingly in his ear and Sans couldn't help the slight frown he gave at that.

"heh, yeah, i am. still it's better this way. better than what they would have done to ya," Sans argued back and when the voice gave no response back, he couldn't help, but sigh. "c'mon, paps, don't tell me you're still bitter about that, ya know i didn't have a choice. right?" Slight maddening desperation clung to his tone and he shuddered at the sound.


That was the question that had been plaguing him for hours. Why was their body still lying next to him? Why hadn't they reset yet? Did they really give up finally? Did he finally stop her? He doubted it. No. It had to be a nasty trick from the human. Making him see a slight glimmer of hope that all the madness that his life had been dragged into for countless resets was finally over. That his victory would be snatched away from him, just for she could mock him for ever thinking he could have a shred of optimism.

She wouldn't fool him.

Sans would wait in this spot forever if he had to.

What else was he supposed to do anyways?

A few more hours went by into the night as he sat there. Occasionally, Sans would get up to stretch his stiff bones from sitting to long. He even got bored enough at one point during his wait to summon a Gaster Blaster to destroy a couple of the forest trees. His brother's voice chided him for that one until he agreed to stop. Leaning his back against the tree, he sighed and waited. His grin fading from his countenance the more time that passed by. The wind was picking up more as it seemed a winter storm was rolling in. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't really feel the cold that much he would have been a bit bothered.

Heh, not like it will even last once she resets.

His thoughts were interrupted however by the sound of a door opening. Sans smirk grew in sadistic anticipation at the thought of what new ways he'd kill them again this time. She had purposefully SAVED right after he was forced to kill everyone a few timelines ago, to mock him. Telling him how once she stopped coming back like he wanted how he'd be all alone in the world. It was a slow fear that had been building within his soul for the hours now. He needed his victory as that's all that mattered in the world, but Sans couldn't shake the worry that their words might ring true. Mad eye lights glanced to the side and his smirk only turned into confusion when he saw that the body did not move from its spot on the ground.

The world hadn't been reset.

Then who was coming out of the Ruins?

"DID YOU MISS ONE YOU LAZYBONES?" Sans glanced at the floating head of his brother, who looked even more disappointed in him with the thought.

"heh, don't be silly, pap. you know i always take care of the ruins first." Sans gritted his teeth as he spoke.

It was a true statement even if he hadn't been in the Ruins for a good number of timelines now. Sans knew he couldn't risk the human gaining even a little bit of LOVE and when the world reset and that's where they always returned first. Luckily and unfortunately for the monsters in the Ruins it never took him very long to kill them off. They were the weakest monsters in the Underground after all. Besides, he couldn't recall when it happened, but every time the world reset his LOVE never vanished from him anymore. Even if he had the strength he needed to kill the human it didn't stop him from murdering everyone off in the Underground over and over again. Giving the human any leeway in a fight against him would just be a foolish mistake. However, he thought with their last save that he didn't have to worry about that anymore. Now, he wasn't as sure as he watched from the shadows of the forest, waiting to see who would exactly come out of the door. Sans refused to believe he had missed a monster timelines ago.

He was always so careful.

Well if he had then that could be easily fixed.

Better if whoever it was died by his mercy than the cruelty they would only receive from the human.

It was a kindness that he would willingly give to his fellow monsters.

Blue and purple stripped sweater was the first thing he could see when she appeared from out the door timidly. She was nowhere near the age of a child, but not an adult either. Around the others human's age if he had to take a guess. Every single thought stopped in its tracks as his mad gaze was locked on the girl. Purple flames sparked from his left eye socket as he took in exactly what he was seeing. As the girl took more steps away from the door, glancing at the vast forest around her, his bloodlust was coming more and more to the forefront of his mind. Her medium brown hair looked exactly the same as Chara's, though her change of outfit had completely set him off his usual track of mind.

Was this still Chara?

It had to be?


His eye-lights glanced back to the frozen corpse in the snow and for the first time in so many timelines now, Sans had no inkling of an idea of what was even going on anymore. The world didn't reset? No. It had to have. This must be some trick the human was playing on his already shattered mind. That was the only logical conclusion he could come to.


What if?

Sans teleported from tree to tree to watch her continue her cautious stroll. Not once did he take his gaze away from her as he contemplated his next move. In the end he knew it didn't matter if it was Chara or not. He would still kill her. Humans couldn't be trusted. He knew that. Learned that the hard way. Yet, he felt like prolonging this endeavor at the moment. When she finally made it to the gate his brother had poorly constructed years ago, he teleported behind her. His magic sparking purple and alerting the human that someone was near her. Sans could have been more sneaky with his approach, but he didn't feel the need to. After all she wouldn't be alive for much longer anyways.

" n." His voice was deep and held the underlying threat of her death that would soon follow.

Her body stiffened at the sound of his voice and he knew he had startled her. Good. She should be afraid of him. Sans wasn't known for his mercy when it came to humans anymore. They didn't deserve it. When she didn't turn around immediately his grin only widened at her hesitation.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? KILL THE HUMAN ALREADY!" His brother's red eye lights narrowed at him disapprovingly and Sans gave a simple shrug. He honestly wished Papyrus would be quiet right now. He didn't want the human to try and run off right away. After all he wasn't done with them yet.

" l?" His voice hid his excitement, if it was Chara like he suspected, then their reaction would prove that soon enough.

The girl shivered at the tone of his voice and ever so slowly she turned around. When she turned to face him, he was even more surprised.


Not crimson.


It couldn't be Chara.

Then why is she here?

Sans could only stare at this new human and by the widening of her eyes it proved to him even more so that this human wasn't the same one who had plagued his life for so very long now. They both looked to eerily alike for comfort, regardless if he could pick up the difference. The girl was observing his demeanor as much as he was with her and when she took a small step back, his smirk widen. This could prove even more interesting than he originally thought. Perhaps, he should prolong this encounter? Have some fun until Chara came back?

Another thought hit him like a ton of bricks.

Perhaps it was possible.


A small surge of hope flickered in his soul. If this human had come did that mean Chara wasn't coming back? Did he finally win? If so would this human be the same as they were? What did it mean that this one had appeared? She wouldn't have any LOVE so she was no threat to him. Was she a threat? Would this human try and attack him? She didn't seem like the type, not like he could be so sure anyways.

Doesn't matter.

She needs to die.

There is too much risk with keeping her alive if the world reset.

Chara wouldn't have hesitated to kill her for more LOVE.

So why would Sans?

She was staring directly in his eye lights and after a few tense seconds she gave a small smile even if it was strained. No doubt she was nervous. She wouldn't have met any other monsters besides him this timeline anyways. They've all were killed so long ago now. Sans extended his left hand out for her to shake as a dark chuckle escaped him. Unaware to the human in front of him, sharp purple bones appeared behind her. Ready to impale her without a shred of mercy.

"names sans. sans the skeleton." His voice was deathly calm.

Not like it mattered to him if she learned his name. She'd be dead soon. Yet, he was giddy at seeing her reaction. Sans wondered if killing her would increase his LOVE any. He had learned that not every kill did so, but it wouldn't matter. The more LOVE he had the better it would be for when Chara returned.

"Frisk." She told him her name as she shakily took his hand and his grip went tight. "You have pretty... eyes" she added as an afterthought.

Unbeknown to Frisk, Sans aimed the bones straight at her back. Ready to kill her in one strike. However, his gaze shifted to the side as he heard his brother's whispers in his mind.


His left eye flashed purple as the bones shot forward. Piercing straight through the back of her knees. Breaking her knee caps for she wouldn't be able to run away from him even if she wanted to. Not like she ever could. Sans would always find her if it came down to that. This was just the easier solution to a pointless problem. Her brown eyes widened in shock as her body stumbled forward. Loud screams tore from her throat and pierced the silent air around them, Sans was thankful for the noise. It had been too quiet for far too long now. A sound he wasn't sure he would ever hear again. Her head hit his chest as he pulled her even more towards him. Frisk's body trembled in his grasp as he gave soft rubs with his phalanges to her back in a mock sense of comfort. Tears stained his white turtle neck shirt. Mixing in with the crimson and the dust that coated his attire. His soul beat rapidly in his chest with his growing excitement.

"shh," Sans cooed mockingly at her torment. "the pain won't last too long, kid. heh, we'll maybe it will. we will just have to see won't we?" With that said, he pulled back from her and watched as she fell face first into the snow. Her body trembling as gasps of pain escaped her clench teeth.

Sans watched her silently for a few moments, but when she tried to push herself up on her shaky hands he scoffed; with a tinge of annoyance and with a small flick of his phalanges, two purple bones shot from the ground and pierced right through her hands. The humans scream was even louder this time and he chalked that up to her shock during his first attack. Sans hummed in approval at the sound.

"where do ya think you're goin'? can't have you running off just yet, now can we? nope, that just wouldn't do." His red and blue eye light pulsed rapidly at the sight before him.

Humans did always look better covered in red.

It made them look more vulnerable.

Less dangerous than he knew they could be.

"P-Please..." her voice startled him. "Stop..."

Chara had never begged him. Never asked for his mercy. She would scream. She would cry. She would curse his name, fuck, she even mocked him that his efforts to stop her were futile even as he tortured her for hours on end. Regardless, not once did Chara ever ask him to stop. Never said the word please and now he felt an old familiar sting in his chest that he hadn't felt in so many timelines. He couldn't place the feeling perfectly. However, it held him back just for a second. Hesitating, didn't sit very well within his thought process anymore. Sans felt a grip on both his shoulders and he glanced to the side at his brothers floating skull. The look in those red eye lights made him want to recoil away and hide, but he held his ground. Papyrus wouldn't hurt him. Papyrus couldn't hurt him. No one could. Not anymore. Yet, seeing so much disdain directed at him bothered him.


The words cut through his soul like a blade had done so many times before. The regret and shame radiated off of him in waves at his failures from before. It didn't matter if this human was begging him for mercy. If given the chance he knew she wouldn't offer any to him if their positions were reversed. A long sharp bone materialized in his hand. His eye lights pulsed frantically as his gaze trailed down to the whimpering human at his feet. Timelines ago he might have felt true pity at her plight. Timelines ago he was a very much a different monster. The sharp end of the blade traced her cheek, leaving thin cuts in her flesh as she tried to pull away the best she could, but it only rewarded her with cutting her skin even more. Sans let out a small amused chuckle as he used the bone to tap under her chin for she would be forced to look up at him. What he expected to see was hatred in her eyes like he had seen with Chara every time. What he saw instead made his soul plummet in his chest.


There was definitely fear.



There was also.


Sans wasn't going to give what he saw a word for it. He just couldn't. He knew that look. He'd seen it so many times before. Papyrus had given him that look when he-No! No! No.

His eye sockets narrowed down on her as his sins felt like it was tearing his soul apart. Past pleas for mercy that he just couldn't give. The monsters he killed just didn't understand. They never remembered the resets. Didn't suffer like he had. The only one who understood why he did what he had to do was Papyrus and now this human was... Sans couldn't deal with this. Refused to. Not from a human. Even if it wasn't Chara. Humans were all the same, they had to be.


Sans didn't hesitate. Killing her slowly didn't seem like a good idea anymore. Not when she looked at him like she did. Like she understood- like she- He lifted up the bone up high and swung it down straight into her neck. Blood splattered the snow around her and onto his shorts. He watched as her mouth opened and she tried to speak a single word, only for her to cough out more blood. Her body convulsed and the sounds of her choking should have calmed him down. It didn't. Not when he was able to decipher what she was going to say to him. Not when he watched her body start to still on the cold snow. Not even when her brown eyes that had that look that bothered him so much start to fade away into nothing. Sans just stared down at the humans dying body. Watched as she took her last breath and the glassy stare into nothingness he had seen so many times before. A red glow illuminated the area around them not long after her body stopped moving entirely. The implications far more nerve wracking as the red orb shattered into pieces. He couldn't move, couldn't even bother to breath as his soul became more contaminated with LOVE and all he could do was ask himself the same question she was about to ask him.


The darkness was all around Frisk and everything felt so cold. So empty. Like nothing existed and she felt the creeping dread wash over her. Suffocating her in its embrace. Wanting her to let go of everything that held her together. Brown eyes tried to make sense of her environment, but nothing was making any sense to her. She couldn't feel. Could barely move. It was all too much. Foreboding on something she just couldn't understand.

What happened?

Where was she?

How did she get her?

Frisk tried to piece her memories together. She could recall yellow flowers. A maze of tunnels that was covered in dust. A house that had seemed abandoned, yet was in still perfect condition. A door that led to a snowy forest that made her wish she had the proper attire for the weather. Then there was a skeleton. An actual living skeleton that looked terrifying, but seemed friendly enough. Then. There was only.


Agonizing pain.

Her hand shot to her legs as she remembered the bones that pierced through them.


Absolutely nothing was there.

Frisk removed her hand and slowly traced her neck and again she was met with the same result. It was like nothing had happened. Had it been a dream? Was she still dreaming? Then why did it feel so real? None of this made any sense to her. This all had to be a dream. Right? She wanted that to be the case, however deep down she knew it wasn't. It was too easy for her to recall the pain that skeleton inflicted on her.

The skeleton.

Why did he attack her?

What did she do?

Was she dead?

She had to be.


She couldn't have possibly survived those wounds.


A shiver went up her spine as she remembered how calm the monster looked as her screams tore from her throat. How his bones went through her flesh like cutting through butter. He hadn't so much as blinked as she withered on the snow at his feet. It hurt. She had never felt pain like that before and all the while he just stood there like her agony meant nothing to him. Of course it didn't matter to him. The skeleton had been the one to inflict that pain upon her. Why would he care when she reacted the way that he wanted? When he had introduced himself, she had felt wary by the state of his clothing. Let alone the fact she had never seen a living skeleton before. But, he had offered her his hand. Had told her his name and Frisk had hoped that he had meant her no harm. She allowed herself to trust him. Which made the situation worse as she was the one to blame for him taking full advantage at her naivety. Her knees went to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them. Slowly rocking back and forth as she tried to keep her tears at bay. Part of her could still feel the phantom pain of her injuries the longer she sat there in the silence. All she wanted to do was disappear. To wash away those memories of her bleeding out on the cold snow. Still she couldn't shake the feeling if she was dead then why was she here? Was this darkness the place people went when they died?

A new wave of fear hit her full force.


She didn't want to die!

Frisk wanted to live!

There was too much in her life she hadn't done yet.

It wasn't fair!

Frisk was only sixteen years old.

She had just escaped from a life that caused her so much pain and to just be murdered before she even had a chance at something better.

Her body wanted to shut down. To disappear into nothingness with the darkness that crept around her. Suffocating her and demanding she cease to exist!


Frisk couldn't let that happen.




A bright red glow illuminated the darkness around her. Chasing away the dark and she could feel the warmth from the glowing orb floating in front of her. The surface didn't look smooth as it seemed too glistened, pulsing as if a heartbeat. Its sheer presence felt so comforting. A soft humming sound could be heard coming from the orb. Frisk was mesmerized by the sight alone. A pleasant smile played on her lips as all the dread washed away from her mind. For the first time since she had fallen Underground, she had finally felt safe. This beautiful red orb shone even brighter at her thoughts. Like it could solve all her problems if she simply just grasped it into her hands. As she was about to do just that a voice that sounded way to close stopped her in her tracks.

"Is going back really what you want?"

The voice held no emotion that Frisk could decipher and despite how much light the crimson orb illuminated around her she couldn't find the one who had spoken to her.

It sounded like a girl.

However, she couldn't be sure.

But, she didn't have much time to process that train of thought as the words that had been spoken finally processed in her mind.

Go back?

What did they mean by go back?

Was that even a possibility?

"Who are you?" Frisk inwardly cringed at how hoarse her voice sounded.

Only silence greeted her question and the dread started to grasp around her heart once again.

Perhaps she was going crazy?

Then they spoke to her again and only gave her more questions.

"If you go back... he'll just kill you again. I doubt that comedian will be as merciful another time around."


The Skelton.


His name was Sans.

Did this voice know him?

Did they know why he had killed her?

"How do you know him?" Frisk tried again to get more answers.

Yet again she was denied any answers as if this voice couldn't care less for what she had to say.

"It might be easier for you in the long run if you just stayed dead." The voice sounded contemplative on their words as if they weren't sure if that was what they wanted to happen.

While they seemed perplexed by the notion of their statement, Frisk felt entirely differently. She didn't want to die. Death was so very final. There weren't second chances if she accepted that fate. If she could go back then maybe she could survive this time. Perhaps, the skeleton wouldn't kill her again like this voice said he would? Maybe, she could try and reason with him? There was always a chance as long as she was still breathing. As long as she stayed Determined!

Whoever was speaking to her seemed to be able to read her thoughts as she heard an amused giggle coming from what seemed all around her in the darkness. It was cold and mocking and made Frisk's own determination start to dwindle. Regardless, she had made her decision and she knew if it was at least true that she could go back then she had to take the opportunity while she can.

"Go ahead. Try again. I'll be waiting for you when you return."

Frisk didn't want to listen to the others words anymore. Knowing that if she did than she might lose all the hope she was desperately clinging to. She wouldn't die this time. She couldn't! There had to be a way! Her hand reached out and grasped the orb as tightly as she could. The orb sent a tingling sensation through her fingers and up her arms, before consuming her body. Its warmth instantly radiated her entire being. The humming was all she could hear, like a melody that could lure her to sleep if she allowed it to. A surge of power that she had never felt before as she brought it closer to her chest. Her vision blurred as a gasp escaped her. She had never felt like this before. It was almost overwhelming and still she held onto the orb, afraid of letting go and plummeting into the darkness that wanted to capture her. Brown eyes closed as she took in breaths of air and it felt like she was falling backwards by a force she couldn't describe. Even then she wasn't afraid as her head felt dizzy and bright light filled her vision.




Frisk held on to the feeling like a life line.

Her heart pounded in her chest.

All she could feel was determination.

The world of darkness dissolved around her.


Sans felt the reset happen seconds before it came. His mind instantly becoming alert to the world around him changing. He was never fond of the feeling. Never certain of how far back he would be sent back in time again. The skeleton could barely brace himself as his he felt the pull of force hit him. Throwing him back to an earlier part of time. No matter how many times he went through this it didn't change how disoriented he felt. How vulnerable it made him feel despite his high LOVE. He still couldn't control the timeline. Not while someone else had more determination in their soul than he did. It angered him. All he wanted was for all of this to end. To be able to go back and not have that anomaly ruin the lives of everyone he knew. The world swirled around him and all Sans could do was close his eye sockets and let it happen.

What felt like hours to him only went by in seconds and next thing he knew he was sitting next to the tree that he was at earlier. His body jolted with a start and for a moment he couldn't remember what had just happen. Perhaps he should just rest? Take a short nap for he could calm down his mind? Yet, he felt like there was something he should be doing right now? As if he forgot something very important.

Shouldn't he be on the lookout for something?

Was that it?

Wouldn't Papyrus be checking on him soon?

Was that what he was forgetting?


That couldn't be it.

The confusion didn't last long however, as flashes of memories slammed into his head making him wince as the headache came like it always did and his magic spark around him. His bones rattling from the pure energy of his magic wanting to be unleashed. Sans clutched his hands to his skull as he tried to focus.

A blue and purple sweater.

Blood on white snow.

Brown eyes begging him for mercy.


Crimson eyes and a smile that always sent a shiver down his spine, no matter how many times he saw it.

Her knife ready to cut him down if he allowed her the chance.

His laughter echoing through the woods as he pinned her down to the snowy ground underneath him.

Determined to break them.

Determined to make them stop coming back!

Her voice mocking him as he slowly cut into her chest with his sharp purple bone he formed.

Carving a large 'S' for she wouldn't forget who would always be waiting for her if she dared come back.

Screams of pain as his magical bones pierced the human's body.

Making her fall to her knees in front of him.

Her gurgled cries as he stabbed open her throat to end her as quickly as possible.

A look in her brown eyes that made his soul-

Sans shot up to his feet as his eye sockets flew open. His breathing was haggard as he tried to piece together his memories. Two sets of young human girls in his mind that looked so similar, yet acted so different from each other. Both dying by his hand in different very effective ways. Glancing around him Sans found the human's body still laying there a couple of feet away.

Green and yellow clothing.

Not blue and purple.

Which meant?


"SEEM'S WE HAVE A PROBLEM BROTHER." Papyrus spoke as solemnly as Sans felt.

Sans took one look at the Ruins closed door and felt his usual grin twitch.

A reset had just occurred.

Not by Chara.

Not by his own determination he had to kill so many monster's to achieve.

But, by this new girl.


Sans couldn't help it. He just laughed a humorous-less laugh. Purple magic surging around his bones as he gripped his rib cage tightly. Falling to his knees in the snow. He couldn't stop laughing. It was hilarious in all the wrong ways. The hood of his jacket covered his eye lights as he dropped his skull. Staring at the white snow as chuckles continued to escape him. That red glow he had seen when she died. Her soul the same damn color of Chara's.

Heh, another damn anomaly he had to deal with.

Sans didn't even acknowledge the concerned look his brothers floating skull was giving him as he stood up. Didn't even stop to talk with him or glance at Chara's body on the ground as he walked in the direction to the Ruins. His chuckles dying down slightly with each step he took. His grin widening even further as he lifted his head.

Life was just too much hilarious irony.



He wasn't even sure if there was a chance to go back to the beginning.

All that effort.

All his sins crawling on his back.

All that LOVE that contaminated and strengthened his soul.

Might have all been for nothing.

Heh, well, he'd see about that.

Sans nodded his head at the thought. Turning his sharp gaze at the Ruins doors before him.

He's already broken one anomalies determination.

He managed to stop Chara from coming back.

What was this new human's name again?


That's right.


Well then.

Frisk was in for a mad time.

Might as well do it all over again.

No matter how many times it takes.