Crystal Lite Jewels

"I can't believe that a quarter million dollars worth of jewels have been stolen." Captain Kate Beckett had announced to the crime scene unit just outside The National State Bank only four blocks away from the 12th precinct two days before Christmas.

"Believe it Captain. These crooks as it seems were extremely smart with stealing the jewels. And their weren't any cameras at the time having been deactivated. So we have no idea who these criminals are two days before the holiday." Sergeant Javier Esposito announced after coming out of the vault with his partner Kevin Ryan.

Ryan came over to the group standing near the stairs. "Sir, the crime scene unit has picked up a couple of prints on the black box the jewels were housed. They were able to send the prints over to the local F.B.I. office for processing."

"So the only thing we can do now is just wait it out. We need to let the Crime Scene Unit finish up their work, while we set up the board, even though no murder has been involved." Beckett says with walking down the stairs to head for her vehicle.

Meanwhile at the Loft

Richard Castle having gotten back from a short book tour in New York City. He wanted to finish up the last of the Christmas decorations for himself and his wife. Even though of late she's been extremely busy working at the 12th precinct.

He drops the different Christmas bags filled with gifts having shopped In the city after he was done talking to his fans. Their were a couple of stockings that needed to be filled for his wife, Reece and his daughter Alexis.

Currently his mother was over seas with the continuation of the play she was asked to act during the holidays. It would also give her the chance to visit Jim Beckett in England while he's currently working on a special project for his law firm.

First of all he went looking for Reece and his nanny. There was a note on the frig for him to read: Castle, we took Reece to the park with Royal. We should be back by three a.m. Sign The House Keeper.

When he looked at the time. They should be home in another 30 minutes. But in the mean time it would give Castle the chance to fill up the stockings for Christmas. Especially when all of the gifts have been wrapped by the store's helpers.

Once all of the gifts have been placed. Richard Castle headed into the bedroom to change his clothes before everyone gets home, and that includes his wife Kate Beckett.

She had sent a text message telling him, She was going to be coming home after feeling sick the past few hours with carrying the twins. She informed Captain Anderson of the night time shift with him taking over for the evening and the new cases. Including the robbery at the National State Bank with the jewels being missing worth a fortune.

In a small abandoned warehouse in the Bronx some three miles from a local fishery.

There were three younger men located in the middle of the warehouse. They were checking out the quality of the stones that was taken from the black box from inside the vault of the bank.

Moments Later...

There was an argument going on in the middle of the floor.

"Jesus Tyrone, how can you be so stupid to be leaving your finger prints?" Monroe and Jesse looked at each other after years of being a member of the Black Ops Organization.

"I know of one man that is going to be upset that the F.B.I. will be able to figure out your prints, and that is Jackson Hunt. Even though he's not directly involved with the heist." Jesse says to the two in the group extremely agitated with the entire situation.

"We need to do something about it?" Tyrone says with turning to face the two putting away the trays of the jewels taken.

"And what exactly do you want us to do Tyrone?" Jesse replied in a higher tone of his voice. He was pissed off after making sure the heist was property done right, only to wind up with an idiot having to leave his finger prints in the first place.

"There is nothing to do but wait it out and sees what happens with the F.B.I.'s investigation." Monroe announced after checking the final listing of the jewels and placing it back onto the hook.