This maybe my last chapter! I know, but finals are coming up this week and I don't want to leave an unfinished story! Thank you for all of your support! Disclaimer: I own nothing!

When the sun rose early in the morning the dragon riders were confused for a second where they were and then realized they were still in the cove where they had fallen asleep, still stuck in the past. The riders had no idea what they were going to do, they needed to go back to their own time. After a quick morning flight over the ocean Hicc and Toothless landed back in the cove to see all of the teens talking to the dragon riders. He smiled at the simple smile his younger version had on his face. For the first time in a while the teens had seen Hiccup smile. Genuinely smile, like he was happy his tormentors were finally seeing him as a human. Not some scrawny teenager they were forced to be around.
A few hours went by, the teens were asking questions here and there, simple ones, but the one that stood out the most was when Hiccup asked "Am I accepted in the future? You know as a viking?" This shocked everyone. Especially Hicc. He had forgotten that when he was younger all he wanted was to be accepted, and he knew that may never happen after he trained Toothless instead of killing him.
"Yes, you will and the people who hurt you? Yeah, they are probably the best family I know. You have to remember that you are a viking, not some hiccup. Just be strong 'cause in a few months everything will change. Me and Toothless are famous across the world. Most of that was becuase of these people, right here. They have saved your behind more times then I care to admit. And as I said before all you need to do is let history take its course. Or in your case destiny. It will get better trust me." After Hicc was done talking, Hiccup smiled and gave his older self a big hug. "I get it now, thank you." Hiccup sounded, well happy.
Then out of no where there was a bright, blinding light. It was so bright that everyone shielded their eyes. When the light passed Hicc and the gang were standing in the cove. The only difference was that their younger selves weren't there. Hicc looked around and saw that the shield at the entrance was gone and so was the dagger in the water. He then realized they were back in the future, but on Berk which wasn't where they were struck by lightning a few days before.
"Wait where are the little us?" Tuff wasn't happy that they were back in the future, but then again he was glad he didn't have to share his dragon with himself anymore.
"We are back to our time. But we are still on Berk. I have no idea how but we are." Hicc had stated.
"Why don't we go say hi then? If we are already here let's restock on supplies and go back to the edge." Fish had said.
"Cool. What are we waiting for?" Lout had said as he was getting on his dragon and started to fly towards the village.


The teens woke up on the ground of the cove. They were severely confused as to why they were there. They didn't remember anything that happened that day.
"Ugh, where are we?" Tuffnut asked the group. "And why is he here?" Asked Ruffnut while pointing to Hiccup.
"I'm just as confused as you are, but I do know where we are. We are near Raven Point. i know the way back to the village come on." Hiccup had said to the group. No one questioned how he knew where they were, only that it was getting dark and they had to go back. Hiccup was feeling strangely hopeful as they were walking. we walked far ahead of the rest of the teens, but he had a feeling that one day he would be accepted, he had no idea how or when, but he had a new sense of hope. they finally made it back to the village only to notice that no one seemed to care they had just walked out of the forest. Hiccup walked back to his house, not wanting to talk to anyone. He went to his room and started drawing designs for Toothless' new tail fin.

And everything continues as the first movie, and RTTE. Thank you! I hope you enjoyed this story and please give me review and PM me some new ideas for another Fanfic! Goodbye from the-ocean-calls-me :)