Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade! None of it, so don't bother me about it! :P
Warnings: YAOI! Two boys kissing and making out! Don't read if you don't like. Vulgar language (A LOT! Kai's in a pissy mood!)
Summary: Kai and Ray are older now, three years to be precise! Ray wants to go out on a date, so why is Kai refusing?
**--**--** Is a change of scene!

He's A Girly Girl!
Ray couldn't help but laugh. It was impossible not too. Never once, in a thousand years, would he ever see this again, so he had to do it! It wouldn't be right not too. Ray doubled over in his chair, clutching his stomach. Tears leaked out of his eyes from his hysteria. His whole body shook so hard, he fell off his chair, right onto the plush carpet below. But that didn't stop the human laughing machine. He kept going.

Meanwhile, across the room, Kai stood there. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. His face went pale, almost unhealthy white. His right eye twitched at Ray's laughter. Hands hung loosely at his sides and his knees felt weak. Within a second, he fell to his knees, a loud 'thump' sounded through the room.

Ray calmed himself down enough to look up at his boyfriend. His mouth spread into a wider grin and he cackled all over again. His howls of laughter echoed through the mansion but Ray paid them no mind. He kept right on going.


Down in the study room on the first floor, Shin Hashiba grinned. He could just imagine the look on Kai's face when Ray told him the good news. Shin's eyes twinkled and a smirk appeared on his face.

"What's up love?" Seiji Sanada asked as he wrapped his arms around his love from behind.

Shin grinned and leaned his head back on the blonde's shoulder. "Nothing love. Nothing."


Kai's world was turning upside down. He couldn't believe it. He just couldn't. It wasn't suppose to happen like this. HE wasn't supposed to be like THAT! He was a guy! Guys just don't DO that stuff. Well, at least he didn't do stuff like that. Ray seemed to think he would look "sexy" and it would be "fun."

'Fun my ass.' Kai growled mentally.

"So let's do it Kai. Come on, there's a place downtown that you can go to. It's not that far away!" Ray smile pulling himself off the ground.

"....." Kai stared blankly.

"Kai!! Come on! We have to go or we'll be late for our date!" Ray whined.

Kai shook his head sharply. He snapped to a standing position and glared at his love. 'Fuck. I hate being shorter.' Kai tilted his head up to see Ray. 'Stupid growth spurt.' Kai grumbled to himself. He hated it. When Ray and him had first started to go out three, Kai had always been the taller one. But since Dranzer received her own body, he suddenly stopped growing, almost completely. He was a whopping five foot nine as of now and his now-tall-boyfriend-was-shorter stood at a towering six foot one. He hated life sometimes.

Ray smirked at Kai. He knew exactly what he was thinking. They had a few arguments about it in the past, mostly playful though. Always about height. But, he couldn't help his body. I just grew! 'But the good things about those arguments is I get to see him all worked up. He's so hot when he's agitated.' Ray's smirk turned into a smile.

"Let's go!" He urged Kai again, pulling Kai out of his thoughts.

"There is no way in hell I'm doing this Ray. No way!" Kai glared.


"Hell. No."

"Pretty please." Ray begged.

"Fuck. Off." Kai ground out behind clenched teeth.

Ray had to use drastic measures. The puppy dog eyes. Kai could never resist those.

Kai saw the resolve in Ray's eyes and groaned. 'Shit. I'm in trouble now.'


**Author's Notes** Okay, I've made this story specifically for someone who wanted a.... yeah. You'll find out in the next chapter. Heh. That's when it's revealed WHAT is going to happen and WHY. Well, I hope why. Anyways. Thanks for the idea **hears loud noises** and I'll give you more credit later. Sorry for the short chapter, it just popped into my head tonight! Hope everyone enjoys it! It won't be a LONG story, only a few chappies. Have a fun night and don't forget to smile!