"The Girl Who Ran With Wolves"

Please enjoy and review!

Up in her bedroom, a girl with long brown hair, lightly tanned skin and whiskey brown eyes dressed in a pair of jeans and a white spaghetti strapped top was packing her bags, intent of stuffing everything she had into her bags.

Roaming around her room, she grabbed all of her clothing and paused when she found her favorite red hoodie, bringing it up to her face and breathing in the scent of her friends that was stuck to it and threw it down onto the floor in her frustration.

After everything that had happened over the last year and a half, Genim "Stiles" Stilinski couldn't bring herself to stay in her home of Beacon Hills any longer and wanted to move somewhere far away, escaping the memories of the people she had killed when she was taken over by the Nogitsune, forget about the bastard who broke her heart and never again face the person who would throw her away for a girlfriend.

Something that truly did hurt her more than anything was the fact that the Nogitsune had left his mark on her, meaning that if she were ever bitten by another supernatural creature, then she would become a Kitsune and that scared her because she had a feeling she would become a Void just like the monster that possessed her.

She couldn't handle it anymore and she wanted to get away from everything.

Speaking with her father Noah Stilinski about it, the man had called some family members of hers in Mystic Falls and told them she would be moving into town with them and her cousins were thrilled to see her again.

Hearing a knock at her window, Stiles turned to find a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes was hanging onto the roof, tapping her claws against the glass to get her attention.

Walking over to the window, Stiles opened the window and allowed her werecoyote friends inside.

"Hey, Malia, what's up?" Stiles greeted.

"I heard you were moving away. Is it true?" Malia demanded.

Sighing at this, Stiles ran her fingers through her hair, trying to figure out how to explain things to the werecoyote without upsetting her.

Sadly, Malia was a Hale and Stiles had bad luck around the people in that family since they all had a nasty habit of being rough with her when they were upset.

Shockingly, Peter was the only one who didn't seem to lay his hands on her as many times as Derek, Cora or Malia did.

"I-I can't stay here, Malia. Everywhere I look, I keep seeing them. I see the faces of all of the people I've killed and I can see the looks everyone gives me. Ethan may be nice about it, but I know he blames me for Aidan dying and Scott can't even look at me after Allison died." Stiles cried.

"You weren't the one who killed all of those people. That was the Nogitsune." Malia exclaimed.

"But he killed them while he was inside of my body. He killed them while he was wearing my face! And that is the only thing people will remember! And this is all that stupid bitch Jennifer's fault! And it's Derek's too for sleeping with her! And, god, I-I just can't take it! I can't take all of the pain and the horrors and everything that has been going on! I'm only human, Malia. I can't deal with all of this stuff. I thought I was going to lose it after I died and was brought back to life, but the things that the Nogitsune did to my head, I-I just can't deal with it. I can't handle what happened, especially since no one has bothered to come see me and make sure I haven't killed myself to escape the pain!" Stiles exclaimed.

Malia was silent as she listened to Stiles speak and felt tears gathering in her eyes.

Scott McCall and Lydia Martin had known Stiles for years, but they seemed more concerned with mourning the death of Allison Argent, a girl they only knew for one year and had no idea the kinds of thoughts that were swirling around in their friend's mind.

Everyone had abandoned Stiles and she had no one to turn to for help and it scared Malia that the girl had been contemplating suicide to escape the memories of what the Nogitsune had done to her and all of the innocent people he had killed.

"Stiles, you don't have to run away to escape everything!" Malia told her as she placed her hands over the shorter girl's arms.

"Yes, I do. I can't stay here anymore. I need to get away. Malia, I have to get away. Deaton told me that after the Nogitsune possessed me, all it will take is one bite from some other supernatural person and I'm going to become a Kitsune. I can't let that happen. I can't stay here where I risk the chance of becoming him again or having everyone staring at me like I'm a monster. I need to leave. It's the only option I have left." Stiles cried.

Whimpering at how helpless she felt in that moment, Malia pulled Stiles into a hug, wishing she was able to help the human like all of the times she helped her learn control of her coyote and had saved her from being given a lobotomy.

"I wish you would stay. I don't want you to leave. You're the only real friend I have here." Malia whispered.

Wrapping her arms around the werecoyote, Stiles buried her face into Malia's face and cried, letting out all of the emotions she repressed after her friends had accidentally purged her from her own body.

No one realized it, but Stiles was thrown out of her body while the Nogitsune remained inside of it and Scott had destroyed her body along with Kira Yukimura.

She supposed that the energy that the Nogitsune had gathered inside of her body had created a new body for her spirit since he didn't want to leave the one he was possessing since he had become bound to it.

"I can't stay here. I need to leave. I have to leave or I may actually kill myself to get away from the horror that keeps surrounding me in this god forsaken town." Stiles whimpered.

"Fine. Then I'm coming with you." Malia decided.

"No, Malia, you can't. You can't leave you dad. Besides, I need someone to stay here and make sure Scott doesn't do anything stupid that'll get everyone killed." Stiles told her.

"I don't care about Scott! I care about you. You're the reason I even stuck around the pack. You're my pack, mu anchor. I need to be with you." Malia said.

"Thanks you, Malia, but there's no room at my cousins' house for you." Stiles said as her tears started to dry.

"We can share a room. We can even share a bed. We've done it before plenty of times." Malia decided and nodded happily at the idea.

Laughing at this, Stiles pulled Malia into another hug, memorizing the scent of the werecoyote since she wouldn't be seeing her for a long while.

(The next day...)

Malia stayed over to help Stiles pack all of her bags and boxes into her jeep since the girl would be driving to Mystic Falls.

Once everything was packed up into her jeep, Stiles hugged her father and friend good-bye before climbing inside and quickly drove off, passing by the high school and glanced out the window to find Scott, Lydia and Kira gathered together.

When they saw the jeep, they expected it to drove into the parking lot, but were confused when they saw it continued driving down the road.

As soon as Stiles passed by the welcome sign and officially left town, she felt like a giant weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she smiled.

Turning the radio on, Stiles searched for a song to listen to and grinned when "Carry On My wayward Son" was playing on a station and she started singing along to it, a large grin on her face as she did so.

Many hours later, Stiles finally reached Mystic Falls and drove straight towards the house her father had grown up in and parked outside of it.

Staring up at the large white house, Stiles smiled as she remembered how she and her cousins used to play on the porch.

Making her way up to the front door, Stiles lifted the welcome mat and found the spare key and used it to unlock the door.

Hearing voices in the kitchen, Stiles headed that way and found a strawberry blonde woman trying to decorate a cake with a girl who had the same brown hair as the former Nogitsune host.

"I don't think the cake is cooked properly. I think it might still be raw inside." Jenna Sommers said.

"I told you we should have just ordered a cake." Elena Gilbert whined.

Leaning against the entrance to the kitchen, Stiles smiled at the two females as they continued trying to decorate the cake, unaware of the fact that the girl they were making it for was already there.

Someone was making their way to the kitchen and when they spotted the girl leaning against the wall, he assumed she was Elena since she had the same olive skin and long brown hair.

"Hey, Elena." Jeremy Gilbert greeted.

Spinning around, Stiles revealed her face to Jeremy and he froze, shocked at seeing his cousin.

"Hey Jer Bear." Stiles greeted.

Freezing at the sound of the girl's voice, Elena and Jenna looked up to find Stiles at the entrance to the kitchen and they quickly sprung into action.

"Stiles, you're here!" Elena cried wrapped her arms around the girl from behind.

"Oh, wow, I can feel the love, Laney!" Stiles laughed.

Grinning brightly, Jeremy moved over and brought the two brunettes into a hug, nuzzling his face into Stiles' hair, breathing in the honey scent of her shampoo.

"Stiles, it's so great to see you again. Everyone's missed you." Jenna said.

"I missed everyone, too. Speaking of, how is everyone?" Stiles asked as Elena and Jeremy let her go before they smothered her to death with their hugs.

"They're great. Everyone's really excited that you're going to be living here." Elena told her.

"I'm just happy that we'll finally have someone who can cook living with us. No more takeout." Jeremy grinned.

That comment earned him a glare from Elena while Stiles laughed, leaning up to press a playful kiss to Jeremy's cheek.

"Aw, I'm happy to see you again, too. And I would be happy to make my awesome blueberry and chocolate chip waffles in the morning." Stiles said making Jenna cheer.

Shaking her head in amusement at her family, Elena took Stiles' hand and led her into the living room where they could speak while Jenna directed Jeremy to the jeep to start bring in the bags.

"Just a little warning, Caroline has a party at the grill planned for you. I tried talking her out of it, but she insisted on it." Elena said.

"Hey, I'm fine with that. I didn't really get to have a birthday party this year." Stiles shrugged.

"Why not?" Elena frowned.

"Um, well, Uncle Grayson and Miranda died. And then Scott was obsessing over his on again off again girlfriend, so I never really got to celebrate my birthday." Stiles said.

"Oh, god, I completely forgot about your birthday! I am the worst cousin in the world." Elena groaned in misery.

"Nah, it's not your fault. You had a lot on your mind. Besides, no one really remembered it. Not even Dad." Stiles said and tried to hide her disappointment with a smile.

Pulling Stiles up the stairs, Elena showed her to the spare room where she would be staying and started talking about painting the wall and decorating it.

That night, Elena allowed Stiles to sleep in her bed with her since she didn't have any bed sheets in the spare room yet.

The next day, Stiles took a long hot bath in the tub, trying not to dunk her head fully under the water or else she would be reminded of the sacrifice.

Once she was bathed, Stiles found Elena waiting for her and forced her into a pink crop top, skinny jeans and a pair of heels before she had her hair curled.

Whining at having the curling wand used on her hair and wincing at the sight of the steam that came off of her hair, Stiles was then dragged off to the Mystic Grill where the welcome party was being hosted by Caroline Forbes.

Walking through the doors to the grill, Stiles smiled as she spotted a few familiar faces that she hadn't seen in over a year.

"Stay here; I'll go find the others." Elena told her.

"Okay." Stiles nodded.

Sitting down in a booth, Stiles glanced around the party as music played and people were playing darts or pool.

Sensing someone coming up behind her, Stiles tried not to panic and react on her instinct to run away, telling herself that the person behind her wasn't a threat.

There were no werewolves in Mystic Falls, this town was monster free and she could have a new start here.

"Katherine?" Someone asked hopefully.

Confused when she realized the person was speaking to her, Stiles turned around and found a man in his twenties with black hair and blue eyes was staring at her.

When he saw her face, he looked surprised, trying to figure out why she looked so familiar to him as he tried to place her in his mind.

"Uh, sorry, are you talking to me?" She asked.

Shaking his head, the man gave her a small smile.

"Sorry, you just look a lot like someone I know. Especially from behind." He said.

Gaining a mischievous look on his face, the man held his hand out towards her.

"Damon Salvatore and you are?" He greeted.

"Stiles, hey. Are you related to Zach Salvatore, that shut-in? Oh, sorry, I have a bad mind to mouth filter." Stiles grimaced at her choice of words.

Damon smirked in amusement as he shook hands with the pretty brunette, not at all bothered by the way she spoke about his relative.

"Don't worry about it. Uncle Zach isn't a people person. Then again, neither is my baby brother. Speaking of, there he is now." Damon smirked.

Turning around, Stiles found a boy with light brown hair and dark green eyes speaking to Elena, but her view was cut off when a blonde girl with blue-green eyes appeared in her line of sight and tackled her into a hug.

"Stiles, oh my god! I can't believe you're really here!" Caroline Forbes squealed.

"Sunshine, hey! I've missed you like crazy!" Stiles laughed as she returned the hug.

Stepping back, Damon observed as Elena walked over with Bonnie Bennett, Matt Donovan, Tyler Lockwood and Stefan.

"Finally, we've been wondering when you'd get your ass here." Tyler greeted as he patted Stiles on the back.

Smiling widely, Stiles turned her attention onto the rest of her childhood friends and opened up her arms bigger.

"Bonnie Rabbit, Matty Boy, get in here! I demand hugs!" Stiles said.

Laughing at this, Bonnie happily hugged the girl while Caroline pulled Matt into the hug, making him chuckle as he was clung to by the three girls.

Stepping over beside his younger brother, Damon gave him an amused look.

"Someone is certainly popular." Damon commented.

"Oh, right. Stiles, I want you to meet some new people." Elena said getting her cousin's attention.

Fighting her way out of the group hug, Stiles walked over to stand beside Elena who pulled the girl into her side, shocking the Salvatore brothers when they saw the resemblance between the two brunettes.

"Stiles, this is Stefan my boyfriend. And this here is Damon. They both recently moved back into town a few weeks ago." Elena pointed to the brothers.

"Yeah, I've already met tall, dark and sassy. Hey, I'm Stiles. I'm Elena's cousin." Stiles shook hands with Stefan.

Damon couldn't help but smirk at what Stiles had called him and wondered if she would come up with a hilarious name to call Stefan.

"Cousin? I can see the resemblance." Stefan commented as he shared a look with Damon.

"So, um, how long are you staying in town for?" Stefan asked.

"Haven't planned on it yet. But I was kinda hoping until graduation." Stiles shrugged.

"Oh my god, yes, yes, yes! Please do! Now all of us can graduate together like we talked about." Caroline bounced in place.

Tyler reached out and placed his hands on Caroline's shoulders, trying to stop her from bouncing around in excitement.

Caroline and Stiles were best friends since they had quite a few things in common, such as their parents working for the police force, they had a tendency to ramble and they had hyper personalities.

Smiling at the thought of having her favorite cousin living with her for the next few years, Elena leaned her head down against Stiles' and felt true happiness for the first time since her parents had died.

"Hey, come on, isn't this a party? Let's go see if we can convince the bar tender to serve us." Tyler suggested.

"Screw the booze. I'm starving. I want a burger and curly fries." Stiles said.

"Come on, you can see Vicky again. She's working here now." Matt told her as he took Stiles' hand and led her over to the stools.

"Your sister works here? Since when?" Stiles asked.

Everyone quickly followed after them, Bonnie trying to catch Stiles up on everything that had happened since she had been gone and Caroline jumped in when she could.

Stefan and Damon stayed behind, watching the teenagers as they made their way to order their food.

"You know what? You can have Elena. I might go for Stiles. Find out why the hell anyone would name their daughter that." Damon smirked.

"Damon, stop. Just leave her alone. She just got into town." Stefan scolded.

"And she looks like she'll need someone to look after her. Besides, what better way to be welcomed into town than to have a hot guy like me to show her around?" Damon winked.

Glaring at his brother, Stefan walked over to join his girlfriend and the rest of the teenagers who had gathered around Stiles, trying to learn about everything she had been up to while back at Beacon Hills.

Sadly, Stiles couldn't come out and tell everyone about the werewolves and all of the other monsters she had dealt with, but she did talk about a few things and added a twist on her words so that things didn't sound weird.

Hours later, everyone broke off and made their way back to their homes, Caroline making plans to help Stiles fix up her room and to show her around school.

That night, Stiles was able to sleep in her bed and didn't have any nightmares about the Nogitsune, although she swore she felt someone gently caressing her face as she slept, but shrugged it off as her imagination.

She did miss Derek, Scott and everyone else back home, but she needed to have a choice for herself instead of always putting everyone else's wellbeing before her own.

She had been doing it for a while now and look where it had ended for her.

No, this time, she was going to do things to make herself happy and would finish up her high school career by enjoying it and getting involved, then she would move away to a great college after graduation.

It was time for her to live her own life and be happy for once.

The end.