Chapter 1: The Reckoning

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."

Terry Pratchett, "Reaper Man"

5 years ago

It was happening, the moment they were all warned about. A darkness split across the sky in a pattern that resembled dead tree branches. People were running in all directions, not a single one would be able to find safety from the dark mists that began to reach for them. There was no more sunlight. The city was cracked and broken, far from being repairable. Screams were carried by winds that felt like darkness, followed by the mists.

A group of teenagers were huddled together, frantically discussing their next move against the creature wreaking havoc on their beloved world. Blood coated their clothes, scratches covering their skin from trying to fight back against a force they had no hope going up against. They had lost everything, their digital companions defeated moments before and half of their group had ran the other way, giving up and going to find their families.

"I… I'm not sure guys. It seems like he already knows our every move… Even before we know it," said Taichi Kamiya, desperation dripping off of his every word. He was their faithful leader, the one who always knew what to do when all of the others had given into the need to give up. But right now at this moment, the boy was trying his best to hold it together. His sister was using his shoulder for support, her leg most likely broken. He felt helpless and afraid as the eyes of his companions stared at him waiting for a plan.

"We can't just stand here huddled discussing all night! We have to at least try!" The words came from Taichi's blonde companion, Yamato Ishida. Yamato was always the one to let Taichi know when he had derailed, keeping his brunette friend on track. Though he spoke his words with confidence, Yamato was full of doubt. He was the last one that seemed to be clinging to any hope that this could finish in their favor. He wiped a drip of warm blood that slid down his forehead into his eye.

A large crack echoed through the city of Odaiba, the group huddling closer together in hopes of keeping safe. The sky above them continued to rip at the seams, darkness seemed to leak in from whatever was on the other side of each rip. Mimi blinked back tears that had already began to spill down her flushed cheeks. "You guys are my best friends… Don't forget that.." The words slipped past her lips full of sadness and sorrow.

"Mimi. Don't talk like that we can all still try to do something…" The red headed boy tried to calm his best friend with words even he didn't believe. He placed a bandaged hand on one of her shoulders, her slender form shuddering as she gave into her tears.

Sora looked over at her friend crying, feeling emptiness fill her. They were going to lose, why couldn't Matt just accept that? Myotismon was literally ripping their world to shreds, a mist of darkness beginning to cover the sky. "This… This is it guys. I'm with Mimi on this… I just don't see us being able to fight back and win." The red head looked up, brown eyes meeting hers as if to say a final good bye. Yamato hugged the blonde boy next to him, pulling him closer as he slowly let the realization of Sora's words finally sink in.

"Giving up so soon, children?" A dark laughed filled the atmosphere, speaking from the sky. "Why, I wasn't quite done entertaining myself with you. How does it feel to watch your precious world be ripped apart and there is nothing you can do about it but watch? How does it feel to have no choice but to let the darkness in?" Myotismon was grinning, he already knew he had won. He taunted the group with a laugh, shaking the ground they stood on. He raised his staff, and with one final smack, he split the sky completely open. Dark mist spread across the Earth, hugging the forms of buildings and individuals. Pedestrians were frantically tried to avoid the mists, only to have it grab for their ankles, dragging them down.

Ripping. That was the last sound they all heard before the mist engulfed their huddled forms in a matter of seconds. This was the day that changed life as they knew it. Their world turned to worlds. This was the day the dark king Myotismon stole a piece of their world for himself. This was the day the world was split into three. This was the day of The Reckoning.