AN: I was asked to continue this story so I've written a bit more. Anything else added to this story now is considered bonus material.

The story is also posted on Archive of Our Own. Here is the link /works/13186458/chapters/30162588

Chapter 2 has some bonus content.

Teachers AU has been reposted there as well with a bonus chapter. The new title is Mystic Falls High, and the bonus chapter is chapter 9 and takes place after the decade dance.

Elena's foot tapped impatiently against the booth. She checked her watch again. Caroline was due to arrive any moment; and Elena couldn't wait for her friend. Maggie approached from the counter with a fresh pot of coffee; she had donned an elf hat in acknowledgement of the season.

"Morning Elena," Maggie poured a cup of coffee. She was a kindly older woman who had taken a special interest in Elena, Katherine and Jeremy after their parents died; Maggie was the grandmother they had never had. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm doing fine Maggie," Elena wrapped her fingers tightly around the steaming mug. "How's your granddaughter? Didn't she start at Whitmore this year?"

"Olivia is great," Maggie set the carafe on the table as she caught Elena up on the latest gossip. "She's got a new boyfriend. He's supposed to come up for Christmas to meet the family."

"Have you decided if you're going to be scary or sweet?" Elena teased tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The sunlight streaming through the window caught on her ring. Maggie's eyes were immediately drawn to her hand.

"Is that what I think it is?" Maggie dropped into the booth across from her and reached for Elena's hand. "It is. That man of yours finally proposed." She peered at the ring with a broad grin. "When's the wedding?"

"Well," Elena chewed on her bottom lip. She could feel her cheeks straining under the grin she couldn't hide. "We haven't actually started planning yet. He just proposed last night."

"Well you let me know when you start making plans." A warm smile rested on Maggie's face.

"Maggie you will have the first invitation." Elena swore as Maggie stood up to return to work.

Elena poured cream and sugar in her coffee. Taking a sip she glanced up at the door. The ringing bell announced Caroline's presence. The blond bounced to the table before dropping across from her.

"That was a great party last night," Caroline shed her scarf and coat. "I didn't hear from you after I got home though. I thought you were going to call me after you finished cleaning up."

"Sorry," Elena attempted to hide her grin. "I got a little distracted."

"Not another couch situation?" Caroline shuddered at the memory of her near naked friend and brother in law. "You two should lock your door."

"You have a key, Care. A locked door wouldn't have stopped you," Elena kept her arms crossed effectively concealing her hands.

"Are you going to take my key?" Caroline slumped against the back of the booth. "Is that why you called me out this morning?"

"I'm not going to take your key, Care," Elena shook her head with a laugh. "We took Kol's key because he was constantly walking in with no notice."

"Just how many times did Kol … interrupt the two of you?"

"That's really not the point," Elena shuddered at the memory of Kol strolling into the living room. The couch at the time had been facing the opposite direction so he had gotten a clear view of her back. "The point is we are not taking your key. And I called you out today because I have news."

"Are you pregnant too?"

"No," Elena laughed. "I don't think so anyway." She uncrossed her arms and stretched her hands across the table. "Elijah proposed last night."

"Elena," Caroline gasped when she took in the ring. "That is amazing. You're getting married. We're going to be sisters."

"Yes," Elena captured Caroline's hand and squeezed. "Will you be my maid of honour?"

"Of course," Caroline grinned. "When's the wedding? Have you guys set a date yet?"

"Not yet," Elena admitted. "We talked about maybe in the summer," she lowered her eyes to the table, "but like I said we were a little distracted."

"I completely understand," Caroline grinned at the very clear memories of Nik's proposal. "I remember the 'we-just-got-engaged' sex. It can be very distracting."


"What?" She shrugged her shoulders. "It can be distracting, and incredibly hot."

Elena just shook her head at the antics of her best friend.

"A summer wedding, then?" Caroline switched topics seamlessly. "What about June? After you finish teaching for the year you can get married." She pulled a planner out of her purse and flipped to the month in question. "June 27th would be a good day for a wedding; it's a Saturday. I'll be huge, but the wedding will be beautiful."

"Don't you think the groom should be present for this part of the planning?"

Caroline sighed before pulling out her phone. She pressed the icon for Elijah and held the device to her ear. She grinned when the call connected.

"What do you think of June 27th?"

"It's a day in June?" Elijah's amused voice held a note of confusion. "Why do you ask Caroline?"

"That's the day I have penciled in for the we- " Elena snatched the phone from her friend and held it to her own ear.

"Elijah," she greeted her fiancé – she loved the way the word sounded in her mind. "I just told Caroline and she's jumped into planning mode." She could practically see the way his head shook when she heard him chuckle.

"Now the question makes sense."

"You know Caroline," Elena mock glared at her friend. Caroline had started motioning to the planner where she had circled the date and was now pointing to it. "How does June 27th sound? Care may strangle me if I don't ask."

"Sounds wonderful," Elena could hear the grin in his voice. "I'd marry you tomorrow if I could."

"Caroline may have something to say about that," Elena's eyes twinkled.