Babybones in a Flame's Home






Kid!Sans- 9 years old

Kid!Papyrus- 6 years old



Gaster is finally free of his experiment. He is finally going to be the father he should be. However, as he decide to take his now official sons to his best friend Grillby things go wrong. (change in backstory of characters) Babybones and Dad!Grillby. we don't own Undertale. -slow going hiatus-

Chapter 6: Mixed moods

Grillby woke before the boys and went to the kitchen to make some pancakes

Papyrus whined at his missing heat rolling over to snuggle with his brother.

Grillby smiled when he returned and gently shook them awake "Sans Papyrus breakfast is ready"

Papyrus whined rubbing his sockets. "Wha is goin on?"

Sans tucked himself closer to the wall.

"It's time to eat I made food" Grillby said smiling

Papyrus nodded slowly getting out of the bed.

Grillby helped him up "do you want to change before or after you eat?" He asked he was already back in his work clothing

Papyrus shrugged "after?"

Grillby nodded and picked him up "Sans?"

Sans grumbled half asleep curling up more "leave me alone 'm tired."

Grillby frowned "alright you can sleep a little longer" he said and left with Papyrus sitting him at a table and then brought a tray with pancakes, bacon, syrup, and milk "here you go. do you know how to eat these?"

Papyrus looked amazed at what was set in front of him. "Wow! I've never seen food like this before. It looks really tasty!"

Grillby nodded and got his sitting across from him "watch me" he said and began eating slow so Papyrus could mimic him.

Papyrus nodded and happily, though sloppily, began eating his breakfast. Mumbling through bites "thanks Grillbz!"

"You're welcome" he said deciding they would be working on it. Grillby soon finished "how long does Sans usually sleep?"he asked

Papyrus shrugged. "He's normally up before me."

Sans groaned waking up. Why would Gaster bug them at such an early hour? Or maybe he just was off the sleeping schedule. Rolling over Sans cracked open his eyes "Pap has Gast-" Sans sat up quickly not seeing his brother "Pap! Pap?" what had he done. Sans felt his teeth quiver and tears start to build up "P-papyrus..." He took Papyrus. Sans gave a small hiccuped sob.

Grillby nodded "I'll go check on him" he said and got up going to the room "Sans are you awake?"

Sans had his knees drawn up to his chest as he sobbed. Looking up as Grillby spoke Sans gave him the angriest glare he could, though it still seemed sad and hinted betrayal. His voice was scratchy "wh-where is P-papyrus? Where d-did you take him? Wh-what did you do with Pap?"

Grillby frowned and knelt "he's fine, he's just eating... You wanted to sleep longer... Would you like to go to him? Or should I get him?" He asked

Sans felt too afraid to move his bones rattling quietly. "I-i… i want Pap." slowly Sans forced himself to stand, the bed dipping under his feet making him more unbalanced than he already was. He was able to make his way off the bed standing far away from Grillby's flames. His knees quivered and his bones rattled.

Grillby backed up "hey Papyrus can you come here?" He called

There was a hazardous thump and bang before hurried footsteps rushed in their direction. A concerned Papyrus appeared "what's going on?"

At his brother's appearance Sans visibly relaxed "Pap!" rushing to his brother Sans pulled him into a large hug shooting Grillby a small glare. "Don't disappear like that Pap you scared me half to dust."

In his awkward hug Papyrus patted Sans's skull "sorry. Grillby made food. It's really tasty!"

"Would you like to eat Sans?" Grillby said trying to not get defensive "I would never harm you or your brother" he promised

Sans frowned burying his skull into Papyrus's shoulder. He wanted to say no, but his stomach betrayed him and growled loudly.

Papyrus giggled untangling them and taking Sans's hand "come on Sans let's go eat. Grillby is really good at making food. He makes things i've never seen before and really tasty too!"

Grillby nodded and walked out making Sans's plate "yep just for you kiddo" he said

Sans blushed clinging close to Papyrus as they made their way back to Papyrus's seat. Papyrus started picking at his food again. "Grillby is a great guardian, isn't he Sans?"

Sans shrugged. He tried to like Grillby, but it was just so hard when the flame was just so nice and comforting. He was so perfect, but with Papyrus disappearing this morning Sans couldn't help but be sceptical. Especially at how easily Grillby was able to take his brother without Sans knowing.

Grillby sat with them "Sans are you alright?" He asked

Sans jolted at the question not looking at the flame instead nibbling on his finger bones nervously. "Y-yes?"

Grillby nodded "okay but you know if I do things that bother you I want you to tell me" he said

Sans looked up to him "w-why?"

"So we can work on it. I know I've done something to bother you, but I don't know what. I can't make you comfortable if I don't know what's wrong."

Sans nodded mumbling quietly to appease the flame. "y-you're too nice. To perfect… i-i don't like how you took Pap. it was too easy. Should have known he was gone."

"You did know. you just fell asleep and forgot. it happens." he said gently

Sans shook his head, but didn't argue instead he started on the food in front of him. He gave a small hum at the flavor. It was so good.

Grillby smiled "they are called pancakes" he said

Sans nodded with approval. Papyrus stating happily "i like pancakes!"

"I am glad have you tried the bacon yet?" He asked

Sans picked up a piece of what Grillby signaled too trying a bite of it. He nodded again in approval.

Papyrus tried the bacon giving a loud "wowie! It taste really good!"

Grillby chuckled "yes, it's one of my favorites" he said

Sans pointed to the milk asking quietly "What's that?"

"Milk, it is good for bones" he said

Papyrus tilted his head "really?!" he picked up his glass and dumped it on his skull squinting his sockets so none got in.

Sans sputtered bursting into squeaky giggles

Grillby started laughing "no no! You are supposed to drink it!" He chuckled grabbing a towel

"What? How would that help?"

"Because your body converts it into magic you can use" he said

"Oh. So I'll be as good as Sans in magic if I drink a lot?"

Sans slowly was able to stop laughing shaking his head.

"No magic use takes practice this just makes your bones stronger" he chuckled

Papyrus pouted "oh..."

"That's a good thing" he said

Papyrus nodded giving him a smile "oh good. Can I have some more then?"

"Of course" he said and going to refill the glass

Sans took a sip from his, scrunching up his face at the taste. Seeing a red bottle he reached for it. "What's this?"

"That is ketchup you put it on some foods" he said

Sans tilted his head bringing the bottle to his teeth and squirting some into his mouth. a small blue tongue peeking out to lick the ketchup on his teeth. the flavor was strange and new, but good.

Grillby chuckled giving Papyrus his milk "you aren't supposed to do that."

Sans froze pulling into himself. He messed up. Sans gave him a small "s-sorry."

Grillby frowned "no don't be afraid. you didn't know... That's called a condiment... You generally put it on food... I've never really heard of anyone drinking it..."

Sans nodded tugging lightly on his pajamas. He didn't feel any better at Grillby's explanation. He felt that he was even more of an outcast, a weirdo. "O-okay."

Papyrus looked at the bottle "does it taste good?"

"You can try it..." Grillby said "Sans you aren't weird" he said

Papyrus pulled the bottle to him squirting some into his mouth. Scrunching his eyes and sticking out his orange tongue Papyrus made a small gagging sound "eww! Gross!"

Grillby chuckled "it's a bit sweet isn't it?"

Papyrus frowned drinking some of his milk "i like milk better."

Sans frowned nibbling on his finger bones.

"Yeah everyone likes different things. I don't like milk or ketchup" he admitted hoping to make Sans feel better

Papyrus gasped "what do you like?"

"Well for liquids I stay with alcohol with food I prefer greasy or buttery food" he said

Papyrus nodded "what's alcohol? Can I try it?"

Grillby shook his head "Alcohol is for adults only, but when you are older I'll let you try it" he promised

Papyrus frowned "why? I'm old."

"Nope not old enough" Grillby chuckled

"Why?!" Papyrus was starting to become irritated.

"P-pap he said no."

Papyrus shook his head "I wanna know why. Why can't I have any? Why do you only get it?"

Grillby sighed "because Alcohol messes with the body's function. Makes people act differently than normal and for children or people under certain ages it can really damage them. Even older people have to be careful as alcohol can really hurt you. As a fire elemental I am mostly immune to Alcohol's negative effects so I drink a lot of it since I cannot drink water" he tried explaining carefully

Papyrus's eyes widened "why would people drink it if it hurts them? Are you sure you are not hurt by it?"

"People think it's nice every once in awhile and yes I am fine my body burns most of the bad stuff off."

Sans piped up asking quietly "h-how is it nice?"

"It dulls the mind and gives you a false sense of happiness

Sans gave a small snort muttering lowly "sounds like my kind of drink."

Papyrus frowned not hearing Sans's comment "that doesn't sound very good. People should feel real happy not fake happy."

"I agree but it's hard sometimes" he said before sighing "but enough about that did you boys want to go furniture shopping today?"

Sans frowned nibbling his finger bones. "N-not really-"

Papyrus nodded excitedly "that would be getting the beds, right? I wanna get my bed! Can we get a really cool one? Do you think they have car ones like my shirt!? Are we going far away to get them?"

Grillby looked between them concerned "what's wrong Sans?" He asked gently

Sans stiffened "n-nothing. I wanna get a bed. You'll help me get a cool one, right Pap?"

Papyrus nodded excitedly "of course Sans!"

Grillby smiled "excellent." he said and got up "when you two are finished eating let me know and I'll help you changed."

Sans let out a small sigh slumping in his chair. He was not looking forward to this trip he would rather curl up in Grillby's soft bed.

After they had finished Papyrus grinned "we're done!"

Grillby came back "alright I set out outfits for you both" he said cleaning up after their breakfast

They nodded heading back to the bedroom. Pulling on their clothes Sans snuggled into his jacket.

Grillby poked his head in "need help?" He asked

Sans shook his head pulling his jacket close.

Papyrus tugged on his boots with a grin "nope!"

"You two learn fast that's amazing" he said and held a large umbrella "well let's go" he said smiling and leading them out "have you two ever been on a boat before?"

Sans frowned at the comment pulling up his hood. "No."

"Okay this will be fun for you guys... maybe, I am not a fan of them myself, but it's the fastest way to get to where we can buy the beds"

Papyrus nodded excitedly. "Is it fun? Why are you not a fan?"

"For most people it is. I don't like it because it's over the river and water scares me" Grillby admitted

Papyrus frowned concerned "oh I'm sorry. Don't worry we will protect you."

Grillby smiled "thank you Papyrus" he said as they approached the river person

when Sans saw the River person he instantly ducked behind Grillby taking his hand and clinging to it tight. the hooded figure unnerved him and made his bones quake and become filled with unease.

Papyrus on the other hand grinned and waved to the figure "Hi, who are you? is this your boat? are you going to take us places? are you nice? will you be my friend?"

Grillby squeezed his hand and picked him up tucking his face to his neck.

"Friends indeed! To truly heed! Welcome to the boat would you like to float?" The river person asked Papyrus in a singsong voice

Sans let out a small yelp at getting lifted and clung to Grillby. Giving the flame a small whine was the extent of his complaining about the situation.

Papyrus grinned giggling "you're funny! Come on Grillby i wanna float with the funny person."

Grillby nodded and picked him up stepping on the boat and setting them down "alright to hotland please" he said

The river person giggled "two of the lab, one of the flame! What a claim to fame!"

Sans stilled "s-sh-shut up..."

Grillby frowned and held Sans' hand "ignore him Sans the River person says whatever it wants whether it's weird or not" he said gently

"B-but they shouldn't-they shouldn't… It's not for them to tell! I just-fine! Whatever..." Sans frowned pressing his skull harshly into Grillby's side and tugging his jacket tight around him. He didn't even want to be here, but here he was being mocked by some cloaked person.

"The man who speaks in hands says hello... He looks a lot like jello" River person said

Papyrus giggled "that's silly no one looks like jello and how would someone speak with their hands. Hello hand speaking person Nyeh heh heh!"

River person giggled and stopped in hotland "here we are the place with a fire in the lair of the tire" he said and Grillby sighed in relief and took them off the boat

Sans clung to Grillby keeping his face pressed firmly into the flames arm. While Papyrus took Grillby's other hand pulling him along "oh this is the really hot place! Where are we going?"

"We are going to the furniture store near new home" he said leading them away from the labs and the river person

Papyrus tilted his head "why is it new? Are you moving to your new home?"

"No that's the name of the city. Our king sucks at naming stuff" he said

Sans gave a small nod mumbling "he sucks."

Papyrus tilted his head "why does he suck at naming things?"

"Some people are just born with no imagination" he said

Papyrus stopped walking and turned to Grillby with a concerned and scared look. "People can have no imagination… will i lose mine?"

"Oh no not at all Papyrus if you have it you have it, if you don't you don't" he promised

Papyrus nodded relieved. "Good."

Grillby smiled and held their hands as they walked.

That's it for now! Sorry!