Making a stop in Ecruteak City a few days after Aurora was better, the girls ran into Morty and that Magician guy from before.
"How can a brat like you meet a Pokémon that has been missing for 200 years," the magician, who they find out was named Eusine, yelled out seeing the shining of the Rainbow Wing, "Honestly I don't know but I do know that if it's Ho-Oh, then I will live up to its expectations," Aurora glared while not backing down. Hearing a bell ring throughout the city everyone was wondering where it was coming from, "That's the Bell Tower," Morty said in realization as he looked at the direction, "It could also be Suicune," Eusine objected, but either way the girls were already moving to the tower; however, reaching the top they soon found out why the bells rang before they were suddenly silenced, "Something must have gone wrong," Morty said while fearing something occurred.
"Either way I'm going to go.., Fuck, I mean I'm going to check it out," Aurora said; bringing out a Pokéball, "Lock and Load, Lugia," she shouted and said Pokémon came out, "Aurora... I sense something terrible happening," Lugia stated; not seeing Eusine's shock. "Let's go find the source," Aurora said firmly while hopping on Lugia's back. "My Arceus, can she not just run in Aura blazing," Misty grumbled, but Eusine heard her.
In the sky, Lugia was having trouble dodging the Flying-type Pokémon, "There- Oh Fuck… Arceus, not these losers again," Aurora said spotting three familiar yet annoying figures. "Team Rocket, release the bells now," she demanded, "Not the Pokémon we're looking for but Lugia would also be an impressive gift to the boss," Jessie said while scoffing at her, "You're not getting your hands on Lugia," Aurora said before seeing glass suddenly shattered near the Rocket goofballs, but before she could proceed towards them, she and Lugia were blocked off, "What did you idiots do now?" She demanded, "Jessie broke one of the bells and now the Pokémon are pissed," Meowth shouted only to be smacked by the female in question, "Don't tell her that," she shouted fearfully.
Seeing all the pissed off Pokémon, Aurora pulled out the Ocarina and as if she wasn't in control of her body, she began playing a song. The effects of the song calmed down all the Pokémon in the general area, and just as the others got there, they were surprised to see the three Legendary Beasts appearing on three stone ledges and above them is Ho-Oh itself though the Pokémon was glaring right at Jesse before looking at her, "I was right about you, my child," she said in a gentle voice before adding, "Male or female, you will always help both Pokémon and humans which is why I blessed you all those years ago." Aurora bowed, "I appreciate your kind gesture and will live up to your expectations," Ho-Oh released a melodious laugh, "You always have, but now I will need your help to restore broken bell," nodding Aurora used her aura to lift up the broken pieces allowing Ho-Oh to release her flames to restore the bell. "I wish you good luck on the rest of your journey and wish to bless you with my blessing," as Morty and Eusine were shocked Ho-Oh blanketed Aurora with her flames; not knowing she made Trixi mad and was going to try and find another way again.
"Before you leave I wish to one day challenge you to a battle," Aurora challenged, "I accept and will wait for you to come to Bell Tower and ring my bells to summon me," with a nod Ho-Oh then glared at Jesse who suddenly felt frozen stuff as her partner James and Meowth looked at her body fearfully, "I normally am not upset to those that break my bells… But once broken, I foresaw your past deeds before your joining of this… Team Rocket, and as punishment for not aiding to what you know: You are bound unless otherwise, to the House of Shirayuki as a maid…. And a babysitter as well, but your two so-called friends will have no saying in my judgment, and as a punishment to which you forgot yet I seen, you Jessie Serene Rosita, will be recalling that event and more in due time." With a flap of her wings; accidentally sending Meowth and James into a forest of bugs, Jessie felt a warmth around her neck to which she was stunned at grasping a golden collar with a heart in the front, and Aurora's Clan Name on it.
Shocked, Aurora looked to Ho-Oh as Jessie suddenly clutched her head and her eyes widened with tears suddenly formed and falling, "What... Moo- I mean what did you do Ho-Oh?" Ho-oh only gave her a sad look with understanding in her orbs, and states; to get the ice futa wide-eyed by her brief answer, "It was eventual to come, as I foreseen she would suffer in the near future of an unexpected loss. You will find out in due time Aurora, but for now, I will take my leave, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, dark times are coming... We need to be prepared," each of the Legendary Beasts nodded, "Yes Lady Ho-Oh."
Checking up on Jessie, Aurora was shocked seeing Jessie transform before her eyes as while she is still at the same height, her bust size; despite her uniform tearing, as a result, grew from her previous size to a GG-Cup; with perfect baby making hips and an athletic body. Her hair then gained white streaks in it to symbolize her new life.
Seeing her new looks Jessie paused after she spoke in confusion, "What did that blasted bird do to me, Mistress… What? Why am I'm calling you Mistress, Bra- Mistress?"
"Hey stop drooling, Asshole," Misty growled out while pulling out her mallet; sending Eusine sky high, "Do I need to smack you too?" She asked Morty who only looked humored, "No, I'm not going to judge the orders of a legendary, and that isn't my style," Morty said as he was walking away, "Good luck, Aurora, Casey, see you at the League."
In the hotel, Jessie was thinking of her punishment, "I know this isn't how you thought this day would end," Aurora said as she came into the room, "No, I knew I was going to get punished eventually, when we went after the bells," Aurora was stumped mixed with being confused, "Then why go after it in the first place?" Jessie sighed with her looking miserable, "You can say that when life gets rough, you either face it head on or run from your past," Jessie also muttered something that Aurora didn't hear, "Rough?" Aurora asked, "Yeah, before joining Team Rocket... I was just moving from place to place, as secretly I lost some of my memories before joining and that bird somehow… Brought a painful one back to which I'm guilty of."
Aurora sighed, "When you're ready, come to me if you need to get… Fuck, I mean something off your chest," Jessie half-smiled at this while wondering why she swore, "Thanks Br-Mistress," Aurora then laughed, "You look funny when you try saying 'Brat'." Playfully scowling, Jessie and Aurora started pushing each other. "So what do you think James and Meowth are going to do now?" Aurora asked eventually, "Probably going to report to the boss… But then again with how pissed he is, they won't."
Aurora was confused yet understood as Jessie sighed as she began to state things now, doing a so-so motion at the end, "He is a bit of a dick, especially with him bragging about doing Project: Fused Hinata, soon." That made Aurora wide-eyed as she asked, getting a light 'Hey' from Jessie after making she looked right at her, "What Project you said he was going to do?"
"He was private about it in the beginning, but as time passed, he started talking about the perfect hire to Team Rocket, after his first child of the two ran off," Aurora was surprised, "Giovanni had a kid?" Jessie nodded, "Yeah, red hair and a scowl plastered on his face. The only reason why I know the kid is because I was there when he shouted that he would personally destroy Team Rocket," thinking of this, Aurora realized who Jessie was talking about. "Is the boy's name Silver?"
Jessie blinked at her in minor shock with Aurora now knowing it to be true, "How do you know? Especially since his twin sister, Hinata Anubis Le'Shen… Why, what's with the look," Jessie states before seeing Aurora had wide eyes mixed with realization, and grabbed her Transceiver and quickly called Lance.
After a few rings, Lance answered with a tired 'Hello', "Lance it's me, Aurora, you still have those files from the Goldenrod Base?" Alert now after mentioning it, she saw him went to his laptop within moments, "Yes I still do… Why, what's going on?" He didn't bother to mention the new girl yet, but Aurora told him to look up the project Jessie mentioned, and he did.
"It seems Giovanni is a sick and twisted man, he plans to kidnap this girl soon, maybe even sooner as the date was a while back and seems solid from what he plans to fuse her with, let me see… Arceus, he is indeed crazy." Seeing his narrowed eyes, she didn't question it but rather asked, "Where does she live currently though Lance?"
"It seems she recently moved to… Well I'll be, she seems to be your mother's new neighbor, Aurora; But a few blocks nearby. But don't worry, we will have a few of our men look after both locations and if anything goes wrong, we'll let you know." Despite his words, Aurora oddly felt that was true, yet something bad was going to happen later on; she doesn't know why she suddenly feels this, but Aurora only shrugged while stating with a small smile, "Ok, but maybe you can convince both my Mom's to invite them over or something else, as an excuse."
Lance nodded after seeing Aurora's thoughtful look on his end, "Of course, and it might further things along in case anything bad happens… But I need to get some more sleep though, but I'm also going to call the others before heading off to La-La Land so they can get this done quickly." He then hanged up.
Leaving Ecruteak City through the East the next day after Anabel sent Jessie to Erika and Delia's Mansion; with her small things that were nearby while telling them they gained new help, the group of females eventually ran into a town called Eggseter. While there, they discovered that they made it just in time, for the town's annual Extreme Pokémon Race.
"So your here too, huh," Gary said after seeing the group of females; with them groaning to themselves at seeing him in return, "Let me guess you're here for the Race but don't even bother as I, the Great Gary Oak, will win the race," and just like the many times before there was a group of cheerleaders, however, unlike the travels through Kanto Region, there was less girls this time around. Though she noticed a few of them blushed at her and the girl's from the outfits they wore.
Scanning at each girl the first one is a 15-year-old girl with violet eyes and a chestnut colored hair, in a ponytail, with a D-Cup chest that was all held together in an athletic figure; her outfit is comprised of an off the shoulder blouse with the bottom being a skirt and running shoes. The second girl has deep blue eyes with a high C-Cup rack and a delicate figure; the clothes she wore are a corset top with skinny jeans and low heel shoes. The third girl had some similarities to the first girl but she has DD-Cup tits with the same eyes and a more hourglass figure with her hair a darker shade of chestnut; her wardrobe is short shorts with a back-revealing tank top and open toe sandals. Standing at Neesha's height, this chick has metallic blonde hair with tits ranging in the G-Cup and a flexible body; as her clothes are a halter top with a ruffled skirt and knee length shoes. The final girl, standing at Erika's height, had red hair with black highlights along with a rack size of E-Cup held together in a lean body; her outfit is keyhole long sleeve Chinese top and silk pants with open toe sandals.
Interested more in the girl that was eyeing her with a deeper blush, Aurora now asked, "How about you girls, can I ask for your names?" Blushing still at the gleam in Aurora's eyes, "I'm Trinity-" "And I'm her sister Francine," the twins said at the same time. "Rene's the name, playing rough is my game," Rene said in a tone that was mixed of a growl and a purr, "Wilma is my name," she bowed while unknowingly causing her tits to jiggle, "Last but not least, I'm Sarah." Nodding to each girl, Aurora's group eye-rolled at knowing that she was going into a true heat this time from her mates, yet they all smirked as an idea came to them and told Aurora; Even though Misty was against it at first from recalling her deeds she down to their Alpha, that they were going to be gone for a while from getting their older-looking kids new clothes as they were currently borrowing theirs.
Since her fun time with Elesa and also recovering slightly from Misty as well, Aurora has been feeling a bit hot; as unknown to her, her pheromones were being pumped out of her body due to her not recognizing her True-Heat, as she has been only getting cursed ones a lot, at random moments, and also wanting to get some fresh air, she went to the nearby lake; only to discover Gary's Cheerleaders were playing in the water. Each one of them; being the same five in total, were wearing extremely sexy two-piece bikinis now.
"Gosh, I can't believe that Gary's been such a dick lately," Sarah said, "Yeah, I always thought that traveling with the famed Grandson of Professor Oak would be a blast, but he's been a dick since the very beginning," Francine stated, "I should have left when others started leaving after the Kanto League," a different girl confessed with; to what was stated might be her sibling, "Well, I only stuck around due to you still being that fool's follower," Trinity argued.
"You know who we should have cheered for in the beginning?" Wilma then said, "That sexy chick, Aurora," Rene said as they all but one giggled, as she thought she heard something, "I wouldn't mind having her tying me up and having her wicked way with me," she added. "Well, you are into BDSM from what we all know anyway," Francine responded, "Those girls are so lucky though at having someone that cares for them," Sarah then said while changing the subject, "Yeah, have you seen the girls she's adopted; She's truly mother material… Makes me wonder what that was like, right sis?" Francine asked from what was heard, depressed about that; from a brief sigh from the other girl in agreement, "And all we have is a dick whose dick isn't even impressive," she added before also adding another to surprise the ice futa, "Especially you're secret though Trinity… How in Arceus' name you were able to keep that secret from the dick?" Trinity easily answered, "Easy, I just stuffed them in my cunt, it took a while to get used to it, but I managed," another girl blushed, "But what about-" "Oh that, I just put a condom on before inserting it," Trinity answered as her dicks secretly not known to the girls, were very small until she was aroused, so in truth, she never had sex at all at that location. So she mostly waits until she was hard, and shows up for certain… activities.
Taking that as her queue, Aurora now approached them in a decent two-piece, "Wish and you shall receive," she unknowingly purred; making them all blush. "H-How long have you been standing there?" Sarah asked while stuttering, "For a while now. I didn't mean to overhear your conversation, as I was just feeling a bit hot lately and I merely wanted to go for a swim," Aurora answered making their blush deepen, "But if you want I can move somewhere else." The girls shook their heads, "No, you're fine. We're just a bit embarrassed that you heard all that," the second girl stated, "Oh and Trinity… You're not the only futa in this world," confused, they were all shocked when they saw Aurora's dick for the first time. "How the fucking hell do you hide it?" Trinity asked with a blush; with a bit of jealousy in her eyes at the size, "One of my friends is a Psychic so she handles it," Aurora easily lied, "It's because of her, that I'm naked for most of the time as well," proving her word, Aurora snapped her fingers causing her top to shatter like glass, "What the hell," the first girl shouted seeing the double rack along with the extra features, "Yeah... Team Rocket kidnapped me a while back also, and pumped DNA of Random Pokemon along with playing god, on my body."
Thinking it over, one of the girls; Rene, closed her eyes and for her, a bushy tail and wolf ears appeared (Think of Strike Witches and you got it), "Weird, I would have thought my wolf instincts would be growling at your feline traits," Rene said while not seeing some of the girls who yet wasn't told; Trinity and her sister being the ones to know, looked at her stunned, "So you're a Rocket Experiment as well?" Aurora asked in shocked surprised at this turn of events, "Yeah it was during a transfer that I was able to escape," she confessed; feeling something heating up inside of her when she takes in Aurora's scent, as the scent itself was too sweet yet made her lower-regions heat-up unexpectedly yet not wet; making her eyes widen with a blush of realization, "Don't tell me I'm going into… into heat?!"
With her hybrid nose, Aurora could smell that Rene was in heat, "Now I don't know about you... But isn't it a bit impolite as I am the only one naked," blushing the girls were nervous, "If you're thinking of being watched no need to worry, I was able to put on a psychic shield that prevents anyone from peeking at us," a bit more confident, each girl began to strip down naked as Trinity to make all and even Aurora jaw dropped while her twin cooed at seeing two, two inched dicks where her clit is, with skin covering them, "How are you so tiny… From what you showed us, your bigger," Sarah states with Trinity blushing being embarrassed yet she was then thankful someone changed the subject as even she was curious, "I have to ask, those daughters of yours-" "For your question, yes, they are my daughters, but I only have a couple of adopted little girls," Aurora answered while interrupting Wilma.
Watching Aurora's dick rise to full mass; after nearly a half-hour of just chit-chatting with each other randomly, the girls were both excited and nervous, "Gary… He isn't even that big," one of them muttered out while wide-eyed at its size; Trinity was slightly jealous as her own two isn't that big.
"Oh, how big is that pinky dick?" Aurora asked curiously; as the girls and her made a bet if he is truly small or not, and hopefully she would win, "Please his dick isn't even the size of a pinky at all ever since we accidentally saw it, the thing is so small I don't even think it counts as a dick in the first place," the first girl answered, "Yeah, and the guy can't even last a single round with us having to act like he made us cum," the fourth girl said pouting. "We normally have Trinity make us cum with those two ducks of hers yet… They are currently cute-looking," the sister perked up; making Trinity blush as it was her twin's idea for the past few months, to do so; to secretly help her urges.
"How are you going to pleasure all five of us at once?" The sister then asked as Trinity like then felt warm after being near Aurora for some time, yet she saw all but her, seems to have half-dazed eyes, "While I do have the stamina to fuck all five of you... I have a better idea," pulling out a fruit she took a huge bite of it and shocking the girls when four other forms of Aurora stood next to the original. "What - How is that possible?" Wolf girl asked shocked mixed with her cunt like all of them, were slowly leaking, "Well, it's all thanks to a little fruit," Aurora said; making some of them understand, "You're talking about the fruits that are used during the act of sex... Aren't you, how many do you have?" Trinity asked as she saw her sister in her legs together, "My step-mom has a whole plantation full of them, as my family and I tend to discover them on our travels, and if she stops playing scientist... Then we wouldn't be having that many," Aurora muttered to herself, the others not hearing what she said.
Before anything could be said, wolf girl jumped on a clone and suddenly dragging it to a different area; with Aurora sweat dropping briefly in realization at her actions. Yet decided to state with a grin at the remaining girls, "If you girls don't mind, I-I think I'm going to be having some one-on-one with Trinity," without waiting for a response after realizing to her ire she was in heat, she grabbed the girl and took her someplace secluded yet oddly felt more in control of her actions, for once.
Leading Trinity to a more secluded area surrounding the lake, Aurora brought Trinity in for a kiss to stun the girl yet she complied right back, "Mmm, Mama give me more," realizing what slipped out, Trinity tried backing away oddly in fear, but Aurora kept her in the gentle yet gripped hug. "Now why would you call me Mama?" She quietly asked her as Trinity was hesitant yet replied with what Aurora knew, was being half-scared, "It's because of my own parents... They were horrified to find out that their twin daughter had a dick, and they tried so hard to make me think that I was a boy since birth… But when my breasts started to grow, they started treating me like a monster, and my twin joined me on the road with a few of our things with us still; For nearly a year now," as tears formed with every word spoken, Aurora gently kissed Trinity, "It's alright, you're with a better family now," she whispered; deciding to by her instincts and heart to see if later… to adopt them, Aurora began groping her newly adopted child's breasts. Trying to hide moans in pleasure, Trinity brought her head down to the upper rack of her mama's tits and to her surprise her body grew.
Trinity though came throughout each change to her body, as her height first went up to 5'9 with her chest blooming to; with her nipples becoming inverted with puffy areolas, an F-Cup. While her body remained the same, her ass grew and then gained a more... jiggling aspect, as her lanky arms and legs finally turned to slender ones. But it was her small dicks that surprised Trinity, and she held back from trying to rub the two as they pulsed and twitched as within a minute while cumming in an impressive stream from them both that lasted it as well; they grew from 12 inches originally in length to 15, and same with the girth and they both gained a curved-length instead of straight; but she also had gained a ball sack. The last was Trinity's vagina puffed up and she began moaning while more juices leaked, with it pulsing with needy relief.
"Mmm… Mama…. Fuck, Mama is going to have total fun," Aurora purred heatedly as her instincts kicked into gear while her dick also twitched even more, while her pussy puffed up as well, "Mama... I-I have something… Something to confess," Trinity moaned shivering when Aurora's tail wrapped itself around her left leg, and lightly was touching needy cunt. "What is it, my little lady?" Aurora asked as she was kissing Trinity on her lips before moving to the neck and shoulders, "B-Because . . . of the fact that the girls… The girl's always . . . Went after my dick... I-I'm still a VIRGIN," Trinity moaned while screaming out the last word as she felt Aur- her Mother's dick trying to enter. Realizing that now, Aurora knew she needed to be gentle while curbing herself with little success as her tail went to her anus as a dick, making her now biting her lip briefly to hold in a moan.
Going back to making out with each other and moving her dick away from her new child's cunt; Trixi secretly loving every bit of this, both mother and daughter laid down on the large towel that Trinity was going to use to dry-off with; Aurora making her new child more comfortable while slowly turning her on. "Mama . . . More," Trinity moaned out, "Patients baby girl," Aurora lustfully whispered; licking Trinity's ear, "Now why don't you take my dick in your mouth," nervous, Trinity went to work, then biting with a wince on her tongue, she drooled on Aurora's cock so that it was easier to swallow and with encouragement, she began doing her best. "Mmm, what a tight mouth," Aurora moaned out after three minutes of getting a partial blowjob and then surprising Trinity; who went wide-eyed, she lifted the child so that they could 69 each other, Aurora was easily able to swallow Trinity's two cocks and her tensed balls, as she had an urge to do this.
Squealing in surprise; Aurora is as well as she was impressed at herself on somehow doing this, Trinity could feel Auro- her Mother's tongue scrape against her tensed ball sack. As moans resonated between the pair, Aurora's finger fucked her child's needy pussy; unknowingly charging electricity, "MMMMMM (CUMING)," easily taking the load from both of Trinity's two cocks, Aurora then gently nibbled on her ball sack; forcing more semen to squirt out. Trying the same thing eventually, Trinity was caught off guard by the amount of semen Aurora unleashed forcing her to cough some of it out.
Waiting for Trinity to catch her breath, Aurora moved on to the next part, and softly stated gently to her as she got into position; her urges she can no longer control, "It's Fuck- I'm trying to say it's going to hurt in the beginning, baby girl, so just suck on my breasts," Trinity nodded while wondering why Aur- her Mother swore, yet she was without hesitation indeed sucking on Aurora's tits. Slowly inserting her dick large dick as Trinity had tears in her eyes, Aurora stopped when she felt Trinity's hymen but as she broke through, she had to wince when Trinity bit on her lower-left tit, a bit too hard.
Taking a moment for Trinity recover until she felt her hips slowly moving on their own in need, Aurora slowly started to move. "Mmm, Mama… Mama, please more," smirking without warning, Aurora brought her dick-tail to Trinity's mouth, "That's it, baby girl, keep Fuck- Keep sucking," Aurora moaned out; gripping Trinity's breasts who muffled a yell as they were sensitive. Staring into Aurora's eyes, Trinity saw the looks of lust and motherly love in them, "Oh that's it baby girl. Squeeze your cunt like that," as she kept mumbling words, Trinity loudly moaned as Aurora felt her daughter's cunt squeeze her dick a bit tighter, "Oh so you already came, well good… Fuck… Because I'm about to cum!" She moves and got out of her pussy as she was covered in semen with the area ahead of her, having semen on it, as well on the ground. Seeing Aurora licking up the trails of semen as if it was the food itself, Trinity blushed as mother and daughter made out, swapping semen and saliva.
"So what position do you want next?" Aurora asked a few minutes to catch their breath, as she then entered again while reducing her hips to gentle thrusts, "Um, c-can I ride you," Aurora blinked in minor surprise, "A-Are you sure, Fuck- I mean if you do that and something happens," she finished her talk with Trinity pointing to the rest of her mother's dick as she was having her own two dicks leaking precum again, in a sudden growl, "I'll take that chance." Still connected, Aurora went to lay down the towel but a slip on the sand thanks to Trinity's part, "Mmmm," biting her lips, Trinity felt every inch of her mother's cock burst through the wall of her womb, "I can move," she said with dazed eyes while starting to move up and down; worrying Aurora as Trinity acted like she was too needy, "Oh Mama… I feel so full," Trinity moaned out as she with surprising strength held her down as she was rapidly thrusting in her cock, her child's own two fully hard as she grabbed them, and as her child sexed her, began rubbing them roughly with gentle amounts of electricity.
Switching positions as time passed before, Aurora had two dicks in her snatch, mother and daughter came in each other once again, "Mama, please I want more… Give me more of your love… Make your daughter pregnant with your babies." Aurora smirked with her instincts fully taking control with Trixie's eye color in her left, "You should not have said that Trinity, because now… I cannot hold back," forcing Trinity to be under Aurora, the older futa began fucking her daughter at a faster pace while growling, "HA . . . HA . . . MMMM . . . Yes, that's it... Mama, more, fuck me more," Trinity yelled out with entirely dazed eyes that oddly were different colored now; one emerald-green and one pure-amber/orange. Focusing more on the urge to fuck while pumping her baby-cum into Trinity's cunt, Aurora slammed her lips on her daughters. As Trinity was slowly getting used to the speed, she begged Aurora now in pants, "Mama... Dicks… Suck them… Please." Seeing as they somehow grew to her astonishment to being 35 inches during their lovemaking, she did so with Trixi masturbating for the seventh time within her hosts mind, and Aurora as she sicker her child's two dicks at once, charged electricity in her free hand and massaged her child's balls, and they both went faster until they both came as one; their body's covered in semen while Trinity's womb was overfilled so much it was also gushing out of her. Thinking that she was done, Aurora looked on in horror as she kept fucking her knocked out child.
But try as she might, she couldn't stop fucking Trinity even though she's passed out, "Mama . . . Baby . . . More," Trinity muttered out wrapping her legs around Aurora's hips as she kept ramming her new child. I… I can't stop! My… My body isn't responding again! Aurora thought with panic until she heard a familiar voice; who was in glee, Aurora now understanding in panic as she was too caught up in her True-Heat to realize, "That's right bitch I'm in control now," Trixi said influencing Aurora's body to flip the girl over, so that Trinity's head was resting on the towel, and jammed the dick-tail into her newest child's asshole as another formed and attacked one of Trinity's two dicks. "AHHHHHH," with blank eyes of pure bliss, Trixi screamed, "Trixi enough, this is too much for Trinity's first time," Aurora thought as she was struggling to stop yet failing as to her surprise, a new Cunt-Tail showed and attacked the other dick, "No can do Little Aura, this is a prime bitch in heat, and I'm going to fuck her all the way as your heat is affecting me as well so much… I want to fuck all day," Trixi cackled in glee still. "FUCK . . . FUCK . . . MOO," Aurora shouted with horror as her speech was starting to relapse again, as she somehow felt the pleasure Trinity was feeling, not seeing a symbol forming at her inner thigh. But it dulled yet was plainly visible, to a darker yellow color.
As Aurora could only watch as her body kept moving, she could feel that she was cumming more than normal, and she can normally cum in buckets full of semen. "Tell me my baby girl, how does it feel to be full of mommy's cum?" Trixi giggled at Trinity's slurred yet mumbled speech, from the spirit talking from Aurora's mouth. The ice futa then drenched them both as Aurora was also tired yet her body kept fucking while begging Trixi, "Please stop… I… I can't-" "Enough chatting, back to fucking," Seeing electricity coat Aurora's hand, she saw that it moved to the base of Trinity's left dick and with a rough squeeze, the girl screamed, and suddenly losing her voice, as Trinity was dead to the world, from seeing the look of pure pleasure that was plastered on her face.
"And to think there are many girls to adopt and then fuck," Trixi crackled to Aurora's true horror before feeling a dark-like aura in her mind; in rage, at Trixi, and shouted as she heard Trixi yelp in fear, "Trixi that's enough, you've had your so-called fun, stop or you will get it," Aurora then heard Trixi asked mockingly back, "What are you going to do about it bitch. Unlike you, I will be Aurora's mated sister, and I will fuck her children… And even our host's body as well, like right now!" Feeling another dick, Aurora felt herself off her new child and her hand quickly inserted her own dick-tail into her own cunt. And her one dick-tail switched to a cunt-tail as both cunt-tails then began forcing themselves onto both dicks, and quickly was moving; her weakly mooing at this as she was on the ground.
Aurora then felt herself quickly cumming; but in half amounts as she then witnessed her body weakly move and head back to her child, "Finally, I will make Aurora fall in love with me as her sexy older sister as sex is the purest form of love, and family love is what I live through," Trixi said using Aurora's own hands to grope her body. Feeling her own two dicks being moved and was now fucking her, brought unknown pleasure to Aurora; though it was due to her heat still active, she felt her dick-tail snake its way and begin to fuck Trinity again.
Walking through the forest Anabel was searching for her mate through telepathy; as it has been a few hours since they left Aurora to her devices, and was starting to worry while being guilty like the girls, of their idea for the cheerleaders; knowing what just happened to her weeks before. "I know it was my idea, but… How can I be stupid at forgetting what Aurora went through recently,"
Hearing screams of pleasure, Anabel ran only to see her mate fucking herself and Trinity At the same time, "No I won't let her ruin my moment of love," Trixi states aloud from seeing Anabel, who went wide-eyed and then narrowed them at Aurora's body, "Trixi! Let go of Aurora's body right now!"
Trixi only laughed as she kept doing her tasks, as she secretly made another tail that was sneaking to Anabel as unknown to even Aurora, they can force her to grow temporary tails as much as they want up to ten, "Trixi you will let go or -AHHHHHH," stopping as the tail wrapped her up and quickly brought her over, Trixi used Aurora's face to smirk at her with Anabel seeing her eyes also had tears, "Sorry love, but I'm not stopping now; Not when I finally have Aurora in my lovely grasp, and I cannot let my competition interfere with this, so… Get ready to be forced upon as well bitch." Confused, Anabel screamed as her body froze and glancing her eyes, there was electricity in Aurora's right hand.
Anabel realizing now what she meant, she cannot move at all except her eyes, "No… Not this again… Anything but this again!" Anabel thought fearfully but also knew it wasn't Aurora's fault at all.
Removing Anabel's clothing by force, her backpack hit a tree branch alongside her phone, which was on Misty's number on the calling screen fell a distance away from the fucking trio while dialing slowly from damage, with the bag also landing hard on an odd-looking stripped tree. A familiar fruit then fell and rolled to them. Seeing the fruit, Trixi grinned savagely, "Oh… This will make things easier to what I planned to do even more." Trixi despite Aurora's weak pleas as Trixi secretly sealed herself in that room and heard pounding from the other spirits, ate the fruit, and with a renewed spirit, began fucking the girls.
"Stop… Stop…" Aurora kept stating to Trixi as she was for the next few hours; again from using Aurora's body, kept cumming into Anabel, Trinity, and herself a lot as she also kept going to that tree and eating the fruit. At the moment she was using the four tails as dicks; fucking both Anabel and the-passed-out Trinity's cunts, with the other two fucking both her host's anus and cunt at the same time, and also forcing herself to have a solo-tit-fuck while also at the same time, blowing both futa dicks.
Remembering what Zoey said about the Cumming Fruit, Aurora was slowly getting more tired and horney at the same time. "Fuck . . . Moo . . . Stop . . . Late," Aurorathought.Although Trixi rolled her eyes in annoyance as it seems Anabel's voice weakly returned, "Let… Let us go."
"No can do bitch, I'm in control now," Trixi laughed, "Why are you doing this, fucking us while forcing Aurora to fuck herself? There must be a reason besides that 'Incest Love' you keep sprouting out," Anabel shouted, "Why do I do this? Well, I shouldn't even tell you bitch, as those are personal and I only need to cum into you and make more kids; so I can fuck them as well, and soon I will fuck them all…. Ha, Ha, Ha!" Trixi states in a power-happy vibe to her as she also came into Aurora's body's mouth; with her nearly gagging, overfilling both Trinity and Anabel's cunts as their bellies with their wombs being overfilled and looked to be nine to eleven months pregnant, and Aurora's asshole leaked semen as well, once the tail left it. She then began to head over to the fruit tree again to Aurora's ongoing horror until she was suddenly tied-up from a familiar set of tentacles, and Trixi looked while seeing; with angry yet tearful eyes from Aurora's body, "Not you bitches, let me go!" Struggling in the tight grip from Misty's tentacles, the other girls alongside Casey and Janine; since Lucy and Selkie was put in charge of the girls; despite them being older, checked on the two other girls.
Remembering about the Cumming Fruit, Misty put Aurora in the river while allowing her to not only recover but to stop herself from… well, fucking herself. "No! Let me go you bitch- URAG, I was so close… So close to succeeding," Aurora said thrashing in the water while still being held down by Misty's tentacles; with it quickly going into her, "You're done Trixi, it's time for you to take a timeout," Aurora's dark-side said taking away her control over Aurora's body. "Fuck… Fu- Trinity, Moo- Anabel, I'm sorry… Fuck- I should have been stronger," Aurora said back in control of her own body as she was struggling to speak with her grabbing her tails as they went back to two; trying to go right at her mates with dicks exposed still, and her body shivering in need; as her two tails remained two as she was also now being soaked by the river, "I-It's alright, I don't blame you at all," Anabel said taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself as her entire body was now half-numbed yet she felt too full while knowing she might be pregnant for sure… alongside looking at the other girl Casey was still checking on, it might be the same. "Um, girls… I don't know about you, but Trinity's not waking up," Casey said out loud after failing on waking the passed out futa teen, "None of the other girls are waking up either and they're all in the same state as Trinity," Lucy called out at a location somewhat nearby loudly.
Casey jumped as a sigil appeared on top of Trinity's pelvis area, with it being a rune they never seen before or heard of, with Lucy stating the same thing happening to the other girls at her end, as they were all different.
The girls later woke up and realized after an explanation from Aurora's mates that she was taken advantage off during her heat cycle and may have taken things too far with them, yet each girl felt… different of sorts and they couldn't explain why. For Trinity, while she was a bit uncomfortable was for some reason alright with it, but she always had the feeling that she needed to be close to Aurora. But Trinity and her twin sister Francine had bewildered looks at Aurora now, "I decided to take you two in as my own kids."
Aurora was being aided by Misty's tentacles for balance as her legs were shaking mixed with being numbed from fucking too long; without breaks, and Trinity was leaning on her sister as semen still was oozing out of her pussy, "You w-want to take us in?" Trinity let out in a rasping voice; from earlier actions, and Aurora nodded before stating while trying to hold herself on saying "That Word" again, "Yes, and it's not out of spite, but… But from what you said Trinity, and… and I figured maybe you… You would have a family better than- Fuck; I mean then what… what you had before."
Tearing up, Trinity and her sister hugged Aurora without trying to harm her further, "Well now our family just got even bigger," Misty smiled with Dema thinking on this… Trixie character, this entire time. "So does Aurora always fuck her family?" Rene asked as from what was occurring, would mean Trinity and Francine would be her new kids; making them nervously chuckle at this.
Smirking at Gary's frustrated face a day later, Aurora smirked as his former cheerleaders were on her side. Seeing him driving away in that limo, Aurora couldn't help but think, "I wonder if Mistress Elesa still needs models for her work?" I can ask her the next time we meet up," finishing her thoughts with a quiet moan with her eyes briefly going blank and back, Aurora and the girls kept moving. But when Trinity collapsed in which thankfully that a few of the cheerleaders caught her.
Seeing that she was pale, Aurora checked her temperature and was worried as she had a more-then-average fever as sweat was quickly building all around her frame, "What's wrong with my sister?" Francine came over in panic as for once, she was worried as her twin rarely ever gotten sick, "Honestly I don't know, it couldn't be from yesterday since we made sure she was fully recovered," Aurora said; with her guilty she also knocked-up Trinity as well before looking at Anabel with a 'Help me' look, "Ok, I'll take her to Erika's Mansion… But do you girls want to go with, as we know someone who might take you girls in for a new job?" Blinking in minor surprise, they jumped at this and looked briefly to the ice futa, as Aurora then stated in question "Elesa could take them I think is what you're saying, Anabel?"
"WAIT YOU KNOW ELESA, THE SUPERMODEL!?" They shouted all at once. "Yeah to make a long story short: We met a while back and she took a shining to me and said that if I needed anything involving clothes, just go to her," Aurora said remembering that's what she said while she was in her 'Brain Dead' moment, "That and Elesa is also one of Aurora's . . . Mates," Kris said; not wanting for them to know that Elesa is Aurora's Mistress; one of the potential few who can turn Aurora into a sexual puppy or brain-dead slut, during sex.
Accepting it with a confused look on their faces the girls left with Anabel as Aurora sighing to herself before she heard Kris yelp as her one left-tail tried sneaking once again, to suck her canine dick "Not again!" Kris moaned out. As the other tried to go after Misty; with her only grabbing it as it wiggled.
Entering Mt. Mortar a few days later after recovering from her "Trixi-Moment" as she was mostly better; not knowing within her mind, the spirits found out she escaped her chained chair, with her egg she won hatching a day earlier to reveal a Phanpy, the girls were on the second floor when an earthquake happened, "Oh come on," Misty shouted as they ran to the exit; however, on her next step... Aurora fell through.
Waking up later, Aurora saw that she was in a hidden room of sorts, "Where the fuck am I?" she asked herself; purposely using said word for real, this time, "And how did no one ever find this place," she asked herself. Exploring the area, thanking the gods that she can use her Aura to light up the area around her, the futa found statues and faded paintings that she couldn't figure out but it was in a throne room type setting she found out what this place is, "Oh my Arceus, please don't tell me that this is Diabloza's Temple of Worship," Aurora said while seeing a clear description of a statue to the former king. As she is a reincarnation of Mikoto, her body was naturally cautioned of everything around her, upon making that realization.
Finding a bedroom, there was a bunch of women's clothes as well as sex toys, "Great I just stumbled upon her sex chamber," she told herself climbing down the stairs of a hidden stairway. Sensing something in the back of the room, Aurora cautiously walked towards the back but wasn't able to dodge the ball of slime jumping from the shadows covering her face, knocking her out.
Waking up, Aurora saw that she was chained to the bed, "Nice to see that you're finally awake, my little sister," hearing the voice, but thinking that it was impossible, tilting her head up, Aurora saw a woman her height with bronze-color skin; with her own two sets of breasts being an RR-Cup alongside her dick is the size of 8.5 feet, with a 30 inch girth size. Yet what also caught her attention, was the four tails swishing around. "Trixie?" Aurora warily asked, "Yes it is, my sexy babe of a younger sister, since it seems that the slime pulled me from your mind, and gave me a knockout body," Trixi purred sexually walking towards the bound girl while also touching her frame briefly; her dick-tails scraping along Aurora's body as Aurora's own laid limp suddenly, "Normally I would go after the children, but you were right there on the cold hard floor, and I can't help myself. Besides we need some personal sisterly bonding, my loving little Aura," Trixi possessively said while gently tracing her fingers a little too hard around Aurora's top-right tit. "Release me now," Aurora demanded, failing to hold back the blush on her face, "Sorry my little Aura, but I'm in charge and I'm going to be loving every minute of it," Trixi replied leaning forward licking Aurora's exposed neck.
Blushing, Aurora couldn't help but release tiny moans the more Trixi teased her, "Now time to fulfill my purpose as your dear Dom Sister," confused, Aurora soon found the nearby table full of various fruits, "Now which one to choose," pretending to think about it, Trixi picked up the Mukunda-Mala Fruit, "Don't you fucking dare Trixi," Aurora said while trying to sound threatening, but also failing from the obvious blush still on her face. "Oh don't worry… You'll make an excellent little sister," Trixi said forcing Aurora's stubborn mouth open and shoving the entire fruit into her mouth. Being forced to swallow, Aurora quickly felt her body change around 7 years old, in form; from the curse as her new tail snakes back into her to have one again, "I knew you would be a sexy little sister," Trixi said from seeing the transformation while also squeezing Aurora's F-Cupped twin rack with one hand firmly, while the other slapped her still palmable ass.
Moving things along, Trixi leaned forward once more kissing Aurora, her tongue filled the child's mouth, "Delicious, now let's see how to proceed? Oh I know there is this one fruit I found among the piles of loot," returning to the table, Trixi picked up another apple looking fruit but the design of the twin fish Pisces on it. Taking a bite, there was a brief flash as Aurora saw two Trixie's standing in place, "Now my 'Sister', let us have fun with our adorable little sister," O-Trixi purred and surrounding Aurora on both sides, the two began their assault.
"You're such a good little sister aren't you, yes you are," C-Trixi teased, "Of course she is, she's the sexiest little sister ever," the Original Trixi purred; pinching Aurora's upper tits as the clone pinched the lower rack. "Oh god I don't think my sanity can survive this," Aurora thought; moaning louder from her child-like voice when the 'Twins' gave her a boob job, "That's it Little Aura, don't hold back those beautiful moans of yours," the clone said; scrapping Aurora's wet cunt and making the child yelp. "Tell me, sister, what toy can we use?" The clone asked the original, "Oh I know," walking to the table, the Original Trixi picked up a dark-grey cockring, and placing it on Aurora's 39-inch cock, as it became bone-hard while instantly twitching. Finger fucking Aurora's small vagina though with two fingers, the clone made an inward-smirking discovery, "Oh what do we have here? It seems her virgin wall has returned," both Trixie's grinned now at the news with Aurora also widening her eyes at this; realizing how small her vagina must be now, "Don't you even think a-about that," she tried to state firmly from her child's voice yet moaned, as O-Trixi began to blowjob her dick while the other, began to lick her small vagina while also fingering her anus.
Aurora felt her hardened dick was holding semen now while she also felt blood pump into the organ; to keep it hard from the object glowing briefly orange. Now she was whimpering as it began to be painful, while her small vagina leaking more juices from both O-Trixi and C-Trixi still doing the same task, while they were grinning at each other.
C-Trixi then stopped her task as she went to the table nearby and gotten a butt-plug that looked like it was fused with gems, and without warning, shoved it right into Aurora's ass fully without seeing the gems glowing; Aurora's eyes widening as she felt it suddenly moving like an actual dick inside her as well as a phantom sensation in her vagina. Going forward, O-Trixi took another fruit and shoved it in Aurora's open mouth; forcing the child to swallow the piece, then unlocking the cuffs, it was a Trixi sandwich now, with Aurora in the center, "Now let's get to the fucking of our little sister," C-Trixi said and lining up both of their cocks on Aurora's outer cunt lips, "3 . . . 2 . . ," not even counting to one both clone and original shoved both of their cocks at the same time as the two dicks easily broke through Aurora's hymen from the flex fruit.
Before Aurora can even scream while feeling her mind was hazy while in pain from the two cocks; as even the flex fruit could not stop that pain, O-Trixi silenced the child with a kiss, "Don't focus on the pain Little Aura . . . that's it, focus on the pleasure," O-Trixi muttered as C-Trixi peppered Aurora's shoulder, neck, and face. Slowly coming to, Aurora was starting to half-enjoy this feeling while her spirits also kept reinforcing her mind with her dark-side looking at O-Trixi in minor revenge; from their host's eyes, as the O-Trixie's four dick-tails were moving to Aurora's rack and became suckers and started sucking each nipple. "That's a good little sister," "I'm… I'm not y-your Arceus d-damn sister," Aurora groaned out with half glazed eyes; wincing when the C-Trixi slapped her ass, "Bad little sister, when your Big Dom Sisters are treating you nicely you, act like this," O-Trixi said before they were stunned as Aurora suddenly chuckled darkly at them; with redden eyes suddenly, "You better not take things too far Trixi, or there will be hell to pay," thinking nothing of it, the 'Twins' continued to what they planned as Aurora still felt that odd dildo with their two dicks inside her cunt. It was too much yet she began whimpering in pain at forgetting the cockring, as it held more semen; with her dick looking red now as more blood pumped into it while her pussy became slicker.
Seeing this, the C-Trixi went to jerk it off as the Original grasped the cunt-tail, "Let's see how long our Little Sub Sister can last," shoving it all to the base, Aurora screamed in pain filled-pleasure as C-Trixi kept jerking off Aurora's cock, unknown to them or the spirits in general, there was a spirit hiding in the dark corner of the room. "Wow, after years of sleeping and sealed away here... This is fantastic," the spirit thought but then noticed the eyes changing from Aurora, "Crap why does the chick have to have a spirit, let alone a lot inside of her," hoping not to end her entertainment, the chaos spirit waved her hand and in Aurora's mind, the spirits suddenly found themselves tied up; except the dark-side, as Aurora's mind then weakened enough for her to accept things. "As long as they don't go too far," she thought; masturbating to the show in front of her.
Back to the show, Aurora was suddenly without reason, was now enjoying being called a little sub-sister, "You see sister, I knew our Little Aura would enjoy this," the Original clone while said curling her hand on Aurora's kitty ear, that appeared from the spirit on both sides of the ice futa's head, but the Twins thought that it was also part of the transformation. Jolting with pleasure, the twins giggled seeing Aurora shake both of her legs as they rub both ears separately now. "Awe, this is just adorable, our Little Sub-Sister is a tamed pussy-cat," O-Trixi said giggling at Aurora's blushing while they did hear small purrs.
The effect of this happening was that she started gushing a lot more from her cunt and cunt-tail as her breasts leaked small lines from each nipple, and from the feeling, the two resumed fucking the too-dazed Aurora; who mewled in needy pleasure while they rubbed her ears still, but at the same time. "Who's a good little sister? Who's a good kitty sister," the Original Trixi asked, "Aurora is a good kitty sister," Aurora gasped out while quickly latching on to the Original's left tit, and began sucking on it, not noticing that her fangs were growing a bit longer. "Yeow, be careful little kitty," O-Trixi gasped giggling in the process.
Feeling that they were both on the verge of cumming, the Twins held their little sister down; who went wide eyed in dazed confusion, "Let's fill her up a lot," O-Trixi moaned while C-Trixi nods in a small grunt, and they came at the same time so much from their dicks, that Aurora's womb looked like; from them combined, she was having sixtiplets yet she yowled in pain as her dick was even redder and seemed to be on the verge of erupting from the enchanted cockring, as more semen built up while her pussy was even more slick to the point, O-Trixi remained inside and began fucking her again, while C-Trixi saw something that peaked her interest, and grabbed it.
Taking the item, it turned out to be an O-Ring, "Oh let's change positions shall we dear sister," C-Trixi grinned holding up the item and grinning the Original pulled out as, Aurora's cunt resizing itself, she easily equipped the O-ring, to an open-mouthed Aurora, "Awe we forgot to feed Little Sub-Aura… So open up little kitty sister, and don't forget to swallow it all," O-Trixi giggled at Aurora's cheerful look, sliding her cock into the open mouth.
As the spirit giggled at the show, with oddly popcorn in hand from somewhere, she giggled, "Man this is better than having Mikoto in the center of that futa orgy in that one town, a few centuries ago." Thinking of something to keep this spicy, the Spirit waved her hands grinning at the sexual chaos she's creating.
Pausing for a bit, the Twins turned Aurora over so that the girls could use her swaying tits as handlebars, C-Trixi finally noticed the cherry red color dick, she grasped it, "Awe is the little kitty needy," not seeing Aurora's needy look, C-Trixi grin slowly change into a scary one; with her eyes secretly menacing mixed with lust.
Giggling at her clone's look, the O-Trixi went to kiss her clone before she jumped in minor surprise from her biting her lip somewhat rough before giggling darkly, as she had that toy that was placed into her hands; making her go wide-eyed as she stated in sadistic glee, "Let's kick things up a notch, shall we?" The clone pushed a button as the small tentacle-like toy came to life and only attacked both Trixi and Aurora; who mewled in shocked pleasure as they were groped, entered in both holes, and the clone in turn made Aurora scream in pain as she also began rubbing as well as blowjobbing the truly-red dick since veins were appearing from the blood collected; making it seem it was now a few inches longer, and slightly more girth.
In Aurora's mind, Aurora's dark-side, seeing that it was about to go too far went back to take the reins. "Unless you say that you're a good little sister, you won't be able to cum from your cock," the C-Trixi teased, "A-Aurora is . . . a good little sister," Aurora gasped with slowly-growing blank eyes before they were going back to normal; as she was able to breathe, "And good little sisters listen to their owners correct?" O-Trixi gasped that as she secretly came slightly, "Yes, Kitty Sister Aurora, wi-will listen," Aurora moaned out. Grinning at the confession, the spirit snapped her fingers locking those very words in Aurora's psych as C-Trixi unlocked the ring; resulting in a geyser-like effect as semen covered all three participants while some of the cum stuck to the roof, though Aurora's dick was still red as blood was still in it, and keeping her futa dick hard.
Unknown to how much time has passed it was soon apparent that C-Trixi vanished and Aurora was returning back to her normal form with two tails. "Now what are you, my little sister?" Trixi asked rubbing Aurora's ear, "Aurora is a good baby sister," she meowed placing small licks on Trixie's dick, "Awe does Little Aura want more milk?" Seeing Aurora nod, Trixi sat on the bed spreading her legs so that Aurora had easy access to her dick and while the ice futa's main cock was occupied, her two dick-tails went to fucking her own cunt and Trixie's asshole. "Ah, that's it, keep licking my cock my wonderful Little Aura. I have many plans for you, my dear, involving those children of yours," Trixi moaned out but it was here that the dark-side stopped pleasing herself and narrowed her eyes, and was able to; from borrowing some power from the other spirits, fixed parts of Aurora's mind, with the hidden help of Mikoto who didn't want her reincarnation to be stuck in the same place she was in, years ago. "Never, I-I may like incest, but I will never turn my daughters; both blood and adopted, into your personal toys," Aurora said while glaring at the shocked Trixi, as the spirit's shock turned to a pouty whine; depressed that her fun was over.
"How was she able to break free," Trixi thought before seeing the duel eyes of red/black and silver/gold. "Of course it would be her, but I don't know who the other one is," Trixi thought. Thinking of something, Trixi suddenly gained knowledge of how to do an imprison spell of sorts, from the spirit, "On spirits wings of lustful intent, send thy soul to the chain around my neck; our souls linked by the ribbon fate, My Host Body I now control from words I state: Aurora, Pet, Sister," as Trixi was chanting, Aurora was too late to realize what was happening until she saw her soul sealed inside of a necklace that appeared on Trixie's neck, and her body falling onto the ground. "Now with your body is mine to control, you'll have to bring me your daughters due time to fuck, Little Aura; but you'll be joining as well . . . my little sister," Trixi said wiping the tears off of Aurora's body's face, as she was also crying within the necklace, as well.
Suddenly her body they saw began to twitch a few times before slowly moving around, and a dark-like mist was over the frame, and Trixi for once filled in slight fear; backing up as the energy felt cold, dark, and instinctively fearful mixed with warmth, raw power, and True Alpha-based authority. Aurora's body then chuckled before raising her head slowly and looking right at Trixi to freeze her in place, "I warned you foolish spirit… I somehow figured once you were burned inside my host, you would cause trouble instantly when a chance presented itself." Raxurora grinned wickedly to make Trixi gulp from the look on her face while using Aurora's; freaked her out that is, grin that resembled that of the Hanyo Mask, from Sekrai's number one; but a lot wider with sharp teeth, "In fact I think it's time to even the odds to what you've done to this body currently… perhaps, yes, it would seem Aurora gets to witness my own powers at work."
Aurora within the necklace was wide-eyed as she saw her body's hands blackened while her skin within moments went pale-grey like she was dead, yet was jaw-dropped like Trixi as her body's dick reddened briefly before expanding to twice its size; with four inches more girth, and was already leaking precum. Then she saw her body grew a second tail, and they both had dicks coming out of the tips that were around 30 inches with more girth than her bigger dick, "Yes… My personal favorite type of revenge," Trixi yelped as she was suddenly held into the air by the very shadows of the room itself; eyes widening in horrified shock alongside the hidden spirit at this, with Raxurora swaying on purpose while coming over and forced her tongue within moments into Trixi. Her new hands however once they touched Trixie's breasts, she quickly came with her milk instantly gushing; the hands glowing as Raxurora only wickedly grinned, "My one of few powers is that I can make you cum anytime I want to, bitch, and from taking too far to involve the kids as personal toys, well… Let's see how you fair as my own 'Pet' instead?"
Trixi yelped as the shadows pulled her tighter to now expose everything, with her now fearful as Raxurora decided to punish her by no foreplay at first, and jabbed right into her cunt; her two tail quickly moving to the other two holes to the point she was muffling a scream. "Yes… scream all you want as I plan to fuck you like you did to Aurora,... which reminds me," Raxurora saw an egg-shaped object that was silver in color, and by the use of the shadows, easily grabbed it and saw with interest it became an odd-looking bracelet. She then placed it on Trixi who then went wide-eyed with her suddenly feeling warm, and Raxurora only kept grinning as Trixi kept cumming and within moments, Raxurora began to move in sync with her tails at once; in a rapid pace. Trixi was moaning in pain with Aurora being stumped inside the necklace while slowly getting horney as well, as Raxurora then grabbed Trixie's lower-set and began to suck while channeling her cock to not cum at all, and simply build-up. "This will teach the bitch her place."
Raxurora then after a few minutes went faster while roughly slapping Trixie's tits, with the shadows also whipping Trixie's ass hard to leave red marks at the same time. She then felt herself getting closer to cumming, so she then quickly channeled her powers to stop herself instantly; wanting to fully blast the girl to oblivion as she heard Trixi now painfully whimper since she must have come from her dick, yet realized with wide eyes even more, she couldn't, "You will cum when I want you as stated, bitch… Now, who is a good little doggy?" Trixi was now feeling hazed in her mind from not only the rough-fucking, but her constant cumming was making her weakened to the point she was lazily in the air now instead of struggling. While Aurora as she oddly felt her body somehow doing this, began to rub alongside her darker-half within the necklaces gem. "Aww… No barking at all, then the little doggy needs punished even more," A tendril-like shadow now had another object to peak the dark-sides interest as it was an odd taser of sorts; with two functions, to which she quickly grinned at, "You need a 'Shocking' treatment my pet, so let's see if you can handle some power!"
Raxurora jabbed the taser onto Trixie's left arm, making the girl nearly pass out yet she was then slapped awake by the darker spirit who did so again and again while still fucking her, "You are not falling asleep on me doggy. You're going to bark like the bitch you are… Isn't that right, our secret stalker?" At the end of the darker-side's words, she looked purposely at the spirit within the room, who stopped rubbing herself in frozen shock. "You are part of the suite Aurora was fused with... Correct?" The spirit nodded with firmed eyes back at Raxurora; who grinned in satisfaction, "Why not help me break this bitch in then; the more the merrier I personally state." Confused by what this dark-spirit meant, Raxurora rolled her eyes while briefly stopping herself except her dick-tails as she states it to make it easier to understand, "I know it was you that spared me; Either aid me or stay back, as I'm trying to free the blasted girl." Trixi muffled as her cock twitched while veins were forming since blood was collected even more-so then Aurora did, from her time, as Raxurora resumed fucking Trixi roughly. The spirit vanished as the darker-side grinned as the garment covered her body into a sexy- pitch-black dominatrix outfit within moments as she speeds up even more; feeling the suite's few abilities to increase her stamina, kick-in. "Better bark bitch, as I'm about to cum a lot into you!" The darker-side roared as she let loose; a lot of sperm quickly going into the three holes while making her nearly suffocate as her stomach looked bloated by both the womb, stomach, and insides of her ass, to be having nine kids. Once she was out, Trixi did just that, barked at her as she was now like Aurora was; with Raxurora now was gently petting Trixie's hair, "Now that is a good doggy, now does the doggy want more sex?"
Trixi quickly nodded in a bark, her eyes blanked mixed with a dazed expression as the shadows lowered her and she has gotten on all fours; the necklaces gem shaking slightly as it glowed, but stilled; with the darker-half thinking to herself before looking around the room, as those toys she used, vanished somehow, "It seems more is needed… But what to use next, as this is truly my kind of fun."
Grabbing to what looked like an earring-clip, she grinned as it glowed green a few moments before fading away, and clasped the earing onto Trixie's ear as she moaned before her body began to quickly change into a Hucow from the semen being absorbed into her body, with her instead of barking, mooed in bliss with blank eyes still, "Now let's see if my new Cow would like to be fucked, correct? Trixi rutted in place needy as her dick was cherry-red by this point and was puffing up a few sizes while her vagina was truly swollen as if, she was in an animal in heat and without a response, jammed her dick back into the girl's cunt while her dick-tails changed to milk-suckers and quickly became on each tip, two sucker-tubes and both tails also latched onto a set of breasts while she began fucking her again.
With each thrust, her now Z-Cups kept gushing into her tails and she was absorbing the energy; seeing the gem in the necklace glow now with a grin; enjoying her revenge in her own way, finally came one last time as the gem shattered; Aurora's soul transferring into her as she also decided to let her take over.
Slowly getting up, Aurora looked around remembering what just went down, "Arceus, that was an experience," she groaned out getting up when a breeze entered the room, "Why do I feel like I'm not going to like where this is going," she asked herself. Turning around, there was an amazonic woman with pure white skin and a Z-cup rack with an 80-foot dick appeared before her, "And you are?" Aurora asked wearily, "I am Hilra, an old Goddess of Lust and Sexual Possession. You broke the spell that was placed on you, and now I am here to punish you," Hilra said making Aurora gulp. "W-What is it?" She asked to get the old goddess to blink at her at sensing an old flames work, and thought of a few simple ones, "The first is that you will suffer sooner to your curse you already have now, but the second… You will be forbidden to talk to anyone as to what I'm going to do next unless it is broken by something else; Overpowering to what you will hate."
The old goddess looked at Trixi, and a wave at her hand was back to the way she was before, yet Aurora gasped as a collar was wrapped quickly around her neck in old runes, and looked at her in horror by her next words, "You will be forced upon your True Heat to have my spells invoker, to watch as Trixi will control your body; not mind, and you will be forced into it randomly and not the cursed heat; That heat would occur sooner than you will like, foolish child of my old flame." Trixi woke up with a grin from overhearing this as Aurora states in horror, "No… Please don't make me fuck my daughters; Anything but that, please!"
"Nothing will change my mind on this as this will occur at night, and not the day. Plus as punishment: If any of your children would drink your milk, they would be mixed with both a blessing and a curse; aging them to the closet Soulmate they would have. They would then a day after be induced to a heat period in which Trixi," Aurora looked fearful still at her, but at Trixi now when she briefly spoke about her, "Will be part of fully and freed from your body, and your new… gear would force you to no longer communicate with all but the darker half within you, as to my own slight fear, she would kill then be sealed."
She then saw the spirit and mentally added into her old-chanting as Aurora screamed while grabbing at the collar, The child amongst my sight would also be aware as to what would be going on, and she would suffer as Trixi tells her body to defile her children; Starting with either the eldest ones or those that look older firstly... Unless they are closer to her, then she will do them as well while in that group, and this could only be broken by either stress or worse. Aurora screamed still as the goddess quickly dodged a dark-like blast that wasn't the girl's own doing, at her, as she realized from seeing the blast eroded from the spot it hit, knew she just made her darker side angry at this.
The collar then melted right into her neck as the runes showed before fading away lastly; Aurora quickly weak as she fell to her knees and panted. "It is done… Do note though your true heat will come truly soon by force once more, and you will know...Especially from you being my old flames blessed, I decided to add one more thing: If you somehow impregnate one of your children, then said child will be reformed from the spirit within that garment." Hilra states to get the odd-clothing Aurora wore shiver in shock, she oddly felt before unknowingly her speech was changed slightly to incorporate instead of "I or me", to "We or Us".
The old goddess then looked at Trixi by the firm glare on her face, "You will be punished as well, as despite your spells intention: I truly don't like enslaved children; More-so too willing or unexpected surprise to that as free, not slave. So your punishment is that you could only do this during this child's True Heat and not the Cursed Heat, and while you will roam free, you will be her slave-based sibling instead. And lastly, you will not be able to cum at all except gush from your vagina until that happens." The goddess felt the ice child's darker part felt satisfied with this while seeing Trixi was now in horror as she screamed while grabbing her neck now, and it was quicker than Aurora's before nearly falling down on herself. "As extra punishment to you both as I'm in a somewhat good mood: Trixi will be indeed your new sister by blood, yet she will have a soulmate once kissed from one of your children, would stick with her as her own slave mixed with yours barely; But to what child, I will not reveal."
As the goddess left in a pink-like flash that smelled of decay with roses, not known to the new siblings, a small blob fell from Aurora's new gear and exited the room.
Aurora's body, from recalling that slime and the goddess's words, formed into a midnight-black lace lingerie with straps connecting the ankle length lace stockings to the G-string that was connected to the cupless bra that was held in place thanks to that being connected to the collar, and the sections in the stomach is two straps going to the front of the G-String to the back, the symbol being Trixie's which is two breasts forming a moon.
Glaring at Trixi, Aurora and her Freed Spirit searched for a way out, "We swear whichever god or goddess brought you to me, We're going to kill him/her," she said with Trixi pouting at her for this, "Awe don't be like that Little Sissy, it's my fault that you love Incest Love anyways," Aurora growled at her for this; with them entering a hallway that was huge; nearly being lost for the past half-hour, "THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WANT TO FUCK MY FAMILY," she yelled, both freezing when they heard a growl, "Please tell me that was your stomach," Aurora asked, "I'm just a spirit in a body, I thought that was you," slowly turning around they started at a three headed Mega-Evolved Houndoom, "Fuck our life," Aurora shouted as they started to run, which was a bit hard as she was still sore from the fuck fest she was put through.
Not even looking behind while dodging a pitch-black ember attack, Trixi followed Aurora at every turn, "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING US?!" Aurora shouted while nearly getting hit by a dark-like Thunderbolt, "SOMEONE HAS TO KEEP AN EYE ON YOU," Trixi shouted in kind.
While they were running, the blob from before was now weakly still searching for a new host to inhabit, as it felt it would soon perish. Entering a random room, the slime saw a child's skeleton in chains; with an odd knife in the chest area where he heart was, and thinking screw it all, the slime bonded to it, thinking that the memories were its own.
Slowly there was some form to the skeleton as muscles and other organs were once made again, with its own skin being used before it realized its folly, it was wiped from existence as the spirit trapped within the bones, took over the body instead of it. She was around nine years old in terms; as unlike normal children that age, she was with lean muscle, 4'7 in height while having Mikoto's hair color and somewhat resembles both Aurora and Mikoto in looks, her breast size was also around high D-Cups and her skin was pitch-black; just like Aurora's Suit, and she opened her mouth wide to breath; with it being a smaller version of Venom's mouth from Spider-Man; silver teeth though, but she then formed claws on hands and feet, like a gargoyle mixed with a panther.
Opening her eyes; which were star-irises that are violet with light-blue Scylla, the child used her new strength to break down the door, "Now to see where Mama is," she told herself in accented English; recalling back then her mother was going to save her, and hearing noises to the east, she didn't realize at all she was faster than she was, or her new looks mixed with what she did to the heavy door.
With the ex-spirit made sibling and human, they were still running, "I-If we die here, we will find a way to kill you as a spirit," Aurora threatened, seeing an arc overhead approaching them at a fast paste, she fired an Aura Sphere and as they passed, the arc broke; however, it was pointless as it only caused a minor headache. "You just made him mad," Trixi shouted, "No duh dipshit," Aurora shouted as they made a sharp turn, "Where did that thing come from?" Trixi yelled out, "Please like you need to be a professor to figure that shit out," Aurora shot back yet she nearly tripped, "Hey do you think that Diabloza made that into a futa as well?" Trixi asked at random as they also dodged an ice blast from the middle head, "WHY THE MOTHER FUCKING ARCEUS HELL WOULD YOU THINK THAT, AT A FUCKING TIME LIKE THIS," Aurora screamed at the top of her lungs.
Thinking of an idea, Aurora froze the floor behind them but again that was useless as the Mega-Houndoom lit its feet on fire, melting the ice. Taking another turn, this time the hallway wasn't big enough for the three headed bitch to enter, but to their horror it still kept running, "We need a fucking miracle to make it out alive, I haven't even fuck any of Aurora's children yet," Aurora's eyes twitched, "Don't include my children in this, I would have just tripped you right now if it wasn't for the fact that stupid Goddess basically ordered me to be your semi-slave," she muttered but Trixi heard it and felt a bit hurtful, "It's to be expected, I do plan on fucking her daughters . . . But I wish we can have a bond like she has with the other spirits," she thought.
From above them a white ball of gunk shot from nowhere hitting one of the heads, "What the fuck?" Aurora shouted as they stopped and saw two more gunk shots hitting the other two heads, and with one of the chandeliers in the hallway suddenly dropping, it knocked out the three-headed bitch. "Mama," a girl's voice said hugging a quickly confused and stunned Aurora, "Excuse me, did you say... Mama?" The child looked up to her and even Trixi was taken back at the tears she had, were falling down her face, "I knew you save me Mama Mikoto, I just knew it!" Aurora only patted the girl on the head gently as she winced at how strong she was but held fast, allowing the kid to cry on her.
In a different hidden part of Aurora's mind, Mikoto gasped in utter shock, "Vivian, my precious younger daughter… How- DIABLOZA!" She recalled her child she was going to save; her youngest child back then before her resurrection, yet was killed in the process before she could give a message of her allies, to Vivian's location. "He… No, she… she killed my baby."
Aurora gasped, "Sweetie we have some really bad news," Vivian was confused looking up, "Mama why are you so different?" Aurora then bent down to her level with regret now in her orbs, "Dear... It seems you've been brought back from the dead, we're just a descendant of Mikoto; After she remarried," Vivian was shocked yet confused by Aurora's Speech, and with understanding eyes from Aurora since Vivian took a step away from her in denial, "W-What do you mean remarried, Mama I don't- I don't understand... What's going on," Aurora had a saddened smile while going back to her and this time she hugged her, feeling Mikoto's influence, "Vivian this isn't the world you know of but if you want, we can still be your Mama, Mikoto is my past life through reincarnation." Vivian teared up seeing a spiritual form of her mama. "I don't want to be rude but we still need to get-" Trixi was interrupted when the three-headed Houndoom released a growl like roar.
"Mother fucker," Aurora said as they all ran, with Aurora grabbing the child by the hand when doing so. They didn't make it far when Vivian suddenly tripped, slipping out of Aurora's hand, "MAMA," she shouted in fear as the Pokémon was nearing her after recalling it was Vivian that did the sticky-mess, at its face, "STAY AWAY FROM OUR DAUGHTER YOU FUCKING THREE-HEADED BITCH," Aurora roared going through a semi-transformation, but unlike the one from before, this transformation was that similar to a miko and a shawoman, the bottom part of her outfit was a kimono; with the top being a loose tank top with the sleeves starting from the elbow but behind her were two semi-golden wings, "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams, unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws (Belongs to BLEACH number 33)." Pointing her palm at the three-headed bitch, blue flames were discharged in a wave with the last thing the Three-Headed Mega Houndoom saw, was blue flames; stunning everyone as it turned into a cross shield of sorts. Picking it up, Aurora was shocked to see that it attached to her right arm before reverting to a tattoo, from it looking like a cross with flames wrapping around on her forearm.
"Mama, can you tell me about this new world?" Vivian asked with to others would see it, a creepy smile yet it wasn't, "Of course baby girl," Aurora smiled before she groaned, "Mama, who is she?" Vivian asked pointing to Trixi, "I'm your mother's sister," she answered before Aurora could open her mouth, "Oh ok…Auntie," the child said before coming over and began sucking on her Mama's tit and bewildered them both with Trixi also having a blush, "Vivian what are you doing?!" Aurora asked shocked, "You used to let me do it as a way to assure that everything would be safe," Vivian answered before going back to sucking on her mama's tit; as she was also hungry as well, "Trixi shut it," Aurora said, seeing Trixi was about to say something.
Finally finding an exit, Trixi swore as she was forced to return to Aurora's body; however, as they left they didn't see two people watching them closely, "Mistress Diabloza isn't going to be happy," Agent Dragon said, "Then we really need to try and get our targets to lessen the punishment," Lust said as they left.
"Aurora are you alright, we were worried sick?" Misty said seeing Aurora causing everyone else to check her as well. "And who is that?" Misty asked, "This is Vivian, and she's… Mikoto's daughter from years ago that somehow was brought back to life," Aurora said; suppressing the need to moan as Trixi was controlling the suit to vibrate and tighten, as every step to the Pokémon Center, caused the suit to scrape against her cunt.
Unknown to Aurora or Trixi, even during the chase, the spirit that was watching them was thinking of all the fun she could have, "While I would love to follow them, I see that I have something to do in the name of making lustful chaos," the spirit thought, "So which will cause more of a shock, another set of tits or a bigger dick with a ball sack… I think I'll do both mwahahaha!" The spirit cackled in glee as she teleported to a house in the Hoenn Region, within Littleroot Town.
"Come on let's return to Celadon city, as Delia and Erika were worried sick about you," Misty said the next day, making Aurora freak out and for Trixi to sexually lick her lips as the slime suit also vibrated in pure joy. Though Aurora despite this, thought it was cute as Vivian was curious about everything there was to see, though she frowned from others seeing her features and avoiding her; as she wore only a dress that was spare till they get to Celadon and shop for not only her but her three other children.
"Ignore them Vivian, they can't see what a beautiful child you are underneath the outer shell," Aurora said glaring at a random male; stopping him from throwing the piece of trash at her that was an old crinkled up paper that once Misty picked it up, she quickly tossed it into the trash as it said "Mutant Freak".
They all paused as they were nearby a TV store that suddenly showed the news reporter, with her statement on the screen, "This just in: From all over the world, innocent people are being accused to what scientists; After permission to draw blood for study, of course, are having odd mutations all over the world within the past year that are from Pokémon ability's or physical parts. With the help of Pokémon Master Lance, he has explained that these are the work of Team Rocket, who has been kidnapping children for their experiments; however, they are not to blame for the attacks on the Almia and Flore regions. However more, scientists from blood work seem to have discovered that some may be true while what Master Lance said is to be also false words, as they discovered a new gene they dubbed the Z-Gene, which is also causing these rather sudden mutations in people. Master Lance wishes that despite these transformations, to treat everyone the same." Aurora turned to see that while some people were properly thinking of this new situation, most of them were ignorant; thinking that this was all a hoax by the Government, and some others glared at their direction or more importantly at her new child with her, with either fear or hate. In Aurora's mind though, Mikoto was being held back by all the spirits from taking control and attacking the man, who was shooting her daughter a lewd look.
"Let's go girl's, before more happens," Anabel gently states at seeing people starting to whisper about them, and they left the area.
Approaching the mansion, Aurora was quickly pulled into a hug by both of her mothers, "Don't you dare scare us like that again do you understand young lady," Delia said searching for any injuries, "We're fine mom, there's no need to worry," Aurora said, "That's when I worry the most," she said sighing but placing Aurora's wording for later. While Trixi was cursing as she couldn't isolate Tatsuo due to the present news, thought of a new plan to fuck her first target.
While everyone was in bed later that night; with everyone being kind with a hint of wonder at Vivian, Trixi took over Aurora's body, "Trixi you better not be trying anything," Aurora shouted suddenly moaning from a jolt. Entering Tatsuo's room to her horror while recalling that goddess words, Trixi licked her lips, "She's certainly has grown," thanking that she had a room to herself, silencing the walls to prevent sound, but finding out that she couldn't escape Aurora's body for the second time grinned; forcing Aurora to slowly walk towards her sleeping daughter.
Tatsuo as she like her siblings are aging oddly; few of them like her looks like she was a twelve year old currently with low B-Cups, and developing curves. "Mmmm… Mama, why did you wake me up?" She asked; seeing her Mama awake before noticing her outfit, "And why are you dressed like that?" She then asked as she knew about the bracelet, seeing as the adults revealed it after she got it.
"You see Tatsuo, Mama was feeling like I've been neglecting you lately so decided I want to make it up to you," Trixi said using Aurora's voice; silencing Tatsuo with a finger to her lips and to Aurora's realization at Trixie's plan. "Don't say anything but just enjoy this mother/daughter time," kissing a surprised Tatsuo and a horrified Aurora, she felt her hands gently grope her child's left developing breast; with her pleading to Trixi now, "Please don't do this, take out your lustful intent towards me, just leave my children out of this,"Trixi ignored the pleas from the ice futa as Tasou was wide eyed by feeling her mother's tongue entering her mouth and realized something wasn't right, she tried to get out of her mother's hold yet but gentle with strong hands, "Don't try to run, just embrace it," Trixi said as Tatsou whimpered at her fearfully, as Trixi only grinned, "You.. You're not my Mama."
Trixi held her down still with her stating honestly with a pout, "It seems my first child to have my way with is too bright for herself… No matter, it's not like you're going to get a chance to state things, because if you do, you won't see your Mama that much, and I can do so," Tatsuo was a bit fearful at hearing these words, "Please don't harm Mama . . . I'll do what you want," Trixi smirked as Aurora cried; blaming herself for forcing Tatsuo through this.
"Good now slowly take off your shirt," nodding in fear, Tatsuo grabbed the helm of her shirt and slowly took it off, not seeing Trixi sexually lick her lips due to the fabric blocking Tatsuo's sight. Binding Tatsuo to the bedposts, Trixi slowly took off Tatsuo's pants herself, gently blowing on her eldest's cunt, "NOO," Aurora shouted, in Trixie's place in her own mind, but chains sprouted from out of nowhere; chaining Aurora to the ground. "I can't have you stopping my fun now, can't I Little Aura, as like that goddess said: We're going into a True-Heat early."
Crying, Aurora saw a female; not knowing it was Mikoto at all, as she came over and closed her eyes, "Sleep child, spare yourself from the pain," Mikoto states as Aurora fell asleep, and her darker half came near them now, not looking at all happy, "Why aren't you stopping this in the first place, you have the power to do so, Miko."
Mikoto sadly sighed; stunning Raxurora with her words, "I can't, the words of a goddess are law; despite me actually having the power due to being a Demigoddess turned into a Goddess, she is an Elder Goddess. So her power outstrips mine," Raxurora was silent before asking, "How many are there?" "Honestly I don't know, the world has changed so much since my official death. I can see Goddess and Gods change as the world changes, the one we met was a 7th generation Elder Goddess after all," Mikoto honestly answered before they sadly looked at the scene now; Raxurora clenching her left fist in rage.
In reality, Tatsuo was trying not to moan as she felt odd right now; due to what her Not-Mama was doing to her, "Don't worry about waking up the others, so just scream to your heart's content," gently biting on Tatsuo's clit, the young lady was forced to scream. "That's it, baby girl; Moan as many times as you want," Trixi moaned controlling Aurora's dick-tail as it slithered between Tatsuo's growing rack up to the tongue, "Remember don't tell, or else you can say goodbye to your Mama," Trixi reminded/threatened. Swallowing Tatsuo opened her mouth feeling the appendage enter her mouth, but was surprised when she didn't start choking, "My what a treasure trove, no gag reflex... I'm going to have fun with this one," Trixi said as more of the tail entered Tatsuo's mouth before it started rapidly thrusting in and out. Being new to the experience, Tatsuo's eyes were rolling to the back of her head, while down south, Trixi charged electricity to coat Aurora's tongue and started tongue fucking Tatsuo's cunt, all without breaking the hymen. "MMMMMMMMMMMMM," Tatsuo moaning while cumming for the first time impress Trixi at the amount for a girl her age.
"Delicious, now let's see what else you can do," Trixi said, "Just be thankful that you aren't old enough to eat any of the fruits, Aurora's milk is a no or else they'll think something's up," she added, much to Tatsuo's thankful look remembering what they do to her mamas and mommies.
Picking Tatsuo up by the hips, Trixi laid down on the bed and seeing the position, Tatsuo's eyes widen in fear, "Remember: Blab and I won't just get rid of your mother... But I'll start going after your siblings as well," Trixi said with a dark gleam; not revealing that she was going to do it anyways. Releasing Tatsuo's own weight on her cock, "MMMMMMMMMMMMM," Tatsuo screamed with her mouth full from the dick-tail, as she felt overstuffed right from the get-go; from the futa dick fully in her and going right to her womb. Using her own hands, Trixi didn't even bother to wait for Tatsuo to get comfortable and starting fucking her host's daughter by forcing the child to move; as Tatsuo was stiff in pain.
For Tatsuo, it was a world of pain as with each thrust felt like a dagger to her lower body; her lower-half feeling numbed from overwhelming agony, with her love juices also not helping much. Trixi then moved Tatsuo's upper body so she could sick and nibble the child's nipples, getting pained moans at of the girl, and sped up her movements as Tatsuo's tight snatch, felt too good, "I'm cumming soon, so get to experience the best thing ever!" Eyes popping wide, Tatsuo felt the torrent-stream of semen enter her womb; screaming for the pain to stop as her womb was already overfilled, and to Tatsuo's horrified realization . . . this was only round one from seeing Trixi grinned at her.
Nearly a few hours later, Tatsuo was covered head to toe in semen with eyes rolled to the back of her head so far, that they could have popped out by now, her mouth tilted to the right as a stream of semen escaped, and her snatch also inflamed by all the rough fucking as well as her anus, after Trixi was tired of the blowjob, she now had the tail fuck the child's asshole at the same speed as Trixi fucked her cunt. "Thanks love that was an excellent time," Trixi said kissing; Tatsuo on the lips, not minding the taste of semen on her tongue, "Remember: blab and bad things will happen to you," she said while also making sure that Tatsuo isn't pregnant from the sheer amount of cum, while also cleaning the girl up so that there isn't a fuss in the morning; but in the back of her mind was thinking about using one of those haters from earlier; clearly remembering the bastard that was lewdly glancing at Vivian.
"Mama . . . Sorry," Tatsuo thought; not seeing a seal on the back of her neck preventing her from being mind broken from her first, rough, experience, yet preventing in only saying her assaulters name from the agreement; her body also healed to the point it wasn't sexed, as there were some bruises and her chest went up one size. But while her mind was protected, the body wasn't as it was twitching here and there, but in the morning Trixi had Aurora act normal; confused why she doesn't recall the so-called loving event at all.