It is quiet in the physician's quarters. Neither prince nor dire wolf say anything. Arthur is standing by the door, his sword against the wall next to him. Merlin is on the floor, on the far opposite side of the room, head down on the floor. While Arthur stares intensely at him, Merlin can't bring himself to make eye contact or even look in his general direction.

He's surprised yet thankful that Arthur didn't kill him on the spot. Arthur isn't his father, that's for sure, but as far as Merlin knows, Arthur doesn't have any reason to believe Merlin shouldn't be executed. While Arthur seems to base a person's judgement more on how they used their magic – for good or for evil – Merlin doubts that any of the people he defended actually got out alive.

Except Gwen.

None of them know exactly how the egg shell and it's markings will clear Gwen's name, but Gaius had seemed convinced that that piece of evidence is what they need. He didn't explain it to any of them. He had seemed pretty keen on leaving his chambers as soon as possible.

While Merlin would like to say that it was all because he wanted to clear Gwen's name as soon as possible before it's too late, he's willing to bet that at least some of it was because he didn't want to stay in the tense atmosphere for much longer.

He'll have to return later, to help explain it all to Arthur and Morgana.

That's right, Morgana. She went to go get Tom with the news that his daughter will – although there is still a slight chance that Uther won't be swayed – be set free. That left Arthur and Merlin alone.

And now Arthur and Morgana know that Gwen and Gaius know.

Merlin kind of wants to try an ice breaker, maybe cut this tense silence with some light chatter, but every attempt dies on his tongue. Every time Arthur moves in the slightest, Merlin fears he's about to pick up his sword and behead Merlin right then there.

But he doesn't.

The tension only thickens.

While Merlin hopes that Arthur will be willing to let him stay here, believing that the prince won't go to his father, there is still a possibility that Arthur will banish him. Arthur probably doesn't even have that power, but he might find a way. It's just hard for Merlin to imagine Arthur keeping such a big secret from his father, the King.

The King who hates magic.

Merlin can only imagine how hard this all is on Arthur.

"Why didn't you run away?"

Merlin refuses to meet Arthur's gaze, but he still tenses when the prince suddenly asks that.

"You could have fled," Arthur continues. "You could've left, before…"

Merlin doesn't know how Arthur wants to end that sentence, but he's pretty sure that Arthur doesn't either.

"It would make me look guilty, wouldn't it?"

Merlin notices that his voice is a pitch deeper than how it usually sounds.

"Gaius said that the monster was conjured by an ancient sorcerer… He said that it couldn't have been you."

"You don't sound completely convinced."

There is a long painful pause, and for the first time in what feels like an hour, Merlin looks at Arthur. Arthur doesn't look afraid. He's not pale, not shaking; Merlin can't see nor smell a nervous sweat on him. There is still hesitation, that much Merlin can tell.

Arthur is confused.

"I do believe him," Arthur whispers, looking down and clearing his throat.

He reaches down as if to adjust his sword – even though it's not necessary – but seems to think that it might come off as him going to grab it. He immediately retracts his hand, looking at the door.

No one's coming just yet, Merlin doesn't hear any approaching footsteps.

Merlin doesn't say anything. He believes Arthur is telling the truth… but not completely. Again, he senses hesitance from the prince. That doesn't necessarily mean that Arthur is being hesitant with him, but with the whole situation. Arthur wants to believe Gaius, but he is struggling because of his father's view, which Merlin knows has been pressed on him since the prince's early childhood.

"But even if you aren't the one who started this plague, creating that… the… the thing!" Arthur gestures to nothing in particular, his hands making jagged circular motions. "I can't know for sure if you are completely… good."

Merlin sighs.

He doesn't have any bad intentions to either the King or the prince, or really anyone – at all. But he can't just say that. Even if it's true, Arthur and even Merlin himself can't know for sure that he won't do something that would make him bad.

"No one is ever truly good," Merlin finds himself saying. "We all have a dark side, most of us are just better at keeping it contained. And even for those that do the deepest of wrongs… as hard as it is to say… they have some good in them too."

Hearing it in his own voice, Merlin finds the words sounding… weird. The Elder Pack always had more speech worthy voices. The power in their howls as they spoke those words to a young Merlin… It was powerful.

"You sound like Gaius," Arthur chuckles.


Merlin looks at Arthur again, not remembering when he looked away. There is a smile on the prince's face, a real one that appears when he reminisces fond memories. Arthur must notice the look of confusion on Merlin's wolfish features, or at least, notice him staring. The smile quickly disappears and Arthur clears his throat, raising a fist to his mouth to disguise it as a cough. Merlin doesn't say anything, they're not really in a position for him to be teasing him yet – hopefully.

"I mean," Arthur clears his throat again. "I just wasn't expecting such wise words from you."

Okay, "no teasing Arthur" rule: out the window. It wouldn't be fair if only Arthur gets to tease him.

Merlin flattens his ears and gives his best stink eye. It doesn't help that Gaius teases him for his "stupidity" every now and then, so Merlin's glare isn't as hard because he's used to that sort of comment.

He'll wait for the right moment.

"It's something that the Elder Pack has said before. I'm just reciting it."

Now Arthur gives him a confused look.

"Elder Pack?" he echoes.

Merlin freezes. Maybe he should have teased Arthur after all instead of saying that. It is quiet for a while again.

Arthur shifts, a movement Merlin takes note of.

"They're a legendary pack of dire wolves…" Merlin says under his breath, trailing off.

Arthur raises an eyebrow, prompting him to continue. But Merlin really shouldn't. The Elder Pack is sacred, not really something that humans should know much about.

Just as a precaution.

"I really shouldn't say more about them… it's not safe."

"For me or for the Elder Pack?"

Merlin meets Arthur's gaze for two seconds. Only two seconds.

"Dire wolves, really," he whispers. "The Elder Pack is important to dire wolves… we don't like other species knowing that much about them."

Merlin hopes Arthur will drop it there. He really, really, shouldn't say anymore. He understands if Arthur thinks that the Elder Pack is a danger to him and other humans. They aren't, but it's for the best that humans know only a little if not nothing at all about them.

Thankfully, Arthur seems to let it go, the room falling – once again – into an awkward silence.

"When is Gaius planning on getting back?"

"Why did you come here?"

Merlin tilts his head.

"To Camelot," Arthur clarifies.

There is a pause.

"To work for Gaius."

Shouldn't that be obvious. Merlin's arrival had been planned months before he first set foot in Camelot. Surely Arthur heard even the slightest rumor of his arrival. And the reason for him coming.

"Did you know before you arrived," Arthur pauses, as if looking for the right words. "Did you know… my father's view on Magic?"

"I…" Merlin can't completely find the words.

What idiots they must look like. Their conversation keeps finding obstacles, they can't finish their sentences properly, and on top of that: It's a freaking prince talking to a dire wolf. Sounds like something out of folklore. The Prince and the dire wolf part at least, folklore has much more detailed and refined dialog.

"You didn't know he hates magic, did you?"

This time, Arthur actually takes a step away from the wall. Only one step.

What he said isn't entirely false. He…

"I heard rumors," Merlin says quietly. "But my… the village that I used to stay in wasn't all that in favor of magic either. They were okay if it was used for good, but they still didn't like it all that much."

"Did they know?"

This is getting into the uncomfortable zone for Merlin. He loves the village, but he can't deny that somethings just…

"They knew I was different."

This time, the pause is not interrupted until Gaius opens the door much later.

Arthur understands his father's view on magic, he really does. But he always thought that his father was being too harsh. Whenever he asked him 'why magic was bad', Uther just turned his head, saying that he had witnessed the darkness of sorcery. It wasn't a good enough answer, obviously.

Arthur always thought, that just maybe, even without a whole lot of experience in the subject, that magic could be good. Gaius was a lot less biased, but still, just like Uther, wouldn't elaborate why the King thought magic was so undeniably evil. The physician wouldn't even talk about sorcery that much in general; changing the subject expertly.

Arthur sighs once more, lazily stirring his soup. He's only taken one spoonful so far, and that was a while ago.

Across the room, Liam is finishing up the bed. The boy seems a bit more cheerful, now that Gwen isn't to be burned alive. His hands are still splintered and shake every now and then – he nearly dropped Arthur's supper when he brought it in, but saved himself. While Arthur normally finds it a tad bit annoying when Liam obsesses over the smallest details when tidying up his chambers – honestly, he knows that Arthur is only going to mess it up in some way minutes later – he'll let Liam do as he pleases… for now.

If he could, he would have Merlin come here and explain everything more, but the dire wolf is gone for tomorrow, having left when Arthur went back to his own chambers. He'll come back, it was just overall agreed that Merlin should spend some time away from the castle.

Arthur sighs again.

On more than one occasion does Arthur lift his head, opening his mouth to speak to Liam, but he immediately shuts his mouth and goes back to staring at his slowly cooling soup. He can't say anything because the only thing he wants to talk about is Merlin. He wants to just vent, or perhaps that's not the right word. He just wants to talk about – about…

About Merlin being a freaking wizard wolf.

Liam doesn't know, and to be honest, while Arthur doesn't think it would be all that much to tell Liam, he doesn't know how Liam will react. He might keep it a secret, but Arthur – not trying to be mean – doesn't think that Liam would be very good at keeping secrets. The kid's an open book. Anything Liam knows, Arthur knows.

Besides, Liam has already been through a lot today. It would probably be too much for him if he found out that there is not only a sorcerer living in the castle, but that that sorcerer is Merlin. The dire wolf.

Liam notices a number of the times that Arthur looks to him, as if about to say something. But being the obedient and polite manservant he is, he doesn't say anything. He just goes back to… whatever cleaning he's doing.

"Liam," Arthur finally says.

"Yes, Sire!"

Arthur is glad that Liam looks even the slightest bit guilty for how loud he was just now. It wasn't too loud, but still, not a very appropriate way to address the prince. Arthur decides to let it go.

"When you're done with…" Arthur uses his spoon to gesture in the general direction of the clothes in Liam's hands, not looking up from his soup. "whatever you're doing, you can retire for the night."

Liam visibly freezes. He looks to the clothes in his grasp then back at Arthur. The prince still doesn't look up, resuming the endless stirring of his cold soup.

"U-uh… well," Liam stutters. "S-shouldn't I…"

"I can manage everything on my own for the rest of the night."

Arthur gives up on the soup, setting his spoon down on the table beside the bowl.

"You can even sleep in tomorrow."

Liam sets down the clothes a bit too quickly.


Arthur holds up a hand, immediately silencing Liam.

"It's alright. You deserve it."

Arthur finally looks Liam in the face. There is still a nervousness to him, his expression tainted with fear.

Fear of rejection. Possibly thinking that Arthur is firing him.

"You're not in trouble, Liam," Arthur assures him. "I just thought that you should have a break after everything that happened today."

Liam looks a bit more relieved, but he still seems pretty uneasy.

"It won't be too much trouble for me, Sire."

"I insist," he immediately replies.

Arthur stands up, listening to the faint scratching of the padded chair on the floor. He doesn't really feel like eating and is probably just going to get some reading done, or at least try.

"T-then," Liam twiddles with his thumbs a little, clearing his throat before he goes back to organizing the clothes he has laid out. "When do want me to… show up."

Arthur stops to think for a bit, staring at the ceiling.

"The morning after."

Liam is completely shocked. As Arthur walks past him, he pats the boy on the shoulder.

"You can take the day off."

Liam makes a few sounds, nothing coming out as words. Eventually though, he does finish whatever it was he was doing and leaves Arthur in peace as per his request.

Arthur sighs – again – and collapses on the bed.

Truthfully, even if Merlin hasn't done anything wrong, Arthur doesn't know what to think.

He can wait to see what will happen. After all, he wants to prove to his father that not all magic is evil.

Hopefully, Merlin is just the wolf who can do it.

The breeze feels nice, ruffling through his fur. Especially combined with the warm sun on his back. The trickling of the stream, the chirping of the birds and the rustling of the leaves are music to his ears. And the smells…

It smells nothing like the castle or anywhere in Camelot. Merlin didn't realize how much he needed this to ease himself from the events of yesterday and the whole plague in general.

Another breeze blows, taking some leaves and flower petals with it. Merlin raises his snout, smelling the scents that the breeze carries with it.

He sighs happily.

If only he could stay in this moment forever.