It's raining again.

I sipped my coffee, idly watching people pass through the street, the cafe warmth protecting me from the coldness outside.

I came to the cafe hoping that I can get a few inspirations from watching people passing by, but apparently my writers block is determined to ruin my imagination.

It's no use if I keep creepily watching people here, it's better if I go home.

I heaved a sigh and downed my coffee in hurry, placing the necessary cash on the table, and picked my coat off the chair. I quickly wear it and crossed the street, careful to not slip on the stone pavement.

It's still afternoon, so there is plenty of light to keep the criminals away from me, but apparently I was wrong. When I turned to take a shortcut alley, I was greeted by the sight of a woman and a child being robbed by a man in a ski mask, I quickly hide behind a wall and observe the situation.

The robber was holding a knife, to a mother and a small girl. I could just run away, or report to the police, but judging by the robber's shaking hands, it could escalate to a murder.

My 'saving people thing' is going to get me killed, but I can't leave a mother and child in danger...

Seeing the increasing aggressive body language of the robber, I can't help but think, Screw it.

Grabbing a pipe that's laying in the ground, I approach the robber and with my full strength hit him in the stomach, I turned to the mother and daughter, "Run!" I shouted, they hurriedly followed my advice and run to the nearest busy street, yelling for help.

I turned my attention to the robber to find he took my momentary lapse of attention to his advantage and stabbed me.

It hurts.

I blankly placed my hand on my stomach to find the knife still lodged there. I vaguely feel my knees hitting the ground, and someone gently laying me down, a chorus of sounds invaded my hearing, a call of help and numerous assuraces.

But it's useless, I can feel the darkness started to envelope me, and my vision dotted with black dots.

Isn't this symptoms of blood loss?

It was my last thought as I succumbed into the darkness

It feels... warm... and safe.

But isn't my body already in the stage of decomposition now?

I tried to wiggle free of the rubber like substance that's enveloping me, but its useless, the cocoon won't let me move.

Okay then, rather than trying to get out of this situation, maybe I should try to think how I got in this situation.

With a determined nod that makes no difference because I can't really move. I started to think about what is cocooning me.

Let's see, hm... flexible substance, warm, made to be hard to break, and I can't exactly see anything, which means-

My train of thoughts stops there, my brain proccesing the realization that I'm in a womb. could be worse.

Thankfully, I stopped my almost mental breakdown and proceeded to analyze the possibilities, the languages I could learn, the sheer knowlage that I could further study.

I'll take this second life as another starting point, and I will try my best to be the best I could be.

And with that thought, I proceeded to wait.

A/N : This is technically my first fic in this website, and I'm hoping to try my best on this whole new reincarnate-into-a-canon-character thing, wish me luck though.
