Its 1 P.M. and like everyday at this time, for the past 3 torturous months. I'm lined up single file with my peers, then subsequently led to the mess hall in silence.
However today marks a stark contrast in routine. Today I have a new roommate.
Ever since my last one got sent to the ICU, my days have been ever so boring. Lacking entirely in mentally stimulating conversation. Everyone knows the best time to stimulate the mind is 3 A.M.! but I digress
This one is so much more respectful than the last. He shows the proper amount of fear when I invade his personal space. He appreciates that I'm more intellectually inclined of the two of us. He respects me than my old physicist peers, always mocking my research! He's more respectful than the Fearsome Five ever was, as if that was hard. He's definitely more appreciative of me than any of my fellow in mates. More importantly he hasn't cracked a single joke at my expense.
In other words he's perfect minion material. He may not have the stereotypical minion power set, but when have I ever been about stereo types?
I enter the cafeteria and remember the prison rules. Oh, how could I forget! You have to beat someone up on the first day. Or was that the rule for school? Perhaps its both.
A look to my new minion, shows a meek look in his eyes. Probably still reeling from my earlier insights, shining whole new lights into his world. Oh no, he isn't even sizing anyone up!
We can't have this. Sadly, I must take the initiative for my new goon. Lets hope this doesn't set a precedent.
I look around for the most hateful, tough looking, and most importantly easily baited villainous peer. A quick glance around grants some decent targets, but isn't until my eyes land on my old colleague Mammoth that my eyes light up.
"Mammoth old pal! I'd like to introduce you to man who sired your nephew. Well, as soon as shimmer wises up and takes a pregnancy test." Now looking back at my minion Harvey or Harold or something. I see him look up confused. That's alright my minions don't need to be especially bright, I more than make up for the deficit.
"it must've been a hell of a one night stand. Shimmer is quite the looker." I say to him, hoping he catches onto my ploy
Some understanding finally begins to show on his face, just in time for a charging Mammoth to replace that look with fear.
I step back a smile, on my face. I didn't know altruism felt so good.
Still trying to come up with ways to clear my name. I follow my new cellmate into what I believe to be a cafeteria.
I look up after Dr. Light broke the heavy silence that reigned over the single file line. Oh, he's just catching up with his friend. Is that allowed? Looking around, I can see the answer to that presented in some rather large guards glaring our way. They begin to pull out.. cattle prods?! And walk our way.
I look toward Dr. Light when what he's been saying registers. Shocked I turn my head towards his friend. Just in time to see him begin charging towards me. I can see why they call him mammoth. He easily dwarfs everyone in the room, and I don't think his power repressing collar will make this hurt any less.
Panicking I look for ways out that don't result in me cattle prodded or tackled by Mammoth. The answer hits me like the obvious choice it is. When in doubt fall back to your only skill set.
I quickly frame my mind the same way as the holding cell. Excitement filling me at the fabricated experiences. I quickly cast the first spell that pops into my head.
"Windgardium Leviosa!"
His momentum drains fairly quickly rises. Maybe a bit too quickly. His head looks sturdy enough to survive the hit to the ceiling though. Crises averted.
I look around again. Saying the guards looked shocked doesn't do their faces justice. They drop their cattle prods, backing away slowly. The file of prisoners around me is dispersing much faster except Dr. Light whose grinning a tad madly and giving me a large thumbs up.
One of them talks rapidly into his radio. Another runs at me to strike with his cattle prod look-alike. Instinctively I raise my hand and cast the same spell again. One guard rises, one mammoth falls from the ceiling onto the ground hard. The file of prisoners around me is dispersing much faster except for Dr. Light whose grinning a tad madly and giving me a large thumbs up. I glare back.
A team of swat similar to those who escorted me here burst into the cell block. Armed very heavily with guns and riot shields.
"Everyone lay on your stomachs, hands on your heads! Now!" one of the swat members yells to the room at large, its hard to tell which one with those gas masks on.
I need to deescalate this before someone gets hurt
"Gentlemen, there no reason for this level of response. Simply one of the inmates over reacting to a rather poor joke. I can tell you the joke, if you like." I look at their faces trying to see if that worked. Damn masks make this harder than it should be.
This draws their attention to me hand raised, with the guard floating above. Even with the masks I can see eyes widen and then they fire. I take a step to my left into a cell. Turning I can see darts in the ground where I used to stand. That does little to allay my fears.
I'm breathing incredibly quickly. I can hear the guard fall. It doesn't sound pretty. I wince at the sound of something snapping. Reminds me of what my future will most likely be. Not that these guards seem particularly vindictive. But this is a prison… If only I'd never gone into that house in Gotham.
The sound of my panicked breathes comes to an end, with a crack. Louder than any gun. I feel like someone sucked me through a tube and spat me out face first.
I sit up quickly, prepared to be shot with darts. Only to look around and recognize an entirely different room, even with my crappy vision.
I can't help the grin of relief that breaks out on my face.