I decided to redo this one and turn it into a futa fanfiction and please give thanks to Aeroza for beta reading this chapter so let's begin

Approaching Celadon City, the trio of Ash Ketchem, Misty Waterflower, and Brock could finally relax; as they had to take a tiring short-cut to managed to get into the city in time.

"I'm so glad we're finally here," Misty said while briefly stretching with Togepi resting in her lap and gently held within her arms after stretching them, "You know… despite the fact that Team Rocket were the ones that pissed off those Mankey and Primeape, they really helped us; time-wise," Ash stated to his friends or secretly his big brother and sister, while remembering that Team Rocket pissed off some of the local Pokémon which allowed the trio to not only be ahead of schedule but Ash also got a Primeape out of it.

Arriving in the city fully now, the three spent some time looking around when Brock quickly spotted a certain store, "Of course he would go straight for a store where girls tend to occupy," Misty said while also eye rolling as Togepi simply chirped happily to herself.

Entering the store, Ash had to sneeze as one of the smells was something unknown to him, "Are you alright?" A female worker asked in concern as it was sometimes rare customers tend to sneeze from the fumes their bottles had, "Yeah, sorry about that. I have a really strong sense of smell," he explained to secretly surprise the worker.

"Ok, but if you need any help please don't hesitate to ask," she said with a kind smile before walking away, "Why don't you look for Brock before he gets into trouble again," he told his female companion, "Yeah… you're probably right Ash," she said in awkward agreement to this before going to find the pervert, and before he gets slapped.

Exploring the products, Ash saw that there were a couple of perfumes that he was sure his mother would be interested in, especially he wanted to give her something as he traveled on his journey, "Can I help you?" A female voice asked from behind him, "Oh I was wondering if you have a special for these three," Ash began pointing to the three perfume bottles while not knowing who this person was or fully paying attention to her looks, "And second… do you know where the gym is?" he asked.

"For your second question, you did find the gym leader of the city I have been calling home for some time, and yes, we do have a deal for all three perfume bottles," turning to the voice, Ash saw a black haired female wearing a decent yet nice-looking kimono. "Wow… I wasn't expecting to run into the gym leader so quickly," he blinked after he spoke while also causing her to giggle, "I'm Erika: the Celadon City's Gym Leader… can I ask who you are?" She asked at the end, "Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town," he replied kindly with Erika smiling at him.

Following Erika to the register now, Ash paid for the three bottles, "So Ash, are ready to find the gym?" Misty asked once she and Brock found him near the register, "Actually… I found both the gym and gym leader," Ash said surprising them both, "So Ash when do you want to have our gym battle?" Erika asked him while happy he has traveling companions, "Well, I want to have a day of training before I get to challenge you," Ash admitted surprising his friends yet Erika was secretly pleased with him as not only he had a sense of smell… which was unusual for boys or men to have, but seemed to be thinking things before battling her for her badge.

"What brought this on?" Misty asked as most times, Ash was a go-to person, not a thinking person. "Well looking back on my battle against Lt. Surge, I realized that I was poorly undertrained; yes I know that it was only a one on one, but I feel like I could have done better." Brock nodded in agreement to him, "So I take it that you won't be using Pikachu," Ash nodded, "Yeah, it's time to use the other Pokémon I've captured," Misty was impressed by him now, "Wow, I never thought I would see the day," she said, "Well you can say that I've had a bit of a shocking revelation," Ash said only to be playfully shoved for his little pun by Misty.

At the Pokémon Center and nearly thirty minutes later after they came from shopping, Ash returned from the training he was putting himself through along with his Pokémon, "Woah Ash, what happened to you?" Brock asked in quick yet sudden concern at seeing Ash a bit bruised-up, "I realized that I should also train alongside my Pokémon, so with Primeape's help, I've started training myself," the young trainer explained. Brock was impressed at his logic, yet let it slide.

Before Ash could even enter the bathroom, he noticed smoke rising from somewhere in the city, "Guys I'll be right back," he said dashing out the room, "Please tell me he isn't going where I think he's going," Misty said as she and Brock also saw the smoke rising.

Arriving at the sight of the fire, Ash saw Erika looking worried, "Erika what happened?" He asked to see what was wrong, "I was about to lock up for the night when I noticed a suspicious group of people, but when I went to confront them, they started the fire," she explained.

"Erika I can't find Gloom anywhere," a female shouted out to cause Erika to freeze in feared place as her partner was still inside the burning gym, "Oh no do you think he's trapped inside?" Erika said worried for her Pokémon, "Squirtle: I'm going to need your help," Ash said releasing the Kanto Water-type starter, "Ash what are you doing?" Erika demanded with slow-realizing fear as to what he tends to do, "I'm going in," was his answer before he, along with Pikachu and Squirtle following, went into the blazing building.

"What does he think he's doing?" Misty demanded in half-fear and half-anger about Ash's actions as she and Brock just arrived, "He overheard that Gloom must still be inside, so he decided to go in," Erika explained; however, before anyone could go after him the entrance collapsed; fear coursing through their veins and hoped Ash was alright.

Inside the burning gym, Squirtle was using the Water Gun move to keep the fire away from his trainer and fellow Pokémon, "Come on, you have to be here somewhere," Ash stated to himself as his voice was muffled through the fabric of his shirt. "Ash, over there," Pikachu said pointing to the right and following his starter's line of sight.

For some time now, Ash began to understand his Pokémon as secretly, his mother gained this ability at his current age, which also increased early on a year before she did by his unknown parent; which his mother never mentioned yet sighed sadly if his parent was brought-up. Though he never told his mother in fear, at being labeled a freak by not her, but the kids back in Pallet. He did however tell Brock and Misty as he could trust them; which they kept his secret for some time.

Ash then saw Gloom as his eyes also drifted to a really big shelf with containers full of unknown liquids, and seeing as it was about to fall over, Ash raced forward; dropping Pikachu in the process, with him also finding himself protecting Gloom.

Ash then winced when the glass broke against his shirt while also feeling the glass scrapes against his skin; allowing the different mixture of liquids to sink into his bloodstream within the exposed cuts with ease.

Feeling faintish now due to not only the liquids going into him as well as the fumes in the building, Ash took off his jacket so that Gloom had something to cover itself, and turning to his Pokémon Squirtle and also seeing his Pokémon was about to faint from all the smoke; as he was still tired from the training he did earlier. So wordlessly returning the little Water-type to its Pokéball, the trainer and two Pokémon were on their way to the door when they saw that it was blocked off, "Great what now?" He slurred as he forced his eyes to open wide; with the mixtures in his bloodstream taking a slow effect on his speech.

Looking for another way out, Ash could feel the effects of the liquids; however, as he was about to drop to the floor he thought he saw a female walk towards him; unaffected by the flames, in fact, they seem to be moving away from the beautiful woman. "You must live child," she began, "You have a great future ahead of you; many challenges to conquer, as well as dreams to accomplish," she told him, "Huh, I never thought that blood would reappear after all these millennia, but if it's the only way to save him… them so be it," with her left hand glowing she then gently touched Ash's head, "Take care and enjoy your new life, descendant of Ice and Snow," she finished just as Ash closed his eyes.

Waking up, Ash saw that he was in the hospital pulling a strand of white hair out of his line of sight than looking down, Ash blinked twice at the sight of his large breasts; not thinking anything about it when the reality finally settled in after a few minutes of registering into his mind, "WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE GIRL PARTS," he yelled in a girlish scream and delicate voice.

Hearing the door open, Ash saw a doctor now enter the room, "I take it that you have some questions," he asked, "Yeah, first of all, how long have I been asleep, and second… oh, I don't know… WHY I'M A GIRL," he yelled once again to make the doctor wince yet the man still answered, "Actually, you're not entirely a complete girl," he revealed.

"Say what?" Ash asked in sudden confusion and shock at this. "Before I continue what do you last remember?" The man asked, "I remember the fire at the gym when I rushed in to save Erika's Gloom… then feeling glass cut my skin and the liquid in the containers seep into my veins," he explained, "Now tell me: what do you mean I'm not totally a girl?" Ash fearfully asked the doctor who saw this yet decided to simply state the fact to the changed person.

"You see, the different chemicals in those containers changed your body halfway… meaning that you are a hermaphrodite or someone who has both male and female sex parts," shocked, Ash looked under the cover to see that yes he still has a dick, and second that it's longer and thicker than he remembers; yet also saw he also had a girl's part as well as he blushed briefly as it was strangely sensitive when he. . no, she barely touched it. "I'll go inform your friends and family that you're officially awake," he said leaving the room. Looking at the mirror in front of him, or her now that Ash is physically a girl, that she has pure white hair with streaks of ice blue in various places as her eyes to her surprise went from brown to a teal color, with the pupils being the gradient color of light-purple to light-blue and her skin is now a pale color, like she's never been outside.

Hearing the door open, she turned to see Brock, Misty, her mother, and Erika yet doesn't seem to be surprised to see her new looks; as if, they already saw her like this. "Hey sweetie how are you feeling?" Delia asked her changed child in concern.

"I'm fine… but as you can see," she trailed off while not revealing about her encounter with the beautiful yet strange female from the burning building, "You make a very beautiful woman," Erika said much to Misty's envy that female Ash's breasts are a whole lot bigger than her own small-sized rack. "I'm a hermaphrodite," she quickly said to make them not understand at first.

"Excuse me?" Brock asked to make sure he heard things correctly, "I'm a hermaphrodite, a person that has both male and female gender parts," she explained. Secretly she hoped her friends and family would still be with her as a secret fear, she has a few like darkness and cucumbers, but most of all, being alone or unwanted.

"Either way I still love you no matter what gender you are," Delia said softly while hugging her son turned daughter, "But why are your skin color different?" Misty asked ass he has been begging to ask this after nearly three days of not getting-word of her friend's status, in the hospital. "Honestly Misty, I don't know," she then shrugged to everyone; not realizing Brock blushed as her not-bra-covered chest moved.

"Could it be because of the chemicals at the gym?" Erika asked; saddened that she might ruined his… no, her life, "Erika I don't blame you at all as it was my decision to go inside, and safe your Gloom. So don't you go thinking that it was your fault," she said bringing the gym leader into a hug. "That reminds me how-how is it?" She asked, "Oh, he's well thanks to you," Erika said smiling.

"You look like an ancestor," Delia said while quickly catching everyone's attention, "Ancestor?" Ash asked in confusion as Delia seeing this sighed and began to explain a part of her family's secret history yet detailed it as if it wasn't, "Correct, long ago there used to be a village in the snow-covered mountains that could control ice and snow; who are thought to be the Blessed Children of Articuno. But as times changed, they were forced to leave the mountains and spread across the land; slowly using the ability to wield their gifted element."

"Could the chemicals cause a reaction like that, and wake it up?" Erika thought out loud and wanting to try something from the tale her mother told, the gender changed child concentrated when everyone felt the sudden chill while now turning to Ash, as she formed a snowball, "Cool," she said to herself in awe at this. "You do know that thanks to your gender change, we'll need to go shopping," Misty smirked at Ash's suddenly, even paler face, "Thankfully I have measuring tape I brought with me in case I need to measure my future workers for their uniforms," Erika said and kicking Brock and Pikachu out of the room, the girls made space for Ash.

Removing the covers, the three females had quick yet surprised-wide eyes when they saw her dick for the first time, "W-Wow I don't think I've seen a penis this size before," Erika stuttered as Ash's dick was half way past her knees but trying to stay on task, Erika measured Ash's female form; from top to bottom and measured her dick out of pure curiosity as well, "1-15 inches long and 5 inches thick, and a breast size of Triple H," Erika sputtered with Misty with a brief jaw-drop yet quickly recovered as Delia was inwardly shocked yet surprised at the measurements.

Coughing, Erika pulled out clothes out of the carrying bag she had with her this entire time, "This might be a bit too tight… but it'll have to do," she said in apology to her and sighing, Ash did as told as she was putting on the kimono.

Heading to the Celadon Super Mall after getting Ash discharged, the girls went to Victoria Secret. At the place, they bought Ash a lot of underwear that after that, the group of four went to a clothing store where they discovered that Ash could when she simply thought of it, shrink her dick into her pussy yet remains now a regular one yet she felt she would blush if it came out like it did going in.

Ash is now wearing short shorts that are covered by a sarong, and leggings, while her upper half is also covered in a Chinese Halter Top Dress Qipao Cheongsam Blouse, and a midriff jacket.

Returning to the Pokémon Center after nearly an hour or two shopping to Ash's ire, Brock's jaw dropped at Ash's new look as her hair had a little accessory in it (RK: think of the device Akiza has in her bangs in Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's).

"You know we never thought of your new name," Brock said after getting over his shock, "Hey Mom what's our family's last name?" She asked curiously as she was never told, "Shirayuki," Delia answered as to wonder why her daughter wanted to know, "I was thinking of naming myself: Aurora Azalea Shirayuki," she revealed; with everyone impressed by the name as it sounded perfect.

"I think that's a pretty name," Erika said before they could state they liked it as well, as the others agreed, "Now all we have to do is contact the Professor," Delia said.

After getting in touch with the Professor, he had Aurora insert her Pokédex in the slot so he could change the name from Ash Ketchum to which she saw to her new one, "Now at this point you can change your first gym badges if you want, but you'll need to speed it up," he warned as advice, "I know but I'm willing to try," Aurora stated.

Excusing herself, Aurora found a secluded clearing and released all of her Pokémon with Pikachu joining the lineup, "Ash?" Charmander asked before smelling her scent, "What happened to you?" Bulbasaur asked. "I went to save the gym leader's Pokémon when I got covered in some of the liquids in one of the rooms," she explained, "So what happens now?" Primeape asked, "Besides my physical appearance I'm still the same trainer you've know, or starting to get to know," she said receiving nods of agreement.

Trying to get used to the upper weight as oddly her chest felt heavier yet also felt normal from what her mother stated all big-breasted girls like her feel, Aurora was brought to the house Erika and her workers live in. Though later-on she would be shocked as to why her chest felt like this eventually.

"Wow… do all of your workers live here?" Aurora asked in amazement to the gym leader, "Why yes, all the girls that work for me are either working in the perfume shop, the gym, are orphans," Erika stated.

"Orphans?" Aurora asked whole briefly stopping her walk before catching-up to Erika who still moved, "Yes and the reason they were disowned is because that each girl that live here, are lesbians," Erika informed before gauging Aurora's reaction yet was stunned by Aurora's reaction, "Just because a girl is a lesbian that doesn't mean that they should be disowned," she said, "Love comes in all forms and loving the same gender is part of it," Aurora added pissed that the parents would disown their own daughters for romantically loving their own gender.

"Thank you for agreeing... because I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my apprentice?" Erika asked as she moved to the side table and made tea for the pair while placing something in Aurora's, "M-Me a gym leader's," Aurora stuttered not being able to finish her sentence, "I mean, I would love to. But how would I be able to travel while working for you?" She asked.

Accepting the tea, Aurora moaned feeling it go down her throat, "Tell me why you wish to travel?" Erika asked leaning forward showing off her C-Cupped breasts. Blushing, Aurora stuttered out, "W-Well I would normally say that I want to be a Pokémon Master but in truth I just wanted a place to call home," Aurora answered, "Growing up, I've always felt out of place in Pallet Town and it doesn't help that I've been picked on for not having a father; despite the fact that Gary has no living parents," she said.

"Well now that you accepted being my apprentice, you have a home," Erika said; slowly walking around the desk, "And I always take care of my daughters," Erika lustfully whispered kissing her newest daughter directly on the lips. Moaning, Aurora was about to circle her hands around Erika but the gym leader stopped her, "Na ha, mother is in control," she said while gently taking off Aurora's top before tying her hands behind the chair, "E-Erika," the gender changed girl moaned out, "Nope; what do you properly call me?" Erika smirked as despite knowing she is taking advantage of the boy turned futanari, she wanted to do this for some time as Aurora is indeed a knockout in beauty.

"Mama," Aurora said in half-lust as the liquid began to take effect, "Correct," Erika said teasing the ice girl's nipples and surprising both girls when they started to lactate easily, "I wonder what you taste like?" The gym leader stated/smirked while gently nibbling on the right tit and releasing a moan, Aurora suddenly felt her dick start to grow as her moans increased when Erika rolled her hips, "Yummy… peppermint ice cream," the gym leader said while also sharing some milk with Aurora; which he agreed it tasted slightly like that mixed with hot cocoa to her, then moving down south Erika removed the sarong and the short shorts to reveal the longest dick she's ever seen.

Slowly jacking off the thick-dick, Erika gentle blew on the tip to instantly make Aurora twitch, "Mama," Aurora moaned out, "Oh are you about to cum; not on my watch," Erika said taking a piece of cloth while tying it at the base.

Jumping at the sudden move, Aurora blushed as Erika began by strip-teasing her new child in terms; Aurora's dick hardening further as well as briefly twitching at the sight, "Mama, you look so beautiful," the dick girl said, "Why thank you, my daughter. But now it is time for you to join my family," Erika purred while also climbing on Aurora's lap; inserting her dick into her cunt easily and taking away her child's male-hood virginity.

Moaning and groaning, Erika quickly drank something then went to shove it down Aurora's throat, "Mama… why is it getting so hot in… here?" she asked in labored breaths as the sensations she was feeling not only her dick, but her entire body now, "O-Oh that, it's a drink that increases stamina," Erika moaned out, "Now, please show your mother your love." Fucking for who knows how long, "M-mama please let me cum; I need to come," Aurora screamed out with her eyes glazed from lustful desire, "Submit to me give me your will," Erika moaned out, "Yes I submit to you, I'll be one of your many daughters," Aurora yelled out and bending backwards, Erika untied the knot with only seconds later, she felt Aurora's spurt out string after string of semen.

Freeing Aurora, the gym leader laid her apprentice/daughter on the floor only to present her cum filled pussy moving to the 69 position.

Waking up the next morning, Aurora woke Erika by playing with her breasts, "I see that someone is enjoying herself," Erika giggled, "I love spending time with you Mommy," Aurora giggled yet then stated to quickly get Erika's attention as Aurora's chest was leaking once again, "Mommy are you thirsty, because I've been hard while you played with my breasts," she asked in her little girl voice; quickly turning Erika on while also causing the gender changed girl to cutely yelp when Erika went and jumped her ass he began to suckle Aurora's breasts.

Though not seen by them as she was cloaked, the female that saved Aurora's life was smirking at a nearby window they forgot to close yet also thought before heading-out in satisfaction, I do hope she enjoys her new life as she will have to face things later-on that might question her existence. Though I believe the other turned-gift for Aurora I left in her bag, might put that Gym Leader in her place; especially since Erika is also to my surprise, related to that other race blessed by Virzion and Cresselia; as they were a former couple back then to even think of making them.

The female then teleported and back into her domain.