Have no fear, Grubkiller is here.

Hey folks. This story will detail the fall of the Republic and the return/rebirth of the Sith Empire.

This will also be apart of both my first AU, and the 2nd one that I plan on writing. I made a list of my stories (published and planned) from both AU's in chronological order.

Remember: this is an AU in which Order 66 never happens. This first chapter will include a timeline and prologue.

I hope that you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. It was created by Lucasfilms and is owned by Disney.


19 BBY: The Clone Wars ends. Chancellor Palpatine, after being revealed to be the Lord of the Sith, goes into exile on the planet Byss with his new student, a corrupt Jedi named Anakin Skywalker.

A horrible revolution breaks out when people start to believe that the Jedi illegally overthrew an otherwise popular Chancellor. It threatens to tear the Republic apart until it's put down by Republic authorities.

As instructed by the new Chancellor, Tomas Dalyell, the Republic Navy uses a new weapons platform, the Hammer of Dawn, to destroy the CIS's ability to wage war, and force them to surrender. Peace reigns throughout the galaxy.

But two months later, a terrible new enemy, known as the Yuuzhan Vong, invades the galaxy from the north. They don't have a reason. They only kill, or worse. Anyone that isn't killed, is turned into a mutated drone for their army, used as livestock, or used for reproduction.

The Republic mobilizes for total war once again.

The Republic Navy and the Clone Army are driven back from the outer rim. They use the Hammer of Dawn to slow the Vong advance. Entire cities are turned into jungles of charcoal. Planets are turned into balls of ash.

The Vong is slowed down, but trillions of people are dead, and trillions more feel abandoned by the Republic that was supposed to protect them. Many people start to see the Republic as tyrannical and blood thirsty. The Clone army is seen as an army of murdering slaves, while the Jedi are seen as brainwashed lap dogs that serve a corrupt Government. That mentality plays right into Darth Sidious's hands. He begins to broadcast this message to the people of the galaxy from a secret Sith facility on the planet Byss, hidden in the core. The makings of a second revolution are in play.

18 BBY: The Grand Army and the Navy are driven back close to the Core. It's only a matter of time before the Vong reach Coruscant.

17.5 BBY: The Vong are on Coruscant's doorstep. The Jedi-led Grand Army fights a desperate battle to stop the Vong and save the Galaxy. But unbeknownst to the rest of the galaxy, Two Sith Lords are plotting the downfall of the Republic, and the takeover of the galaxy.


Galactic core, Planet Byss, Secret Sith facility.

Hidden deep within the Galactic Core above the planet Byss, which is considered to be a myth to the rest of the galaxy, hung a series of space stations

They were surrounded by hundreds of menacing triangle shaped warships.

On the planet below, black armored Troopers belonging to the Exiled Sith Empire were enforcing their Master's will on the enslaved populace below.

In a secret facility, high above the planet, Darth Sidious looked out over the display of power before him.

His chamber was guarded by Red cloaked Royal Guardsmen, who would fight to the death for their lord and master.

At his fingertips was an exiled Empire and a platform from which to spread his dogmatic rhetoric across the Galaxy.

That propaganda solidified his base of support, which also included over 60 percent of the Republic Senate, and many of the former CIS planets, which have been left to fend for themselves against the Vong.

Everyone thought that Palpatine was their voice for change in a corrupt Galaxy.

But in reality, they were nothing but useful idiots. Merely pawns helping the king advance towards his agenda.

The Dark Lord of the Sith smiled as he contemplated the future of the Galaxy.

His Galaxy.

That's when someone entered the chamber from the elevator.

He knew who it was. He sensed his presence through the force.

It was the Grand Inquisitor.

When he tried to exit the elevator, he was blocked when two guardsmen cross their staff in an X shape, denying him entry into Sidious's chamber.

"Let him pass," Palpatine ordered without turning to face them.

The mute guards stood aside, allowing the Grand Inquisitor to enter the room.

The Utapuan Sith warrior walked up the stairs and came to within 10 paces of the thrown before kneeling before the Dark Lord.

"My master," the Inquisitor said.

"What is it that you wish to report?" Sidious asked, somewhat demanding.

He continued to look out the viewport when the Inquisitor spoke.

"My Master. Lord Vader and several of my assassins have arrived on Malachor. They've found the temple, and are investigating it now," the Inquisitor reported.

The Sith master smiled.

"Good. That temple is a key element to my plans. He will secure it," Sidious said. "You are dismissed".

"Yes my lord," the Inquisitor said before bowing and leaving.

Sidious continued to look out over the system. The Fleet has been gathered here for a few years.

They were not just guarding Palpatine's secret base. They were protecting something else. It was an unfinished space station. The frame of which looked like an unfinished sphere. It had the circumference of a moderately sized moon. One day, it would be another instrument to his reign.

Palatine continued to contemplate the future.

The Sith and their Empire have been in exile for over a thousand years, thought to have been destroyed by the Republic and their Jedi attack dogs.

In reality, they've been biding their time.

They adapted.

They overcame.

They grew.

They prospered.

And soon they would have their revenge.

The galaxy will thank us for what we do next, and then they'll do as we say.


Former Sith planet Malachor, ruined Sith Temple.

With the galaxy being ripped apart by the most brutal war in its history, no one had noticed a Sith operation taking place on a deserted Sith planet.

A fleet of 6 Sith Star Destroyers, and their escorts/support vessels, hovered above the planet. Each had a look that would strike fear into the hearts of all who lay eyes on them.

The task force could destroy an entire city in just a few minutes.

But that hasn't been their mission for over a thousand years, nor was it their mission.

Right now, it was to support an operation on the ground.

An Imperial assault force had gone to the surface.

They bore holes into the hollow ash surface that served as a facade to the real surface of the planet.

An outpost, with buildings, landing pads, and gun emplacements had been set up.

Sith troopers and non-force sensitive Sith warriors moved towards the massive red pyramid like structure that was under the scorched surface.

It was dark, ominous, and unapproachable. Everything Sith.

The troopers and warriors moved towards the temple.

There were statues everywhere.

But they weren't statues. They were people. Both Sith and Jedi. All burned and turned to ash.

But there was also something else that added to the strangeness of this place.

It took the form of a fierce battle, which raged across the ash covered ruins of Malachor's surface.

The forces of the exiled Sith Imperium were meeting heavy resistance.

That resistance took the form of over a hundred Mandalorian Super Commandoes.

They were the very last remnants of Darth Maul's Shadow Collective forces from the Clone Wars.

After losing Mandalore to the Republic (A/N:Read my SW story The End is Near for more info), Maul went into hiding with his remaining loyalists. They eventually went on a quest to search the galaxy for tools with which to destroy Maul's enemies.

That quest for galactic domination brought them to the ash ruins of Malachor.

And now they were fighting to defend the ruins from Darth Sidious' forces.

Blaster fire from both sides illuminated the darkness that was below the hollow ash surface.

Sith Death Troopers took cover in the ruins, exchanging fire with the Shadow Collective troopers who fired from the Pyramid.

High above the ash surface of the planet, a Lambda class shuttle, escorted by several Tie fighters, flew to the surface.

When the shuttle flew threw a massive hole in the surface, the tie fighters broke off.

The shuttle flew over the battle field. Several walkers and tanks were destroyed, and even a few tie fighters had crashed into the surface.

The Empire built a solid front line to contain Maul's forces.

But they were completely stationary.

The shuttle landed on a makeshift landing pad before it lowered its ramp.

A black-clad armored figure walked through the carbon mist from the depressurizing shuttle.

It was Sidious' enforcer, Darth Vader.

He wore lightweight black armor and a skull-like helmet. He marched out of the shuttle and onto the field.

He seemed to ignore the blaster bolts that flew around him.

Death Troopers rushed passed Vader towards the enemy.

Some took cover, but others were gunned down from the heavy fire of the Shadow Collective forces on the high ground.

He stepped over some of the dead bodies and continued walking.

An Imperial officer ran to his side and walked with him while keeping his head down as blaster flew past both of them.

He spoke nervously.

"Duuuhhh, Lord Vader. We..were ambushed upon arrival, but, uh...I have the situation..well under control-ackh!" The officer tried to say as he was levitated into the air. He grabbed his windpipe as he felt pressure being placed on it.

"I have no interest in your failures Commander," Vader said as the officer continued to choke. "I am only concerned with what I was sent here for".

Vader then dropped the officer, who coughed and gasped for air.

The Dark Lord came down because two of his inquisitors were sent here. They reported that they found a Sith Holocron in a chamber deep beneath the Pyramid.

That was before they were both attacked and killed by Maul and his men. Which meant that the Holocron was in Maul's hands.

And based on the true nature of this base, that was unacceptable.

Vader ignited his saber and began his trek to the top.

"We must stop them so Maul can complete his work! Victory or Death!" One of the Warriors shouted.

"Victory or Death!" The rest shouted.

The Shadow Collective Supercommandoes used their wrist vambraces to launch shockwaves and jets of flame at the Dark Lord.

Maul's warriors flew overhead, swooped down, and fired down on him. He deflected their blaster bolts back at them, killing several of them.

Some warriors surrounded him and tried to use cables to subdue him. He used a force repulse to deflect them.

He then used the force to pull Maul's warriors towards him. When they were in range, he killed them with one slash of his lightsaber.

One maul trooper fired a rocket at Vader. He used the force to make it fly into the side of the Pyramid and explode harmlessly, before he used his other hand to reach out and choke the trooper. The trooper struggled and was thrown aside when his windpipe was crushed.

The Sith troopers and acolytes at the bottom noticed Maul's warriors falling from the pyramid. They knew that it meant that Vader was busy.

He continued to slaughter his way to the top.

When he got there, he could see that the super weapon at the top of the pyramid was activated. Red and purple lightning crackled and whipped from the slot that held the Sith holocron.

Darth Maul stood there, ready for Vader.

"You're too late Vader. With my new battle station, I will exact my revenge. This galaxy will be wiped clean of all of my enemies. Starting with your slave driver," Maul spat.

"Your confidence is as premature as your dreams are delusional," Vader said.

Maul growled and charged at Vader.

Both fighters swung their blades at each other.

They battled ferociously for the upper hand, throwing everything that they've been taught at each other.

For what seemed like forever, both sith warriors battled it out.

They blocked.

They parried.

They lunged.

Vader swung his blade at Maul's neck (like Obi-Wan should've done years ago), but Maul ducked, and when the saber had swung past his head, he shot back up and swiped his blade against Vader's shoulder pad.

He groaned in pain when he felt his shoulder pad burn against his body underneath.

Maul used this microsecond to attack again.

But as he brought the blade down, Vader swung his blade back the other way, this time cutting through Maul's dual ended sword, slicing it in two pieces.

However, both ends were active, meaning that Maul had a way to defend himself. He attacked nonetheless.

He swung his blades viciously, forcing Vader to take a defensive posture.

When Maul locked his blades with Vader's, he leaned forward, trying to push Vader's blade against Vader's faceplate.

But Sidious's enforcer had different ideas. He pushed Maul back as hard as he could.

He then tucked his arms in, and summoned the power of the force until a ball of energy formed around him. He them outstretched his arms and released the shockwave in all directions.

It was a force repulse, and it sent Maul flying back.

Taking advantage of the situation, Vader went on the offensive.

Vader's lightsaber blows were powerful. Each blow caused Maul to stagger backwards.

Eventually losing his footing, Maul falls on his backside.

Vader stepped forward towards the zabrak, who tried to scoot away.

Vader held up his one remaining flesh hand and used it to shoot lightning out of his fingertips.

Maul swiftly blocked the arc of lightning. He then propelled the lightning back at Vader. It electrocuted his armor.

Vader staggered backwards.

Maul then pointed his blades at the purplish-red lightning that was coming from the super weapon.

When his saber was crackling with lightning, he swung his blades in Vader's direction, sending a shockwave of lightning at Vader.

Vader stumbled backwards and turned around. The lightning strike forced him to his knees.

The robotic breathing caused by Vader's mask became more wheezy.

Maul's teeth were exposed as he cracked a demonic smile, watching his opponent succumb to the strain of the fight.

Time to finish this.

Maul charged at Vader. He growled out a vicious battle cry as he jumped through the air.

But Vader wasn't done.

When Maul was inches behind him, Vader pointed his saber at his stomach and ignited it.

The red blade impaled through Vader's suit, stomach, and into Maul's robotic section and lower stomach.

Somehow, Vader managed to miss his and Maul's vital organs.

Both warriors were in pain nonetheless.

But Vader got up and turned to Maul.

"Tell me," Maul said as he breathed heavily through the pain. "What could you hate enough to defeat me in the way you did?"

Vader just looked down at Maul before he spoke.


Maul looked up in terror before Vader began to crush his windpipe and slam him against several different walls.

He then summoned a shockwave that sent maul flying towards one of the stone walls that enclosed the area on top of the temple.

Maul hit the wall and then he hit the floor.

Miraculously, Maul was alive.

The Imperial Commander from earlier came in with a squad of Death Troopers. They went to secure the area. They put Maul in binders and carried him away.

The commander walked up to Vader.

"My lord! The temple is secure and Maul's remaining followers are in our custody! What are we going to do with this temple?" The officer tired to ask over the sound of lightning crackling from the machine.

Vader then stepped forward towards the holocron.

A female voice spoke to him.

"Greetings young warrior. I Am the Presence. I am the essence of tis temple. The destroyer of life. What do you wish for me to destroy?" She asked.

"You will destroy whomever I wish?" Vader asked.

"Precisely," she said. "The ability to destroy life is at your command. Now what is your target?"

Vader was ordered to come here and use the weapon to further his master's plans.

"I want you to destroy the Yuuzhan Vong," Vader said.

After a brief pause, the voice spoke.

"As you wish," she said, as the weapon's lightning began to intensify.

Lightning shot up through the sky.

Darth Sidious' plans were being put in motion.


A/N: This next scene was inspired by a level from Gears of War 4 (which was made by Coalition studios and not by me). The Fort Scene at the beginning.

Republic Military Base, Borleias, Pyria System, in the Colonies outside the Core.


The fourth and only inhabited planet in the Pyria system.

A jungle world that was host to beautiful seas and beaches, the planet was subject to meteor showers every year.

But at this time of year, the showers would not happen for months.

Instead, the planet was subject to something far less beautiful and far more deadly.

That something was War!

Because of the afore mentioned war, the jungle on the planet burned. Animals ran for their lives as their ecosystem went up in cinders and ashes.

But there was another type of animal that was walking through it. Not only walking through it, but actually enjoying it.

Gray creatures wearing black armor marched through the burning jungles.

They were the Yuuzhan Vong. A strong alien race that glorified death and pain, and was colonizing the galaxy by exterminating the populace, or mutating them.

Other animals that were both massive and bizarre, marched with them. They were being used as weapons.

They screeched as they prepared their weaponry.

A siege beast, which was a creature that served as a catapult that launched explosives, drew back its catapult and it was loaded with a burning explosive projectile.

One muscular Vong foot soldier walked by.

"For The Vuuzhan!" He roared out with his fist in the air.

When he finished his battle cry, the siege beast catapulted its projectile and sent it flying through the air.

It arched up and flew through the air, before it began to fall.

In the way was an old fortress that commanded the mountain range. It was surrounded by modern looking military structures and emplacements, some of which were burning with their roofs caved in.

As the flaming projectile flew towards it, a voice shouted out.

"INCOMING!" The voice shouted out.

As the ball of flame crashed through the top of the outer wall, several Clone Troopers rushed in all directions, trying to avoid the flaming projectile.

Some of them made it. But some were crushed. And a few others were incinerated when the ball of fire exploded into the ground.

This fort was being manned by Clone Troopers from the 501st Legion, led by Jedi General Rahm Kota.

Their mission: Hold the fort, Stop the Vong. Whatever the cost.

Commander Rex of the 501st was momentarily disorientated. But then everything started coming back to him. He could hear explosions, shouting, blaster fire, and the roar of many Vong creatures.

He could hear Kota shouting orders.

"I know that you're only technicians. But we need everyone on that wall...Now!" He ordered a pair of 'soft shells'. "Someone get that trooper on his feet!"

Clone Trooper Kix, a clone medic, ran up and pulled another trooper, Tup, to his feet.

"Everyone get up here! Come on!" A female voice ordered.

It was a female togrutan named Ahsoka Tano, a Gray Jedi, a brave Commander, and a friend. She was on the upper levels, standing above a ladder.

She wore a dark gray top with long sleeves. The latex bodysuit hugged her beautiful hourglass body very well, even allowing people to see her large, firm breasts and her well-trimmed stomach through the material. Ahsoka also wore brown pants that also hugged her legs and hips very well. Her plump butt cheeks were on full display through the latex pants. The togrutan never was afraid of showing off her body in all of its womanly glory...even in a war-zone...with lots of men. She also had guanlets and boots that were decoratively painted.

"Alright, you heard her lads," Rex said. "Unless you want a grub for a roommate, I suggest you climb on that wall!"

While Kix stayed behind to help the wounded, Rex, Tup, and several other clones climbed up the ladders to join Ahsoka, who was already joined by Jesse, Dogma, and Hardcase.

When they were all on the upper level, Ahsoka turned towards a pile of debris that led towards the outer wall.

"Get behind me. We're gonna blast our way out and get on that wall," Ahsoka said as she stood in front of the debris.

"Ma'am? When can we expect Yularen's boys to give us a hand?" Tup asked, referring to ADM Yularen, who commanded the fleet that brought them here.

"Approximately never," Ahsoka said, shooting the trooper down. "The fleet's taken heavy casualties and is scattered across the system. We're on our own".

"Ooohhh!" Tup groaned to himself.

Rex and the clones stacked up on either side of the door frame, preparing to man the wall defenses.

Ahsoka drew her hands back and used the power of the force to summon a ball of energy. After building it up for a few seconds, she released it, blasting the pile of debris with a shockwave.

The shockwave sent the debris in the door frame flying, clearing the path.

"Go! Go! Go!" Rex ordered.

Ahsoka and her men walked through the cloud of dust to get outside. The dust cloud glowed orange.

When the dust cleared, they could see Vong warriors tussling with several Clones. Not to mention the burning forest or the endless sea of Vong troopers in front of the fort.

Republic fighters of all kinds from nearby airfields were dogfighting the Vong coralskippers for control of the skies. Republic fighters were superior, but the coralskippers were numerous.

"Awh Shiiit!" One Clone exclaimed.

One clone was thrown over the wall, plummeting to his death afterwards.

"We've gotta clear this wall!" Dogma shouted.

Another clone was being strangled.

"Clear out the courtyard. Don't let anymore up!" Ahsoka ordered as she rushed up to help the clone, decapitating the alien with her sabers.

However, she was too late. The Clone had already choked to death, and blood poured out of the claw marks that the Vong warrior made in the process.

"Pick your shots, make 'em count!" Jesse ordered.

Rex and the other clones crouched down and took cover behind the wall, spraying the Vong-filled courtyard below with blaster fire.

The Blue blaster bolts clashed with the orange lighting from the burning forest.

Vong trooper fell in droves, but many more took their place.

"Holy Shit, They're EVERYWHERE!" Tup shouted as he continued to blast more and more warriors.

"Hit those fuel cells down there!" Rex ordered.

There were several pre-placed fuel barrels scattered across the courtyard. The clones blasted them, causing brilliant explosions that barbecued anything standing nearby.

That's when several siege beasts, concealed by the trees, catapulted several more explosives towards the fort.

"Oh Shit!" One trooper said aloud.

"INCOMING!" Dogma shouted as the flaming ball slammed into the front of the fort, causing a brilliant explosion that sent flaming debris flying everywhere, killing several clones. The Republic gun emplacements in that spot were silenced.

Several skinny Grim creatures, which were sentients that were mutated by the Vong as canon fodder, charged at the group of Clones.

Some clones were tackled and beaten to death, whilst screaming in terror. But the creatures were all put down.

Grappling hooks began to be thrown up and hooked onto the wall. Vong Warriors began to climb up.

"Grappling hooks!" Ahsoka shouted as she continued to deflect blaster bolts with her sabers. Get over there and clear 'em out!"

Jesse and Hardcase went to clear out the Vong.

Ahsoka used the force to pull all of the hooks towards her, where she then cut the hooks off of the cables with her Shoto, rendering them useless.

"Come on troopers! Knock 'em down," Ahsoka ordered as she helped cut through several Vong soldiers that were on the wall. She gracefully moved trough them them, swinging her sabers through their armor.

Jesse and Hardcase helped her in clearing the out Vong.

They used their blasters to kill all of the aliens she missed.

Hardcase bashed one Vong in the face with his heavy rotary gun.

"Get Off Our Wall You Scaly Bastards!" He shouted as he kicked the wounded drone off the wall.

Ahsoka then got into a duel with a Vong warrior carrying an amphistaff, a living weapon that was impervious to lightsaber blows. Both fighters continued to duel. Ahsoka continued to strike. She combined force pushes with her saber blows, forcing the alien flying into a concrete wall. He stumbled to his knees and tried to get up. Before he could recover, she swiftly thrust her green blade into his chest. He howled in pain. But Ahsoka wasn't finished. She swiftly moved behind him and thrust her shorter yellow blade through his back. She withdrew her blades when it stopped kicking.

Meanwhile, the Vong continued to advance towards the fort, firing up at the clones on top or trying to climb the wall.

That's when Ahsoka saw General Kota and several clones, including Captain Appo, Sgt. Coric's squad, and Kix, man the other side of the wall.

"Ahsoka! I could use some help over here!" said into her comm.

She pointed towards Rex.

"Rex. We've got this side. I want you, Jesse, and Hardcase, to get to the other side and help Kota," she ordered.

"Yes Ma'am," he said as he started to head that way with the others, while keeping his head down to avoid get his head blown off.

When they got there, someone else shouted out.

"My God...there's hundreds of them!" one clone, Sgt. Coric, exclaimed.

"Someone get on that turret and throw some Hell down there!" Kota ordered as he used his lightsaber to deflect every shot that came his way.

Hardcase did. He used the turret to cut down anything, and everything, that tried to get on the wall.

"Come On! Don't let 'em up!" Jesse shouted.

Eventually, the Vong drones were pinned down and stopped advancing.

But as the battle wore on, and the Vong soldiers remained pinned down, thundering stomps began to vibrate through the ground.

And then, out of the burning forest came what looked like a Rancor with heavy armor and cannons.

It was a Brumak. It had a massive cannon strapped to its back, and anti-infantry weapons on its wrists.

It roared and began firing its weaponry at the fort.

"Oh Frak! KOTA! BRUMAK!" Ahsoka shouted.

"I see it. Troopers, Focus Fire!" Kota ordered.

Rex and the other clones poured everything they had on the Brumak.

"Come On You Big Ugly Sonuva Bitch!" Show Me What Ya Got!" Hardcase shouted as he poured everything he had into the lumbering monster.

The power cells for the cannon must've been hit, as a jet of flame appeared from the Brumak's back.

It tried to turn around to see it, before it roared with fear and rage. It then exploded. Blood and Metal got everywhere.

But then more Brumaks started coming through the burning forest.

The Republic defenders managed to bring one more down.

But there were too many, and they were too close.

Massive spider-like creatures, bigger than the Brumaks, began to climb over the mountains on the other side of the forest. They then came through the burning trees and started to climb on the outer fort structures around the courtyard.

"CORPSERS! Commander, We Can't Hold Them Off Any Longer!" Appo shouted as the convention of monstrosities began to stomp towards the exhausted defenders.

"JUST KEEP FIRING!" Rex ordered his men.

Heavy laser blasts began to hammer the fort. The Clones began to run out of ammo. But the Vong weren't running out of bodies anytime soon.

Defeat was inevitable.

Ahsoka could only think of one thing at that moment: her lover.

Goodbye Lux.

As she was about to jump off of the wall and go down swinging, having accepted her fate, something happened.

A miracle.

A bright flash of light forced everyone to shield their eyes.

Some thought that they were crossing over into the afterlife.

But it was a bright purplish-red light that flew over the battlefield.

As the wave of red and purple energy passed through the battlefield, the Vong aliens (even their massive war animals) fell to the ground.

But the Jedi and troopers were unharmed.

Everyone stood up to watch over the corpse littered field, and the burning forest behind it.

The wall of red and purple energy continued to wash over the fort, seemingly harmless to everyone.

But for some reason, it effected the Vong, like it drained their souls (If they had such a thing).

A Corpser fell from a building and onto its back with a heavy thud.

"What the Hell was that!?" One trooper exclaimed.

No one had an answer for him.


Coruscant. Senate Building. Senatorial chamber.

Chancellor Dalyell sat at the top of his Rotunda in the center of the senatorial chamber, which was filled with every hatful politician imaginable.

Yet today, instead of having hateful slogans being chanted at him, everyone was confused.

They wanted answers.

But they also wanted to be heard. Even if they had something ridiculous to say.

"How did we destroy the Vong?!"

"Why are you hiding secrets away from us?!"

"Is the threat over?!"

"Did you build a weapon without telling us?!"

"Order! We shall have order!" Mas Amedda shouted, getting everyone to shut up.

Dalyell spoke up.

"Members of the Galactic Congress. As I speak, our brave forces are counterattacking the Vong. We are reclaiming lost territory. And everywhere we go, we only find remnants of the Vong forces. The vast majority of their forces are nothing but floating debris fields. Their soldiers have dropped dead from no visible injuries. I can't explain how. Only what. I don't know how we are winning. But I can tell you, We are winning this war. That is all that should matter at this point. I promise you that the Military will do everything in its power to discover what happened. But for now, our mission focus should be this reclaiming the galaxy!" Dalyell said, his booming voice echoing throughout the chamber.

Some people clapped

Everyone else booed and jeered at Dalyell.

The senate was majority Palpatine loyalists before all of this. And now they hated Dalyell, and the Jedi.

Arguments were flung back and forth.

Dalyell rolled his eyes and rubbed his face with his palms.

"Uuuuhhhh! I hate my job!" Dalyell said.

That's when his console blinked and chimed.

He knew who it was.

"You have got to be shitting me," Dalyell said. "Members of the Senate. We are getting a message...from former chancellor Sheev Palpatine".

Everyone shut up and listened as a massive hologram of a hooded figure, who was taller than the rotunda, was being projected for the entire Senate to watch.


Message to the galaxy from Sheev Palpatine (Current enemy of the state in hiding).

"Members of the Senate, Citizens of the Galaxy, and my fellow freedom fighters. This is Ex-chancellor in exile, Sheev Palpatine. Despite what the false Chancellor and his Jedi puppet masters have told you, I believe in, and fight for, Democracy everyday. And I will continue to fight for the innocent lives that the Jedi, and their corrupt autocracy, have abandoned. By now many of you are wondering how the Yuuzhan Vong, the most terrible threat that this galaxy has ever faced, has suddenly been defeated. Well wonder no further. For I have the answer. An Army of my loyal followers have discovered a great weapon. One that we used to wipe out the Vong. With the Vong destroyed, the people of the Sith Imperium-in-exile have returned to help save the galaxy, and help rebuild it even better than before. With the War over, the people of the galaxy can move forth to create a new era of peace, security, prosperity, justice, and freedom from fear".

Almost everyone in the Senate clapped and cheered.

But those who didn't, like Dalyell and his minority of supporters, knew that Palpatine was deceitful, egotistical, and a treacherous tyrant.

However, with what seemed to be the majority of the galaxy's representatives praising Palpatine, the future of the galaxy was now more unpredictable.

But one thing was certain: It was going to be more dangerous.


Jedi Council Chamber, Jedi Temple, Coruscant.

High above the vast stretching cityscape of Coruscant, in the towering sires of the Jedi Temple, the members of the Jedi Council convened to discuss the topic at hand.

Yoda and eleven other Jedi Council members sat around the semi-circle.

Some of the masters, being spread across the galaxy to fight in the war, had to attend via hologram.

"The Vong are dead for reasons we don't fully understand yet. Further more, whatever happened was seemingly caused by Sidious' people," Mace Windu said.

"Assuming that Sidious is telling the truth and the Sith really did destroy the Vong, why would he help us? If he does have this kind of power, then surely he'd want to destroy us too?" Obi-Wan said as he stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"That may be true Master Kenobi," Stass Allie said.

"But why didn't he?" Kit Fisto's hologram asked.

"If he helped us, then it must be because he wishes to portray himself and his followers as the Galaxy's saviors," Master Ki-adi Mundi said.

"That's right. Palpatine knows that the Republic, and the Jedi, are unpopular after we removed him from power. And with our...*clears throat*...extreme measures during the Vong war, that's true now more than ever," Master Shaak Ti said.

"And sense he destroyed the Vong, he'll be seen as a hero. People will start to gravitate towards him," Plo Koon said.

"Does that mean that we're lookng at another Revolution? Or even another civil war like the Clone Wars?" Master Fisto asked.

"I'm not sure," Master Windu said. He turned to Master Yoda, who was silent. "What do you think master Yoda?"

"Hmmm. Uncertain I am. The shroud of the dark-side is growing. Clouded everything is. Difficult to say it is," the grand master said as he tapped the bottom of his cane on the ground a few times.

"Well, the way I see it...it's business as usual. The Vong's been defeated...in the most questionable way possible mind you...but they're defeated nonetheless. I think that until we have more answers, we should just focus on rebuilding in the meantime," Master Kenobi said.

"I'm going to speak to the Chancellor and the joint chiefs. I'll see if we can't at least find this weapon that Sidious talked about," Windu said. "Until then, this council is adjourned".

Everyone began to file out of the room.

Obi-Wan walked over to the windows. He stroked his beard as he contemplated.

"Master Kenobi. Sensing conflict within you I do. What troubles you?" Yoda asked as he wobbled over.

"Master...I've been thinking about Anakin recently. I've had premonitions that tell me that he survived our duel on Mustafar. Something tells me that he is behind this as well. They could be plotting something together," he said.

"Plotting and scheming the Sith always are. Nothing new that is," Yoda said. "But the boy you trained. Gone he is. Corrupted by Sidious, and consumed by the dark side he is. Do what you must when the time comes you will. And protect his offspring you will".

Obi-Wan thought of Baby Luke on Tatooine with the Lars family, and Baby Leia on Alderaan with the Organa family.

And then he thought of Anakin on Mustafar.

"I HATE YOU!!" He screamed at him back then.

"There is still good in him," Padme said before she died.

"Yes Master," Obi-Wan said.


RSV Indomitable, En route back to Coruscant.

About 26 hours after the sudden death of the Vong army, The 501st Legion and ADM. Yularen's Fleet were relieved and were on their way back to Coruscant.

Clones went to the mess hall, gorging themselves on hot food, a luxury they did not have in a couple weeks.

Others cleaned their weapons, had their injuries checked out, or just went to get some shut eye.

That's what Ahsoka did after meditating for a couple hours.

She wore a cream colored pair of silk pajama pants, and a matching top. The top had long sleeves, but was very short. Most of her navel below her chest was exposed, and it had an unbuttoned v-neck that showed off her breasts, which the top hugged very nicely. She slept on her side, hugging a pillow.

Her sensitive headtails could hear something. It sounded like a chirping noise.

She opened her eyes, lifted her face from the pillows, and saw that it was her own comm-link.

She reached for it just as it stopped chirping. A quick look revealed that her boyfriend, Onderinian senator Lux Bonteri, had just tried to call her.

Ahsoka got up and walked over to the window.

As she walked, her breasts jiggled, while her hips and head tails swayed from side to side.

When Ahsoka was in front of the window, staring out at the blue tunnel that was hyperspace, she called Lux back.

He answered her.

"Hello?" Lux asked.

"Hi sweety," she said.

"Ahsoka! Oh thank God! I heard about what happened to the Vong. But I didn't hear from you," Lux said.

"I'm fine Luxie. Don't worry," she said reassuringly. "We're on our way right now. We should be home in about 10 hours".

"That's great news Ahsoka. I can't wait to see you," he said. "I...missed you so much".

"I missed you too Luxie," Ahsoka said into her comlink. "And when I get back, Mmmm, we're going to make up for it. In private".

She couldn't see it, but Lux was smiling deviously on the other side.

"I can't wait my love. I'll see you soon. I love you Ahsoka," he said.

"I love you too Luxie," she said.

They both hung up.

Then, she went back to bed, lied down, and drifted off to sleep with Lux on her mind, and soon in her dreams.


Senatorial apartment complex, Coruscant, 11 hours later.

When Ahsoka got home, she flew her speeder through the never ending bee-hive that was Coruscanti traffic.

After about 20 minutes of flying through the maddening traffic, she found the building where she and Lux lived.

After landing in the speeder garage, she got out, locked the door, set the alarm, and went up to see Lux.

The elevator dinged when it reached her floor.

She got out and looked for the door to their apartment.

When she found it, she knocked on the door.

Robotic footsteps could be heard on the other side.

The door opened to reveal a bronze plated protocol droid with silver accents. It was Lux's personal droid.

"Oh Lady Ahsoka. It's good to see you again," the droid said.

"It's good to see you again C-3T7. Is Lux home?" She asked.

"He should be..." he started.

"Ahsoka!" Lux exclaimed.

"...right here". C-3T7 finished, as Ahsoka rushed over to Lux.

She jumped into his embrace, threw her arms around his neck, and he twirled her around. Her feet flew as she was spun around, whilst she giggled uncontrollably.

When Lux put her down, she pressed her body up against his, smashing her breasts against his torso, and her lips against his.

For a few minutes , they kissed passionately. Ahsoka opened her mouth to let him further, her lips enveloping his. Their tongues began to duel for supremacy.

Calling it a draw without words.

They looked at each other, getting lost in each others eyes, and smiling as they did so.

Lux brought his hands from her hips, ran them up her waist, over her shoulders, and used one to hold her neck, stroking her cheek with the other.

"I've missed you so much," he said.

"I've missed you too Luxie," she said.

Smiled as he held her chin between his thumb and his index finger.

"3T7. Why don't you prepare dinner and some refreshments?" Lux asked, as Ahsoka rested her head on his shoulder.

The droid bowed.

"As you wish Master Lux," he said as he went over to the kitchen.

For the next hour, Ahsoka and Lux sat next to each other. They spoke about what they've been up too lately.

They had dinner and refreshments.

"So how've things been in the senate?" Ahsoka asked.

"Same old, same old. I get called a separatist scumbag, and my constituents are called traitorous peasants. I support Dalyell and I get called an anarchist, and an enemy of the people," Lux sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if my colleagues heads are screwed on correctly. They're so die hard in their loyalty for a proven traitor that anyone who speaks against them is dehumanized".

"That's awful," Ahsoka said as she wrapped her arms around Lux's elbow.

"I know. Oh, and we got another unexpected call from Ex-chancellor Palpatine," he said.

"What. What did he want?" Ahsoka asked surprised.

"He claims to have something to do with the death of the Vong. I don't know. But anyway, enough about my slice of Hell. Tell me what happened Ahsoka? From what I've heard: the Vong just died without a scratch on them," Lux said.

"Well...we were on Borleias when it all happened. Me, Kota, and a few companies from the 501st were holding this fort at the end of a forested valley. We were the center of the Republic line. Our flanks had collapsed a few days ago when the Vong broke through, and our fleet was scattered across the system, so they couldn't give us aid. So we were surrounded. But we had command of the valley. We had the high ground, and a view of the Vong's movements. So we just dropped artillery on them. If they wanted to take the city, and go after the rest of the Legion, they had to go through us," Ahsoka said as Lux listened with interest.

"And..." Lux pressed.

"That's what they did. They came at us with everything they had. I've never seen so many Vong before. The forest was burned during the battle, so a wall of fire was in front of us. And the Vong came out of it like they were demons from the underworld. We held the fort for as long as we could. They were about to overrun us. But before they did, we saw this bright light. Then we saw a wall of reddish-purple energy wash over us for hours. It washed over the Vong, but as soon as they were touched, they just collapsed and died. That was it. It was over," Ahsoka said.

Then she paused and stared off into space. "It was finally over".

Lux noticed this.

He scooted over to her and stroked her Lekku with the back of his hand.

"Well...you're here now. And that's all that matters," Lux said before they smiled at each other. "And I'd like to say 'welcome home' in the proper way.

"Mmmm. And how are you going to do that?" Ahsoka asked mischievously.

Lux lightly pushed Ashoka down onto the couch.

She giggled lightly as Lux began to crawl up her body, sliding between her spread legs, up her belly, and up her breasts, until finally their eyes were aligned.

Despite the fabric of Lux's sweater and Ahsoka's latex bodysuit, both lovers could feel their body heat permeating them.

It slowly aroused them.

Made them hungry for one another.

Lux pressed his lips against Ahsoka's. He nibbled on her lips before his tongue dove past her teeth.

That's when C-3T7 came back in. "Master Lux. Would either of you care for...Oh my!"

Ahsoka and Lux broke the kiss in terror.

Lux looked over his shoulder. "UH...3T7. That will be all for tonight. Why don't you go close down?"

3T7, taking the hint, walked away. "Very well master Lux".

He breathed a sigh of relief before he looked at her smirking girlfriend below him. They went back to their kiss.

Their hot breath tickled their lips.

Ahsoka coiled her arms underneath Lux's armpits and around his shoulders. She moaned as she opened her mouth more to let him in.

That's when Lux ran his hands up her body, the sides of her waist, her plump breasts, until finally he reached into the cavity between Ahsoka's head tails and her neck.

Ahsoka's muffled moans vibrated against Lux's lips, as they continued their wet soaking kiss.

A hardened bulge formed in Lux's pants and he used it to grind against Ahsoka's nether regions. He also began to massage Ahsoka's Lekku.

A Togrutan's Lekku were very sensitive. They can be used as biological radar, and could also fee great pain, or great pleasure if the proper pressure was applied.

So right now, Ahsoka was feeling nothing but pleasure. The sensation caused her Lekku to purr, loud enough for Lux to hear it.

Lux reached down and unzipped her bodysuit with his teeth. He dragged the pull tab down below her breasts. Her massive melons were on display and looked like they were going to bust out of her suit.

She smiled up at Lux, who stared at her jugs with hunger in his eyes.

Before she knew it, Ahsoka's lover dove down like a ruping and buried his face between her massive breasts, rubbing his cheeks back and forth between them.

Ahsoka threw her head back and sighed in pleasure.

Lux moved his head up, planting kisses as he went. He placed wet kisses on the exposed parts of Ahsoka's jugs, her collarbone, and finally her neck, which he sucked on. He even began using one of his hands to massage her Lekku.

With her lekku being messaged, her neck sucked on, and her nether regions being rubbed by Lux's bulge, a white haze began to fill Ahsoka's vision. That's when a spark of pleasure erupted through her body. She gasped and sighed in pleasure as her nether regions throbbed and spilled her juices out into her panties.

She began to spasm out and writhe against Lux's midsection.

When her orgasm was done, she lied back into the couch.

"You really are good at this Luxie," she complimented.

Lux looked down at her and smiled. He stroked her cheek and went down to plant kisses on her Lekku. "I...aim...to...please...my love," Lux said between kisses.

For a few minutes they made out, and Ahsoka pulled Lux's head towards her to deepen the kiss, burying her fingertips into Lux's hair.

They moaned against each others lips, and Ahsoka opened hers to deepen the kiss even more.

That's when something started to chime on the table.

They broke the kiss and looked at the table to see that it was Ahsoka's personal civilian com-pad.

She scowled in annoyance up at the ceiling before she reached for the comm pad.

She tapped the screen to see what or who it was.

It was a message from her friend Xiaan Amersu, a Twi'lek Jedi knight that Ahsoka was friends with.

"It's Xiaan," Ahsoka said.

Lux knew who Xiaan was, because he and Ahsoka had a three-way with her once (read my story 'Vixens of Stress Relief'). He also knew that Ahsoka liked to fool around with girls to.

"Oh," Lux said while smirking. "Okay".

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and read the text message.

It read: "Hi Ahsoka. Since the war is over, me and some of our other girlfriends are having a slumber party to celebrate. Wanna cum?" ;)

Ahsoka blushed at the suggestive emoticon and replied. "With Lux. maybe next time".

She put the pad down after sending the message, and looked up at Lux, who was smirking.

"So...what did you learn?" Lux asked jokingly.

Ahsoka blushed.

"Uhm...Xiaan...wanted...to know if...(*inhale*)...I wanted to go to a slumber party," Ahsoka said, blushing even more fiercely while sinking her head further into the cushion, as if retreating from her discomfort.

Lux was still smiling.

"Well my dear..." he said as he used his thumb and index finger to squeeze her cheeks together, forcing her to pucker her lips. "...it looks like you have two options. You can either go to the slumber party, and have naked pillow fights with your girlfriends, or...you can stay here and we can shag until they hear us down on the lower levels," Lux said as he pressed his bulge even harder against Ahsoka's nether regions.

Ahsoka closed her eyes and let a sigh escape from her parted lips.

Lux leaned forward, apparently attempting to get started.

But Ahsoka had different ideas.

She used the force to make Lux to stand up on his knees, allowing her to get free, and backflip over the couch-arm that she was just resting her hear on.

She was now free. Lux collapsed onto the couch when Ahsoka released him. He then looked at her, surprised.

Ahsoka coiled her arms around herself tightly, smashing her breasts together, and making them look like they'd plop out of her bodysuit. Then she hovered her interlocked arms over her head in a sexy pose. She arched her back and pushed her breasts out.

Lux smirked and his eye brows flared up when he saw Ahsoka's nipples, outlined by the latex that hugged her beautiful body in all the right places.

"Hmmm. If you want me to stay Luxie..." she said as she shook her hips. "...You're going to have to catch me first".

Lux smirked and jumped from the couch and started to chase her.

Ahsoka screamed like a teenage girl having fun as she ran to the front door. She tried to go for her boots, but Lux was able to grab her by the shoulders, and forcefully turn her towards him.

He grabbed her underneath her butt cheeks, picked her up, and pinned her to the wall. Ahsoka was giggling the entire time, as Lux buried his face into Ahsoka's unzipped bodysuit.

As Lux rubbed his cheeks back and forth between Ahsoka's soft and plump jugs, she placed her feet on the wall behind her. As she pushed off of the wall, she pulled Lux's face out of her chest so that she could smash her lips against his.

Lux fell backward onto the floor, with Ahsoka on top and straddling him.

"Mmmm. Now how are you going to stop me from leaving?" Ahsoka asked as she clapped her hands over her head and lightly rode Lux's waist.

Lux held up a button. It caused a panel on the door control to blink red.

"Oh look. It seems that I've locked down the apartment, and only I have the remote to shut it down. It looks like you're trapped in here with me, my little love prisoner," Lux said sarcastically.

Ahsoka smirked, shot up to her feet and ran for the stars to their room.

"You still have to catch me Luxie," she called out.

Lux got up from the ground and chased Ahsoka up the stairs.

When he got upstairs, he saw that Ahsoka was just standing there.

She was placing her lightsabers on the nightstand, before she started removing her gauntlets.

Moments ago she was running away from him. And he knew that she knew he was in the room, because her Lekku were literal radar. No one could sneak up on her.

So Lux decided to go walk up to her.

He pressed himself against her back, rested his chin on her shoulder, and coiled his arms around her torso.

He rested them on her stomach and ran them up her body. Lux made sure to scratch his finger along Ahsoka's zipper.

"Hello my lovely little 'Soka," Lux said as he began to pull her zipper down the rest of the way down her body.

"Mmmm. Hello Luxie," Ahsoka said as she reached up and placed her hand on Lux's cheek, making sure he stayed there.

When Lux pulled the zipper down to her bikini line, Ahsoka's unzipped suit part, showing off her stomach, belly button, and even more of her firm, gravity-defying cleavage.

Lux ran his hands up Ahsoka's smooth and fiery stomach.

Tingles went up Ahsoka's spine. And she even began to purr.

Lux eventually pulled the dress apart just enough to allow Ahsoka's plump breasts to jump out of her tight bodysuit.

Waisting no time, Lux began to massage Ahsoka's breasts. She threw her head back over Lux's shoulder and moaned in pleasure.

"Are you enjoying yourself 'Soka?" He asked as he continued to massage her D-cup jugs, even twisting her nipples gently with his fingertips.

Ahsoka yelped in pleasure.

Lux let go of Ahsoka's quivering breasts.

She turned around and faced Lux.

Ahsoka threw herself at Lux, placing her hands on his shoulders, and smashing her lips against his.

After a few seconds, Lux puckered his lips and returned the kiss.

Seconds later, she leaned further into Lux's embrace, smashing her breasts against Lux's chest and coiling her arms around his neck, to deepen the kiss.

Lux ran his hands down Ahsoka's body. His hands ran over her breasts, which jiggled, further down her stomach, and finally her rump. He brushed his hands ever so gently down her butt cheeks.

Ahsoka began to suck on Lux's upper lip, while he sucked on her lower lip.

That's when Lux lifted Ahsoka into the air.

Ahsoka yelped before she wrapped her legs around Lux's pelvis.

That's when Lux carried her to the bed, whilst still making out with her.

When his knees hit the bed, he purposely fell forward on top of Ahsoka.

There lips broke apart with a wet smacking sound.

Ahsoka looked up at Lux. He returned her gaze.

After a few moments of starring into each others souls lovingly, Ahsoka spoke.

"I love you Luxie," she said.

He smiled.

"I love you too Ahsoka," he said before pressing his lips against hers.

Seconds later, they became intertwined in the sheets, as well as each other.

About a half hour later, both lovers were almost completely naked underneath the covers.

Lux buried his face into Ahsoka's chest, where he began to rub his cheeks back and forth between her large breasts, enjoying the way they felt with their warmth and softness.

Ahsoka closed her eyes and softly moaned. Lux then began to lay kisses on Ahsoka's tits, which quivered sense she was using the force to make them do that.

When Lux stopped leaving kisses on Ahsoka's quivering tits, he began to trail kisses down her stomach. He kept doing that until he went for her flower.

She gasped in pleasure and threw her head back when she felt Lux eating her out.

Unbeknownst to Lux, deep in Ahsoka's soul, a beautiful spirit that has been dormant inside Ahsoka's soul for about two years, known as the Daughter, was feeling everything that Ahsoka was feeling: intense pleasure. The now naked Daughter was able to use her powers to construct a miniature spirit version of Lux, which was doing everything to the daughter, that the real Lux was doing to her mortal host. The Daughter was also using the force to make Ahsoka's breasts quiver ever so gently, seemingly on their own, for Lux's entertainment and Ahsoka's pleasure.

As Lux went to town on Ahsoka's flower, and the Daughter (from inside Ahsoka's body) used the force to make Ahsoka's massive breasts wiggle around, the Togrutan Gray Jedi just leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and began nibbling on her fingertips, while humming to herself.

Before she could cum, Lux withdrew his face from her flower and straddled atop her waist.

Ahsoka stuck her bottom lip out in a pouty face. She wanted more.

Lux yanked his boxers down his legs, releasing his erection, which sprung up and down like a diving board, and who's tip hovered near his lower abs.

Ahsoka looked down and blushed at what was in store for her.

That's when Lux pounced onto Ahsoka, and began to thrust his erection into her flower, pounding her sweat spot over and over and over again.

She sighed in pleasure.

Lux grunted with every thrust he made into Ahsoka's body.

She tried to cross her legs around his waist, in order to feel him better, but was too weak to do so.

The pleasurable sensation she was feeling caused her to arch her back. She leaned her head back as far as could into the pillows and pushed her massive jugs into Lux's chest. She reached behind his head and pulled it onto her shoulder.

Lux leaned his head down to leave wet kisses on Ahsoka's Lekku before he sucked on her neck.

Ahsoka sighed, threw her head back over the pillow, and looked at the bed's backboard, as her lover continued to make her soar with pleasure.

Soon, Lux began to feel his erection throb inside of his lover's flower. Ashoka's walls tightened around it, bringing on her orgasm. She gasped loudly when this happened.

Lux began to grunt repeatedly as his throbbing member began to pump his load into her body.

When Ahsoka felt Lux's warm fluids shoot up into her womb, she could see a white haze filling her vision.

She was almost certain that she was going to black out if Lux continued too shoot his seed into her body. And she was almost certain that their loud moans and grunts would wake up the planet, being that it was too late for the building to sleep in peace.

But she didn't care.

And she would continue to not care for the rest of the night.


Darth Sidious' private chamber, Byss System.

Warships continued to patrol the Byss system and guard important space stations.

On one such station, sat Sidious. Who watched out over the wild black yonder.

The endless void seemed to be completely filled in by his Empire in exile.

That's when his com-link started to chime and blink.

He activated it. It was a hologram of his enforcer/apprentice, Darth Vader.

"What is it Lord Vader?" He asked.

Vader was holding his helmet in his arm. But he was still wearing his black Sith armor. He looked like Anakin Skywalker with his scarred face and long hair. But Skywalker has been dead for two years.

"My master. Maul and his remaining followers are in custody. And we have the Malachor weapon under our complete control," Vader said. "And according to intercepted Republic chatter: the weapon worked".

"Yes. The majority of the Vong are dead, and the people of the galaxy see us as saviors," Sidious said.

"Do you want me to use it against the Republic now master?"

"No," he ordered. "Just make sure it stays in our hands. The Vong are finished, so the galaxy sees us as allies and even heroes. Now we must allow the Republic to attempt to re-establish its dominance. And when they fail to do so, the galaxy will see us as an alternative. And when the Republic tries to go to war with us, the galaxy will see us as liberators," Sidious said.

Vader's hologram bowed.

"Yes Master".

"Patience Lord Vader. Everything is going according to plan. And you will get your revenge on the Jedi," Sidious said.

"How do you know?" Vader asked demandingly.

"Because I have foreseen it".


That's part one folks.

Hope y'all enjoyed.

Be sure to review. I'll update soon. But until then, this is Grubkiller. Over and out.