~December 2nd, 1940~

~Back to Hogwarts~

"I know that Tom is the leader in the group and he is more wiser than the lot of us but I just don't trust him being alone with Harry, secluded from people." Abraxas said messily throwing his clothing into his trunk. The boys were in the small dorm and they were all discussing Harry and Toms situation. "I know. Tom probably has him on the wall right now or gripping the headboard, sweaty and screaming his first and last name." Levi said earning howls of laughter from everyone but Abraxas. "This isn't funny, Levi." Abraxas said rather hostile. The other boy merrily rolled his eyes before answering. Once the room was quiet down he asked, "Why is it so important to you?" Levi slammed his trunk closed and flopped on his down blanket less bed. "Yes, sometimes Tom can become a horny bastard when he's secluded from groups of people but your also forgetting that he has higher grades in all his class and he can literally outshone anyone who competes against him in D.A.D.A. Even the teachers stand back when he pulls out his wand. If I was going to leave and go somewhere far from people, I would have choose Tom to be my bodyguard as well." The room was filled with slight murmurs of agreement as the boys picked up the last bit of their belongings and got ready to leave.

"I can't believe I missed so much! Finally get back to Hogwarts after battles in france got bad, only to have to flee again because apparently Grindelwalds on his way here." Abraxas turned to see it was Avery talking to him. He frowned and shook his head. "Yeah… I'm sorry about your french manor." Avery smiled and shook his head. "It's fine Braxs. The only thing we need to worry about currently are those mudbloods. Because my family had to come back here to our bigger manor, we live extremely close to the filth." Avery spat out. Abraxas made a disgusted face but deep down, he was intrigued. Every time he went to Avery's home, he always tried to find a way to escape and see what the muggles were doing. Avery's parents were either very forgetful or always looking to get into the paper because they barely left there wards up. Around Summer time he would apparate there at night and sneak outside and go walk around the muggle villages. One time he aparated there and nearly got his head cut off because some bandits were already there looking for the Averys treasures.

"Don't even mention their names Avery. I don't even like to say Mudblood because of the foul taste they leave in my mouth. Not even Muggle." this was true yet not true. When he said this the others thought it meant that he didn't like to hear about them but in reality, he just hated the word muggle and Mudblood. He knew if anyone found out he would constantly be shone from pureblood society and probably kicked from the group. He didn't even tell Harry this after he found out he Pureblood. "Sorry Malfoy. Your right. Their names are like conjuring a dementor." Avery laughed before shrinking his trunk and putting it into his pocket. "Oh! Abraxas, can you shrink Tom's belongings? My mother should have sent your mother an invitation to the wedding party she's holding for my sister. Tom and Harry are going to be there and Tom may want his things back." Abraxas nodded and smiled at the mention of Harry's name. "I wonder what he's doing now…" he said to himself as he packed Tom's belongings. "Oh! Dammit! Remind your mother that Mudbloods won't try and trespass this time. There having a Carnival or something with these weird machines and my mother says that they won't be a problem. That's all." Abraxas lit up at the mention of a carnival with muggles. He hurriedly packed Tom's things and grabbed some books that Harry left. He looked outside the window and smiled. Pureblood parties arn

~Salazar's Manor~

Tom woke up to Harry's leg on his neck. Annoyed, he shoved it away and sat up. He learned quickly why some couples don't share beds and his and Harry's situation was a perfect example. Harry slept restlessly and had seemed to try and hog the bed with his body. Annoyed, Tom stood and walked around the room for a bit. He and Harry were too tired to get up and look for the master bedroom so they settled for a small guest bedroom and decided to share. Tom scratched his head and went over to the window. The storm seemed to have gotten worse. At this rate Tom was wondering how they were going to get to Avery's house for the party. Harry started making noise in his sleep which earned Tom's head to turn. "Harry? Wake up. We have things to do today." Harry started to toss around and murmur things. Tom could barely make them out but he faintly heard what sound like Horcruxes exit his lips. Toms eyes widened and he rushed to Harry's side. He shook Harry away, roughly earning a growl from the boy. "Geeze… for fuck sake Tom!" He heard the boy hiss.

Tom ignored his profanity and shook him more harder this time. "Harry wake up!" Harry sat up and opened his eyes. He scowled at Tom who just sat there giving Harry the most intense look he's ever received from the other boy. "Tom, what is it?" He said turning around to fully face him. "You said something in your sleep about Horcruxes. How do you know of them?" Harry frowned and turned away. "I was in the library in the restricted section because there was nothing interesting to read else were and I stumbled across them. Why?" Tom sensed that it was a lie but it was one with truth in it. He studied Harry's face. Harry swallowed which didn't go unnoticed by Tom but he did notice how the iris of his eyes seem to get redder in a way. The Room was dead silent and in the distance, Tom though he could hear the faint noise of whispers.

Harry was first to break eye contact as he got up. "Let's get dressed… I'm hungry. Hopefully there's food here."Harry said as he reached for his suitcase. Tom just watched as Harry pulled out his clothes and began to undress. The room went back to be silent despite the snowing falling harder than before hitting the walls. Harry felt Tom's eye stab onto his torso as he lifted his shirt. He turned his head and blushed. Tom got up and made his way over to Harry who was unaware of this. He felt his back hit the cold stone wall before he could toss his shirt on the floor. Harry looked into Tom's eyes, blushing nonstop. He couldn't even stutter. "I believe we never got to finish what we started, yesterday night…" Tom stared into Harry's green eyes and Harry swore, he saw the same red tint from the dream he first had when his eyes changed.

Tom slowly brung his lips to Harrys and kissed him lightly before deepening the kiss. He chuckled as Harry moaned and bucked his hips against Toms. Tom broke the kiss and looked Harry in his eye. "You said you were hungry for food but it seems that your really hungry for something else…" He watched as Harry's face lit up blood red before bringing his lips back onto his. Harry pushed Tom of the wall and onto the bed behind them and proceeded to climb ontop of Tom who was in the process of removing his shirt.


Harry laughed as he pushed Tom onto the bed and and climbed on top of him, preventing him from getting his book back. Surprisinlgy, Tom wasn't that mad. "You better give me my book back, Harry. Or Mrs. Cole will come in here with the paddle." Harry just laughed as he went on flipping the pages and looking through the book. "Jokes on you Riddle. I so happen to be Mrs. Cole favorite child here! She gives me money for completing chores." He bragged as Tom rolled his eyes from underneath him. "I'm going to use your money and buy a gun and shoot you!" Harry smirked and snarled out "No you won't" It wasn't even a minute later that the boys started up there wrestling again. Once they laid down besides each on the floor laughing.

"Harry?" came Toms reply after. Harry moved his head so his dark eyes were looking into Toms dark blue ones.

"What?" Harry said. Tom wasn't looking at Harry but Harry could see that the boy debating on what he was going to ask.

"Do you ever think about your parents?" Harry raised an eyebrow at this and looked down. Before he came to this orphanage, he was at another orphanage prior to this. It was a bad one but he remembered that the orphanage director, Jonathan, who would force him to do chores and beat the children including Harry, would always say things about his mom.

"I never knew who my mother was but my old orphanage director would always talk about her. He would say things like 'You have her black eyes' and 'I would've done anything to get a piece of her even if I had to do so with force' and things like that. He would describe her and point out my eyes all the time and say, that they were hers and that I stole them from her." said Harry.

"He would always talk about things like, how small her waist was was and gross things of that sort. He would talk about how she had long black Hair, and how she was a princess but he never said her name or anything. At times when he got drunk, All the kids at the orphanage would help me hide from him because he would say things like 'You've trapped your mother inside you!' or 'I know your her! Your just hiding in a child's body!'" Harry shivered but then let out an amused chuckle. Tom sat up and was listening to Harry, taking in all he said greedily.

"He was constantly drunk, and I was constantly hiding. He thought I was a stupid kid who wasn't going to listen to him. But he was wrong. One week, he left. He left his rich nephew there who was only three years older than Johnny. Johnny was fifteen, but just because he looked scrawny didn't mean he could be beat. We beat him up and knocked him out and then we grabbed all the kids and jumped in the bus that was never used and johnny drove us out of there." Harry sat up and looked at Tom who looked astonished at Harry's story.

"So that was your bus on the front paper in front of that corn field?!" Tom asked. Harry nodded feeling real proud of himself. "Yup. But to get back to your previous question, no. I don't wonder about my parents. My mother left me at an orphanage and left and god knows who my father is… If he knew about me, wouldn't he look for me? No… I don't care. I refuse to. And I cross my heart, hope to die, If they dare show their faces when I'm older and try to 'Apologize' like Johnny's parents did after we ran away, I'm going to kill them. That's a promise." Tom watched as harry's faces contorted into a disgusted look and for the first time, Tom blushed in the presence of someone else.

It attracted young Tom that someone with a similar situation felt the same about their parents. "Harry…" Tom started. "Can… If your going to run away tomorrow…. Can I come with you?" Harry's eyes widened and he quickly looked lost. "Tom-"

"Please Harry! I'm sorry we got into a fight. I started it! Please forgive me! I don't want to be left here! I can help." Harry bit his lip and looked down. "Tom, I don't care about our fight yesterday. I started it. I shouldn't have said that… to be honest Tom, when your not acting better than everyone, your company is pretty lovable. That was wrong of me to say…"

"Harry I-" Tom stopped his sentence as Harry looked him in his eye. "I-I… Harry I think I love you…" Harry's face lit up red as he stared at Tom. It made Harry feel both warm, and awkward. He didn't know what to say really.

"I- I love you too Tom." He stuttered out stupidly.

"Really?" Harry stared at the boy. Despite there fight the other day, Harry did grow rather close to Tom.

"Well… it's been such a short amount of time…" he answered hesitantly.

"We still can get to know each other and be there for each other."

"How? Tom, I leave the orphanage tomorrow. We can't send letters." Harry had a feeling he knew where this conversation was going and he didn't know how to stop it.

"Take me with you."


A/N: That embarrising moment when you say, "I'm going to write all summer and only post like one chapter a month…. Yeaah…. I think I'm just going to post whenever