Author's note: Hey guys sorry this took so long, I was busy with my other stories and stuff in life. Anyway I don't own T.M.N.T. This chapter will have Casey awake and April taking him to the kitchen to tell him what he missed (I'm going to show that because I want to make Casey be in shock) I'm also going to have Mikey wake up in this chapter.

April rushed over to Casey and took his hand (much to Donnie's annoyance).

"Casey? Come on wake up."

Right then Casey opens his eyes and groans then looks at April "Oh hey Red. What happened?"

"You got attacked by Tiger Claw and he threw you off a building."

"That explains why it feels like I got hit by a bus. (Looks over at Mikey's unconscious form) What happened to Mikey?"

Raph with a scowl on his face exclaims "Oh nothing, just that Leo brings the princess of the foot clan here! This causes us to have to take her to this place to fight that over sized cat, who beats the shell out of Mikey! Then when Mikey's hurt after that cat leaves with an unconscious Karai, Leo just wants to go after them to get Karai and leave Mikey who's hurt!"

Casey looking at him in confusion says "I guess you and Leo are fighting….Wait Karai?! Did I miss something here dude?"

April sighs and starts helping him get up "Come on Casey let's get you to the kitchen for something to eat and I'll explain to you there about all the stuff that happened when you were unconscious."

She gets him into a standing position with his arm on her shoulder so she could help him walk. They walk towards the Lab door to go to the kitchen. Without April noticing Casey shoots a mocking smirk and a wink at Donnie who was looking really jealous right then. The only ones left in the Lab were Donnie, Raph and an injured Mikey. (Leo went to the Do-Jo)

In the kitchen:

April had just finished explaining to Casey what had happened. Casey was in complete shock that so much had happened.

Then Splinter walks in and smiles at April and Casey.

"It is nice to see that you are awake and well Casey."

Casey who was in his thoughts got a little startled when Splinter spoke suddenly.

"Oh… ah… yeah. So sorry about…um…. what happened with… um… Karai…"

"Why thank you. So April I take it that Raphael is angry at Leonardo right now."

"Yes Master Splinter it is most likely that those two are going to start fighting soon."

"Yes…when my sons were younger Leonardo and Raphael would always fight….Michelangelo would always try very desperately to get them to stop but when he couldn't he would go and get Donatello."

Casey asks him "Was Donnie able to stop them from fighting?"

April also looked interested in finding out whether or not Donnie was able to stop the older brothers from fighting.

"Yes my son Donatello would come up behind them and whack the two of them in the head with his staff…it always got them to stop."

Casey and April started to laugh a little when Splinter was chuckling about the thought of when the turtles were younger.

Back in the Lab:

Donnie was working on his computer while Raph was sitting next to the bed Mikey was on, holding his little brother's hand. Then out of nowhere Raph felt Mikey squeeze his hand.

"Donnie! Mikey just squeezed my hand I think he might be waking up!"

Donnie rushes over and he and Raph start trying to coax their little brother to wake up. After a few minutes of trying, Mikey opens his "Baby, Blue eyes" with a pained groan…


Author's note: Ah a Cliffhanger! Next chapter will have Mikey fully awake and a really big fight between Leo and Raph. Do you guys think I should have Splinter, April and Casey witness it and see Donnie maybe stop it? Let me know in your reviews, so please R&R.