A/N: I do not own the characters from Twilight, or Harry Potter, and I don't plan to either. I am just writing this for fun, so please enjoy, and don't take it too seriously.
Summary: Alice, and Jasper never dated, neither did Edward, and Belle. This is a romance, takes place after the war at Hogwarts.
Hope you enjoy
Chapter One
I stood in front of the large palace looking building, trying to take everything in slowly (well vampire speed slowly.) This was the first time I actually been far from home, ever since Alice, and I been with the Cullen's, and the only reason I was even here now was because Carlisle told me that this was a great honor. You see, I have some type of magic, which apparently was in me before I was even bitten, and since I was born a long time ago, it would had been looked as to being a ticket to a nut house (no offense Alice), or maybe even burned at the stake.
Well here I was, in Romania, Transylvania where the largest university of magic was located. I laughed as I recalled reading Dracula, and thought of the irony of me, a vampire going to school where a fictional vampire was said to haunt. I was able to feel the magic all around me, as I continued to stand looking up at the doors to my home for the next seven years.
"Excuse me, sir," Came a soft British voice, from about fifty feet behind me, "Do you know where the, Athena Dormitory is located?"
People were probably ignoring her, because I couldn't hear responses to her question, That, or people here were just really fucking rude, I turned towards her when I felt her coming closer, noticing that people in fact were just being rude.
"Thanks a lot, bloody prat," She said in a little more then a whisper, before stopping in front of me. I froze. She was beautiful, caramel eyes, and beautiful golden curls, which framed her heart shaped face. Her smell was intoxicating, with a mixture of honey, and strawberries. I had to stop breathing, afraid I might do something regrettable. Her eyes widened, realizing the situation, "Oh I am sorry, how could I be so careless," she waved her hand over her head, as she mumbled something before addressing me again, "Sorry, you shouldn't be tempted anymore," She reached out her hand with a smile, "I'm Hermione Granger."
I slowly released my breath, immediately realizing her scent wasn't nearly as strong, I took her hand smiling, "Pleasure to meet you, Darlin', I am Jasper Whitlock." I had almost said Hale, but I had discussed with Carlisle, that I had wanted to use my birth name. I mean it's been years since I was a Whitlock, and wasn't really afraid of anyone finding me.
She blushed, as she locked her eyes with mine, before releasing my hand, "Nice to meet someone, who actually has the courtesy to not ignore me," she broke the eye contact, by holding up a parchment, and reading it, "I am suppose to move to, Athena Dormitory, have you seen it?"
"Actually, I think it's actually a floor, in the Humphrey Building, not a building," I spun her gently around, to the building in front of me, that had a list of all the different floor names on a long list.
Her cheeks turned another shade of pink, which I realized I liked on her, before she looked to where I was, "I guess it's time to meet my roommate, wish they-"
They're was a loud bang, and before I could even think, I had the young woman tucked in my arms on the ground in a protective hold. I looked up towards the window, where the sound had come from, and saw a couple of guys staring down, at what appeared to be a speaker.
"Sorry Dude! You two alright?!" One of them shouted, as his friend waved a stick causing the once blown up speakers, to return back up through there window, in one piece.
"Yeah," I forced, as I glared up at the idiots, before looking down at the girl in my arms.
She looked up at me, and smirked, "They have charms, that prevent anyone to use modern technology, that would be why the idiots speaker blew up," she gently shoved me off of her, before standing up.
If I could blush, I probably would had at this point, I smiled at her as I picked up the belongings she dropped at a human pace, "There's a lot I have to learn."
"So what floor are you on?" She asked me, as we started walking into the building.
"I am paying for a shared dorm, on the Athena floor," I answered, taking out the paper, that had the room number written, "I am in 215." I walked a couple feet, before realizing that the young woman, had stopped walking beside me, "Are you alright?"
She held out the piece of paper, which contained her own room number, "Guess we're roommates."
"Oh, I hadn't thought about rather they would be coed or not," I answered, I could feel her emotions, and tried to calm her, "I don't sleep, or drink human blood."
She stared at me for a moment, and then started laughing, "I'm sorry if I made you worry. You're eyes are golden, so I figured as much. I don't sleep either, so more time to study, right?"
When we entered into the dorm, I noticed a large sitting area, and two bedrooms on either side of the room. As I looked around, I noticed both rooms fully furnished, except without beds, "They forgot your bed." I pointed to the door, that had her name on the front.
"I told you, I don't sleep, and vampires are suppose to have good memories." She winked to let me know she was joking, "I am just teasing you, I am a hybrid. Part witch, and part vampire. Actually, one of the rare hybrids, who actually turn to full vampire on there eighteenth birthday. So I am now a full vampire now."
I instantly thought about my niece, Renesmee, and then looked back as her, "I didn't know there were others. Wonder if she will become a full vampire, when she's eighteen."
"Did she become a full adult, in just seven years?" My roommate asked.
"Yes, she looked like a 5 year old by the time she was five months," I answered, thinking about my niece.
"Was the mother a, Witch?" She asked again.
I just shook my head, "No, does that matter?"
"My mum wasn't either, but my great grandmother was a Squib, which is a witch without magic. I was born a witch-vampire hybrid, but aged at a human pace."
"That is very interesting, mind if I mention you in my first letter?" I asked, not wanting to talk about her, without her permission.
"I don't mind at all. There are barely any witch-vampire hybrids. As far as I know of human-vampire hybrids, there are only five others. Four of them related, and one in America."
"My niece, Renesmee," I looked towards my room, and noticed it had my furniture from my room in it. I had found each item, at different auctions, recognizing them immediately from my own home.
My roommate must had senses my confusion, "They magic the dorm rooms, to resemble our own rooms, hoping we feel more at home. She was about to say something else, before someone else entered our Dorm, "Father."
The vampire looked only twenty years old, long dark hair, and clear eyes, which I never seen on a vampire before. He looked me over, before returning his eyes back to his daughter, "You didn't tell me your roommate was a male."
"I guess they don't care, what gender we are, just pair us by compatibility." She answered waving her arm around, causing the room to glow different colors, she noticed me staring again, "I am putting up wards, unfortunately they don't have wards for fathers."
"Come Puppet, I came to take you to dinner, your roommate could accompany us, if he wishes."
'He does know I am a vampire, right?' I just shook my head, "No thank you sir, I went on a hunt before I came here."
"New magic," He looked at his daughter with a sly smile, "Should had known," he reached into his coat, and pulled out a small vile, "They sale these at the potion shop, or maybe my Puppet, can teach you to brew your own. They make it to where you could enjoy human food, and get the same nourishment as you would from blood, helps to blend in better. You only take one vile, every two weeks, but you do need to make sure you eat, otherwise it will make you sick. You will find you crave a lot of different foods, and not want blood as much."
"Jasper, if you don't like trying it, then you could not take it again," My roommate assured me, before finally looking at her father, "Ravioli, does sound good."
For some reason I trusted her, and wanted to go with her, "I'll try it." I took the vile from the other male, and quickly drank from it in one gulp, instantly tasting my mothers beef stew, with her roasted potatoes.
"When my Puppet, first gave me this vile, and talked me into drinking it I tasted Shepherds pie, with peach cobbler." He wrapped his arm around his daughters shoulder, as he started walking out of the building.
She was giggling, as we came back to the dorm, after her father said his goodbyes, "Still can't believe, you ate that whole pizza. Then a plate of pasta." She tossed her bag, on top of the sofa, which was in the sitting room.
"I should bye some of that, once I learn where the magic store is," I walked into my bedroom, and placed my phone on the charger.
"Don't waist your money, it's cheaper to buy all the ingredients, then to by the bottles separately," She was now sitting in some boxers, and a tank top, with her legs sprawled out on the coffee table. "I can make the potion, or I could make you some, if you want. Just so you know, in case you notice your eyes changing colors, it's normal. That is why my fathers eyes are his natural color now, since he started the potion, so yours might change back."
She stood to her feet, and then stretched, "Well I am going to 'The Den', see you tomorrow, Roomy."
I was going to ask her, about the place she was referring to, but decided to just relax, "Alright, see you later, Roomy."
"Wait," She stopped before closing the door, and looked at me, "Do you want me to show you 'The Den'?"
"Maybe some other time," I smiled, watching as she nodded, and then was gone. Only noise, was the soft slamming of the door. Today is definitely an interesting first day...
To be continued...
I hope you like this story, I wrote it a while ago.