WARNING: Hello again, its the author. Just as clarification THIS IS A SIDE STORY. This is not cannon with my main fanfic, nor does it take place in the exact same timeline. Think of it as an alternate reality. As for the status of relationships. Yuri and Anon are friends that are beginning to see each other as more, and Monika and Anon are friends that are having a hard time figuring out exactly what they mean to each other (sexual tension, weird romantic feelings), and... well... Natsuki is just there. This is the side-story that i promised in an early chapter so... be prepared for things to get steamy. I'm sorry in advanced and really hope you all enjoy this as I've had a lot of fun writing it so far. This is probably a part one of three/two. haven't decided yet. Enjoy!

"one, two, one, two…"

In purposefully even intervals her running shoes collided with the soft grass of the school track. With each bobbing of up and down, her arms rhythmically swung with her paced movement, and her smoky purple hair bounced consistently throughout her jog. The damp icy fog that ran thick around the campus during first period, always around winter, cooled her skin boiling from the rapid activity. The stitch in her side caused her to stop for a moment, leaning up against the bars that surrounded the course. Cold metal on her hot fingers, she hopped over-top of the railings and leant her forearms sleepily against the blueish steel bar and overlooked her classmates sporting in the central oval.

"hah… hah…"

She tried to breathe deeply and catch herself, her motivation for Sport and Rec. This, being her absolute dreaded, hated, least favourite class. Not words she usually used, in fact she frowned upon using them.

She didn't really like to hate things…

But when she saw the class fully engaged in… whatever game it was they were playing, she felt certain emotions. Everyone always picking her last, the looks from the boys she would get whenever she jumped, sprinted, tripped over. 'Wow, look at those', 'She's a knockout', 'should we really pick the bookworm?', did they think she couldn't hear? It was barbaric… But, she began to think, somewhat justified. She hated sport, yes, loathed it even. So isn't it fair for people who have love for the class to treat her with the same disrespect she openly showed it?

She thought it better to be out of their way than just inconvenience everyone. Be gawked at like a fish out of water. A simple "Sorry sir, I have terrible back pain. Could I just run around the pitch for now?" was the perfect combination of willingness to seemingly want to participate in sport, yet also acknowledgment of her own physical ailments. Sympathy and empathy. It usually worked in getting her out of the main class.

Shaking her head and roughly attempting to dispel the thoughts, she drew one last hefty breath and pushed herself off the steel railings. Tying her long, violet, spiders-silk hair into a ponytail and prepared to continue her run.

"Hey, if you take the hair away from her face and she actually looks pretty cute!"

She froze. She began hearing those, somewhat now familiar, multiple heavy steps on the ground slowly creeping to her. She hunched over slightly. She tried to think of something else, anything else. With her back still to the approaching group, her hands shakily found the end of her ponytail and ran her fingers through it. Her tick that she got from them.

This time, one of the girl's voices piped up after the boy's comment.

"Careful, she might just get obsessed with you if you compliment the bookworm like that."

They all couldn't stop after that...

"Or cut you up after she's done with you!"

"You seriously find that little freak cute?"

Straightening her back, she turned around slowly, kept her head to the ground and undid her hair. letting it fall back over her face she tried speaking up like last time. They were so repulsive, why did they keep doing this?

"I… I w-would never…"

"Huh? Did you say something? Speak up."

"I… u-um."

Her head and shoulders sunk down further. A heavy weight fell down on her chest and stomach like she had swallowed lead. She didn't want to speak anymore, feel like this anymore.

Another set of steps approached her from the side. Lighter and quicker. Like haste was with them but somewhat disguised with their usual walking pace. Keeping their cool whilst also sounding authority. Turing her heavy head she found her eyes met with gentle emerald. Concerned and fierce, the school idol brisked to her side.

"Hey guys! Sorry to bother you, but teacher says you've all been chosen for clean up duty! Lucky you. He also says careful of the spiders, they haven't cleaned the sports shed in months. So don't get bit alright?"

Unusual ferocity was emphasised on her last comment. Sensing the situations turn, standing shocked and stiff, the revolting group turned around with a 'seriously? not again…' and 'god fucking damnit!'. Then, they left. The chestnut-haired girl turned and spoke with none of the venom her voice held a mere minute ago. Her ability to handle her emotive abilities, her speech, was completely phenomenal.

"Yuri… are you ok?"

It was Monika. Even Yuri knew her, barely. They had spoken on a few occasions, this being the only class they shared, and realised that she was the one, the only one, that talked to her without the sense of necessity that the others did. Speaking to Yuri like she was an actual person. Someone with feelings.

"M-Monika, it is Monika right? Thank you. Thank you so much, really. I-I'm sorry I-I made you…"

Monika then waved her hands in front of her face comically.

"Nonono please don't apologise, Yuri. I'm sorry for not coming over sooner. I just sat back and watched for the longest time… doing nothing."

Yuri proceeded to bow lowly and repeatedly as she stuttered.

"N-no, I'm truly grateful you came when you did. I'm terrible at handling these things as you can see."

The two smiled at each other. Both however slightly awkwardly and out of breath as neither were truly used to dealing with situations like these… even if they were exposed to them often. Monika guided Yuri over to a small bench under a large tree, leaves tossed over the ground and blanketing it golden brown. The sombre crunching of leaves beneath their feet felt relaxing and satisfying as the both sat down. In unison they both let out huge sigh, then laughed faintly at their brief mimicry.

"Hey, were you running before?"

At Monika's question she jumped lightly and began her usual explanation.

"Ah, yes. I have awful back pain so its difficult to participate in our usual activities. I figured I should still find some way to exercise so I began running. I-I'm very sorry for always sitting out and being useless."

Monika smirked and giggled sweetly as she added a little extra explanation.

"Ahaha, sorry I didn't mean to sound so accusing. I was actually wondering if you would mind me running with you. I'm… kind of sick of hanging around with that group, those ones just now. It's like their whole personality is based around the criticising of others. Really unhealthy if you ask me."

Shuffling around in her seat and straightening her hair, Yuri was slightly taken aback. Her soft and gemmy eyes widened happily in Monika's direction. It was apparent that Yuri was particularly surprised to find someone of the same opinion as her. Yuri cleared her throat as she looked back down at the ground, kicking a few leaves with the tips of her shoes.

"I really wouldn't mind at all if you ran with me! It's easy to get used to doing it alone, so adding another person introduces a whole new dynamic to the task. I-in other words it sounds fun!"

Monika raised from the slightly damp bench and extended her hand warmly to Yuri. The completely white, overcast winter sky placed them in a dim light. So as the morning eagerly progressed, the warmth of the sun drew the curtains of the fog back into the darkness and the sleek chill in the air began to dissipate. As Yuri took her hand, Monika smiled competitively.

"Well if you're so enthusiastic, lets do it! Try and keep up, Yuri~"

They slipped back through the spanning metal bars and onto the track. As Yuri tied her hair back into a ponytail, she took to her running stance.

"I will not lose!"

Seeing this new side of Yuri, who Monika usually observed as the quite type, was almost kind of exhilarating. Seeing this intensity however, reminded Monika briefly of where else she had seen a similar focus and passion from Yuri.

"Hey, Yuri. Aren't you in my advanced literature class?"


"Ah! Huh?"

Yuri jolted out of her seat, nearly flinging backwards out of shock as she startled awake from a rare afternoon nap with dreams. Staggering back a few steps, Yuri fell into something soft encircling her figure, keeping her from toppling over. Yuri cocked her head left and right rapidly in confusion and found that someone not something had caught her. It was the subject of her dream. A dream she hadn't had in ages. A dream of their first true meeting, the day they became friends.

"Hahaha. Relax, Yuri. It's just me."

Monika had attempted to gently wake the sleeping Yuri. Yet, she seemed in such a deep sleep and after consulting Anon and Natsuki over at the other side of the clubroom, Monika decided that Anon's suggestion of 'just wait for her to wake up' probably wasn't helpful. So, Natsuki's expected input of 'shake her awake!' was accepted, with humour from Anon, by the club president.

"Oh. O-oh right. Apologies for dozing off everyone."

Still squished between Monika's arms, Yuri rubbed her eyes a bit and sighed softly.

"Ahh, you're so warm. May I go back to sleep?"

After laughing for a bit, Monika pushed Yuri off and she plopped back down in her seat. Groaning, she continued.

"You could have at least allowed me to wake up myself you know…"

Monika waddled around to the front of Yuri's desk and signed for everyone to gather around as it seemed Yuri wouldn't be moving from her seat. Natsuki and Anon packed away their manga as the poring spores of bright dust flew through the light of the windows during the typical afternoon. They waltzed over together and plonked down on the nearby seats until Anon spoke up.

"I told you guys we should've just let her sleep"

As Monika and Natsuki both responded with a roundabout shrug and smirk at each other, Yuri turned her listless head towards Anon's seat. Since not seeing him for the majority of the day, and while seemingly still half asleep, she waved at Anon sleepily with a small smile. He waved back with a little laugh.

"Okay everyone!"

Uh oh, the catchphrase. Everyone's attention was now on Monika.

"So, as we all know summer break is coming up soon, aaaand as our club has been mostly inactive for its life span, I thought that we should put a little effort in and actually do something fun this year!"

Everyone sighed at that word 'effort' and with a minor grumble and scowl, Monika snapped her fingers.

"Unfortunately we can't pull off anything as big and, uh… what's the word for what the other clubs always do?"

This is when Yuri chipped in with a loud yawn.

"unnecessarily extravagant."

Anon snorted and Natsuki chuckled loudly at that remark. Monika too joined in for a bit then cleared her throat.

"Yeah, that's it. So instead of doing some odd event for some random festival, I did a little talking with the staff and one of the more passionate English teachers suggested we take a club trip!"

Everyone went silent for several moments while processing that information. Sure, the four members of the literature club had all been friends for quite a while now, but there had never really been any interaction outside of school to any major degree. The only real exception being the occasional visit by Yuri to Anon's house.

"A, a trip? What kind of trip?"

Monika grinned at Yuri's question and happily responded.

"Well apparently a couple of hours from here there's a cabin deep in the mountains. Some famous poet wrote some famous poem there. I… don't really remember or care what the teacher said about all that history stuff, but he was really passionate about it!"

"*cough cough* typical *cough cough*"

This was said by practically everyone, be it verbally or not.

"Oy! Anyways, we've even managed to acquire some funding from the school to pay for the trip. The only catch is that by the end of it, we each have to write a poem inspired by our trip and present them at school assembly when vacation ends. Oh, and we'll be stay there for just one night."

It was apparent that Monika was extremely excited about the idea of this trip. Anon closed his eyes and gave some ample thought. He like the idea too. There was nothing worse than being cramped up in classes during the best weather of the year, and with exams coming after summer-break it would be a great opportunity to really breath and take a well-deserved break for a couple of days.

"S-s-s-s-s-staying the night?!"

Furious stammering from Yuri was also accompanied by Natsuki's worried glances. Both Monika and Anon seemed to take to the idea well enough without much hesitation, but the other two were certainly more apprehensive about the idea. Anon remembered how easy it was to forget that not so long ago both Yuri and Natsuki, to put it softly, were alone. He guessed that the prospect of an overnight stay with so many new friends must have been very foreign to the both of them.

Anon noticed that in their apprehension, it was odd, but there was a slight hint of guilt in Monika's eyes. Her soft emeralds narrowed the tiniest bit and her usual resting smile died a little. It was one of those moments where he couldn't put to words what she was really thinking. He thought that at the least her thoughts must have reached the same conclusion as his. But to what extent of realisation her expression showed was always unclear. Anon poked Monika on the shoulder a couple of times and she released a shallow breath. Monika turned and smiled, shaking her head as if queuing Anon not to worry. Then as he brought his eyes back to the others, he noticed Yuri was stealing glances at him. Actually, so was Natsuki… Until he realised what the issue was.

He was the issue.

"Uh, if you guys are bothered by it I don't really have to go- "

Before he could properly address the clear issue all three of the girls looked as if they were about to say something but Natsuki responded quickly, cutting him off.

"Hey, don't sweat it big guy. I'm speaking for everyone when I say we trust you. Well, mostly anyway."

Anon thought that was actually pretty mature, nice even, of her to say. She was so quick to point that out that it made him feel a little warm in his chest. He was calmed too when he gazed to Yuri and seeing her nod enthusiastically. Monika though, in the midst of a slightly serious mood, gave a very obvious and obnoxious wink in Anon's direction. They both laughed it off as the other two sat confused.

"Thanks, Natsuki. Really."

Some time passed and after a long, boring while of planning and compromising the sun started to drift lower and lower into the horizon and the dim clubroom became a signal of the literature clubs disbandment for the day.

"Alrighty then. So! Next Saturday, first weekend of break, 9:30 at the train station. Everyone ok with those arrangements?"

A murmur of agreement and nods filled the clubroom and with that, both Yuri and Natsuki packed their books in a hurry. Yuri brushed the invisible dirt and dust from her school uniform and brushed her hair with her fingers before waltzing to the door and addressing her exit formally.

"Well, I was hoping to make it to the library today, so I'll be off early. Sorry everyone."

As Monika waved her off with a 'don't sweat it', Natsuki also marched towards the door notably without all the extra care Yuri put into her step and stride. While catching up to her she yelled out to her.

"H-hey! Yuri! My house is on the way, wanna walk together?"

Without seeing us off she ran down the hall out of the clubroom. Echoing around the empty school halls were her pitter patter steps as she ran to meet up with Yuri. The two remaining clubmates thought it was really nice to see them getting along so well after their shaky start.

And that was it. Anon and Monika, Just the two of them left in the room. The sun that was filtering through the clubroom lost its piercing yellow tinge and progressed to orange. Then, only just bordering onto red, a fine line being crossed very slowly, steadily. The notable scent of lavender, Yuri's perfume, left in the room after she disappeared. The cupboard door left open after Natsuki clearly forgot, or couldn't be bothered, to close it. Anon then brought his eyes over to Monika. Her back to Anon, she sunk into a seat across the room and crossed her long legs. She took a small capsule from her school bag. Opening it, she took a small brush from its contents and began to apply some kind of makeup smoothly to her face. The night turning light reflected off her hair like a mirror of hazelnuts as it bounced from her shoulders. With each of her tight movements her long brunette strands strayed like smoke along her shapely back. The different shades of Monika's hair mingled constantly with the lights colours of dark red and bright orange, merging like linseed oil mixing itself with paint. The mysterious beauty of her form was memorising, therefore as she gazed into her makeup-mirror to judge her efforts, Anon and Monika shared their gazes just for an instant through the reflection. She snapped the mirror shut and bashfully commented to Anon.

"It's rude the stare at a lady putting on her makeup, you know?"

Her voice totally still in terms of pitch. Mature, and deep. Monika then cleared her throat as she brought another small item from her bag. Apparently being perfume, she spritzed it over her neck and wrists. Anon then swiftly turned around in his chair and mumbled nervously.

"Jeez Mon, where are you going after this? Meeting up with a boyfriend, huh?"

She giggled in reply. Anon heard the screeching of her chair moving across the floor, and her slow steps nearing the area around his turned back.

"Heh, if only, Anon~"

She then totally neared him. Slowing her pace further, she spoke in a somewhat different manner. With the hints of huskily training her voice to his ears, she moved past him again.

"I was only kidding, I don't mind if you stare."

Monika then flicked the back of his head with her index finger and Anon groaned with a mixture of laughter and exaggerated pain. They both briefly made eye contact as Monika responded in humour, then moved towards the open cupboard. The mint smell of her perfume drafted across the room as she brushed past. It filled the room like her own ghost chasing her. Fresh and assaulting.

Standing in front of the cupboard she placed her hands or her hips as she let out a loud sigh.

"She did it again! She left all her books on the floor… even after I told her not to yesterday…"

Anon guessed the culprit was Natsuki. It wasn't at all his fault, yet he still felt a little guilty... Anon began to move out of his seat as he offered to clean up.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I was with her before so I can pick them up if you want."

"No, its fine. I can do it, Anon."

Monika slid down to her hands and knees, slowly curving her back. She turned briefly to meet eyes with Anon. Nothing but the corner of her eye, half lidded and smoky green, blinking shallowly. Smoothly, her head circled back around, and she leisurely began scooping up the books strewn on the cupboard floor. The deep blue hem of her school skirt tightly drew up her legs, exposing the white skin of her upper thighs. Her long black stockings, transparent and firm on her body, accentuated any of her silky skin revealed by her beckoning posture. Yieldingly, compromisingly, she traced around on the floor. As Monika moved further into the closet, collecting the last of the books, sliding further onto the ground, her skirt raised teasingly, more. The exhilarating curves of her lower back and upper skin of her thighs gave way to the edges of her white panties. She parted her slick legs with modesty. Willingly, purposefully showing herself to him.

Monika placed a hand over her behind, tightly pulling her skirt back over herself. She placed the pile of manga away on the top shelf and paused for a long while. She turned quickly, closing the closet door behind her, and paced towards Anon. He recoiled slightly as she stopped right before him, leering with those dreamy eyes. Monika. When the school idol got like this, she was so… coaxing, tempting, thrilling.

"I… sorry. I didn't mean to stare."

She smiled deeply. Like she had gotten exactly what she had wanted. She placed a single finger on Anon's chest, poking him with her nail and never taking their eye contact away from him. Their heartbeats where bludging through their eardrums while their senses only filling themselves further with each other.

"I told you, Anon~. I don't mind if you stare at me."

Keeping her index finger locked to his chest, Monika then trailed it down Anons form. Once more, she bent down on her knees in front of him. Anon felt as if his heart would burst out of his chest as Monika trailed her hands up and down his legs.

"Silly. Your shoelace is untied."

She looked up to him as she did up his lace. Eyes slightly furrowed by the angle, yet wide as if trying to encompass as much of Anon as she could with them. Finishing with his lace, she stood up. Now infinitely closer than she was before, their noses practically touching. Monika inhaled deeply, and as she exhaled, her hot breath caressed over Anon's lips and neck.

"Monika. Your perfume… it's… really strong."

She hummed in response.

"hm, do you like it?"

Monika parted her hair away from her left, then interlocked her hands behind her back. She crocked her neck to the side, exposing the supple white flesh of her throat.

"wanna smell?"

Anon understood that Monika could have used her wrists as the subject for her suggestion as she put the perfume on them as well. Yet, she instead purposefully placed those out of the equation in preference for her neck.

Anon leant in. The complete and utter lack of their bodies pressing together, melting into each other drove them mad with expectation and desire. As Anon's shallow breathing fell over Monika's neck, she moaned into him, encouraging him. Supressing the desire to kiss her, to bite her, Anon retracted. They both stepped backwards in a thick haze of lust, collecting their scattered thoughts.

"S-sorry, Anon. We probably shouldn't. Not yet…"

The pair, gaining back their sense of propriety and control over their impulses, proceeded to promptly apologise to each other.

"N-no, I'm sorry too. I lead you on a lot there…"

"Well, Anon. In any case, we'll have plenty of time to get up close and personal on our trip. So, I'll see you around~."

As Monika exited the literature club the lingering scent of her mint perfume overpowered Yuri's lavender. However, instead of completely overtaking it, Anon found that they instead mingled together, melted into each other.

"Hey, Monika! Wait!"

Monika spun around on her heel from the other end of the cream coloured hallway.

Anon sped up a little while making his way over. Eventually with a light jog he rushed into Monika's arms, squeezing her tightly. Warm and cosy this time. After a small jolt of shock, Monika in mimicry leant into him and wrapped her arms tightly around him, smiling into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Monika… I don't know. I don't know why we always end up like this… Is it healthy? Are we wrong acting like this?"

Monika shook her head into his chest. The soft rustling of their uniform's fabric brushing together filling the silence of the halls. Monika brought her face up from their embrace as the heavy blush came to both of their cheeks.

"I don't know either, Anon. I'm never like this, in fact I'd usually detest being like that… but with you I feel completely different. Nothing makes any sense…"

They pulled apart, separating from their hold on each other. Monika brushed her eyes a bit as the gems of tears began forming around her eyes. Whilst she swept at her damp cheeks she stammered.

"G-geez, your making my makeup run. You idiot."

They laughed croakily between holding back their feelings.

Eventually, they both made it to the intricately decorated, bronze school gate. With a few parting words, they set off in opposite directions. A little sad in separation, but content. They knew, at least, they would see each other again soon.