
A Star War the Clone Wars Story

The soft whir of her green lightsaber was a strange comfort as she wielded it with precision and confidence. It spun in her hand, deflecting one blaster bolt after another. Darkened skies obscured the battlefield and her opponents, leaving just the showering array of green death blasts to pinpoint their location. Her heart thudded against her chest, the thrill of battle exciting as ever as she pushed her way forward. Calls and cries of her men, muffled by her pulsing head and sheer determination on the enemy in front of her. Loss of focus now would mean defeat, and she couldn't let that happen. It was up to her to lead them.

It happened so quickly that she didn't have the chance to see it coming. Faintly hearing a rapid cry, she turned her head just as it hit. The earth exploded in front of her. Her body flung through the air before her back slammed into the ground. Momentarily disoriented she moved to stand as a wave of nausea hit her hard. The whole entire planet seemed to be spinning, her stomach twisting and turning along with it. Wiping the debris from her lashes, she forced her eyes open, blinking away the scattering black dots as a white and blue marked helmet blurred into view. Within seconds of her hitting the ground Ahsoka had found herself surrounded by clone troopers, kneeling at her side giving her cover as they kept the enemy away. Soon enough she could feel herself being dragged away to the cover of the planet's large trees.

"Commander, are you injured?" Captain Rex, of the 501st, added focused, but concerned, His gloved hand was on her shoulder, shaking it gently. Ahsoka figured she must have looked terrible, as the clone captain yelled for Kix to kick into gear, "Commander's down!"

Ahsoka shook her head at his words. She was fine. She'd be fine. With her vision clouded, her throat hoarse she found that she couldn't find the words to speak. Her head pounded and her body ached, and she was covered in dirt. She could just lay there forever, but a final cry of a trooper not far from her shook her out of it. The battalion was counting on her and despite being unable to bring the captain into focus, she moved to stand,"Rex, I'm fine! He-lp me up." She pushed herself up onto her elbows, fighting the urge to empty her stomach before being pressed down.

"Stay down Kid," Rex told her, "Let Kix look at ya. Besides General Skywalker put me in charge of keeping you safe."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes before moving to stand again, "Rex. General Kenobi is counting on us to take this base…"

She was about to pull rank when her speech was interrupted as Kix, dodging blaster shots dove next to the commander. With a quick once over and a series of questions he gave the protective captain a nod, "She'll be alright," His attention turned back to the small child, "Try to avoid those grenades, alright Commander?"

"You got it Kix," Ahsoka smiled as at least three soldiers helped her to her feet. Igniting her lightsaber, it buzzed with energy. Winking at the captain she bounded back to the front of the line. A blur of orange and green flying into the fray. Rex grunted, shaking his head as he quickly followed after her. That kid was going to be the death of him one day, and he knew it. Though despite that he trusted her with his life just as he trusted his brothers and just as she trusted them.

"You heard the Commander boys! Let's scrap 'em!" His shout prompted a sting of similar phrases as the clone troopers followed the young Togrutan padawan through the dark smoke that was their battlefield.

Not long after, Ahsoka and the 501st were pinned down by their enemy. Known as shadow people the Umbarans greatest tactic was catching them off guard. They moved with the shadows, lurking behind every tree and rock. Using the planet's natural darkness and high-tech weaponry giving them the upper ground. It didn't help that the 501st had gone in unprepared with a weak, forced plan that many had disagreed on. It definitely didn't help overall morale.

The padawan hissed as a green bolt of death singed her shoulder. It burned through her flesh, slowly eating her skin away. Ignoring it, Ahsoka swung her own weapon deflecting ten more back to the enemy. An enemy she could barely see. It was battles like these Ahsoka was thankful for her natural-born gift that having hollow montrals gave her. She could sense and feel those around her, including the enemy.

It gave her a slight advantage. Slight.

For a moment Ahsoka felt the tide shift to the 501st, as she pressed forward with a platoon of clones at her side. She could now see the enemy base ahead of them. Not exactly secretive, with the bright lights and the electric fence illuminating the area. They had to take it. They had to. It was their one directive and it was vital to the taking of the planet. A tragically familiar cry rang out as her eyes fell to a young clone, a green blast ripping through him, shoving him back before he hit the ground hard. He was down in the middle of the battlefield in front of her. Ahsoka was not sure when or how he got so far ahead, but there he was, definitely injured. She reached out with the force, focusing on him as she felt his life ebbing away.

"Cover me Rex," Ahsoka called out to the captain as she jumped over the large fallen bark she used for cover and darted towards the fallen soldier. Sprinting through the battlefield, coarse shouts of, "Cover fire! Cover fire!" came from behind her. Her hands raised up in an attempt to cover her head, block debris from her eyes. Falling to her knees, she put a hand on the soldier. He was hurt badly and it didn't look good. The young jedi winced as she tried to put on a smile. A small comfort, she hoped.

"Hey, hey, It's okay, It's okay, what's your name trooper?" She couldn't see his eyes behind his visor, and she couldn't tell if he was injured anywhere else. Hie erratic movements ceased as he stopped, presumably looking at her.

"Dodger, Sir," He coughed out. His breath was rapid, wheezing.

Ahsoka smiled using her hands to place his on his wounds, "Dodger, huh? You didn't do such a good job dodging that blast." It was the best thing she could think at the moment, but as he gave a constricted laugh her eyes shone. She made him promise to tell the story behind his name later as she pressed the wound,"Keep pressure here. I'm going to get you out of here. Hang tight." Calling upon all her strength, because Force knows she could only carry so much. Ahsoka lifted the armor-clad soldier up and over her shoulder and took off. His weight bore down on her back as her boots sunk into the soft dirt.

She'd only made it a couple of steps before the ground exploded beneath her, and once again, she along with the clone she was carrying were sent crashing into the soil. Ahsoka closed her eyes as the ground pelted her back and head. What the-! Turning around Ahsoka was horrified by what she saw. Tanks, huge tanks had emerged out of nowhere. The new weapons wasted no time in firing. They crawled like spiders with at least three guns ready and firing. Ahsoka groaned, her body heaving as she flipped herself around. Just like that, the tide of the battle shifted back to the Umbarans.

Apparently she'd picked up her master's luck at getting stuck in bad situations.

"Blast!" Ahsoka murmured as she plodded forward on her hands and knees, crawling towards Dodger, the more injured clone that was sprawled out against the dirt. , "I knew a full frontal assault was a bad idea. The whole battalion knew it was a bad idea." Though she knew there wasn't much she could do about that now.

Reaching the trooper, she reached for his arms to drag him to cover. "Commander! Over here, we got him," Some currently unidentifiable soldiers ushered her over. She could barely see them, faded white figures motioning for her. Her feet stumbled forwards, sweat beat down her forehead in concentration. Ahsoka handed Dodger over to the men as they took shelter behind a massive tree. With a huff of exhaustion, she collapsed, her back pressed against the bark. The previous excitement she'd held for the battle faded away. Closing her eyes, she focused on breathing and calming her nerves. Igniting her lightsaber once more, she whispered, "Here we go."

The sky around her seemed to darken more as she stepped out from her cover and worked her way towards Rex who was already shouting for the rocket launchers. Ahsoka smiled, that should teach the frog faces a lesson. Her smile faded and her heart sank as the shot was taken, it exploded and burned, but left no damage to the tank. The tank still tumbling around causing death and destruction

"Kriff, these are worse than rolling death balls," Ahsoka concluded, rolling to a halt at the captain's side. She could feel his determination through the force, but she could tell he was strained, worried, "Rex. They're ray shielded!"

"I know Kid. Rocket launchers are useless. We're not going to last long out here against those tanks," Rex nodded as his twin blaster took a useless shot against the giant thing. No harm in trying, Ahsoka figured.

Ahsoka thought for just a moment about what her master would do, if he was there. He'd already have taken down the tanks by now. He'd probably already have taken the base. Even if he hadn't he wouldn't let this get him down. He'd find a way to rally the men and complete the mission. No matter what. With a small twinge of defeat, she wished her master was there, with her. He'd know what to do. She obviously didn't. She turned to look over the deadly weapon once more as it's top blaster turned towards them.


She was out of ideas and they were out of time.

"Fall back! Fall back!" Rex yelled as the two booked it out of there, rolling behind the cover of trees along with a few other soldiers. The ground trembled beneath them as shot after shot was fired. With harsh, quick breathing Ahsoka looked around. There were too many wounded. She could sense them, she could feel their pain. She could feel some die. It was overwhelming her, and she could feel panic creeping in. This was the fate she, a jedi, was leading them too. It was her fault that they were dead, dying. The young apprentice flinched when a hand touched her shoulder.

"Woah, sorry Commander. It's just me. You alright?" It was Fives and as per usual Echo was at his side. Ahsoka couldn't see their faces, but she was sure they both carried worried frowns. Looking around she could see the other troopers looking at her. They were looking at her to lead them, to be like her master, but she couldn't. She was just a padawan. She was just a kid. She didn't even know what she was doing. Thankfully she didn't have time to answer as her comlink beeped, with a single tap, a harsh, angry voice came through,

"Padawan. What is your location? Why have your troops pulled back?" It was General Krell. Her temporary master. Ahsoka and the 501st had been reassigned to him while Master Skywalker was sent on a recon mission. That was three weeks ago. Anakin had warned Ahsoka about Krell, but not even her master could have predicted this. It was the Besalisk that sent them out on this suicide mission to engage the enemy head on, up a gorge that only allowed one platoon at a time without any foreknowledge of the area or their enemy.

It was a suicide mission.

Ahsoka and Rex had raised their objections, but Krell outranked them and they had to follow orders. Even if it was against every fiber of their being. The Togruta had fought back of course, but after being pushed down, scolded, threatened and nothing ever changing. It was taking a toll, and she was tired. Besides, she didn't want her actions to fall back on the clones because it would be horrible for them. The worse thing was Ahsoka knew his anger was directed mostly at the men. She could sense that hate and annoyance dripping from him like a salivating rancor. It almost felt like he enjoyed watching them die. Of course, she couldn't be sure of that.

"Master," The words tasted like bile as she spat them out, "We're pinned down. The enemy's tanks are too strong and none of our weapons can touch it. We need to pull back."

"Pull back!? Pull back? Do I need to remind you how important your mission is Padawan? If you don't take this base then Master Kenobi will be left defenseless. Now take your troops and move forward immediately." He snarled, Ahsoka could feel his self-preservating stench of superiority through the smoke and blaster fire and ridge that separated them, "If you don't. I will have no choice, but to strip you of your lightsaber and relieve Captain Rex of duty. Do you understand me?"

Ahsoka bit her tongue as she acknowledge him without retort, "Yes Master."

One of these days you narcissistic sociopath. One of these days… Ahsoka grumbled as she turned back to the men with a huff. She knew they heard, but yet they still waited for her order. If she gave a different call, if Rex did, they would follow that before Krell's demand any day. It hurt her to know that in order to protect them, she had to follow orders, but the orders she'd give would ultimately kill them all.

"Alright men, you heard the General, let's go!" Rex took over, covering for Ahsoka. Ahsoka lowered her head, gripping her lightsaber tightly, as she watched Rex move towards the battle. She couldn't even lead them. Fives moved in front of him, barely flinching as one blast after another shook the ground behind him.

"Rex, you can't be serious. There has to be another way!" The trooper demanded, "I used to think Krell was reckless, but now I know he just hates clones!" His two arms raised up as he motioned to his brothers around him. Similar murmurings waved through the surviving troopers, as Fives pushed at Rex. He even shot a look at Ahsoka, who was practically one of them anyway.

"Do you have any suggestions soldier?" Rex pushed him back, determined. Fives fell silent, he didn't. "Then we push forward and we take that base." He looked to Ahsoka and reached out his hand. Hers slipped into his as she stood up and nodded. If she couldn't save the day then she'd die right alongside these men. Her friends. Her brothers.

"My lightsaber won't do much against the ray shield, but I may be able to take out it's top gun," Ahsoka added igniting the fearsome blade. With excitement in her weary eyes, she took off,"Let's do this boys, for the rest of the 501st and the 212th who's counting on us."

That seemed to do the trick as Hardcase, spit out, "Yeah-ah! Let's go!" The hyperactive clone hoisted his heavy blaster up. His jolt of energy igniting through the group. The rest of the soldiers followed suit. It was time to blast some Umbarans.

Ahsoka taking a running start called upon the force to dodge explosion after explosion before using the trunk of the tree to give her the leverage she needed to get as high the tank. "Woah, Woaaahh." She screamed out, her feet slipping out from under slick surface of the tank being something she didn't quite expect. Finding her bearings she slashed her lightsaber at the base of the top gun as the whole thing crashed towards the dirt. Feeling a swell of pride Ahsoka moved to reach the second tank when green liquid-like smoke poured from the damage and the tank teetered back and forth rapidly. She could here the unintelligible ramblings of the Umbaran guiding it as it screamed out. The machine moved harshly, jerking one way to the other. To stop herself from falling Ahsoka reached out to grab something only to find the green liquid spilling across her hands, covering them entirely. It seeped into her skin, burning them.

"That's not good," The fourteen year old jedi apprentice muttered before pushing herself off and to the ground. Her hands stinging as though they had been doused with liquid tobana and lit on fire. The heat pricked her skin and crawled up her arms. Rolling herself to safety she called out for water. Holding her hands out and away from her in a desperate attempt to save the rest of her body. She had to get the stuff off of her palms.

Flipside rushed to her, his canteen in his hands. She held out her palms, her whole body shaking. "Here you go Commander. It will be alright." Water did the trick as he dumped the entire thing, easing the burning. The fourteen year old breathed a deep relieved sigh before closing her eyes. Kix ran towards her with gauze in his hands, wrapping them quickly. The younger clone knew he wasn't the only one who saw it, the commander for just a moment no longer looked like the battle-experienced jedi who dominated in combat, but a child, a hurt child who had no place in this war.

"Th-thanks," Ahsoka forced out as she went to stand back up, her eyes reflecting pain, but she couldn't help but shake her head "Well that didn't work too well, did it?" The two clone troopers chuckled softly in agreement as Commander Tano returned, eyes focused and battle ready. From the wall of smoke Rex and Tup emerged. The latter with his head down as he kept looking behind him.

"We're done for," Tup shook his head, not necessarily in defeat, but in acceptance. After all, isn't this what he was made for? He'd been born to die in battle. Ahsoka could feel the same emotions resonating throughout the rest of the clones.

Captain Rex replied immediately, "Not yet we aren't. We've still got some fight in us Tup and I've got an idea." His voice trailed off as he looked towards the base with his binoculars. Ahsoka gave him a crooked smile, all ears. It was about kriffin' time.

"Fives, Echo, Hardcase," The three clones mentioned, stood straight, "I've got a mission for you."

Ten minutes later, Ahsoka and Rex along with several clones stood barricaded behind a broken tree. The trees being the one part of this planet that they actually appreciated. Ahsoka's ears filled with cries of war, some of death, some of encouragement, but each were bearing down on her soul. The lightsaber she held, it was heavy and hurt her injured hands, but she kept it there. She could feel the hope of survival diminishing in herself and in her men.

Her master would be so disappointed in her.

"I'm counting on you Snips to keep yourself and your men alive."

That seemed like forever ago, but he had trusted her with his men. He had trusted her to complete any mission she was given while he was away. The young Togruta wasn't about to let him down. Because just as he had promised her that he would return, she promised to do her very best.

"You can count on me Master!"

Turning her head to look out onto the battlefield she saw several men, wounded, hurt and becoming dinner by disgusting Umbaran bugs with an appetite for flesh. Then it hit her. Something she could do then that could make a difference. Her lightsaber could only do so much in this just don't be killed situation. The clones couldn't reach their injured brothers, but she could. Clipping her lightsaber to her belt she thought up her plan of retrieval.

"Captain Rex," Ahsoka called out through her comm, she waited for his reply before continuing, "Do you think we can hold out for a little longer?"

"Yes Sir!" Came his reply. Ahsoka grinned, 'good ol' Rex.', "What do you have in mind?"

"I need a distraction," She stated. It wasn't much of a plan for them to win this fight, but she was counting on Fives, Echo and Hardcase to pull that off. As soon as she said it, she heard Rex's call come through as several groups of clone troopers bursted from the trees shouting strings of 'Over here!' 'Over here!' 'Take it down. Take it down!' 'Watch your left!'

Looking back to the few troopers standing behind her she gave them each a full smile, "Cover me!" They nodded as their jedi commander burst out into the field and over to the clones that lay, fallen on the battlefield, calling for help.

Ahsoka was dragging the fifteenth injured soldier out of the line of fire. Her muscles begged for rest, her ears pounded, her lungs in scorching pain. She stumbled to the ground, just behind cover, exhausted and defeated when a beautiful voice filled the comms. It was the three clones sent off on a desperate last attempt to save their lives. She heard the overjoyed yell of Hardase as he spun around, quite literally, shooting and taking down the tanks.

Fives and Echo tag teamed as they worked with one another to bring each tank down one by one. Ahsoka couldn't help but join in as the remaining clones cheered and shouted. The burning remnants of the destroyed tanks igniting their hope and determination once again as they pressed would live to fight another day.

General Krell stood on top of the ridge with fire in his eyes, "Clever. Very clever. Sergeant Appo, send the rest of the troops in. We are taking that base."

Relieved the soldier nodded, "Let's move out!"

It was calm, the wind swayed slightly, a welcome breeze after their long battle. Ahsoka and Rex stood amidst the other soldiers in the half-destroyed, but completely taken base. Remaining Umbarans led away, hands up in surrender. Ahsoka breathed deeply, ignoring the flare of aches through her body,"That was a plan that Master Skywalker would be proud of Rexster." Ahsoka added punching him in the shoulder before wincing at the pain that shot through her hastily wrapped palms.

"Yeah, Rexster. Good job!" Echo laughed joining them. His adrenaline still high on the battle.

"Nah, it was really your three who saved the day, despite Hardcase's flying. It was a job well done," Rex added with a hint of humor.

"Ah, it wasn't so tough," The hyperactive clone added, removing his helmet. He had a twinkle in his eyes, but the unending tragedy of loss still present.

"You sure?" Jesse cracked a grin, "You looked a little green when you came out of that fighter." Hardcase glared, his brown eyes narrowing, already thinking of ways to get back at his comical brother. Edging to say something, Hardcase wouldn't get the chance as he turned his attention to the coming general. Nearly the whole base got quiet as attention turned towards the group.

"Captain. What's our situation?" General Krell came forward, three clones escorting four hands clasped behind his back as he stood straight, towering over them. His face held a permanent frown, with a devilish twinkle in his eyes.

"We've taken the base Sir. And successfully cut off the supply lines towards their troops," Rex stood tall against the jedi that stood much taller. A jedi that made Ahsoka look like a tiny mouse droid in comparison.

"Luck has smiled on you today Captain, good work," The Besalisk added his four arms now folded across his chest.

"It wasn't just luck Sir. Several men died to complete this mission," Rex added, his eyes sad and sincere.

"A price of war that one must pay. Perhaps one day you'll all understand this," He grunted, noticing the clenched fist of the captain before he turned to an already seething Ahsoka. With one giant sausage finger jabbing into her shoulder hard, knocking her down. Tup and Jesse moved to help, but stopped as the Togruta stood up with her head down, an unfortunate reaction that has become automatic over the last few weeks, "As for you youngling. Disobey a direct order again. I'll have no choice, but to punish you."

Each waited until he was out of sight before moving. Rex put a comforting hand on Ahsoka's shoulder as Fives came up behind them, "It's him who will never understand."

They watched him leave before Jesse moved to Ahsoka's side. His eyes compassionate, but concerned. The fourteen year old kid didn't look so good, "Let's get you to the medical tent Commander. We better check out those hands."

Ahsoka was about to protest when she met the gaze of seven completely serious clones and rolled her eyes. "You guys are worse than Master Skywalker. I'll be fine.." There was no missing the flash of sadness in her eyes at the mention of the general. They knew she missed him. Hell, they all did.

"We're getting you checked out all the same," Jesse told her, "Besides it'll give you the chance to annoy Coric. You know he loves it!"

They all nodded, urging the two forward before watching as Jesse led the young padawan away. None of them failed to notice her dimmed eyes that used to be the light in the dark. Nor did they overlook her once boundless, excited energy that had her running about be replaced by a down-beat, slumped shoulders of a half-alive child. It had hurt the clones to watch the kid be struck down, emotionally beaten, and discarded like rubbish for the last three weeks. The men figured they could handle it okay if it was just them that the Krell treated badly, but it was her too.

Which wasn't okay.

Yet, as she stood up every time she was knocked down then so would they.

The clones had heard the murmurings over the past few weeks they've been with General Krell and the two weeks that they've been on Umbara. It was mostly shinies complaining about the General's psychotic tendencies, but many were whispers about the commander. How she was the one good thing out of all of this. That she and the captain were the only reason why they hadn't gone AWOL. Not that this was the planet to do that, but they all agreed. It was her and Rex that were holding them together.

Just as the thoughts came to mind two, not as shiny clones walked by them whispering, "You know she pulled sixteen men from the battlefield today."

Echo tilted his head in agreement, she did, but she saved a lot more than that.

"She'll be okay," Tup added, more of a comfort to himself, as the little sister of the 501st disappeared behind the medical tent. "Right?"

Rex nodded. The kid would be okay as soon as General Skywalker returned. He'd be okay then too. They'll all be much better off. If they survived that is. He would much rather die under the command of General Skywalker and Commander Tano than by a reckless plan of General Krell.

Hi all! This is my first story. I've been working on it for awhile. What do you think? It might be a little OOC and some of the characters are different than in the episode, but it's a take on another version of the episodes about Krell and Umbara. It's based off of those episodes, but should progress to be its own story. Let me know how you feel. Thanks!
