"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." – Saint Augustine

Warning: blood, gore, and violence

"Do you have any preference, officers?" Tsuna said, busying himself with the tea basket. "I have sencha, chrysanthemum, kukicha, and"—he wrinkled his nose—"Assam." What? He thought he threw it all out.

Yamamoto laughed good-naturedly from the long dining table. Tsuna glanced at him from the corner of his eye and pursed his lips when he noticed the man's Contract Mark on the back of his hand. He only got a glimpse of some thin black lines that looked like tree branches before Yamamoto raised that hand. "I'm good!" the man said. "Thanks, Tsuna! Can I call you Tsuna?"

"No" stood at the tip of Tsuna's tongue but he managed to say, "Of course. Sawada-san would be too awkward. You can call me Tsuna. Hibari-san, would you like tea?"

Hibari didn't give him any sense of acknowledgement. His eyes were solely focused on Mukuro who was leaning his hip against the kitchen counter. With his brow slightly twitching, Tsuna just set on making sencha tea. He had heard about Hibari's…silent attitude but seeing it up close was terribly irking.

Yamamoto seemed to catch onto the awkwardness rather quickly despite looking like a dunce. "You have a really nice house, Tsuna," he said. "It's pretty big."

"Thank you," Tsuna said as pleasantly as he could.

He tried hard to ignore Mukuro's huff of laughter beside him. The demon's hot breath ghosted his cheek, making Tsuna's fingers slightly twitch from the unexpected sensation. Instead of drawing attention to themselves by scowling at Mukuro, Tsuna glared at the violet ring on his hand. He wished looks could kill and burn.

"You live pretty far from town," Yamamoto said when Tsuna approached the table with a tray of tea.

"I'm glad you noticed," Tsuna said, setting a cup down for Hibari.

"Doesn't it get lonely? You're still young a—"

"I prefer being alone."

Yamamoto smiled ruefully. "Ah, yeah, I'm sorry for pushing." He rubbed the back of his head. "Guess I'm still somehow in investigator mode."

Tsuna kept a cool face. "It's no problem. I get that all the time."

He raised a brow when Mukuro pulled his chair out for him. A bout of awkward silence passed between them despite Mukuro's cordial smile. Reluctantly, he sat down and tensed a bit when Mukuro gently pushed his chair in. He stirred his cup of tea to distract himself. "So, Yamamoto-san," he said, "you wanted to talk about…?"

Yamamoto straightened himself though his breezy smile remained on his face. Tsuna just noticed the small scar over his chin. "Yes!" the detective said. "Our department picked up on some pretty strong power spike earlier. We tracked it down here and were wondering if you knew or saw what happened."

Tsuna feigned a nervous tick by rubbing his fingers together in plain sight, not missing the way Yamamoto glanced at his hand. It was better to pose as a helpless kid in front of people like him. "Something did happen," Tsuna said, slowly. "I don't know if I can talk about it…"

Yamamoto nodded sympathetically. "It's okay, Tsuna. Take your time. I'll help you walk the process."

Tsuna smiled faintly to show a sign of gratefulness. "I took the summoning rites at school today," he said, looking down at his cup. "We all did; but something was…off. Vongola Nono came to watch us. I'm not sure why but I didn't think too much about it. I didn't want to get distracted."

Yamamoto smiled. "I understand. It's best to keep your head in the game when you're summoning. You did good there, Tsuna."

It was a little odd that Yamamoto barely showed much reaction to Timoteo's presence. Although Vongola was one of the most powerful hunter organizations in the world, it's prestige didn't warrant them special attention, especially when it came to Namimori. If one couldn't get past the infamous Hibari Clan, who had been hunting demons for centuries and staked their claim over the small town, they would have to look elsewhere. Tsuna didn't remember them being on any good terms with Vongola so…how was Nono able to gain access here? Did he use Tsuna's parents' names? Just thinking about it had Tsuna's blood boiling.

He mentally shook his head. This wasn't the time to lash out, not when he had company. "There was someone with Nono," Tsuna continued. "I couldn't tell if he was a demon or not but he seemed…off."

Yamamoto perked up then, his eyes taking on a much more serious gleam. "Someone with Nono?"

"Yes. We had a fairly…rough meeting later when I was heading back home. He jumped me out of nowhere." Tsuna omitted the part of meeting Nono. He had to be careful with what he was saying. Even if Yamamoto wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, he didn't know much about Hibari, who had been silent during the whole conversation. "I don't know if I could've survived if I hadn't summoned Mukuro."

Yamamoto furrowed his brows, the first sign of anything but joviality. "Did he say why he attacked you?"

Tsuna pursed his lips. "Demons don't explain themselves even in the most precarious situations, Yamamoto-san. That demon was no different. I don't know why he attacked me. If you'd like, please take it up with Nono. I'm sure he'd give you an answer."

Yamamoto laughed to ease the tension. "You're right! They wouldn't. Your familiar must be pretty strong then!"

Calling Mukuro a familiar was too much of a compliment, even if it was just a watered-down version of "demon". The connotation was much more…intimate. Yamamoto must be one of those people who saw demons as equals or something along the line. A contract was a contract though, and demons had the short end of the stick. How could they be considered equals?

"He's acceptable," Tsuna said mildly. "The scale was more tipped in the other demon's favor if Nono hadn't come."

Mukuro, who'd stayed eerily quiet, posing as the oh-so obedient demon, exhaled softly behind him. Whether it was from amusement or annoyance, Tsuna didn't know.

Hibari slightly narrowed his eyes then, the first reaction Tsuna had seen from the detective. "Was the demon the carnivore?"

"The…the what?" Tsuna said, blinking.

Yamamoto grinned reassuringly. "Hibari sometimes speaks in very vague terms. It can be hard for a lot of people to catch onto what he's saying. The familiar you saw with Nono—did he happen to wear a really nice suit and hat?"

"He was fashionable, yes," Tsuna deadpanned. "Why? Do you know him?"

Yamamoto rubbed his chin, drawing Tsuna's gaze to his scar again. He wondered if it was from battle or something else. Maybe his demon lashing out at him in some way. They could easily take advantage of someone like Yamamoto. "That's weird," he said to no one in particular.

"Herbivore," Hibari said, "don't speak."

Yamamoto grinned sheepishly. "Ah, right." He turned to Tsuna with friendly eyes. "It seems like you have a strong familiar with you. We would've been working on some other paperwork if he wasn't there. Maa, you're pretty lucky that today was your summoning rites!"

Tsuna really wanted the detectives to leave at this point. He was getting nowhere, they were getting nowhere—all he wanted was to see was if the detectives could provide as a distraction for Reborn and Nono for some time. For a moment, he had even thought that they could've been allies but they weren't proving to be useful. Suppressing a sigh, Tsuna forced on another smile.

"I suppose," he said. "Is there anything else you need?"

Yamamoto shook his head. "I think we're good. You were a great help, Tsuna! Thanks."

Tsuna blinked. "That's it?"

"Yup! We can take care of things from here."


That was one of the most…anti-climactic interrogations Tsuna had ever been in. Either he was seriously overthinking this or overestimating the detectives. He made a mental note to have Mukuro dig in their histories later.

"I see…" Tsuna said, unsure of what to say.

Yamamoto's grin was still in place. "Thanks again, Tsuna! You helped a lot."

Tsuna couldn't help but look a little skeptical. "Right. You're welcome."

"Ah, if you don't mind me asking, do you know if you're going to become a Dominus?"

Tsuna quirked a brow. Dominus was Latin for "master" and the basic prerequisite to becoming an Exorcist. Most students in summoning schools go on to become one with some choosing to return to civilian society at the expense of giving up their summoning rights and knowledge. No one could risk them straying off the conventional path or sharing the existence of the underworld with the public.

"I am," Tsuna said. "I don't know which one yet."

Yamamoto smiled. "You have nothing to worry about. You're still in school. You have time to think it over." He winked. "Although, it'd be nice to have some extra help in the DSCU. With a familiar like him, you could be a powerful Hunter."

Hunter was a category of Dominus summoners who were able to fight alongside their demons against any supernatural threats. They were usually detectives or soldiers where anti-demon weapons could be used. Tsuna's father had been a Hunter in Vongola until he married his mother, who had been a Weaver, someone who studied magic. There were different specialties for each Dominus category that grew longer with each century from rapidly-evolving technology and knowledge. The gist was that humans shouldn't be underestimated.

"It's tempting," Tsuna said dryly, "but after meeting him, I'm reconsidering. I might become a Priest instead."

Priests were a sub-category of Weavers. By using holy scriptures and the Bible, they could expel and fend off demons with powerful spells. They were mostly family-orientated but summoners who were interested in pursuing them were allowed to join as well. The catch was that they could not have a demon contract since it was seen as "unpurifying". Students who wanted to become Priests had to go through a ceremony to get rid of the "evil remnants" of their first demon summon, which was just a way to ensure a student's capabilities of becoming an Exorcist.

"Oya," Mukuro said, drawing the detectives' attention immediately, "was my first impression that terrible, young master?"

Tsuna's brow slightly twitched at the embarrassing title. "Very."

He could sense the demon smile without looking at him. "I'll do my best then to ensure I stay by your side," Mukuro said.

"Feelings are one-sided then." Tsuna sipped his tea, noticing that Hibari had already drunk half of his own cup.

Yamamoto laughed. "You two seem to be on good terms already! That's great."

Tsuna resisted the strong urge to just sigh right then and there. "Is there anything else you need, Yamamoto-san?"

"Nope! I think we're good. Right, Hibari?"

The other detective just left the dining room and headed for the front door without a word. Tsuna's vein nearly popped if he hadn't had so much restraint. Mukuro's breathy chuckle behind him was just pushing it. By the time they reached the entrance, Hibari had already left for the car.

"Thanks for the help, Tsuna!" Yamamoto said, slipping on his shoes. "We really appreciate it!"

Tsuna forced on another smile. "Of course, Yamamoto-san. I hope it was enough."

"It was! Ah." Yamamoto dug for something inside his suit jacket before procuring a small white card. He handed it to Tsuna, grinning. "This is my card! If there's anything you need, you can always reach out to me."

Tsuna seriously wasn't sure if Yamamoto was actually being nice or if this was just another pity handout. Still, he took the card with a slight smile. "Thank you, Yamamoto-san."

He didn't return in the house until the detectives' car was out of sight in the distance. His smile immediately fell as he slammed the door shut.

Mukuro hadn't moved from his spot by the stairwell and his own smile hadn't waned in the slightest. "Why the long face, Tsunayoshi?" he said, following the brunet back to the dining room. "I believe your mother liked that you were making friends."

Tsuna turned around so quickly, he bumped into Mukuro's chest. Despite his nose burning from the sudden impact, Tsuna continued to glare at the demon. The bastard didn't even budge. "Don't mention my mother again," Tsuna said lowly. "Ever."

Mukuro merely raised his hands in surrender, though his eyes shone in amusement. "Of course. I apologize."

Without giving him a response, Tsuna made his way back to the dining table. He picked up the cups and dumped them in the sink. His hands tingled from the cold water when he turned on the faucet, until it warmed up. No matter what he did, the ring wouldn't come off. He clicked his tongue, returning the clean cups in the pantry.

"You won't eat?" Mukuro said, leaning against the fridge.

"I'm not hungry," Tsuna said.

"It's not good to miss a meal, Tsunayoshi."

Tsuna raised his left hand. The ring gleamed prettily under the lights. "What is this, Mukuro?" he hissed.

Mukuro smiled. "It's a ring, Tsunayoshi."

"Don't try to be clever. What is this? Why did you put it on me?"

"I'm never fond of repeating myself."

Tsuna's right eye burned. "It's an order. Tell me what this is."

Mukuro sighed dramatically, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. Tsuna was very tempted to have him rip his own hands off. "It's a charm," Mukuro said, as if he was talking about the weather. "Just something I created for your safety and protection, particularly against, well, You-Know-Who."

"Renato," Tsuna said, narrowing his eyes. "Just say his name."

Mukuro's smile sharpened a tad. Tsuna couldn't read the emotion in his eyes but it didn't look good. He jumped when a small shudder crawled up his spine; something had tried to reach out to him but it disappeared as quickly as it came, like fingertips barely brushed against his cheek.

"Yes," Mukuro said. "How bold of you speak his name, his true name. I suppose it's part of your appeal, but I suggest not to say it in front of him. Who knows how much farther his ego can be stretched; even I'm not privy in finding out."

Tsuna sighed deeply, nearly sagging against the kitchen counter. "You know what, I'm just—We're going to talk in the morning."

Mukuro chuckled. "This is possibly the only time I get to see you so flustered, Tsunayoshi. I wouldn't mind seeing it some more."

"Keep your mouth shut before I actually consider Renato's offer."

Again, the cold sensation rippled through him and vanished almost immediately. Tsuna's knuckles turned white from gripping the counter too hard. He couldn't help but flinch when something cool and smooth suddenly gripped his chin. His breath hitched when Mukuro forced him to look up, meeting his gaze.

"If I could," Mukuro said in a hushed tone, "I would sew your pretty lips so I wouldn't have to hear you speak his name."

Tsuna widened his eyes. He had a feeling that Mukuro was actually being serious for once despite his smile, which seemed colder. "W—What are you doing, Mukuro?" Tsuna said, cursing at his stutter. "Let me go."

"I don't ask for much, Tsunayoshi," Mukuro said, his grip still firm. "Promise me that you won't take off the ring, hm?"

Tsuna's mind just blanked. He wasn't even sure if he was still in the kitchen or somewhere else. His palms felt clammy. Sweat dripped down the nape of his neck. His school tie felt too tight. It was almost impossible to breathe. He swallowed a small lump in his throat. "Alright," he said. "I won't. So just let me—let me go."

Mukuro's face softened but it didn't quell Tsuna's nerves. His heart thumped painfully against his chest. Mukuro could hear it without any doubts. "Good," Mukuro said. Suddenly, he leaned down to whisper in Tsuna's ear, his hot breaths making Tsuna shiver. "And do refrain from saying his name," he said. "Third time is a charm as they say."

When Mukuro let go, Tsuna stood frozen in his spot. He couldn't move or speak until air finally entered his lungs. As if on autopilot, he turned and nearly dashed for the stairs if he didn't have any dignity left. His feet padded softly against the wooden floors in an unsteady pace. Mukuro didn't follow him and Tsuna didn't look back.

"Ah, and Tsunayoshi?"

Tsuna tensed when Mukuro spoke up from the kitchen. His feet only rested on the fifth step on the staircase. The railing felt cold under his sweaty palm.

"The kind officers from before—their demons were scouting the grounds while they were having a lovely chat with you. Of course, they could not get past the gates."

Tsuna forced his tongue to work. "Okay. Anything else?"

A few seconds of silence passed. For a moment, Tsuna thought Mukuro just left like he usually did until the other spoke up again, "I will see what I can find on them."

No words left Tsuna's lips. He just continued climbing the stairs and didn't stop until he reached his bedroom. His hand lingered on the door handle. His soft, quick breaths were the only sounds in the darkening hallways. Outside, the sun was setting in the far distance, casting the sky in dark orange and purple colors. Finally, he pushed his door open and locked it behind him.

He shut the windows and closed the drapes. With his school clothes still on, he fell onto his bed, wrapping his blanket around him tightly.

He hadn't felt fear in a while.

The house was empty the next morning, but Tsuna didn't stray away from his routine other than taking a long shower and placing his bedsheets and dirty uniform in the laundry. Vaguely making a note to do them later, he dressed in a new uniform, ate an apple, and went to school.

No one bothered him with questions about what happened yesterday; they just stared at him and whispered to one another in the hallways. When he arrived at his classroom, a hush fell over his classmates as he walked calmly to his seat. After he sat down, the other students slowly returned to their usual vigor, chattering and laughing amongst themselves. Tsuna ignored them in favor of taking out his books.

A shadow suddenly cast over him. He only relaxed when he smelled Kyoko's familiar vanilla and honey scent. The girl didn't speak for a moment, most likely trying to find the words to speak. Tsuna looked up then, which caught her by surprise. "Is there something you need, Sasagawa-san?" he said.

Kyoko flushed. "Oh, um, I just wanted to know if—if you're okay."

"I'm fine."

"Ah, I see." Kyoko shifted a bit on her feet until she perked up again with a bright smile. "How is your familiar? Is he nice?" Tsuna pursed his lips. He didn't want to think about Mukuro. Kyoko seemed to catch onto his displeasure and quickly said, "My familiar is really nice! Her name is Haru and she has the Solis affinity like me and my Onii-san!"

Right, Kyoko's older brother, Sasagawa Ryohei, was also a detective in the DSCU.

"That's nice," Tsuna said.

"What's your affinity, Sawada-kun? Your familiar looked really strong!"

Tsuna's mind blanked. Affinity—shit, he forgot to take the affinity test after his summoning rites. He had been so caught up with Timoteo's conversation that it slipped his mind. Well, it wasn't as if he didn't know Mukuro's affinity, Caligo. Affinities were supposed to be in-sync with a summoner and their demon summons. A summoner with a Pluvia affinity could not summon a demon with a Tempestas affinity. Since Mukuro's affinity was Caligo, Tsuna assumed that he had Caligo, too. Still…

Before he could respond, the door slid opened, signaling Nezu's arrival. Kyoko gave Tsuna a smile before scurrying back to her seat in front of Hana, who was studying him from afar. He turned away, too fed up to even bother. His head ached and the ring on his finger just irked him even more.

"Good morning, everyone," Nezu said, standing at his podium and arranging some papers. "First, I want to congratulate you all for completing your rites yesterday. This is your first step into becoming an Exorcist. I expect you all to take your studies more seriously from now on because it'll only get harder."

Some students groaned. Nezu raised a brow but didn't stop them. He took ahold of some stapled papers and fixed his glasses. "After your affinity tests, we separated all of you into different classes based on the tests, your current academic standings, and the Dominus title you have in mind for those who have already selected. For those who haven't yet, you still have until your third-year. You'll be attending general classes instead. I'm going to hand out your new schedules with a Dominus-selection form in case. Again, you have until next year to choose. Abeno Ikuko."

As Nezu called up the students one-by-one, Tsuna tuned him out. He looked towards the window overlooking the school grounds. No black car rolled up, no one wandered around, nothing was out of place. It felt too odd for it to be a normal day. There were some gray clouds drifting in the sky, casting the ground with a grim shadow. Tsuna scowled when he looked down at his ring. Looking at it more closely, he noticed that the purple was more indigo, the color that represented Caligo.

Mukuro hadn't been present the whole day, which wasn't unusual, but still unsettling. Tsuna couldn't watch him and make sure he did his job right all the time. Well, that was Mukuro's job: to obtain information that Tsuna had no access to. Tsuna knew his limits. Using the orphan card could only get him so far and in the real world, not many people were kind.

"—da Tsunayoshi."

Tsuna blinked when his name was called. Straightening himself, he stood up from his seat and headed towards the front when a sharp whistle sounded from outside. No one didn't have the time to react. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blasted through the windows. Glass shattered and the students screamed. Desks, chairs, and bodies flew everywhere—but Tsuna didn't feel anything.

He had just crouched and covered his face but no wind or glass nicked his skin. He didn't realize he had his eyes shut until he opened them. His breath hitched. His body was outlined with an indigo glow and looked transparent. When he looked around, he widened his eyes. Crudely torn body parts were strewn everywhere. Blood—so much blood.

"Otou-san! Okaa-san!"

Tsuna covered his mouth when sour vomit built up in his throat. It burned. He couldn't breathe. What the hell just happened…? His ears rang loudly. His tongue wasn't working as it should. Why? Why couldn't he move? He had to get away. Run. His legs didn't listen.

A few whimpers caught his attention but they were faint. Before Tsuna could turn to check what they were, several thuds came from outside the demolished building. He flinched and the whimpers stopped immediately, too. Another faint whistling sounded from the distance. It was coming from…below? The sound of shrieking wires hurt Tsuna's ears. A tall figure then leapt inside the classroom.

"Is that everyone?" the young man said, his disturbing grin widening even further to reveal sharp canines.

His blond bangs covered his eyes from view and a silver tiara glinted on the left side of his head. Red flames enveloped his bandaged hands—he had the Tempestas affinity. Tsuna flinched when the man stepped forward, kicking severed arms and heads out of the way. He cringed when bones snapped underneath the man's boots. Blood squelched with ever step he took.

A soft gasp came from Tsuna's left. He turned to see a few students underneath toppled desks and chairs, their eyes wide. Kyoko and Hana were among them. The demon laughed in an odd fashion, almost as if he was hissing. "What naughty children," he said.

Before he could take another step, a raspy voice said, "Don't—Don't hurt them."

Nezu, who had lost an arm, heaved himself from his collapsed podium, gritting his teeth from the exertion. Blood suddenly gushed everywhere—Nezu's blood. His legs, arms, head, torso—they were sliced into pieces. Tsuna covered his mouth and scooted backwards. He gasped sharply when he realized that he had phased through fingers, guts, and desks.

The blond demon clicked his tongue in a mocking fashion. "No interrupting when the prince is talking, sensei," he said, brandishing some sharp knives from his long trench coat. "And now, it's the naughty children's turn."

Tsuna froze when the demon walked past him. It was as if…he couldn't see him. The remaining students whimpered and gasped as the demon approached them, chuckling all the way. Red flames ignited around his knives. Something gleamed then under the light—wires. The demon had used steel wires that crisscrossed in the room.

He used the wind as a distraction, Tsuna thought. After he destroyed the classroom, the wires were set up. That's why…

But then, where were the teacher? Why wasn't an alarm sounded? And how the hell did this demon get through the school's barrier? Unless, there was someone on the inside who was helping him. But who? There were too many questions and not enough answers.

The demon kicked the desks away, making the students shriek. Tsuna had to give it to Hana though. With narrowed eyes, she shielded Kyoko from view despite her broken leg. "Don't come any closer," she said tightly.

The demon cocked his head. "Oh?"

"Hana-chan," Kyoko squeaked, her eyes wide.

The other students froze when the demon suddenly gripped Hana's hair and pulled her towards one of his knives. No, no more deaths. Tsuna couldn't take it anymore. His body moved on its own accord. "No!" he said, dashing to the demon.

He gasped when he just ran through the demon's arm and the myriad of wires that covered the room. He looked over his shoulder when shrieks broke through the air.


The demon sickening grin nearly split his face, revealing even more fanged teeth that looked more like needles. He twisted his knife in Hana's guts, making her scream louder. "I don't take orders from peasants," the demon said.

Tsuna hated this. He hated feeling weak, being useless. Again, this was happening again.

"Say good night to your mother, little one."

"Tsuna, ru—"


The demon was unexpectedly launched into the air with a grunt. He fell out the classroom's gaping hold, bringing all the wires with him. They shimmered under the light, wriggling like worms.

"Oya, what a mess."

Mukuro appeared then like a ghost with his trident in hand. Tsuna flinched when the scent of hot flesh and blood assaulted his nose before it was replaced with cherry blossoms, courtesy to Mukuro. The brunet didn't even realize that the other had his hand on his shoulder until he spoke again, "My name sounds fitting on your tongue, Tsunayoshi."

Tsuna scowled at him weakly. "T—This isn't the time to be funny."

"Hana-chan! Hana-chan!"

He immediately turned to see Kyoko cradling Hana in her arms. The girl looked close to death. Her skin was pale and blood soaked through her uniform. Another student, Masahiro, struggled with his jacket before placing it over Hana's stomach to staunch the bleeding. "W—We need sensei," he said, his eyes wide. "We need help."

"Sensei's dead!" Kaori screamed, covering her ears. "They're all dead!"

"Hana-chan, can you hear me?" Kyoko said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Hana-chan!"

Tsuna bit his lip. "Mukuro, do something. Help her."

Mukuro raised a brow. "Feeling sentimental today, are we, Tsunayoshi?"

"I'm not repeating myself."

Mukuro hummed to himself but headed towards the other students anyways. Tsuna gripped his pants tightly hearing the blood squelch underneath Mukuro's boots. The demon crouched down to place a hand on Hana's hand. She immediately fell unconscious.

Kyoko gasped. "W—What did you do?"

The other students flinched when Mukuro smiled pleasantly at them. "No need to fret, dear," he said, uncharacteristically gentle. "I simply put her to sleep and eased the pain."

Kyoko stared at him in near awe. "Are you—Are you a Solis?"

Mukuro smiled grew wider. "Caligo, dear. By the way, she must get her wounds checked quickly by a medical professional. The organs I gave her will last about 24 hours."


Mukuro stood up then. The blood that smeared his knees dissipated instantly. "Tsunayoshi," he said, "you're in quite the predicament."

Tsuna brushed him off to open the door. He peeked out in the hallways. It was quiet other than the murmurings of teachers in the other classrooms. Before he could step out, Mukuro shut the door close.

"What are you doing?" Tsuna said, glaring at him.

Mukuro smiled. "It's best not to set foot in the enemy's trap, Tsunayoshi. He isn't alone."

A whistling sound came from below again. Tsuna widened his eyes when the blond demon surged upwards in the air. His knives were attached to the wires, which spread from his back like spider legs, and ignited with red flames.

"Mukuro!" Tsuna said.

Mukuro had already moved before he even said his name. Leaping forward, Mukuro swiped his trident, tearing a black rift in the air, just as the wires shot forward. The rift suddenly distorted and warped back into itself, letting the wires go through. Mukuro easily flipped over them as they struck a large hole where he had stood. The ground shook underneath Tsuna's feet, making him stumble and the students scream. Mukuro ran along the wires swiftly and struck a hand out to grip the other demon's face. He grinned. "Sweet dreams," he said.

The blond demon stopped struggling, going slack. Mukuro let him fall, the wires whistling past him with no life. Tsuna let out a shaky breath. He looked down at Kyoko, who continued to clutch Hana close to her. "A—Are you okay, Sasagawa-san?" he said quietly.

Kyoko sniffled and wiped her tears. "Y—Yes, I'm fine," she said.

Tsuna didn't continue any further. It took too much effort to talk and think, to move. His legs nearly gave out under him if Mukuro hadn't appeared and steadied him. "Why—Who was he?" Tsuna said, unconsciously gripping Mukuro's arm.

"Listen, Tsunayoshi," Mukuro said, leaning down to his ear. "His companion is still here. I have induced the other one to deep sleep but his friend will be able to unwind it soon."

Tsuna glanced at the classroom door. "Is there no way out?"

"I am fighting against his reality warp at the moment but it might take some time."

Tsuna's hand tightened around Mukuro's arm. "How much longer?"

"For the illusion, another 20 minutes. For the incapacitated one, 3 minutes."

"20 minutes?"

Mukuro smiled faintly. "Let's say that he's quite the complicated one."

Tsuna sighed. He didn't want to get into whatever complicated relationships Mukuro had. Now really wasn't the time for that. "What about an opening?"

Mukuro glanced at the door. "Possibly."

"How long?"

"A minute." At Tsuna's baffled look, Mukuro merely said, "Like I said, very complicated."

"That's good enough." Tsuna turned to the students. "We don't have much time. There's another demon here and the other one's going to wake up soon. Mukuro can create an escape for a minute."

"A—A minute?" Masahiro said. "Are you crazy?"

Tsuna glared at him, making him flinch. "A minute and nothing more, Kaneko. Get up or I'll leave you here."

Mukuro placed a gloved hand on the door and smiled at them. "Are we all ready?"

Tsuna helped Kyoko pick Hana up by slinging her arm over his shoulders. When he looked down, she wasn't bleeding. He nodded at Mukuro. The door instantly rippled like water and faded, revealing the peaceful hallways. Kaori and Masahiro immediately dashed outside with Kyoko and Tsuna following behind them. However, as soon as Tsuna stepped outside, a burning sensation suddenly flared inside his body.

Gasping, he let go of Hana and pushed Kyoko out, stumbling back into Mukuro's arms. "Go!" he said.

"Sawada-kun!" Kyoko's voice faded out instantly as the door appeared again.

Tsuna gripped his chest. The burn intensified with each breath he took. "Mukuro," he said, "I can't—I can't breathe. It's—It's too hot."

Mukuro hushed him gently. "I see," he said. "The Varia are after you."

"V—Varia? But Xanxus—"

Mukuro placed a finger against Tsuna's lips. "Don't speak, Tsunayoshi." The burn soothed for a moment and Tsuna felt numb all over, as if he stayed in a tub of cold water for too long. He couldn't move. "Xanxus must've found out about your existence. Although, it is surprising that he managed to contract with him. He must've led Xanxus here."

"The blond?"

"His companion. The blond is Belphegor, a Tempestas demon, recently contracted to Xanxus." Mukuro smiled as if Tsuna's insides weren't melting. "He's not the famed Belphegor that you know." He glanced over his shoulder. "Our three minutes are finished."

Mukuro jumped to the side just as a barrage of knives rained inside. Belphegor appeared immediately, landing gracefully in the classroom. His cheeks split open to reveal thousands of sharp teeth. "Peasants must be punished for assaulting the prince," he said.

Tsuna yelped when Mukuro turned around and shielded him from more knives. The sickening sound of metal meeting flesh and bones made Tsuna flinch. He gaped at Mukuro's still smiling face, his breath caught in his throat. "M—Mukuro," he said.

"That expression is oddly fitting for you, Tsunayoshi," Mukuro said, his voice slightly strained. "I suggest to refrain from showing it to others."

Tsuna looked down to see that Mukuro wasn't even bleeding. "You're… How…?"

Mukuro smiled almost bitterly. "I was never here to begin with, Tsunayoshi."

Tsuna could only stare in shock as Mukuro was tossed to the walls, rattling the cupboards and door. Steel wires shot out towards him like snakes. Tsuna instinctively fell to the ground. He cried out in shock when he met Nezu's lifeless eyes beside him. Blood coated his uniform and hands, cold and sticky. Before he could regain his footing, Belphegor sent more knives and wires at him, only for them to phase through his head and stomach.

Shivering, Tsuna tried hard not to think about them actually hitting their marks. Belphegor's grin remained even when he spoke, "Your slave is persistent, peasant."

Tsuna mustered up a brave glare. "It's never good to have your back turned, idiot."

Mukuro shot outside from the walls and kicked Belphegor away from Tsuna. However, before he could attack again, a flurry of knives quickly wrapped around his arm and pulled. Tsuna could only stare as Mukuro's arm fell to the ground, joining the rest of the fallen limbs. Even if this Mukuro was only a clone, it was still terrifying. Where there should've been blood, bones, and tissues was only a gaping black hole.

"Oya," Mukuro said, unperturbed, "how rude."

Belphegor chuckled his hissing laugh. "I think it's befitting for a slave."

Mukuro's lips slightly twitched. "Your standards are crude for a prince."

He leapt forward, raising his trident, and clashed with a cocoon of knives and wires. A loud clang rang in the air. Tsuna scrambled to his feet. Where was Mukuro then? Fighting the other demon? But was he al—No. Tsuna wasn't going to think about it. Mukuro was stubborn and wouldn't die… Right?

Belphegor clicked his tongue. "Perhaps I shall rid you of your other arm."

"No, thank you," Mukuro said.

Suddenly, a shudder ran through him. Tsuna's breath hitched when Mukuro fell onto his knees. Belphegor didn't waste any time to spear his stomach with a barrage of wires and knives.


Tsuna inhaled sharply when Mukuro soon faded, crumbling into nothing but ashes. A small cracking sound made him look down. He wasn't transparent anymore and the ring was broken. He choked out a gasp when some wires wrapped around his body, encircling his limbs and neck.

Belphegor chuckled. "You are such stubborn prey," he said, walking closer towards him. "Troubling the prince so much so. For that, you will pay." He leaned down closer and Tsuna swore he saw a flash of red underneath the demon's long bangs. "Dearly."

Tsuna gritted his teeth when the wires tightened. Time—he needed some time. "You can try," he spat.

Belphegor laughed. "I'm going to enjoy splitting you open until there's nothing left but your bones and disgusting flesh."

Blood trickled down Tsuna's neck. He had read something about a blood summoning without runes before. Never tried it though. Offer blood, chant the words, and just hope for the best. He just hoped it wasn't Reborn by chance.

One taboo after another, he thought bitterly. I'm useless.

"Will the prince," Tsuna said, wheezing, "let the peasant say some last words?"

Belphegor, the idiot, laughed in clear amusement. "Since the peasant is so obedient, I will."

Tsuna took a deep breath, gasping when the wires subsequently tightened even more.

God, he thought, if you exist, please…help me.

"With my offering, heed my call."

Please, he added.

Tsuna felt his blood drip from his neck, plopping to the floor. It sounded too loud, ringing in his ears. A blinding pillar of fire suddenly erupted from the ground, making Belphegor shriek and Tsuna close his eyes. Red completely dominated his vision. The wires disappeared from his body—No, they were disintegrated. Small hisses reached his ears through the roar of the blinding light.

A gentle breeze then caressed Tsuna's cheek, making him shiver. When the light died down, he found himself wrapped loosely in someone else's arms draped over his shoulders. All he could make out were long red sleeves as his back met a strong chest. A strange fragrance wafted in his nose, smelling like ashes and dead leaves. Tsuna tensed when someone hummed behind him.

"Causing trouble, Belphegor?" a smooth voice drawled. "I'm afraid that's not a good excuse for disturbing my nap."


Solis – Sun

Noctis – Night

Tempestas – Storm

Pluvia – Rain

Nebula – Cloud

Caligo – Mist

A/N This update was long due… orz

So, a lot of stuff happened here, haha. I was considering about bumping the rating up to M due to the violence and stuff. Let me know if I should. Apologies if it got too…squeamish (although, I'm not sure if it was good…).

Thank you so much for your reviews, favorites, and follows! I can say that a few of you got the Sins matched right, but I won't reveal who. You'll all find out soon. ;^)

Thank you for reading! I hope to see you again in the next chapter.

Have a lovely day~

Little Miss Bunny