She lay still on her cot, staring at the ceiling of the falcon, trying to make out patterns of the aged stains splattered across. Rose had woken hours ago, so did the rest of the resistance. Rey closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. There were so few of them left. She was always the last one up, but the last one to come to bed.

At night when everyone else would turn in, that was the only time she felt at peace. She didn't feel peoples' eyes on her. They wondered about her she knew. Now that Luke was gone especially, they looked at her like she was the last drop of water in an endless Jakku desert. She hated it.

Pathetic child.

She heard Snoke's voice every morning when she woke up and every night before she went to bed. It was almost as if he was tormenting her from beyond the grave. His words were cold and calculating. Pathetic child.

He was right after all. She couldn't turn him, though she had truly believed.

You are nothing.

When days were grim, and lately they always were, she would replay his words over and over again. He was right too. She was nothing. No one. How could a no one like her persuade anyone of anything? It was impossible.

Feeling frustrated she sat up.

She had told them from the start she was NO ONE, but they had kept looking at her like she was someone. So even she started to believe them. Why not? She had the force, she met Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke kriffing skywalker. The legends of the galaxy, the somebodies. That had to mean something right? From the moment she landed on Ach-to in search of Luke she hoped that maybe just maybe she had been wrong. That the sad memories she buried deep with in herself were false. Someone out there had loved her so she was going to find out where they were.

She was disappointed in herself. She longed for it now, the solitude she had in Jakku if only because back then she had hope for something better.

She was tempted to meditate, to close her eyes and just let the force seep in. Sometimes she could do it just fine, but other times she could feel herself wavering. The bond. She would feel herself letting go of the hold she had on it and it would sizzle against her mind like it was begging for entrance. She wasn't sure if it was her or him. She did not want to find out. She was afraid of the answer.

He had known, maybe form the start. When he interrogated her and chastised her about being just a scavenger.

You are nothing.

"Fool." She rose from her cot determined to have a better day than before, "you were everything, had everything. What are you now?"

Rey walked outside the falcon to find Finn, Rose and Poe sitting on the edge of a rock eating breakfast. Finn spotted her and motioned for her to join them. They had returned to Ach-to not sure about where to go. It had been about a week, but Finn had told them they were planning on leaving soon and Rey was happier for it. This island was teeming with memories she would rather forget. Her eyes scanned over the huts on the hill, until they reached her own. It was nothing more than a pile of rocks now.

"Rey come eat!" Finn motioned for her harder. She smiled brightly at him and gingerly walked over to have her meal. After everything that happened to the resistance, Finn never lost a shred of hope. He reminded everyone every day how lucky they were to be alive. To be alive one more days is to fight one more day. The resistance was not dead.

Rey was glad her friend had found a purpose after everything they had been through, jealous even. Although she very much enjoyed spending time with Finn, he was always ready to make everyone around him smile. She had found Rose to be great company too. There weren't many young female scavengers to bond with on Jakku. Rose was a welcome addition to her small circle of friends. She was warm and considerate, and just like Finn: so full of hope. Poe was another story. When they were altogether it was fine. He was an intelligent man, brave, and kind. But sometimes all he wanted to do was talk shop. He had spoken with her silently one night on the falcon away from everyone else.

"I'm glad to finally put a face to the name Rey." He smiled warmly at her, "I know everything seems hopeless now but, I just know with you by our side we finally got a real shot at ending Kylo Ren once and for all."

She wouldn't admit it to herself how much his words rubbed her the wrong way, but Rey made sure to always have others around when Poe was there.

They ate like this mostly every morning over looking the water and watching the waves crash against the rocks. Today the air felt lighter around them. They were all anxious to leave, to begin again. They spoke with excitement and laughed at Poe's stories about BB-8. Rey tried her hardest to involve herself in the conversation, to smile as brightly as she could. But she knew that until she was off the island she would feel better.

She was selfish she realized. Here she was alive, and surrounded by people who cared about her, so why did she still feel alone?




It wasn't her voice he heard berating his mind every time he woke up. It was his own. It didn't matter. He could take it. He knew his truths, and agreed with her when she had called him that a second time.

I can help you

Now that one was her. He would would lay awake all night because that small whisper would berate him over and over again until he couldn't take it any longer. He would call his saber and slash at the walls as long as it took to get her voice out of his head.

The past couple days had been hellish. Hux, while content with their victory over the resistance demanded answers about Snoke. The rest of the order was also uneasy. All because of him, he knew. They didn't believe he could lead; they didn't have faith in him. He was not surprised, in fact that was just something he came to expect of everyone.

It didn't matter. He was free now. Mostly.

He wasn't anyone's pawn any longer. Not Snoke, not Luke, his parents, he was free to make his own destiny. To choose his own path.

He had chosen.

He closed his eyes feeling moisture gather at the corners. He barely slept the past week, he was tired and his eyes stung, that was all that was.

He rose grabbed his lightsaber and began hacking the wall again. He didn't understand. He was free now. He did what he had to do, and apparently so did she. How quickly she had discarded their bond. Faster than the doors shutting on the falcon. She'd left with her band of resistance survivors. With her friends.

You're not alone he had said to her; he was right she wasn't

His movements became more erratic as he sliced through the metal surface.

Neither are you.


***END NOTES:***

Hello! So I actually have not seen the film yet, so I apologize if not everything matches exactly to what happened. I am going tomorrow night I am very excited. I have not self control what so ever so I've read the spoilers and seen the clips, goddamn it's going to be fantastic!

So the title comes from Sam Smith's: Too Good at Goodbyes. I feel like Iv'e been listening to this song all day thinking about reylo so i finally decided to do something about it and write a little.

Anyway thank you for reading it's not a great masterpiece or anything, but thanks for stopping by :)