"Take your time... you're not in any hurry..." said the older woman whom he deduced earlier as being Kang Ha-ram's mother, as she watched her daughter eat her lunch. Je Soo-dong continued staring at the woman.

Come to think, he did somewhat have met her before when he had been hospitalized in this same hospital before. Strange to think that this old woman was the mother of Kang Ha-ram, who used to be connected to Han Moo-gang, who was possessed by 444 and used to be his partner grim reaper. Not to mention how Leo used to know 444 back when 444 was still alive. Strange how everyone seemed to be connected by this invisible thread...

"Uhm... is there something wrong?" Ha-ram's mother started asking him as Je Soo-dong hastily apologized to her. He turned his attention towards Ha-ram.

She seemed like a different person now, he silently mused. But then a flash of memory came back into his mind.

"You'll get yourself killed if you keep doing this. He's a brutal serial killer. How can people like you catch people like him?"

"Do you want me to just sit back and watch? It'll be just as stressful sitting around here not doing anything! If I hadn't saved his life twice, Lee Miso wouldn't have died."

Wait. Why did he start recalling about that conversation now? Why did he never question it before? When the situation had been strange from the very beginning.

Back then, despite being just a normal civilian girl... Ha-ram had been acting as if she was part of the investigation team. No, she had acted as if she was a police detective herself! And for some reason Detective Han—no, 444—allowed that girl to drag him around to do her biddings. When that man was never the type to do that when he was still the fearsome grim reaper in the Underworld.

At what point did he stop wondering about that particular exchange? At what point did he just... accept the things he heard and saw without question?

Oh. Was it because of that time when he finally found out that 444 was inside Han Moogang that he stopped thinking about the things that Ha-ram spoke before? Come to think, since then a lot of things have happened too.

"...Ha-ram even lost the ability to see us!"

Je Soo-dong let out a gasp without thinking.

"Leo? Is there something wrong with you? You've been in a daze for a while now..."

He blinked and turned to face Oh Mansoo. He blinked again. "Oh? Sorry... I've been having too many thoughts running inside my head just now..."

"Leo must be tired... after all of his drama shootings," Ha-ram started to say as Je Soo-dong turned his attention towards her.

What was this nagging feeling that he started to sense? Was there something that he overlooked? He got up from his chair, preparing to leave.

"Ah! Sorry. I... I think I should go home and rest."

Mansoo patted his arm on the side. "It's okay, man... get some rest," said the man in passing as Je Soo-dong recalled something.

There was a time, not too long ago before his not-quite intentional act of suicide... when Leo and his two friends got caught in yet another problem. He thought he remembered a few stray conversation between Leo and Oh Mansoo that he used to dismiss. Back when he was picking up Leo from the station. It was something that he never fully bothered to recall before since that was also around the same time that Leo caused another problem outside the station which eventually led to him being dead due to his own stupidity.

"... Miss Psychic..."

"Ah!" he gasped again before turning around to head back, only to see that Man-soo was already behind him. Tailing him since he walked out of the Ha-ram's room. "Ah, Mansoo! W... why, have you been following me?"

Mansoo just shrugged. "I was just concerned. You're okay... right? I mean, what with Detective Han's suicide, his mother's... and I think I heard there's another doctor from this hospital found dead at his office... and then there's Ha-ram too, I can't help worrying. And you've been acting weird lately, so..."

"I'm fine. It's just..." He might as well use this chance to ask him, "Mansoo... do you remember anything about a psychic that you've met in the past? I think I remembered you mentioning it before..."

The man just stared at him blankly. "A psychic? What're you talking about, Leo? Don't start going weird on me like Detective Han did before. I mean, there was this time before he started shouting about 'getting out of his house'. There was no one in the house beside me and him, yet he said he wasn't talking to me. And then you see, Detective Han did that... thing. So, don't you start going weird on me now."

Je Soo-dong tried to laugh it off. "Oh, I'm just asking... must have mistaken it for someone else's word. See ya later..." he said before dashing towards the elevators.

The moment that he was sure that he's outside Mansoo's line of sight, he immediately teleported himself away from the hospital.