A/N:Hello, Lovelies! Brand new Clace chaptered fic here for you. This is just the prologue which is rather short, so I'll be posting the first chapter soon (probably tonight as well). Please let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to TMI or any pop culture references made within this fanfiction.

A loud crash woke Jace up abruptly, slivers of sunlight peeking through the slots in his blinds. He groaned, throwing his arm over his eyes and turning over as he tried to decipher how much of the banging noise that woke him was real and how much was in his head, courtesy of that sixth shot of whiskey last night. When he heard laughter and shouting accompany said banging, he grouchily sat up determining that he was obviously not going to get anymore sleep now. He glanced at the long, blonde hair peeking out from under the sheets next to him and rolled his eyes as he got out of bed.

As he was pulling on sweatpants, he heard a series of thumps followed by a high-pitched screech. He headed toward his front door, unsure if his intention was to help or hurt whoever was causing all this racket at 10:00am on a Saturday. Jace poked his head out the door and looked around taking in the ridiculous scene in front of him.

A small couch was wedged between the landing below him and the railing leading up the last set of stairs. He could make out a set of pale, hairy arms flailing from under the couch and deduced that the owner of said arms was the source of the screeching that had prompted him into action.

Just as Jace was ready to roll his eyes and close his door, he saw a small girl with bright, red hair piled on top of her head squeeze around the couch from the landing below and run to the stair above where it was stuck on the railing. "Okay, Si on the count of 3 I'll pull but you have to push!"

"Push?! How can I push? I'm pinned! I told you that you should have let Jonathan help move you in!"

The petite redhead placed her hands on her hips, "I don't need Jon's help!"

"Sure, YOU don't. You're not the one who's experiencing death by couch! Do you know how inhumane a crushing death is? It's not sanctioned by any governing bodies! This is literally cruel and unusual punishment."

Jace watched the girl shake her head in what he assumed was exasperation, "I'm pretty sure a pressing death takes several days and clearly the couch is not affecting your lungs. Now stop whining and get ready to push...one," Jace saw her take a deep breath and assume a ridiculous crouching position as if she was going to lift the couch above her and off the boy trapped below. "Two," Jace acted without thinking, "….three!"

Jace had placed his arms around the girl and lifted the small couch up and off her companion below, but he found he couldn't maneuver it very far with her still standing there in between him and the sofa. He leaned his face down to her ear and spoke quietly, "As thrilling as I'm sure it is standing in my arms, could you step to the left, Doll? I would prefer not to hold this all morning."

The girl, who had still been gripping the couch as if she was lifting it with her eyes screwed tightly shut, gasped and spun around in his embrace. Jace was met with a pair of the greenest eyes he had ever seen, but didn't take time to dwell on her face as her new position allowed him the mobility to straighten the couch out and he crouched down, carefully balancing it on the stairs.

As he stood back up, he took his time scanning the girl still in front of him. He took in the shapely legs in black leggings, following them up to small hips and what he imagined was an even smaller waist though it was hard to tell through the baggy, NYU tee shirt. He skimmed quickly over a chest he couldn't make out, lingering on a slim, creamy neck and delicately shaped jaw before taking in pouty lips, a light dusting of freckles across her nose, and those striking, green eyes again.

Green eyes that were currently narrowed at him.