Hi friends! Here is another story on my one of my favorite couples, so hope you guys like!

MY OTP(s): Druna, H/Hr. Ginny/Blaize. The title, I took it from a TaiDrama. :)


SUMMARY: Luna Lovegood was set up on a date with Rolf Scamander by her best friend, Ginny Weasley. Draco Malfoy was about to marry Astoria as per his mother's wishes. Will twist of fate and an inevitable choice can bring Draco and Luna together? DRUNA. With slight Blaize/Ginny.









Luna Lovegood had got everything. Name- as one of the survivors of the war who relentlessly faced you know who, fame- as a member of order of Phoenix, Dumbledore's army and now, a good job at the ministry. It still surprised a few as to how the eccentric Lovegood girl could her hands on a job with the department of Welfare of Magical creatures. Well, she was still eccentric in plenty of ways. Her articles in the Quibbler and her usual rants about does mystical creatures and rather silly expeditions with her father raised an eyebrow or two at the ministry. Some would still call her insane or lunatic. But she never cared.

That being summed up, she had got it all! What more could you ask for? Great friends, stable job, loving father, she had it all. She lacked something though- a perfect boyfriend. That was according to her best friend, Ginny Weasley. Luna didn't have a boyfriend. She never had one. Her Weasley friend had felt that she was in dire need of one such man and thus had set her up on a date with a rather handsome guy called Rolf Scamander.

Rolf was not just handsome but was a gentleman. They also shared common interests. Luna had met him once in Switzerland where their interaction had only been formal. Much later, two weeks ago to be precise, Ginny Weasley had met him during a Quidditch match of hers. Yes, she was proud that her friend had made it to the professional Quidditch team. Having said that, Ginny had apparently talked about her and even asked if he would go on a date with her blonde friend to which he agreed.

A week ago, when Luna had been informed of the same, she was annoyed at first but then was thrilled. And now that D-day is here, the excitement just died, vanished and she was sure she didn't even want to see anyone at the moment. And this was what led to the current argument.

"I don't think this would work Gin, I'm sorry."
Luna spoke softly but firmly.

Ginny sighed and watched the former as she brushed her hair nervously.

"I thought you were pretty excited, Luna."

"I was, Gin. But I don't think I need a boyfriend-"

"You sure do! Look around, Lune! Everyone is settling down. You should find some nice guy for yourself so that we can get married on the same day!" Ginny exclaimed dreamily thinking of her special someone.

Luna smiled apologetically.

"Just because you're getting hitched doesn't mean I should find a boyfriend. And Rolf- I'll owl him an apology."

"You'll owl him? The poor thing has been in London just to see you and you'll turn him down?"

"The sooner he gets back to Swiss, the better Ginny. This just can't go on forever. I'm sorry."

Luna reached for her cabinet and pulled out a parchment and a quill. She quickly wrote her message and folded the paper. Ginny's mouth hung open.

"You're making a mistake, Lune! A week ago you weren't this sure! You wanted to give it a try! And now? What happened? Don't tell me you already found someone else you'd want to date!?"

Luna jumped slightly when Ginny yelled at her but shook it off, "of course, not."

She didn't add further explanations and Ginny frowned. She watched as Luna's owl flew out of the window carrying the message she write for Rolf. Luna sighed; she knew Ginny wouldn't let her off without answers but what could she say?

Perhaps, she should say that she did find someone, someone she could never even date in her dream!








AN: That was a short prologue. More will come :)

Nxt chapter: how it all began? Stay tuned.

Thnx :)