A/N: hey guys! Welcome to my very first Voltron fanfic! Yes...it's my first fanfiction. So if any of the characters are OOC, please tell me. Also for the record, I am a Sheith (ShiroxKeith) shipper. However, I don't do all that hardcore making out kind of thing. Kinda like fluff stuff. So I thought my first fanfic would be a sickfic with Keith. I thought it would be cute to show all the fluff for my first voltron fanfic.

Anyway guys, I hope you enjoy and I own nothing of Voltron Defenders of the Universe.

His alarm clock rung and he groaned. All he did was basically smash his alarm clock until it fell to the floor. It took him a couple of minutes, but he finally pushed himself out of bed. He checked his watch that was near him and noticed it was 6:05am in Earth hours. Everyone should still be asleep. Good...he figured he would do some more early morning training.

He got his outfit he trains with on and began walking towards the training room. The lights were still off and everyone was still asleep...so he moved as quietly as he can. Nobody really knows of him getting up early to do some training. However, they did know he has been in the training room.

Keith has been determined to get better since he feels he hasn't been there for everybody lately. Especially during their last mission. Pidge nearly got hurt on his watch...or so he thought.

What would've happened if that were to be Shiro? He wouldn't be able to live it down. Especially after everything he has done for him...to make his life different compared to if he has never met him. He didn't want to think about that.

He continued making his way to the training room, and closed the door behind him. He grabbed a sword near him, and announced for the training session to start...level three.

The training robot started charging towards Keith. He used blocks, dodges, and attacks, but he managed to defeat the robot within a few minutes. He then proceeded to level four...then five...and then six. Each f them taking a little longer so he can truly practice on that certain level.

He managed to almost get to level seven within two hours. He panted and looked over at the time...8:30.

'Man...have I been training that long?' he thought.

Judging by his current situation, he figured he would call it a morning.

"Training session...end!" he panted.

The robot disappeared, and he wiped his sweaty forehead. He's only had a slight water break...but it only lasted for ten seconds. He figured he would go get something to eat before hitting the showers.

As he was on his way to the door, he suddenly got dizzy and his vision began to blur. He stumbled over and put his hand on the wall as he panted heavily and squeezing his eyes shut.

After a few moments, the dizziness stopped, but his blurry vision didn't. He pushed himself away from the wall and continued towards the door. His vision focused in and out, and just as he was about to grab the door handle, he suddenly collapsed.

She woke up feeling completely refreshed. It was a good morning as she sat up and got a good stretch in. She let out a yawn as she looked at the time. 8:25am. Man she felt like she can go run a marathon! She jumped from her bed and changed into her usual outfit and put on her brother's glasses.

Her plan for today was to eat, and do some more research about nearby planets that they could be possibly visiting.

The possible technology that awaited her made her excited. She smiled as she made her way towards the kitchen. During her walk, she swear she heard something coming from the training room.

'Must be Keith,' she thought...fully aware that he trains every morning.

As much as she wanted to get something to eat, she was curious to check on his training. Maybe she could be a match to him. She needed some training too. She began to walk to the training room, and as she went to open the door, her eyes quickly widen at the scene. Keith was on the floor as if he passed out. She didn't hesitate a second longer to throw open the doors and slide to her knees to her fallen comrade.

Pidge flipped him over and saw his flushed face...no, flushed skin. He had red blush on his cheeks and his eye lids moved like if someone was having a nightmare. She felt his forehead, but winced when she felt how hot it was. It was no doubt a fever. It was also noticeable that Keith's breathing was shaky and heavy.

"Hey...hey Keith! Can you hear me?! Wake up!" she shook him gently and lightly slapped his cheeks.

The only response she got was a grunt. He didn't look good and she knows it. Keith needed help...but Pidge couldn't do it alone.

"HELP!" she screamed, hoping the others would hear her shouts. "SOMEONE, GET IN HERE! HELP!"

She figured that would wake someone up. However, she knew she had to at least try to help him out. Just as she went to lift him up, Shiro was already bursting through the door.

'Well that was fast,' Pidge thought.

Shiro looked at Pidge and was about to ask what was wrong, when his question was answered by Keith groaning. His eyes widen as he joined Pidge on the ground.

"Keith!" Shiro's eyes widen as he felt his forehead and quickly drew his hand back. "He's burning up!" he looked at Pidge. "What happened?!"

"I...I don't know! I found him like this!"

Shiro looked at his flushed and sickly friend for a few moments, before back at Pidge.

"We need to get him to the infirmary!" he tells her. "Help me get him there!"

She nods. "Right!"

The two of them took an arm and put it around their shoulder.

"Ok on the count of 3, we lift him, got it?" Shiro says and Pidge nods. "1...2...3!"

They both lifted him, and began carrying him out of the training room. They were about half way to the infirmary, when they ran into Lance and Hunk. When they saw Keith's condition, they both jumped back in surprise.

"What the...what happened to Keith?!" Lance exclaims.

"No time to explain," Shiro tells him. "But I need you to go tell Allura and Coran the current situation. Hunk, I need you to get as many medical supplies as you can and meet us in the infirmary!"

They both nodded they went to go do their assigned jobs. Shiro looked over at Pidge, and urged her to continue moving. The two of them moved as fast as they possibly could to get Keith to the infirmary.

Keith grunted every now and then, and Pidge would always whisper to hang in there. Shiro, on the other hand, stayed silent and focused on the task at hand. It felt a while, even though it wasn't, before the two of them reached the infirmary. There, they saw all of there comrades setting the place up. Everyone looked up, and Allura quickly ran up to them.

"Lance has filled me in on Keith's condition. How is he?" she looked at the sickly boy in their arms.

For the first time since he and Pidge started moving again, he looked at Keith. He looked slightly paler than he did before and the blush underneath his cheeks seemed to have gotten even redder. Not to mention there was sweat coming down from his face...and it wasn't just from his training earlier.

"He doesn't look too good," Shiro finally says after a few moments.

"Why don't we just put him in the healing pod?" Lance suggested.

Everyone seemed ok with that idea...for a split second. Then Pidge spoke up, remembering something.

"I think the healing pods are only used for physical injuries. I don't think they are used for illnesses like this."

There was a silence before Allura spoke.

"Pidge is right. Our pods aren't used to heal internal injuries...or illnesses I should say. Keith is going to have to ride this one out."

Lance huffs and crosses his arms, before looking at Keith and stopped being dramatic.

"Anyway, we should treat Keith immediately," Shiro says. "I don't think he's comfortable like this."

The others nod before Shiro and Podged helped Keith over to the couch. Once they did, Keith's eyes squinted up tightly, but didn't wake up. That's when everyone went to work. They tried making sure they put a cold rag on Keith's head, and changed him into more pj like clothes. They also put a blanket over him, but made sure of wasn't too heavy or too light. His breathing was still heavy, but it seemed to have calmed down a good bit.

Finally, Pidge fetched a thermometer and put it in his ear. After a few moments, she pulled it out, and closely checked his temperature. When she looked up, she noticed everyone was waiting for a result.

"Well...he definitely has a fever. In Earth terms, his fever is 102 degrees fahrenheit or about 39 degrees Celsius."

Everyone's eyes widen.

"Seriously?!" Lance exclaims.

"That's what it says."

Of course Coran and Allura were confused, but they can tell by everyone else that a fever of 102 is not good.

"How could this have happened?" Coran spoke up.

Lance, Hunk, and Allura shrugged, but Shiro looked over at Pidge.

"Pidge," she looked up towards the leader of the lions. "You were the one who found Keith the way he was. Can you explain what happened?"

She sighs. "I told you already, I found him like that."

"I know...I mean how you came upon him like that."

"Oh...well...I got up like I usually do. I actually managed to get a good night's rest so I was refreshed. I got up and I was already thinking about the planets I was gonna research today and-."

Lance coughed. "Nerd!"

Everyone shot a glare at Lance, who chuckled nervously. After a few moments, Pidge continued.

"Anyway as I was saying. I was thinking of the planets I was going to research today...but I figured I should eat something before I did that. So I was on my way to the kitchen, and I heard something coming from the training room. I knew Keith would be the only one up that early doing training. He's been doing that lately," she stopped to get some kind of reaction, and Shiro nodded for her to continue. "Anyway, I figured I should go check it out. I figured maybe I can get some pointers and a sparing match to improve my combat skills."

She stopped when she saw the look on Lance face. It was a mixture of shock and a held back smile.

"H-hey, just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I can't learn how to fight!"

If Keith wasn't unconscious, he probably would've smacked Lance for being an idiot.

"Anyway, I walked to the training room...and that's basically when I saw him the way he was."

Everyone was silent as they took it in. After a few moments, Lance spoke up.

"Sounds like to me he overdid himself."

"Keith likes to train everyday and that has never happened to him," Shiro spoke. "Why would he suddenly just collapse like that?"

Suddenly, Hunk let out a gasp and his eyes widen.

"Hunk?" Shiro asked. "What is it?"

"I just remembered something important," Hunk spoke for the first time since all of them were gathered together.

At this point, everyone stared at Hunk for more information.

"So just note that I was half asleep. But I heard a little bit of noise this morning before Lance and I ran into you guys," he looked at Pidge and Shiro.

"How early was it?" Shiro asked.

Hunk thinks for a moment.

"When I heard movement, I remember looking at my clock and it was just a little after 6am. I remember mumbling of who would get up that early right before I fell back asleep. Now that Pidge says she found Keith passed out in the training room, it just makes sense."

Everyone looked at each other frantically. Well...everyone except Lance.

"So what does that mean?"

Pidge face palmed. "It means he's been in the training room for 2 hours straight! If what Hunk says is true, then it's only logical!"

"So what if he was in there for 2 hours? It doesn't hurt to train hard."

"Look at him, Lance!" she pointed to Keith. "He obviously pushed himself way too hard! Judging by his current state, he's been doing it for two hours straight without a break! Use your head you idiot!"

Shiro laid a hand on Pidge's shoulder. "Alright Pidge, calm down," he looks up. "But what Pidge says could be true. Keith probably pushed himself to exhaustion. He's been pushing himself like this for a while now. His body must've been too much into overdrive. It might've not been today that drove him to get sick, but he has been pushing himself a lot."

Everyone was silent for a few moments, before Shiro sighs.

"Ok...everyone to get something to eat. I'll watch over Keith."

"Are you sure?" Hunk asks. "You had a long morning too."

He nods. "Yea...you guys go ahead."

Everyone looked at each other before sighing. They knew they couldn't argue with Shiro.

"Alright," Hunk says.

"Let us know if something happens," Allura tells him.

Shiro nods as everyone left the room. After everyone left, Shiro went to sit at the edge of the couch. He looked and frowned at Keith before running his hand through Keith's hair...feeling the fever in the process. He sighs.

'Keith...you've been working way to hard,' he thought.

a/n: so what do you guys think? I was honestly gonna make this a one shot, but then I thought why not put it in chapters? I will really like your reviews and possible constructive criticism to my first voltron fanfic. Hope to see you guys next chapter!:)