Goodbyes & Beginnings

Lami rolled over. The scent of her dad became stronger in her nose. Opening her eyes she can to face his chest. Momentarily she had almost forgotten she had gone to sleep in his bed last night. Sadness filled her own chest as her brain woke up enough to remember that today was the last day she was going to be with her family for a while. Tears gathered in the corner of her eyes. To stifle her cries, she rolled onto her stomach and planted her face in her pillow. Seconds afterwards her dad's hand landed on her back. She sniffled as he rubbed her back.

"It's going to be okay," Law said in a soft and comforting tone he only used on her in times like this.

"I know." Lami lifted her head, resting her chin on her pillow. "I'm just already home sick. This is the first time I'm going to be away from you all. I hate just thinking about it."

"I know. But you'll get control over your magic soon enough," Law said. "And until that happens you know the headmaster will be sending you back to us during vacations."

"It's not the same," Lami said.

"Just give it a few days and things will be better," Law said. "I know you. You'll get so invested in your studies that you'll barely noticed we're gone."

"That's a lie!" Lami glared at him.

Law chuckled. "Okay. But you will feel better in a few days. Keeping busy does that. It will help keep your mind off of us."

Lami sighed. She knew he was right. She was going to do all she could to get herself prepared to travel back and forth between this school and her home. "I'm taking at least one of your hoodies."

"I figured as much." Law pushed his cover off and stood up.

"And I expect you to keep me informed about what you all are doing and planning to do," Lami said as he entered into the bathroom.

"I know." Law pushed the door closed.

"And you will not go fight Doflamingo without me!" Lami raised her voice so her dad could listen to her ranting. "When you're ready to go after him I will be there with you. No exceptions or excuses!"

"Only if your magic improves," Law called back. "I do not want you around him if your magic is having issues."

"I'll be prepared by that time." Lami got off the bed and started pacing the room near the bathroom. "And don't forget to write me about everything. And I mean everything!"

"We won't," Law said. A few minutes later he exited the bathroom. "And you had better write back."

"You know I will!" Lami ran over to him and hugged him. She breathed deeply to take in his scent as much as she could.

"Come on. Get dressed. The others will be waiting with breakfast ready." Law ran his hand over her hair before letting her go.

Lami stepped into the bathroom. She took her time. She wanted to soak in what time she had left inside of her home. Finally when she exited, her dad was completely dressed. He slipped his arms around her shoulder and led her out of his room and down to the galley. There the rest of the crew was waiting. Breakfast was spread out on the tables. "Hey, guys."

"I can't believe you're going to be away from us!" Bepo rushed over. His massive arms wrapped her in a hug. Tears poured out over his fur. "I'm going to miss you so much!"

"I know. I'm going to miss you all as well." Lami hugged him.

"Well, we know you're going to miss us so much so we have something that might help with that," Shachi said.

"Huh?" Still hanging in Bepo's hug, she looked over at the crew.

"We have presents for you," Penguin said. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out one of his spare hats.

"Pen." Lami looked at the hat.

"It's one of my spare hats," Penguin said as he placed it on her head. "I want you to have it."

"And I have a spare of sunglasses for you." Shachi held out an extra pair of sunglasses.

"That's so sweet." Lami took them from him.

"And I've put together plenty of items in this small suitcase." Ika plopped a suitcase down on the table. "You never know when you might want to prank someone."

"You're amazing, Ika." Lami smiled.

"And this is from me," Tako said holding out a wrench.

"You're giving her a wrench?" Fugu said, his eyebrow cocked in disbelief.

"At least I'm giving her something practical!" Tako said.

"How is a wrench practical?" Fugu asked.

"For fending off boys and their unwanted advances." Tako took a swing with the wrench.

"A gift I approve of." Law sat down at the head of the table.

"She has magic," Fugu said.

"Yeah. But everyone here will expect her to use magic in defense," Tako said taking another swing. "They won't be expecting her to pull out something like this."

"Well," Fugu leaned back in his chair. "I can't argue with that no matter how stupid it is."

"You're just upset she's leaving." Tako frowned.

"Am not." Fugu closed his eyes, ignoring them.

"That's nice. I'll keep it with me at all times," Lami said.

"And this is from me." Bepo sat her down and handed her an oval shaped locket. "You might not like it. I didn't know what to give you."

Lami took the locket and opened it. Inside was a lock of Bepo's fur tied with a small piece of an old boiler suit that was too damaged for him to wear anymore. Tears leaked over her eyes. "I love it, Bepo."

"Really?" Bepo perked up.

"Absolutely!" Lami hugged him. "Thank you all! This will help me a lot until I can come see you again. I love you so much."

"We love you too!" The crew gathered around her, but for Law and Fugu.

"You still baby her far too much." Fugu scoffed.

"Oh hush! You better change that attitude of yours." Lami frowned at him. "I'm going to be coming back ever stronger. And if you're still a jerk I'm going to kick your butt."

"That remains to be seen," Fugu said with a smirk.

Lami rolled her eyes. Sitting down they started eating. When she was done she went back to her room to gather up some stuff she wanted to keep with her and then stopped by her dad's room to grab one of his hoodies. Stepping out of the room she was met by her dad. His arm went around her shoulders again before he pulled her into a hug.

"I'm very proud of you, sweet girl," Law said.

"I love you so much." Lami hugged him.

"Come on." Law tugged her towards the stairs. They headed up. The crew was waiting for them on the deck before they descended down to the island. As they got there Dumbledore flashed into sight.

"What do you want?" Lami asked.

"I have a little gift for you all," Dumbledore said.

"Oh?" Law eyed the man carefully.

"As promised, I give you the ability to write to each other." Dumbledore waved his hand in the air. "With this spell I grant you the ability to write back and forth."

"What's he doing?" Ika asked.

"Clean out your ears." Fugu shook his head.

"He's giving us the ability to write to Lami," Tako said.

A greyish blue light gathered around Dumbledore's hand. It floated over to the pirates. It swirled around them before gathering in front of their hands.

Lami blinked as a piece of greyish blue paper appeared in her hands and her crew's. "What is this?"

"The books you will be writing on," Dumbledore said.

"A book?" Lami frowned. "It's just a book. How can we write to each other like this?"

"It only looks like a simple book," Dumbledore said. "But the supply is endless. I know some people like keeping letters to read again and again. I figured you'd want that option as well. Each of your family member can write to you in their own book. And you can write to them as a whole or individually."

Lami nodded. She did want that.

"What if someone tries to steal it?" Law asked.

"They will find they won't be able to," Dumbledore said. "This spell only allows those it's cast over to use the books. You have nothing to worry about with that."

"What about pens?" Penguin asked.

"You may use whatever pen or pencil or quill you'd like," Dumbledore said.

"Great." Lami tucked the book into her suitcase.

"Are you ready?" Dumbledore asked.

"No. But it's not like I have much choice at this point in time. So let's get on with it already." She turned to her family. "I already miss you all."

The crew gathered around her. They took turns hugging her then hugging her again before finally saying their farewells.

"Do your best," Penguin said.

"You've got this," Shachi said.

"We believe in you," Ika said.

"Kick their magical butts!" Tako smiled.

"And be careful," Bepo added. "Don't over do it."

"And above all behave yourself," Law said.

"I will. Well, as much as pirate-ly possible." Lami grinned. The crew smiled back. They all knew she was going to cause some trouble at some point in time. She was a pirate after all.

Law rolled his eyes at her made up word before hugging her again.

After yet another round of hugging Lami, the pirates finally pulled themselves away. Bepo continued to cry as he climbed up the ladder. Lami watched. Her heart ached with each passing second she watched her crew climb upon their home. All too soon her home was pulling away from the island. She sucked in her breath. A cool, smooth hand slipped into hers.

"It'll be okay," Luna said. "I promise it will be."

All Lami could do was nod. Like Law had said. She just needed time to adjust to not having her family around.

"Shall we go now?" Luna asked. "You're only going to make yourself sick standing here."

Lami exhaled, finally noticing she could no longer see the sub. A breeze blew, cooling off the tears on her cheeks that she hadn't even noticed were there. Brushing them away she nodded. "Okay. Let's get back to your room."

"Our room," Luna said.

"Uh, yeah, sorry," Lami said finally noticing Dumbledore had disappeared at some point. "My room just took off with out me."

"I would one day like to see your home." The two girls turned, gathered up Lami's stuff, and headed up to the school.

"I probably should have shown it to you while they were here," Lami said.

"It's quite all right," Luna said. "You were stressed. Maybe I could go with you some day when you go home for a break?"

"Maybe. I'll have to ask my dad," Lami said. "It's dangerous on a pirate ship after all."

"I do believe I shall be fine," Luna said. "I have my magic after all. And by the time our first break comes we'll have grown even stronger."

"I'll ask him when I write to him tonight," Lami said.

"You are going to write him already?" Luna asked.

"Of course I am!" Lami said with firm determination. "Just watch me! I'm going to write him and the crew every single day! Maybe even twice a day! And they will write me back!"

"Such confidence." Luna laughed. "With that attitude you'll improve in your magic in no time at all."

"I hope so," Lami said. "There's some things I need to do and I can't do them while being here."

"And what is that?" Luna asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

"My dad has a fight that he has to take care of," Lami said. "He still has to get stronger before entering into that fight. I just want to be there to help him."

"I see," Luna said. "Well, I hope things work out for you."

"Yeah." Lami looked up at the school that was going to be her temporary home. "I hope so too."

Okay. Gonna try working on this again. But it comes second to other work since fanfics don't generate money for anyone.