A/N Hello people, sorry it took so long Renato did not want to cooperate. So here is chapter 4 I hope you enjoy. Now in response to all the reviews and PMs Ritvik Shamal is Trident Shamal's FATHER which means he is not required to be a Mist. Well I will let you get back to the story, please read and review.
Chapter 4
July 1953
Rentao woke slowly from the best sleep of his life, tangled in the soft sheets of his bed and warm skin he very nearly drifted back to sleep but a soft chuckle from across the room startled him into full wakefulness. He jerked back from the warm form he was holding, trying with all his might to remember how he'd gotten there. After a few blinks to clear his eyes he could see that the chuckle had come from Shamal setted in the chair next to a man sized hole in the plaster wall and that he himself had been wrapped around a raven haired beauty.
It took a moment more to notice the bond humming in the back of his head as if it had always been there. Renato swallowed as he sat up fully, the sheet sliding down his bare chest to pool around his waist, and just sat there as the truth sunk into his unclouded brain. He could look back on the events of the days previous like a man looking back on a nightmare, fuzzy around the edges and fragmented in odd places.
"Good-morning," Shamal chirped as he stood and stretched, the popping of his spine a sign the doctor had spent the whole night in the chair. "I suspect you have some questions know that you are coherent enough to ask them."
"What happened?" It was the simplest most concise thing he could get out of his parched throat.
"I am not sure of all the details myself," Shamal said as he smoothed his brown hair from his face. "However from what I could figure you met your Sky and brought him here when he passed out due to the unbinding of his Flames. After that he fell into a deep coma, his Flames reeking havoc on his body which resulted in a deadly fever. During this you were being driven slowly into the very depths of Flame Madness as his life slipped further and further away. At some point a rational part of your mind must have noticed what was going on because you called me, pulled me from my own darling Sky, and I rushed here as fast as I could."
"Renato," The hitman was surprised at how tired the man seemed. Shamal did not speak for a moment and when he did his voice was just exhausted. "I may not know much about that young man but I do know that he is by far the most powerful Sky I personally have come across. The Guardian bond nearly killed you and that was before it solidified and know that it has I fear that trying to break it would…"
The hitman snarled at the words, his hands seeking out the body next to him; only the Sky moved away and sat up, back towards the two of them. Neither Shamal nor Renato moved, almost afraid to scare of the young Sky. There was silence in the flat for several minutes until the Renato felt like he was going to explode with impatience. The hitman opened his mouth to speak when he saw those thin scarred shoulders lift in a sigh.
"I do not what you are talking about but I feel like if I walked out that door right now I would be losing one of the most important things in my life," The smallest of three stated in a soft elegant voice that Renato only vaguely remembered with its soft british lilt to the Italian words. Fiery emerald eyes turned on them and Renato felt heat start to build in his belly even as some part of him wanted to grovel at the look. "Who the bloody hell are you people, anyway?"
Renato did not know what to say, his Sky was asking him a question but he could not seem to find his voice to answer. He could feel the blood draining from his face and a cold chill lodged itself in his chest as the implications of the other's words finally registered in his head. He looked over at the doctor and found that the brown haired man too looked pale and disturbed, after all any man would be if they faced the threat of a civilian Sky.
"Are you bloody mutes now?" Those emerald eyes turned dark with a seething rage and Renato felt something deep in his soul quiver, like a harp string struck to hard.
Ritvik had not expected the Sky to wake so soon and most certainly not for the young man to be a civilian of all things. He was half waiting for the Vindice to appear and drag him off for breaking Omerta but until then he had a Sky who was getting more than a little bit impatient with them. He sighed, he was tired and sore and really just wanted to go home to his own lovely Sky but those green eyes said he was not going anywhere until the other had his answers.
"Ciao, I am Ritvik Shamal and this is Renato Sinclair." The half Indian doctor introduced both of them because he could see his friend was struggling to even think straight as the Sky's anger coursed through him. The brown eyed man nearly sighed as he realized that he did not even know the younger man's name.
"Harry Potter," The Sky replied, his voice clipped. "Know what were you talking about?"
"I…" Ritvik started only to pause to look at the hitman. He was not sure what the other wanted him to say and really he did not want to tempt the Vindice anymore then he already had but he had a feeling Harry was not going to just let them leave him in the dark. Brown met green and he sighed; he could see why Renato's Flames had been drawn to the young man, something in those eyes spoke of great strength of character. "It is a long story."
"I have time." Was the curt reply and Ritvik sighed again as he sunk deeper into his chair.
"I really do not know if I am the right person to tell you this. Normally it is left to parents and Guardians to explain but I will do the best I can," He said with another glance at the dazed looking hitman. "The people of Italia are split into two categories. There are the civilians, those everyday people on the streets, and then there are the those like us, in the Mafia who are just a little bit more than human."
"We wield powers called the Flames of the Sky. There are seven Flames each with their own strengths and weaknesses which are further separated into two shades. There are Mist, Sun, Lightning, Storm, Rain, Cloud and Sky. Both myself and Renato are Suns but we are different shades. My shade makes it easiest for me to use Flames for healing, while he can use his for destruction. Now you are a Sky, a powerful one at that. Skies are the leaders, Bosses of Famiglia and the like. They draw in other users and tie them to themselves…"
"What?!" Ritvik was surprised by Harry's exclamation. The Sky's green eyes were wide with disgust and fear. He had no idea what the other was thinking but he wanted to put the younger man at ease.
"Do not worry. The bond between Skies and their Guardians is a special one. It is like coming home after a lifetime of wandering in the desert," He could see that his words had eased a tiny bit of the Sky's worry so he continued. "Now the important bit of this is that your Flames were bound, probably when you were very young. You could have lived your entire life without ever knowing or needing them but then you met Renato. I do not know what happened but sometime after you met your Sky was unleashed and bonded with his Sun. After that you fell into a deep coma and probably would have died if he had not called me."
"When I arrived yesterday you were very close to death. Your Flames were literally burning you from the inside out as they tried to find a place in your soul to fit. Now do you have any questions?" Ritvik asked. Harry looked between the two Suns, green eyes unreadable.
"Is there anyway to break this bond?" The Sky's question took a moment to register and when it did all hell broke out.