
I put the book in my belt and left the establishment. Just to stop at the moment.

A slight, but very clear killing intent spreads from the store in front. A woman in a white uniform, sitting under an umbrella, is responsible and besides it emanates the scent of blood despite having no visible stain. The aroma is impregnated in her. Anyone related to war or torture? It seems that she tries to hide it but she barely succeeds, at least for my improved senses.

Oh, she has noticed me..., and it's very pretty.

Why are the pretty ones are crazy and dangerous? Not that I complain, but I want to know.

Akame POV

Lubbock and I arrived in Kawaita a few hours ago, so far there has been no sign of an attempted attack, or something suspicious that leads us to those who pretend to be part of our group. The official of the empire who was entrusted to protect us, has dedicated himself without problems to distribute part of the army's rice reserves to the needy of this town, and his own men are more than willing to cooperate; no doubt he is the type of person we need in the empire when this revolution ends. Although seeing all that rice, it has been making me hungry.

Fortunately, Lubbock handed me a snack that he brought. It's not much, but it will work for now. According to him, he has not perceived any sign of intruders in the area and it is very likely that the officer is not the target, which means that Tatsumi and Bulat must meet the murderers. But that does not matter. Being negligent is prohibited in missions.

Still, I hope they both are fine. I just want them to survive.

–Hey Akame


–I could not help noticing that you have been wearing that necklace for a few days. And what is that figure you play with?

Oh, I didn't realize what I was doing.

–It's just a kind of box ... it was a gift from a friend I made before leaving the empire. He said it is about a story in which the lesson is to hold on to hope no matter how horrible the world is.

–Hope huh? It's funny that you say so, if you consider what you told Tatsumi before.

–One thing is to have hope that things will be better, and another is to have false dreams that will never come true.

–I guess you have a point. And why do you suddenly use it?

–. . . I don't know..

I really didn't know, since I joined to Night Raid, I made sure to keep it safe, not wanting to lose it on a mission. But a few nights ago I began to have a strange feeling, I began to remember some things about the time I spent with that person and what he taught me about a normal life, but all this was always accompanied by a strange feeling that worried me. I think I felt something like this the first months I separated from him, maybe I just feel nostalgic? I know that where he lives he doesn't face problems like the ones here, but I hope he's fine too.

Ocean liner deck, Ryuusen

Have you ever heard about that strange superstition that when you sneeze for no reason is it because someone is talking about that person somewhere?

Well that does not happen with me. I feel a damn chill in the column that paralyzes me, and while I can't claim that it is because someone talks about me, I prefer to think that to believe that I only feel that my back is freezing, Even when there is no cold.

No. It has nothing to do with the fact that I had just left a river to board a ship on a damn cloudy day. Or that I Washington able to free myself by pure luck of a living incarnation of Femme Fatale, only because a guard crossed between the two to inform her of some order from the prime minister - although I think I heard some scream when I moved away from the place. Nor does it have to do with the type of scenario that I found in the bow of the ship, when I arrived and climbed to the roof of the ship's superstructure: two bodies lying on the ground and their blood - with one of the two almost split in half from his head–; a young chestnut man holding a guy with green armor who coughed up blood; and a blond boy who approached playing a flute-

Hey, wait a second.

What the hell is a child doing in this kind of place and ... What the fuck? Has the child just grown twice his own size and with a muscle like Dwayne Johnson's? Well, almost like his.

Certainly it had something to do with those special weapons mentioned Akame. Imperial Arm, I think that's what she called them


Mmm? The diary appeared in front of me on the floor next to a syringe and a whistle ... again the separator.

"Special Mission: Find the fake killers of Night Raid!

Congratulations! You arrived at the right place.

No, ¿really?

Sarcastic ...

This was just rewritten?

...summarizing what you are seeing: the two dead people and the filthy boy you had the nerve to compare with my cute Dwayne –in your dreams it seems, ignorant savage!–…

Pinche loca.

Tu lo serás… These people are the personal agents of one of the empire's generals who have been carrying out the murders, to attract Night Raid –the young chestnut and the black-haired, Tatsumi and Bulat respectively–. Now, the person that I mentioned before that could be a candidate for your pack is Bulat, who is currently on the verge of death because of a poison they used against him.

I couldn't help raising my eyebrow at that. I guess that's what the nine-herb jars she gave me before were for.

I suppose you have realized now what the jars were for, or at least one of them, but that is only part. I will be honest to you, there is only one way you can achieve this without harming you when you meet Akame; that's what the whistle and the special adrenaline drug that I just gave you…

The what?

Don't ask how I got it. I will only tell you that has the power to resuscitate a person about to die enough to apply the herbs and bite him. I can not interfere more than this, so you have to manage to achieve it, and believe me when I tell you that I wish you the best of luck to fulfill your mission because I can not help you anymore.

Postscript. In case you succeed, give the book to Bulat, I will leave a note for him to believe and help you.

Second Postscript. Wait for the signal.

What signal?


Looking back at the battlefield. A strange crimson glow has just emerged around the boy, next to what I would say is a giant white superhero costume, but with the face of a bright red-eyed reptile that ..., are looking me. Is that thing alive?

As fast as it appeared, the giant began to cover the young man to cover him in a kind of battle suit with cape.

. . .Ok I guess that's the signal.

Returning to my werewolf form, I pick up the syringe and whistle, and keep them in my pocket, while the diary returns to the belt. I get off the roof by one of the sides of the ship –without making noise– and I wait for Tatsumi to run to face that super muscular boy.

As soon as he does, I run as fast as I can to the back of the weakened Bulat –the guy is barely conscious to see his friend– and patted his shoulder.




A surprise chin hook never fails to knock someone out.

I managed to grab him before he fell to the ground, and I carried him on my shoulder to return to the corridor on the side of the one I get off - wow, this guy is pure muscle, I think he would weigh the same without his armor.


Before crossing the corner there is a loud rumble that makes the ground shake a little, and stops me by surprise. Even being halfway to the bow, Tatsumi had managed to hit the boy with enough force to send him flying towards the superstructure wall; cracking it enough for the now dead body –if the increase in the scent of blood tells me something– to sink and it will hardly be noticed from my position.

Damn, I can hardly suppress a whistle of amazement at such an example of strength. But heck, that must have been a big hit.


–¡Shit! –the boy's voice reminds me that I didn't have time for this, and then I ran back down the hall of the superstructure.

I couldn't see if Tatsumi had noticed me with Bulat, but there was no time!

Damn whistle! Why doesn't it come out of my pocket!?

And there. Well, in case anyone did not remember, originally I had pointed out that this fanfic would develop along with the opinions of you readers. But unfortunately that is no longer possible, my ideas on how this story will unfold have expanded so much in one direction (almost from beginning to end) that I can no longer think much about how to change it; I just got hooked on that heading.

In any case, there are still some blank spaces that only time (and the development of this story), will tell if I will propose a poll on how to follow the story.

But in the meantime you can consider this as the last one (for the moment): Ramón manages to use the whistle before Tatsumi follows him, Yes or No.

You can leave your response in a review or by a private message, if you prefer. I no longer trust to do only the poll but also upload it to my profile. I will update the chapter in 15 days since it was published confirming what direction it will take.