Together - Part III

Training with Rey at Hoth was different than training at the First Order base. The room the General had reserved was not meant for their needs. While the old hangar hadn't been either, he had put in work orders to have it adapted when he was sure she would join him. It appeared his mother had not given as much forethought. At the very least it provided a quiet, open space for them to run drills. Rey kept the doors closed while they worked. She claimed it was for their safety, so they could focus on the training. He knew better. It was so she didn't have to spend all her time defending him against those who still didn't want him on the base.

His probation was very lenient. He knew Leia Organa had fought for several days to get him his own room in exchange for his testimony and providing intel on all First Order dealings, recruitment procedures, known bases, etc. He was aware both Rey and his uncle had used the Force to coax the members of the council to side with the General. He didn't bother asking why. Rey had told him she was assigned to him, as his handler, the day they had arrived. He had wanted to ask her if she had drawn the short straw, a phrase his father had picked up while smuggling. One of the few things he had taught him. At the time, her aura had been off, so it had gone unsaid.

A quick peek into her mind when she had retrieved him from the med bay had granted him access to her recent memories. FN-2187 had hurt her. When Kylo dug deeper for the reason, he no longer needed to question her. She had chosen him. Even after he had failed to protect her, even after she had lashed out at him for hiding his wounds, even after all the atrocities he had committed — she chose him.


It was the only question he still found himself asking. It constantly tugged at his mind, causing him to analyze every move Rey made in training. He began to notice how her tone of voice changed when she spoke to him. He noticed she never followed him inside the medical chambers when he went in for his routine check-up, even though she was supposed to be with him at all times. There were so many inconsistencies in her behavior. It left him puzzled.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, he found her to be even more challenging to define. While she never shirked away from her duties — constantly with him unless he was at the doctor or confined to his bedroom for the evening — she started to keep up her mental shields more, blocking him from her thoughts at all times. When he raised the observation to her during a training session, she told him he didn't need to be in her head, that is served no value. He disagreed strongly, feeling their bond should be leveraged when coordinating attacks against them. She hadn't had a strong rebuttal, but he had dropped it. He didn't want to argue with her.

About four months into his year-long sentence, the unsettled Resistance members had lost the fire in their attempts to have him booted off world, or worse, executed. Rey had become lax in her need to keep the doors closed when they sparred. It was on one such day, a child appeared. She was small, probably around five or six. She stood in the doorway, a large gap framing her body and causing her to appear even tinier. He and Rey were too enthralled in their combat to take notice at first. She cleared her throat, a respectful interruption she must have learned from her guardians. Rey dropped her staff, instantly upon identifying the youngling.

"Hi," the girl chirped, cheerily.

"Hello," Rey moved to kneel down in front of her. "What's your name?"

"Gigette," the girl responded, shyly.

Her eyes had flickered to Kylo, as he approached, leaving his weapon behind. He had limited experience when it came to children. He would trust Rey's instincts on how best to handle their audience.

"Are you two married?" she asked, gazing up at them with innocent eyes.

Kylo adored the blush that instantly erupted across Rey's face. Her freckles disappeared under the color. He had to work to keep his smirk from growing into a full blown smile. He wasn't sure what he found more amusing, the unsuspecting child's question or Rey's reaction.

"You are making sounds like my parents," Gigette continued. "They usually make those sounds when they are alone in their room too." He could feel Rey's burning cheeks through the bond, as her embarrassment flared to a whole new level. The girl was oblivious. "Mama says only married people should make those kind of sounds."

"Did she now?" Rey asked, straightening up quickly. Too quickly. She teetered off balance. Kylo snaked an arm around her waist, drawing her towards him until they were hip to hip. While she appeared thankful for his help in catching her, her blush had now spread down her neck below her clothing. He was unable to resist the urge to push her over the edge. He wanted to see where this conversation would go and if it would offer up any answers to her strange behavior.

"Yes," the girl nodded. "So are you? Married?"

"No!" Rey practically squeaked.

"Why not?"

Rey didn't have a response for that one. Kylo wasn't sure if he was pleased or not. Her face was still a beautiful shared of scarlet, though he was convinced she would be beautiful no matter what color her skin was. He hadn't been building her up with false pretense when he told her she was his equal. She was — in every way.

Marriage was not a concept he had spent much time considering in the past. He had never seen a successful union. His parents, while passionate, were too selfish to sincerely commit to one another. The sparks between them had engulfed them, burning hot and bright, before dimming into mere embers of their initial relationship. It was a failure he did not want to add to his list. Being bound to another individual for the remainder of his days sounded constricting. A tie of such magnitude would require he be concerned about said person's safety, how happy they were, what they needed from him, how he could help them, how—- Kylo stopped.

He already had that relationship…with Rey. Thanks to the Force bond, he was connected to her indefinitely. He felt her moods, knew what she needed (sometimes before even she was aware) and he was already concerned for her. Another realization hit him. It didn't bother him. It never had. Their bond had never felt uncomfortable for him. While her instinct was to reject the bond in the beginning, he had calmly embraced it, treating it as the gift it was.

Kylo stared at Rey, who was fighting hard to control her emotions. She was every thing to him. She was his bond made, his trainer/trainee, his handler, and his friend. The last term did not sit well with him. He didn't want to be her friend. He wanted to be more than her friend. He wanted to be hers. He wanted her to be his.

Is that was a real marriage is?

"Don't you love each other?" Gigette sprung another question on them. It brought his attention back to the inquisitive child. Rey was at a loss for words. She was struggling to answer the previous question. The new one wasn't much easier to handle.

"Do you think we love each other?" Kyle returned.

"Yep," she replied, happily.

"Why?" Rey's incredulous outburst could not be missed.

"You look at each other funny."


"It's the way Mama and Papa look at each other, even when they are mad. Mama says it's love."

Kylo expected Rey to combust from the depth of her mortification. Instead, she knelt back down to the girl's height, removing herself from his light hold. He noticed the instant her warm body left his hand. He tried to not overthink it. "Your mama is a wise woman," Rey told the child, kindly. "Where is your mother? You shouldn't be wandering around the base alone."

As if on cue, one of the line cooks from the mess hall came running in, out of breath from what appeared to be a frantic search. "Gigette!"


"I was so worried." The woman enveloped the girl in a tight hug. After checking her daughter over, she raised her eyes up to look at Rey and Kylo. Rey was already back to her normal height, having straightened up when the woman entered. "I'm sorry if she has bothered you."

"It was no trouble," Rey assured her.

"I try to keep any eye on her when I'm in the kitchen, but with lessons postponed until a new instructor can be found, I've had to pull double-duty." She took a deep breath and sighed. As she looked at them, realization dawned on her. "You're the Jedi?"

"Rey." Kylo watched as she extended her hand for the woman to shake.

He mimicked her gesture. "Ben Solo." Saying his birth name out loud surprised Rey nearly as much as he surprised himself. He hadn't had the intention of using it. The name just slipped out.

The woman's eyebrows nearly went into her hair. "Han's son?"

"The very same," Rey nodded, practically beaming.

"I thought you were-."

"Not anymore," he interrupted.

The woman nodded, thoughtfully. "I'm Val Ziggz," she introduced herself. "You've already met Gigette."

"Yes," Rey gave a small wave to the young girl, who was now holding her mother's hand.

"I need to be getting back, but it was nice to met you," she paused for a moment, then added, "Both of you." As she walked back up to the higher level, her daughter in tow, Rey rounded on him.

"So it's Ben now, huh?"

He shrugged, wanting to appear as indifferent as possible. "It's my name."

"I know," she nearly snorted, trying to contain a laugh. "Why the sudden change?"

"I thought you liked 'Ben'."

"I do."

"Then it's Ben."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that."

They finished their forms together. Her blush had disappeared, but Kylo…Ben…found she was still distracted. Her movements weren't as precise as before. She kept biting her bottom lip. Clearly, she was thinking on something. He wished she trusted him enough to tell him what it was. He tried to concentrate on his own movements. He fell into the routine easily and allowed his muscle memory to do all the work, while his mind ran over the fantasy of them being married to one another.


Rey was swept into a nightmare. She felt the heat of anger flowing through her. An uncomfortable clenching had her chest tight and she had the distinct feeling as though she had lost something very important. The annoyance she had for the sensation clouded her vision with black tendrils, the Dark side of the Force, she realized. The Smokey wisps of the energy curled around her Force signature, weaving through the silvery gray cord.

Odd, she had always seen her Force signature as a brilliant gold, matching the sands of Jakku.


The voice that called out in the dark was familiar. The tightness in her chest increased as her eyes fell to Han Solo, approaching her. The scene unfolded quickly, the all too familiar ambiance of the Starkiller base coming into focus.

Rey shook her head, frozen in her spot. This was wrong. She could see the front of his face as he advanced. The angle of she had witnessed was from further up and behind. Then she realized.

This wasn't her nightmare.

Ben, she reached out to him, but there was no response. His mental barriers were still up. Ben, wake up. It's not real. It's a dream.

The nightmare continued, dragging her back into the haunting memory. Father and son spoke, each with a bit of a bite to their words and each with an even deeper conviction. Rey's eyes began to water at the defeat in her childhood hero's face, as he came to realize what was about to happen. Seconds later, the red lightsaber roared to light and Han reached forward. His fingers grazed her cheek, Ben's cheek, before he fell away forever.

Instantly, a pain so violent and so deeply rooted sprung up from her core, once again blacking out her vision until all she could see was the Force signature and the ebony coils of the Dark side. She expected the coils to strangle the silver cord, block out all the Light left in it and consume it completely. Instead, she watched in awe as the coils teased and poked at the cord, drawing back each time they touched, as if burned by the contact.

That was when Chewbacca's plasma crossbow fired. Physical pain tore through her abdomen, which she instinctively grabbed at, even though it was only a dream. She fell to her knees. The stench of melting skin and scorched fabric invaded her nose, causing her to almost retch. But it was the look in the wookie's eyes, as she raised her head up that made her stomach give one final turn before she had to bite back the bile rising in her throat. A look of utter disgust laced with disappointment.

Rey broke out of the nightmare, clawing and kicking at her sheets. She had to get to Ben. Not bothering to put on her socks or boots, she left her room to run barefoot down the hall to where his chamber was, still locked from when she had dropped him off earlier. Without hesitation, she keyed in the entry code and stepped into the unlit room.

Ben was strewn across the bed, sheets a tangled mess around his elongated limbs. She had felt him have nightmares before. It had woken her up on more than one occasion — either the pain or the overwhelming fear. It had always been sent to her as flashes of intense emotions. Never had they been strong enough to draw her in, past his shields, and in to his own experience. Their bond must be growing.

Pushing the thought aside, Rey went to him, kneeling in front of his bed. "Ben?" He didn't wake. "Ben, it's me, Rey," she moved her hand toward his face to brush his hair back, when his own hand shot forward with surprising speed. He caught her wrist, yanking sharply as he sat up, his legs nearly knocking into her as he swung them over the side of the bed.


Her cry startled him, as his sleep-heavy eyes took in her form. "Rey," he wheezed, as if finally realizing who she the next instant, he dropped her wrist, dropping his head into his hands. "I'm so sorry." He didn't sound like himself. His words came out barely above a whisper.

"It's over now," she told him, stepping in between his legs. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, letting his head rest against her stomach. She worked her fingers through his hair, gently massaging his scalp, trying to send soothing energy through the bond. "It was only a dream."

"But it was real. I did that to him."

"Han forgave you," she insisted. "I saw it in his eyes. He knew what was going to happen. He had accepted it. He loved you."

"He never told me."

Rey paused in her movements. The brief time she had spent with Han had demonstrated he wasn't a man for words. He was a man of action. There was a reason he had been a galaxy-renowned smuggler and a rebellion fighter, to boot. He didn't consider the risks. He took them. He was the type to dive head first into something, no questions asked. It wasn't difficult for her to envision him as a reluctant father, unsure how to act at every turn as his son grow up.

"He didn't have to," she responded with a sigh. "He showed you."

Kylo's arms rode up her back, causing her night-shift to catch slightly as it rose above her knees. He placed his palms flat against her, holding her close. His breathing was more even now, less frantic. He shifted his forehead up, pressing his nose against her waist. Rey felt the twinge of the tickling sensation and willed herself not to flinch, understanding how even as innocent as the reaction was to her, it would set him back.

His hands clung to her. It was as if she was the only thing keeping him there — his only connection to this place and time. When she had looked into his eyes, all she could see was the young boy, so scared and utterly alone, just like she had been. She saw herself in him.

After months of being side by side, months of denying how she felt, months of burying her emotions and building a wall around herself, she let go. She needed to let him know he wasn't alone. He had someone who loved him. Her. She loved him.

"Ben." Her voices sounded faint.

He shifted to meet her gaze. The hurt was still there. But there was another emotion now, just beneath the surface. Rey leaned down, before she could lose her nerve. Cupping his face in her hands, she placed her lips against his. There was a ripple of shock. He froze. Rey felt a sickening feeling swell up from her stomach. Had she made a mistake? Quickly, she took a step back, dropping her hands. "I-I'm sorry. I-."

Before she was able to finish her apology, he was on her. He caught her wrists, pulling her back to him with such force, she landed in his lap with a squeak. She stared at him, confused. His eyes were trained on hers. They were a delicious chocolate hue, drawing her in. It was intoxicating really. She believed she could get lost in those eyes and the new spare within them. There was no longer the lost boy. No. He had been replaced by a man. A man with a very clear idea of what he wanted.


Wordlessly, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Then he moved forward, returning the gentle kiss she had deposited a minute before. Rey felt her body become run over by flames. She had felt a similar burning a couple of weeks before when they had met Gigette.

The questions the youngling had asked had prompted some very interesting and graphic fantasies in Rey's head. She had been scared of Ben sensing it through the bond, focusing harder than normal on her barriers to ensure that did not happen. Now, she wondered what would have happened if she hadn't kept him out.

She moved her hands to his face, trailing her fingers along the strong arch of his chin, up his jawbone, past his ears to tangle in his hair. He had kept it long. She was glad he had. She liked the length, the way it framed his features.

Ben moved his mouth away from hers. Rey stilled when she felt his lips against the pulse point on her neck. She let out a breathy sigh. The heat rolling over her. She tilted her head to the side, proving him with more access, and her with the appropriate angle to take the bottom of his ear into her mouth.

Catching the flesh between her teeth, she lightly bit, then sucked on his earlobe. Ben's breath hitched, prompting her to continue. She ran the tip of her tongue along the length of his ear, before nibbling at the damp flesh again. His hands on her waist slid to her hips, pushing her down against him.

Rey had never been with a man before. The only knowledge she had of sex was from a few holovids and the trash talk she had heard at the cantinas in Jakku, neither of which described what she was feeling by being with Ben. Uncertainty over what to do next crept in, stalking her movements. Ben pulled back, causing her to look at him.

"I've never done this before," she admitted, scared about how he would react.

"Yeah, me either."

She wasn't sure what she had expected. She knew he had been training with Luke prior to joining the First Order. The Jedi has strict codes about attachments, specifically romantic ones. She found it hard to believe Snoke would have permitted such frivolous activities either. Still, she was unprepared for his confession.

"Do you...," she bent her lip back with her teeth, hesitating to finish her question. "Do you want to stop?"

"Do you?"

Rey searched his face. There was longing there, a hunger. He looked at her the way she had seen some loth cats stare down their prey before they attacked. Deeper down though, she could sense where his feelings were rooted. It made her heart beat quicken. She found her answer there.


The tension disappeared instantly. He graced her with a smile, one of the rare ones she had earned in all their time together. "Then, I think," he tugged playfully at her nightshift, "this needs to go."


In one swift movement, she had pulled the sleeping garment over her head and tossed it aside, leaving her in her standard issued Resistance breast band and underwear. Ben's eyes scanned her nearly naked form, before coming back to her face. "You're beautiful," he whispered, placing his hands on either side of her face. He kissed her again, more confidently this time.

He added a slight amount of pressure. Rey opened her mouth to tell him to discard his clothes. It was only fair. Her words died away when his tongue ran over hers. She let out a moan against him. Once again, he pressed down on her. Her hips rolled forward instinctively and it was he who moaned next.

"Your turn," she pulled on the hem of his shirt. He obeyed, discarding the shirt. "And these," she ran her thumb and forefinger over the lip of his pants. Ben let out a guttural growl, his hand capturing hers. Her touch had been light, playful, but it he erupted a fire in him. His need was more pressing now, more desperate. Setting her to the side, he yanked his pants off, revealing all of him in his bare form.

Rey couldn't keep her eyes from him. She had an idea of what to expect. Seeing it for herself destroyed all expectations. His pale skin was littered with scars of varying sizes and shapes. Underneath was pure muscle. His entire form was lean strength. He was perfect. Her thoughts must have carried through the bond. He shied away from her gaze, momentarily, a light flush erupting across his cheeks and the tips of his ears.

She ran a finger down his arm. "Ben," she coaxed, gently. "Don't hide from me." When he didn't respond, she leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder, then another on his collarbone, and a final one against his chest, just over his heart. A spark was emitted from the sensual contact.

In the next instant, his hands were on her, wrenching her undergarments off so she matched his state of undress. His eyes drank her in, once more, skimming over every inch of flesh. Rey felt uneasy, not sure how she compared with others or his own expectations. "Perfect," he echoed her earlier appraisal.

Gingerly, he nudged her back, until she was lying down with her head against his pillow. He crawled over top of her, keeping his weight supported on his forearms. Rey reached up, locking her hands together behind him, where his head met his neck. "I love you," she confessed, watching his face carefully for a reaction. She was scared of what it meant to say those words. Being together this way, so intimately was one thing. It was a step she had never considered taking before. However, opening herself up to be rejected and cast aside again — like how her parents had done — was even more terrifying.

"Rey-." Ben was staring at her. His eyes had taken on a misty quality. He shifted his weight, so he could cup her face with one hand. "I've been falling in love with you since the moment I saw you on Takodana. I fall in love with you more each day. I never want to be parted from you. Ever."

There was a thick lump in her throat she couldn't swallow. Rey felt her eyes welling up with tears. He loved her. He wanted to stay with her. Always. Her parents hadn't loved her. They had deserted her on a trash heap of a planet. Unkar hadn't loved her. He only wanted her to scavenge for him. Finn had grown to love her, but he had left her for a time. Han was gone. Luke had turned his back on her for a time. Everyone was always leaving. But not Ben.

Ben had never lied to her. He had chosen her. He had protected her. He had been there for her, though sometimes in an unforeseen way. Perhaps it was the will of the Force or perhaps he was simply the missing piece in her life. Either way, she believed him wholly.

Carding her fingers through his hair, she brought him down to kiss him. When their lips met, the desire from both their sides heightened. Ben dropped between her knees, delicately pushing her legs apart. He sunk down, resting a portion of his weight against her, as he positioned himself at her entrance. Rey ran one of her hands down his smooth skin to his shoulder blade, gripping onto it, in anticipation.

He pulled back, so that his forehead was resting against her chin, as he slid into her. Rey's fingers tightened around his shoulder, the others twining in his hair with a abrupt yank. There was a slight discomfort, a pressure due to his size. He halted.

"Do you-."

"No," she breathed. "Keep going. Please."

With one quick thrust, he entered her, filling her completely. Rey bit the inside of her cheek to tear her mind off the pain. She had heard from female travelers at the output, the first time could be unpleasant. She hadn't wanted to concern herself with those warnings. Now, she understood them to be true. The earlier burn of passion had subsided, leaving her with an ache. Ben was wary of her expression and started to pull out.

As he did, the fervor returned, seeking more contact. Rey loosened her hold, giving him a brief nod. He drove into her once more, a bit faster this time. She sighed, contently. He continued with his steady pace. Stars. Rey felt him expanding her. As the pain dulled, she could feel every vein, every pulse of his flesh against hers. She let out a moan of pure pleasure.

The sound elated Ben, who accelerated his pace, causing Rey's small form to begin jostling back and forth on the mattress. She found her hips bucking against his own to match his rhythm. Ben dropped his head, stealing kiss after kiss from her as he rutted into her. As they reached their climaxes, Rey felt the earlier pressure return with a new force. But it felt different this time. When it rolled over her, like a wave crashing onto the shore, she let out a cry of bliss, which was nearly overcome by Ben's own outburst.

He collapsed on top of her, his head nestled in the crook of her neck. As they both wrestled to catch their breaths, he turned his face just enough to plant a kiss on her temple.

"I love you," he repeated, before succumbing to sleep.

Rey smiled, stroking his hair back from his face. "I know."

They fell asleep tangled up in each other's arms.


One year later, Rey and Ben were standing together in the forest in Takodana. Ben was anxious. He hadn't felt so out of control since General Hux had found him on the dying Starkiller base in the snow. He had been growing increasingly worried over the last couple of weeks. Rey had been uncharacteristically quiet. At first he thought it was due to the fact he had proposed and immediately his mother had gone into wedding planning overdrive. Honestly, it was all the woman ever talked about.

Since Rey had no blood relatives, he could understand her apprehension about guest lists, family traditions, and other topics that came up with planning the wedding. If he had had his way, they'd do it right now, here in this forest, without another living soul to see. But his mother — the Princes, Senator, General, whatever she wanted to be called these days — had other plans. And did she have plans.

"This is where you first met me and where I first met you."

He chuckled, despite himself. "I made a great first impression."


Her tone was not playful, as he had expected. He deadpanned. Was he missing the bigger picture? Was this more than wedding jitters? Was she conflicted over her decision to marry him? Did she wish she hadn't said yes?

"Either way. It was rather memorable."

"I'm hoping this is too."

Ben forgot to breathe. If she was having cold-feet about the wedding, ending their relationship here would have a poetic symmetry to it. He didn't want to hear what she had to say, already convinced he knew what she was about to tell him. Why else would she shut him out of their bond? What reason could she possibly have for disappearing at all hours of the day and lying to him? Even without their bond he knew she was keeping a secret locked away. She had never been a good liar. Her face always fell slightly when she kept information from him. In the beginning, he had found it endearing. Now, he took it as a confirmation of his greatest fear.

He had lost her.


"Let me finish," she insisted.

"I know what you're going to say," he tried again to prevent her from vocalizing the rejection.

Her eyes flickered with fear. He can feel when she uses the Force to peer into his mind. He doesn't try to stop her. He is defeated. Too broken under the weight of what is to come to fight it anymore.

He should have known better. She was pure light. She had always been his redemption, his one true North, as Han would have said. She had saved him. Her debt was paid. She owed him nothing. If anything, he owed her everything. She had freed him from Snoke, brought him back to the light, helped end the war, stood by him while he patched things up with his mother and uncle before he made a mess of things with his last living relatives. She deserved better than him. He should have never proposed.

"Benjamin Organa Solo," her voice took on a sharp tone he hadn't heard her use in a long time.

Ben found it in him to meet her gaze. "Give me your hand," she said, reaching toward him. Her order was soft, inviting even. He swallowed the lump growing in his throat, before he dropped his large hand into her two open palms. She brought it down to rest just below her belly button. He raised a brow at her. He had expected her to return the engagement band he had presented her with.

He started to ask what she was doing. Before he could, she opened up her side of the bond.

He was overcome with light. It was the brightest he had ever seen, even outshining her own.


It took him a while to process what he was seeing…what he was feeling. Even once he registered the source, he can't believe it. It wasn't until Rey spoke again, he was able to wrap his mind around her secret, around the surprise she had been struggling to keep from him until the time was right. She had been hiding, had been sneaking off. She had been delaying the news until she could find a way to bring him here. She wanted it to be special for him.

"Ben, meet our daughter, Kira."

Our daughter.


Responses formed, then fell. He couldn't put together an adequate response. Like a fool, he stood there staring at his hand on her lower abdomen. Her stomach was still flat, as it has only been a few weeks. She had yet to start showing, but the life force signature was there, plain as day. His face broke into a huge grin. Words couldn't do it justice, so he removed his hand, lifting her up and spinning her around as he hugged her close, all the while kissing her cheeks, her hair, every where he could manage as he moved.

Ben had wanted her from the moment he saw her. He had wanted them to be together. It had been the driving factor behind countless decisions, the reason he had taken so many risks, fought as hard as he had. In the end, nothing mattered as long as he was with Rey. She was his. He was hers.

It's just us now.

His words from years earlier had echoed in his mind. How short-sighted he had been. He had assumed it would always be the two of them. He had never considered the possibility of a family. Suddenly the word took on a new meaning. And it delighted him.


A/N: And that's all folks! I have a couple other Reylo fics ("Opening Night" and "Wish That You Were Here") uploaded. I'm thinking of starting a longer fic, an AU about Ben and Rey being martial arts instructors at his uncle's Ahch-To dojo. Does that sound interesting to anyone?