
The eyes of the whole court were on Merlin as he stood up, announcing that the chalice was poisoned. Merlin had never liked attention, that many people looking at him, some in shock, horror, annoyance, anger, made him very uncomfortable. But he stood his ground, I won't let Arthur die, he resolved.

"Merlin, what are you doing?" Arthur was incredulous, of course he was no one else suspected a thing.

There was the sink of drawn weapons, and the clamor of exclamations of outrage and defense. Arthur strode forward, grabbing Merlin, trying to cover for him. Why can't you see that I'm trying to save you? He thought, even as he answered Uther's demands, realizing how flimsy his accusations sounded. With no other choice, he accepted the goblet. Arthur, of course, the noble prat, tried to take it from him. But an odd calm washed over him as he lifted it to his lips. Destiny, the Great Dragon spoke of Destiny, of how Arthur was to be a great king, and how Merlin was to help him get there. For Arthur, Merlin toasted silently, downing the contents of the goblet.

When nothing happened, Merlin wasn't sure whether or not to be relieved that there wouldn't be another international conflict (and that he wasn't dead, that's always a plus) or terrified of what would happen next. He had just accused a king of poisoning Arthur, the heir to the throne of Camelot. Only now realizing the weight of what he had done, Merlin didn't notice the constriction of his throat of anything other than nerves until it became difficult to breathe. As he collapsed to the ground his only thought was I was right after all, and he felt oddly satisfied.

For awhile he drifted, unconscious, only aware of feeling a little too warm. But soon, he got the niggling feeling that somewhere, somehow, Arthur was doing something stupid. Arthur, Merlin called out, Arthur, wait for me! Pushing out his awareness, Merlin tried to follow the feeling, tried to find Arthur. When he did, Merlin was not happy to find him following the girl (poisoned him! Not good!). No, Arthur, he tried to say, don't follow her! It's a trap! Follow me! Then realized that Arthur couldn't see him, couldn't feel him. Though from the negative energy coming off at him from Nimueh, she most certainly did. Of course Arthur had to be the most magically insensitive person ever.

Then when she started trying to kill Arthur, Merlin got annoyed. Spiders? Giant spiders? Really? Arthur would never be able to fight them off when he couldn't see them! Dark, he murmured, it's too dark. Merlin focused, consolidating his energy, projecting it outwards. Then there were more spiders, and Merlin didn't think Arthur could kill them all. No, Arthur, I'm not that important. Save yourself. But of course he didn't listen. Go faster, follow the light! Why can't you just save yourself? Merlin could feel his energy draining, between the poison, the light, and Arthur being an insufferable prat, he wouldn't be able to keep going for much longer.

Finally, when Arthur finally made it to open ground, Merlin allowed himself to return to his body, thought it wasn't pleasant. Bits of the Old Religion filtered down to him, Guias making the cure. It was nice, Guias's voice, and Merlin didn't mind listening to it as he died. Then the chanting stopped, a door opened, and everything faded away.

"He's not breathing!" Gwen cried, "What's happening?"

Guias frowned, "His heart has stopped!"

Gwen furrowed her brows, "He's dead." she sounded broken.

"No, He can't be. He can't be. It was his destiny." They embraced, Guias still in a state of shock, Gwen crying on her shoulder.

When Merlin came to, he sat up, still sweaty and with the remains of bad tasting and ultimately useless cure in his mouth. Gwen and Guais were holding each other, and Merlin cursed the fact that dying in front of your friends freaks them out. Attempting to relieve the tension, he spoke, "That's disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself! You're old enough to be her grandfather!" They looked over at him, shocked.

"Merlin!" Guias exclaimed, "You're alive!"

Merlin smiled, "No, I'm a ghost come back to haunt you." He replied cheekily, and then Gwen kissed him. Well, he decided, I might have to die more often.

Authors Note:

And that's a wrap! Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed this fic! Maybe check out my other Merlin fic?