I do not own Naruto or KHR

So I have totally haven't gotten distracted by fate/zero and a new fic idea. Okay so maybe I have, and it is for this reason that I realize weekly updates aren't something I will ever be able to do. I get distracted way too easily. So yes I am terribly sorry. Please enjoy this chapter

2.1 Boats

Navigating in the darkness hadn't been a problem for Naruto since that night all those years ago. That meant making her way through the dimly lit streets of Venice was no problem. What ended up posing a challenge was the fact that the nearest bus station was an hour away and six extremely overpowered people were chasing her.

Using her 'super sneaky ninja skills' she clung to the darkness, using it as a shield of sorts to hide her current apparel which stood out like a sore thumb. But Naruto wouldn't be Naruto if she let something as simple as clothing hold her down. Even Sakura had admitted -begrudgingly- if you can run around in orange you must have the had a pretty good sense of stealth. The moral of the story being: if you can get around in an orange jumpsuit without being spotted, a cat onesie was no problem.

Sticking to the back alleys or canals, in this case, Naruto kept moving towards the train station. Or what she hoped was the direction of the bus station. She couldn't necessarily ask given her current attire was far from inconspicuous, nor could she exactly steal a car or gondola. That would draw too much attention and would trace back to her. Unless...

Pulling out her only kunai Naruto turns her head in both directions, making sure the coast is clear. Stepping out on to the empty street Naruto approaches the nearest motorized boat and gets to work cutting the rope. When doing so with Thunder God kunai, it is not a fun task. Something one must keep I mind when using the tri-pronged kunai is there meant for stabbing, not cutting rope. That's what regular kunai are for.

"You do realize you could have just untied the rope, right?"

'... Yeah,' Replies Naruto mentally, doing her best not to sound totally guilty.

"I refuse to believe my host his this much of an idiot."

Being the bigger person -would it be fox in this case?- She choices not to respond and busies herself with untying the rope. Once done she sends a silent apology to all of Venice's boat owners.

Then she takes the slightly frayed rope and wraps it around the hook oars are usually placed in. With the quick movement of her hand, she turns on the motor. Using the excess rope, she ties the engine down in such a way it stays on. Letting go of the boat and stepping back into the shadows Naruto flees the scene, not looking back.

By the end of the night, all motorized boats had been reported stolen and had been seen in various locations moving. According to a local drunk, all the boats were set up this way by a black cat.

Not far away Naruto was lying uncomfortably on the ground of a newly acquired boat heading straight for the nearest form of and transportation.

2.2 Sensor

"Why are we just sitting here?" demanded Lal for the 15th time.

Ignoring her, Reborn took another sip of his espresso. He didn't think it necessary to explain himself to her. It was his turn to call the shots.

After apprehending the feline from hell, the six of them found themselves facing a new problem. All the motorboats in Venice were moving on there own. A very childish move, Reborn has to say. But it was also very effective. Instead of taking one boat and hoping it wouldn't be found, she set up her escape in such a way they couldn't track her nor could the police.

Evidently, the Sergeant had seen this too and immediately took charge of the situation. She ordered Viper and Fon to collect information and the rest of them to chase boats. They were to meet back up at a Cafe in an hour.

Reborn founded this plan flawed and stated as much. Instead, he told Viper and Skull (he didn't trust Fon, and if he had to spend any more time with the lackey he would shoot him) to go collect information, while the rest of them go to a cafe.

So there they were, sitting at a cafe, watching rouge boats go zipping by with policemen chase after them. While Verde dissected the demon cat on the table and Reborn sipped his coffee quietly watching Fon for in sudden movement.

Ignoring both Lal's 'Dammit Reborn don't ignore me' and the stares of the onlookers who were concerned for the well being of the cat.

Taking another sip of espresso, Reborn ponders the possibility of this team staying together after they catch Asura. She is going to be part of the team to, right? Would that screw up their already faulty team dynamics?

Reborn didn't play well with others, that was one of the few known facts about him. True he worked for the Vongola, but that was the extent of his comradery. It wasn't that he disliked working with others it's just no one else was on his level.

That's why he had initially taken this job it seemed for lack of better word, fun. He would get to see if anyone else was indeed on par with him.

'Lair that's only part of the reason,' hisses the voice in the back of his mind, 'you were looking for a sky.'

A Sky

A Sky with a hint of sun and storm

A maelstrom

Earlier that night when Asura had jumped out the window, he had felt her flames. Then they seemed just to have disappeared off of the map.

Even Reborn had to admit that required an admiral amount of skill but it wasn't something he hadn't been prepared for. He had shot the tracer bullet as a precaution. It also made a believable excuse if he had to use his sensory ability.

How Asura had known one of the bullets was a tracer was beyond him. This didn't matter though. If he had to show off his sensory ability to finish this job, so be it.

It was only a matter of time until there would be a sudden release of sky flames, a human could only go so long while suppressing there dying until it comes bursting out. Unless of course, they used a seal, which made flames invisible to trackers unless they were actively used.

The hitman stiffens suddenly. In one graceful movement he his standing, gun out and at the ready.

"Leon," he says to the chameleon as it slides off his shoulder, "Go get the lackey and Viper."

The world's greatest hitman turns around and faces his companions with a broad smirk, "The rest of you come with me."

Sky flames had been used little more than an hour away from where they were standing.

Reborn wasn't the best at what he did for no reason. Once he got a flame signature, he would never forget it.

2.3 Tickets

Tapping her foot against the ground Naruto stands in line waiting impatiently for her turn to buy train tickets. The whole process was rather dull in her opinion.

When her turn finally comes, Naruto walks up to the stall and puts the correct amount of cash on the counter, "One child's ticket, please."

The man looks a little bit exasperated as he points to the sign on his right, 'No unaccompanied minors .'

"That's not fair," complains the blonde.

"I never said it was," retorts the man.

"Come on Signore, just let me buy a ticket," begs Naruto.

Unwilling to give in to her demands the man just shakes his head, "Sorry kid."

Dissatisfied with this turn of events she scowls, a look that is quite comical on her childish face. Reaching into her pocket Naruto pulls out a -stolen- wad of euros and mutters something along the lines of 'stingy old man' before throwing half of the money on the counter.

"You will get the rest of the money when I get my ticket," she informs him.

Blinking twice the man then rubs his eyes. He apparently hadn't been expecting the child in the cat costume to bribe him or at least that's what Naruto hoped he was thinking. There always was a possibility he didn't know what to do. That had happened to her the first time she was bribed.

Apparently, this was only a Naruto thing because the man didn't look up and ask, "what's the money for?" He merely stood there for a minute before moving towards the ticket dispenser.

"Did you really ask, 'what is the money for' the first time you were bribed?" Kurama asks in disbelief


"You're a special kind of stupid."

'Thanks ...hey wait-'

The man's voice brings her out of her mental debate, "Excuse me uhh.. signorina, what name should I put on the ticket?"

Naruto smirks than to annoy her companion more she says, "Kurama."

"And your last name?"

Hesitating Naruto mulls over possible last names in her head. She needed to leave a trail, something discrete so no one other than the people she was close to could figure out. Something no one but her parents would know.


"And where are you heading?"


2.4 Trails

Apparently, the hitman's usually good luck was running in short supply today. Because apparently, the man Asura had associated with was damn good at keeping his mouth shut. They had caught him in the middle of selling train tickets. This would have caused a problem if Viper hadn't surrounded them with mist flames and taken over the sales men's job.

He writhes in Lal's hold: two hands locked behind his back and Lal's leg pinning him to the ground.

Even though Reborn was positive the man couldn't slip past this blue-haired women's hold but nonetheless he could feel her annoyance rolling off in waves, "Stop squirming," he tells the man.

When the demand isn't obeying the world's greatest hitman isn't surprised -far from it. Instead, he points to Verde who was commencing part 2 of the Tora dissection, "See that man there. Well if you don't stop squirming. I let him do to you what he's doing to that cat."

The effect is almost instantaneous, all signs of physical struggle stop as the cashier nod shakily.

Reborn gives him a shit-eating grin, "See now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"No," croaks the ticket salesmen, eyes still wide with fear.

Purposefully standing in front of the man the sun flame user looks down, "Now I'd you don't mind I am going to ask you a few questions."

Reborn doesn't wait for an answer; instead, he asks the same question, when he arrived, "Did you see a woman; blonde hair, blue eyes. Three whisker-like birthmarks on each cheek. She is around 170.18 centimeters."

Just like before the man shakes his head vigorously denying any association with his target.

Letting out a faux sigh Reborn feigns an exasperated look, "Don't be like that, we both know it's not true."

Hiding a smile behind his sleeve Fon looks at him, "That does raise a good question though Reborn. Just how do you know do you know that."

Pulling his fedora over his eyes, Reborn dons an annoyed countenance. He didn't have to explain himself to the storm user.

He could feel the traces sky flames on the man in front of him. He could also feel the worry emanating from Fon.

Merely smirking Reborn adjust the rim of his hat with his gun, "I already told you. I'm a mind reader."

Other than taking note of the rising sense of dread coming off of Fon's flames Reborn otherwise chooses to ignore the man (he had been doing that a lot today).

"Lackey hand me the folder that's next to you," he orders.

Purposefully looking left and right, Skull then points to himself.


Rolling his eyes in sheer annoyance, because who else would even respond to that, "Yes you."

Muttering something under his breath about 'bitchy hitmen,' Skull hands over a manila folder.

Grabbing it from him, Reborn absentmindedly shots Skull before flipping through the pages.

"What the fuck Reborn?!"

"Shut up lackey."

Readjusting his point of focus on the man who was being held down by Lal, Reborn starts reading.

"Name: Matteo Rossi. Date of Birth January 2, 1962. Age 20. Sex Male. Does any of this sound familiar to you, Matteo?"

Given the look on the man -Matteo's face it was clear he did. Content with the fact there was a semblance of understanding Reborn continues reading, "Height 175.26 centimeters. Weight 170 pounds. Hair Black. Eyes Brown. Occupation Train Ticket Salesmen. No known affiliations. Clean Medical background-"

"That can't be right," Lal interjects.

Viper turns from her spot on the ticket booth, they were currently disguised as Matteo and were counting the money in the cash register, "Are you doubting my information?"

"No, it's just-"

This time Reborn interrupts, "Which part are you doubting and why?"

The sergeant looks hesitant for a moment before saying, "There's an odd symbol on the base of his neck, and I am pretty sure if it didn't stand for some gang affiliation, it would be on his medical record."

"Let me see," says Skull, jumping down from his spot by Viper's side on the counter, "I like tattoos."

Being a small space the stuntman closes the distance between him and Matteo in one stride. The rain barely gets out the words, "It's not a tattoo," before Skull saunter up and looks down.

The biking helmet did nothing to mask the bikers disbelief. To Skulls credit he keeps his voice steady when he asks, "Was that burned into his flesh?"

Skulls next actions hide any discontent he had by saying with his usual nuisance of a voice, "Hey guys you might wanna check this out. It's kinda weird."

Expertly changing her hold on him, Lal slams Matteo into the ground where he lands with a grunt. She then pins his arms behind his back making it easier for them to gather around and view the back of his neck.

Matteo managing to work up some nerve asks "Wait- what's on my neck?"

A seal. The source of the sky flames was the seal. An eastern style seal to be precise.

Cocking his gun and taking aim at Matteo's head, he glares at him, "You lied to me."

"Eh?" comes Matteo's response.

"You have ten seconds to tell me the truth before I start dragging answers out of you slowly."

Peering down at the seal, then adjusting his glasses with a still bloodied hand Verde interjects, "That's not necessary Reborn, the man honestly doesn't know anything."

"Ho, how can you tell."

Making no effort to hide his smug look Verde smirks, "Well this is a memory seal. When it is placed or burned in this case on to someone, it removes part of their more recent memories."

The last part of the green haired man sentence sounded more like it was for himself than anyone else but Reborn didn't particularly care. Information was information no matter how you got it. "Hey Verde is it possible to recover those memories."

It takes the scientist less than a second to get Reborn's meaning, "Of course it is."

"Wait," interrupts Skull, "What even is a seal?"

Reborn rubs his temples; he had a feeling this was going to be a long night.

2.5 Trains

"This sucks," declares Naruto to one on in particular.

Leaning her head against the glass of the window, Naruto watches the scenery passes by. The train car was reasonably comfortable. Red cushioned seats and wooden doors lined every booth.

From Sicily, it should be pretty easy to get into the nearest Mafia land. Or at least that's what Naruto thought.

Taking a bite out of the pizza she had bought from the lady in the refreshments car, Naruto wonders if she made the right decision.

The plan to get to Mafia Land as soon as possible seemed fine, but that wasn't what had her worried.

Using a pseudonym that held personal relevance was never good, but Naruto didn't have the heart to just disappear off the face of the Earth. She couldn't do that to Mom and Dad again. Leaving a trail might have been very out of character for someone with the instincts of a fox, but she didn't have much of choice.

Anyway, she chose a safe name. It's not like she walks around announcing that there is a giant fox made of flames, named Kurama sealed inside her.

The only people who knew about Kurama were her parents, Lucy, and a whole bunch of dead people.

As for the name Namikaze, well Uzumaki Minato hadn't been a Namikaze since Pervy Sage adopted him. The only people who knew this were her Mom and once again a lot of dead people.

She had also gone so far as to seal the ticket guys memories and her flames.

So she had to be pretty safe right?

Content with her choices Naruto smiles and takes another bite and out of her slice of pizza.

The pizza is gone in the next few bites. Naruto nor Kurama was sure how long she had been out, but damn she was hungry.

Stretching out her arms Naruto lets out a content sigh, "Ah that was good."

"I will never understand the joy you take out of ramen, that's just agh-," Kurama swishes one of his mighty tails for effect, "Normal people don't worship food."

Naruto nods sagely, 'It's a good thing I'm way too awesome to be normal then, right?'

Kurama hides his face behind his tails, in some vulpine version of the facepalm, "Awesome isn't the word I would use."

"Hey!", Naruto cries indignantly getting the attention of the people in the booth next to hers who yell, 'shut up.'

Apparently, the lightheartedness of the whole situation was only meant to be short-lived because the train stops with a sudden jolt.

They weren't at the next station yet why had they stopped?

Naruto sniffs the air and wrinkles her nose. The smell of gunpowder laced the air. New people were boarding the train. Without giving anything so much as a second thought, she slams her elbow into the window. The glass cracks but doesn't break. This is quickly remedied with another by another jab.

Standing on the spot where she had been sitting a moment ago she takes a mad leap out of the train. As she lands glass shards dig into the skin of her right elbow, but Naruto doesn't care.

For some reason, she felt like this was going to be a long night.

2.6 Cars

Not that Reborn would ever admit this fact, but Skull was a damn good driver.

After finding out that Asura was a child or could make herself look like one, they wiped the memory of Matteo through use of the seal. From there it was a matter of catching up to the runaway sky. When Lal had pointed this out, Skull had lit up like a child on Christmas morning.

He had held his hands in a stop gesture saying, "Wait one minute."

It took 30 minutes for the stuntman to return and when he did it was with a car.

A purple Ferrari to be precise.

Opening the door with a huge grin, he looks at each one of them, "I The Great and Powerful Skull DeMorte shall allow you ride in my super awesome car, to help you catch this Asura person."

Reborn rolls his eyes, "In case you haven't noticed lackey there is no way we are all going to fit in that car."

"You can squish."

And so that's how four of the strongest seven found themselves crammed together in the back of Skull's Ferrari.

Going at a speed of well over 100 miles per hour doesn't seem to be enough for the cloud. By the time the narrowly miss the 11th person, they are already going 163.

"Isn't she the best?!" cries Skull over the radio and open windows.

"No she isn't," says Verde who had lost the dead cat somewhere around the second narrowly missed pedestrian.

Reborn who had given himself the luxury of shotgun looks highly amused. While this was fast, he had seen faster. He was in the Mafia after all, and they came up with some pretty weird stuff, "I've seen better."

The car stops with a sudden and screeching halt, that sends Lal, Verde, and Fon flying forward. Viper who had disappeared and reappeared on the roof of the car looks as emotionless as ever, "Mou I should charge you for that."

Skull looking like he just had an epidemic fit shakes, "What did you say?"

They frown, "I said I should charge you for that."

"No not you," still shaking Skull turns to face Reborn, "What did you say about my baby?"

"I said I've seen better."

Softly stroking the dashboard Skull cries, "He doesn't mean it ."

Lal shots Reborn a glare, "Hey Skull he doesn't know what he's talking about this is a great car."

Skull sniffs a few times, "Really?"

Lal visible cringes, "Yeah... Really."

Wiping his eyes with his sleeve Skull looks up at her, "Thanks, Lal."

"Errr... um, your welcome."

He revs the engine once more, and the vehicle roars to life. This time he doesn't even bother easing into it; the cars running at 200 mph before most of them -excluding Reborn- can comprehend what's going on.

"We have a train to catch up with," cheers Skull, who's mood did a complete 180.

How Viper stays rooted to the roof of the car, Reborn isn't sure. But he strongly suspected it had something to do with the blue tentacle-like objects that could be seen coming off the side off the car.

The sit like that for three hours; with Fon, Verde, and Lal crammed together in the back, while Viper sits on the roof and Reborn sits in the front set with the barely contained amusement at seeing everyone sans Skull so uncomfortable.

Time had passed quickly, along with the sights of the city. Now they were in the forest, not far off of Florence. Near the Giglio Nero base actually.

A faint speck -the train- appears along the horizon. Reborn squints his eyes to make sure he isn't hallucinating before giving a rough order of, "Speed up lackey."

"Don't tell the great lord Skull what to do. Besides 200 mph is the max speed. Jerk Reborn."

The hitman extends his hand allowing Leon to fall into his open grip in mallet form. Skull -not having any real combat experience or having fallen prey to the misconception of people don't get hit in the head with hammers while driving- doesn't see the mallet coming.

"The fuck Reborn!"

Skull rubs the back of his head. The car swerves at an odd angle due to the driver's current inability to do his job.

A few colorful choice words can be heard from the three people in the back once the stuntman regains control of the car again.

Even Viper poked there head through the window and added a "How are you still sane?"

To this Reborn could only shrug. He couldn't exactly say he found killing things therapeutic now, could he?

"Hey guys," Skull shouts, "I see the train."

Verde rolls his eyes, most likely aware he was going to voice Reborn's opinion, "I imagine that's why Reborn told you to speed up."

"Well, you could have just said so," Skull gripes.

With a smirk, the hitman bangs on the roof of the car, "Hey Viper Skull says he will pay you his cut of the job money if you stop the train."

An incoherent jumble of words escape the clouds lips. This is cut off when blue tentacles creep out of the front of the train bringing it to a standstill.

While Skull openly gapes, Lal's shock isn't as apparent but is still present. Another reminder the two of them come from a mafia-free background.

"Who is ready for a good old fashion train hijacking?"

This time only Fon lets out an irritable tsk at Reborn's antics.

2.7 Fresh Air

Naruto loved the outdoors; she couldn't possibly deny that. She enjoyed the feel of the baren earth, making a fire and snuggling up in a sleeping bag.

At least that's what she liked to do when she wasn't in a situation where starting a fire of kind is a bad idea, and she currently wasn't busy running for her freedom.

Naruto stops to inspect her surroundings. Trees line the forest, no visible light source anywhere as far as she could see. The trains which had been covered with blue feelers was far behind her now. The only thing she could pick up was the distance smell of gunpowder and gasoline. Her ears didn't hear anything out of the ordinary -the scurry of squirrels and the rustle of trees was all regular.

Is that what bothered her about this?

No, it was the similarity of it all.

The similarity; the place, situation, companion it was all the same.

So what if it was nine years later, nothing has changed. If she stayed on this path, she would end up in the same place.

What was even the point?

Her dream that's what kept her going before. But she has that now, and she still feels empty.

She would just end up going back home, to the same routine. All alone.

There was no point in moving forward if there was no one to come back to.

For once in her life, Kurama didn't count. As a fellow sky, he possessed strong ideals that could clash with her own. Were as a fight with a guardian could strengthen or destroy their bond -depending on the situation- a fight with Kurama could always be fatal.

The pain of being alone while surrounded by people is unbearable, but the pain of letting the ones around you down no matter how distant they are is worse.

And that is what gnaws at her. The fear of going home and not being accepted.

Why would anyone want to harmonize with her any way they would just end up being disappointed in her.

"Get yourself together," roars Kurama's voice, "I won't allow a sniffling monkey to be my host!"

Despite not being precisely what Naruto wants to hear, she keeps going. Even if she didn't want to keep moving forward, she had to for her precious people.

Besides she would be entering Giglio Nero territory soon.

2.8 Tuscany

When you have the power to defend yourself, it is entirely fine to act however you want. It was most likely the reasoning behind the strongest sevens loses behavior; they didn't give a damn about decorum because no one had the right to judge them.

At least that was Reborn's train of thought when the notable aura of "Fuck With Me And I Will Shot You" around him had increased to "If You So Much As Look At Me Funny You Die."

Killing intent leaked rolled him in tsunami-like waves. Even a blind man could see Reborn was in a god awful mood.

Skull shiftily pushes his fingers together, "You're not mad at us, right Reborn?"

Sarcasm drips off of Reborn's voice, "No of course not Skull."

"Oh thank god. I was starting to get really worried!"

Reborn hits the stuntman upside the head before letting out a sigh. They only had a week to catch Asura before the man in the iron hat called the whole thing off.

How had Asura known that they had caught up with her?

She had been gone by the time they got there.

Reborn's temper was running short, and at this point, he didn't exactly give a damn, if he was going to make an enemy out of 'eye of the storm Fon,' so be it.

2.9 Luce

Naruto sighs in content as she spots the women sitting on the edge of her land.

"Lucy!" calls out the blond to her fellow sky.

Luce (or Lucy if you are Naruto) frowns at the sight of the Uzumaki's bedraggled state. The Shaman was fully aware Naruto wasn't seriously injured, but lost look in her eyes spoke multitudes to the Giglio Nero boss.

Instead of pointing this out Luce smiles she would chew out Naruto later, "Come inside, I just made ramen."

The I knew you were coming is left unsaid.

3.0 Dream

The wind whips across her face and leaves brush against her skin.

Another gunshot goes off in the background and Naruto panics.

She had just gotten out of there, Sasuke had just gotten her out of there. There was no way in hell she could let herself get caught.

Tears stream down the young sky's face, as she continues to run. Every step hurts, and she knows they will be catching up soon.

"I'll lend you my power," says a voice in the back of her head.

In one quick jerking moment, Naruto pulls upwards. Sweat trickles down her face as looks around.

It was nothing but a dream. She's safe now in the Giglio Nero mansion.

Looking down at her right hand Naruto sighs, "Yeah nothing but a dream."

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